how do you play call of duty like a pro?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
how do you play call of duty like a pro?
Fifteen answers:
2016-08-20 06:26:06 UTC
I often end up writing the same thing on other sites
2016-07-15 23:05:21 UTC
Start Jumping 9 -15 Inches Higher Today!
2016-02-27 05:18:29 UTC
It will depend on the rest of your spec. Its likely that it wont run smooth at all seen as your processor isn't meant for gaming which makes me think that you have intergrated graphics.
2014-09-23 18:26:00 UTC
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2011-05-19 16:20:33 UTC
Ok there are a number of things which can improve your gaming and make them worse.

1/ Make sure you are sitting up playing not too far from the TV, if you lean back or lay down i find you play alot worse even if you are fully concentrating.

2/ A pair of headphones certainly help, i have Turtle Beach X11s which are very cheap, currently $42 on Amazon. (they don't work on PS3 if thats what you own but im sure you can get a similar pair at similar value )

3/ Your thought process matters alot, your gun should be a big decision maker in your actions, for example if you know a guy is around a corner, and you have an Assault Rifle in particular an M16 or a gun with a slower fire rate, then wait for them to make the first move, and if you have a Sub-Machine Gun, and run around a corner you have to be quick and accurate (kinda obvious but to the point)

4/ Stick to the edges of maps and in high action zones walk around the corner whilst aiming your gun down the sight.

5/ Your perks make a big difference.

The only perks i ever run are

Flat Jacket Or Ghost Pro

Sleight of Hand Pro Sleight of Hand Pro

Ninja Pro. Hacker Pro

Reason Being, they work well together, i cannot play without Sleight of Hand Pro, which if your not using will really help you with your issue of feeling your not getting the 1st shot off, as it makes you aim down the sight quicker and reload quicker.

And the remaining 4 perks i find work best in pairs.

Flat Jacket and Ninja Pro

Reason being, a hell of alot of people have headphones nowdays and can tell where you are so ninja is very important but also ninja pro is as if you dont have ninja pro your guy still shouts things out which can easily be located with headphones, and as you dont have hacker it is best to run flat jacket as you cannot see claymores and it saves you alot from them and also from grenades and semtex you are almost invincible from them, unless your holding up a spot in domination and you get bombarded by like 3 or 4 at once which would be enough to kill you. (Flat Jacket Pro is not important)

Ghost Pro and Hacker Pro

Reason Being 2 words, motion senson (worst thing on the game by far) but hey if you get hacker pro its good for you because you don't show on theirs, and also with hacker pro their isn't much reason to have flat jacket as you would be able to see all equipment and not get killed by it. Ghost Pro is good for obvious reasons you don't show up on spy planes, and you have no crosshairs or name above your head, also you cannot be shot by helicopters.

I really would opt against using stupid perks like Marathon and Last Stand, as the two ways to stay alive in the game are too use Ninja against the guys with headphones and Hacker against the Motion Sensor campers. If you notice a team using alot of equipment use Hacker if you wear Hacker and feel they know where you are all the time then they prob have headphones and switch to Your Ninja class.

My typical class would be the above perks with, Famas-Suppressor, CZ75 Extended Mags, Frag, Stun Grenade and Motion Sensor (which i will very rarely even place in team death match ) mostly when im one on 2 etc in search and destroy to guard a spot.

Good Luck and let me know if you need a partner to play with and if you have xbox and need tips etc.
2011-05-19 15:23:57 UTC
Call of Duty has an extremely low skill ceiling compared to pretty much every other FPS out there, however there are a few things you can do to boost your success.

1.Stick to the edges of the maps, this makes it so there are less directions from which you can be attacked from.

2.Whilst using tip 1, camp where you can see a hotspot, Hotspots are points at which the most action takes place, you can find info on the net which indicates where the hot spots are on each individual map.

3.Drop shot, this is the process of dropping into prone position whilst continuing to fire at your opponent. It has a chance of throwing off your opponents aim for a fraction of a second if they're not expecting you to do it, this is more than enough time to give you a good advantage.

There isn't a lot to learn besides what i've stated, besides perhaps throwing grenades into the enemy spawn at the very beginning of the game... But all in all, Call of Duty is a very simple game.
2011-05-19 15:21:34 UTC
There are two types of pros on Call of Duty, those with skill, and campers. Be camper. Find a good spot on the map, where you can go upstairs (and enemies do not spawn). Place mines behind you on the stairs and stay in that one spot forever, killing people in your range of vison. When you`re spotted, set up camp somewhere else, or youll get noob tubed.
2011-05-19 15:18:52 UTC
Its all about practice. Not necessarily the technique, but other people's techniques. And of course, develop a very keen knowledge of hiding places, spawn spots, remaining glitches and develop a sense of preference. Being able to pick a weapon and map you like puts you in a better frame of mind, but definitely don't be afraid to try new places and weapons.

The key to all of this though, is not to spend hours and hours sat in front of your console getting frustrated. Give yourself both motivation and discipline. Don't stay on for hours, but be keen to play a game. Happy gaming.

Oh and one more thing, don't waste your life on it!
2011-05-19 15:16:59 UTC

it takes alot of time to get good. and you will pick up little tips and tricks with your controller.
2011-05-19 15:32:56 UTC
Ok many people have problems with this actually so dont be to hard on yourself, when i first started i had the same problems. One very important thing i think is to have a sensitivity your comfortable with. Personally i have it on insane or 10 because i love being able to switch from person to person quickly and turn around very fast. There have been so many situations this has helped me out. But to work up to 10 sensitivity you dont wanna just jump from high to insane, it will be really hard. First go up to 5, work on this for about an hour, then move up to 6, and then 8 and then 9 and then once you think your getting really comfortable with it move up to 10. IF 10 is to fast i recommend about 7 or 8. Also if your a newer player i recomend trying my tactical camping method. But for this you have to have good class, for this on pretty much every map youll probably wanna use an assault rifle because you will come into close range and ong range situations. I recommend for a new person the famas, if your aiming is pretty good, or the galil if your a little worse at aiming. For attachments youll wanna use silencer and dual mags. Perks Ghost, Warlord, and anything really for 3rd, i personally like ninja. Equipment i recomend motion sensor, if you can balance looking at your mini map and the rest of the screen. another alternative is the claymore but i dont think its good because it only protects you from one entrance and one person. ALso you may be wondering why warlord, why dual mags and why silencer. The answers are all simple, once you become a more experienced cod player you realize a red dot sight is kind of nooby and there are a lot better attachments. For example silencer reduces recoil, and when you fire you will not be seen as a little red dot on the mini map. This is very usefull because people have no idea where you are, unless they watch kill cam. Dual mags are very important when using any weapon without scavenger on. It gives you two extra ammo clips. So instead of having 120 shots with the standard 30 shot rifle you will have 180 shots. So 2-4 more kills. Ghost is very helpful because you can be seen by uavs and when you get ghost pro the only thing that can see you is attack dogs. WArlord allows you to have the 2 atachments and also gives you an extra primary grenade/tomahawk, and 3 of the secondary grenades Stun/flash/nova gas/decoy(not willypete though). Ninja essentially makes you a ninja you make no sound when you walk, and when you get pro you make absoloutely no sound, so if you jump pout of a building you wont make that awkward cracking sound. This is obviously very good, because with silencer ghost pro and ninkja you essentially become a ghost, you cant be heard you cant be seen nothing at all! For equipment i like to use motion sensor, once you plant it on the ground it emmits a "small" UAV, it reaches out about 20-30 yards around you and anyone who comes into it shows up as a red dot on your mini map. Unless the person has hacker pro, which many dont this is a very nice peice of equipment. Also probably the most important thing is to camp right, tactically camping which means you sit in one spot get 2-3 kills and then move on before you get zeus grenaded or a person comes back for the revenge kill. The most important thing to remember is dont stay in one spot to long and watch your mini map. Good luck!
2011-05-19 15:17:50 UTC
The higher the rank the more things you get. So once your a high rank with good cash, get the better guns. People are addicted to COD. They use all sorts of skills such as quickscoping and cooking a grendade and throwing it at the right time. Some people that you shoot will immediatly go prone and then they'll kill you. How about using the Radar to see if enemies are near you. When they are come over and start shooting at them. Its not luck--its skill. Hope I helped!
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2011-05-19 15:20:41 UTC
1) Change your sensitivity to 10. It gives you an amazing edge over anyone who isn't using high sensitivity. Its a little hard to deal with at first, but you'll get used to it.

2) Try "dropshots". Change your stick layout to "tactical". This changes crouch/prone to RS and melee to B. Its quite cheap, but as a noob, it can be useful.

3) Weapons and proper use of perks and killstreaks are crucial. I can't give much help here. There's simply too much to say. Just make sure you aren't using Marathon/Lightweight with an RPD. Make sure your perks match your play-style.
2017-02-28 00:09:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.