Listen, you really should switch specs to survival. BM is definitely the leveling spec, and Survival is usually the endgame spec. I mean there are still people who raid with BM (go to if you really want to stay BM) but Survival is generally acknowledged to have the highest dps. If you are going to switch use this spec if you're hit-capped:
and if not then GO DIE!!! ARGHH!!! Nah, I'm just kidding, just move some talent points from Noxious Stings to Focused Aim. Then, to get used to it, use this rotation:
Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Serpent Sting, Aimed Shot, Explosive Shot
then spam Steady Shot until Explosive Shot or Aimed Shot have CDed. Also, when the target is at 20%, your top priority is Kill Shot, doesn't matter if Lock and Load procced or not. With this spec and rotation, with OK gear, party buffed, you should be getting 2.8k dps. If you have really nice gear, I know hunters who get 9k. Anyway, you'll get used to it, and it'll be nice seeing yourself at the top of the dps meter.
Oh yeah, someone mentioned getting dual spec, and I recommend it. I did, and it's really useful for soloing. I got a "tanking spec", which if you want to know what it is, go to and search tanking spec, he'll explain it. Basically you try to get as much health as possible to solo dungeons and stuff. With his tanking spec, he got 34k health, his pet got 31k health, and he soloed normal Utgarde Peak. I use it to solo PvE, using my Spirit Beast for dailies and such, and my Rhino for dungeons.
Oh and lastly, stats are a bit different for a Survival hunter. You want Agiliy, Stamina, Intellect, Attack Power in that order. You can also have Armor Penetration if you want, and Crit Rating.