I want cheats for 'Call Of Duty'?
2008-03-17 23:42:37 UTC
i checked out many sites but dont know how to apply those cheats........please help me..........
Nine answers:
2008-03-19 10:10:23 UTC
Start the game with the:

Press ~ during game play to display the console

window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the

corresponding cheat function. Note: If the game responds "sv_cheats are read

only", then type setrandom sv_cheats 1 in the console before activating the codes.

If the game responds that "cheats are not enabled on this server" then type

spdevmap (for example, burnville or dawnville) in the console

before activating the codes.

Effect Code


Spawn indicated item - give

Full health - give health

Get all items - give all

Ammunition - give ammo

Invincibility - god

Ignored by enemy - notarget

No clipping mode - noclip

Toggle debug mode - debug <0-1>

Toggle developer mode - developer <0-1>

Fly mode - ufo

Teleport to a specific map node - jumptonode

Suicide - kill

List all cvars - cvarlist

Dump all cvars to console - cvardump

Reset all cvars - cvar_restart

List all console commands - cmdlist

List all shaders of current map - shaderlist

List all images of current map - imagelist

List all sounds currently used - snd_list

List all entities currently used - entitylist

List all currently bound keys - bindlist

View graphics information - gfxinfo

Save game - savegame

Load saved game - loadgame

Reset variable to default value - reset

Play a cinematic file - cinematic

Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_crosshairAlpha

Set gravity value; default is 800 - g_gravity

Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_hudAlpha

Set second that dead bodies remain onscreen - ai_corpsecount

Set shellshock duration - cg_shellshock

Set skill level - g_gameSkill

Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000 - g_knockback

Show miss distance when hitting NPCs - cg_showMiss <0-1>

Spawn indicated model - testmodel

Toggle AI - g_ai <0-1>

Toggle bullet debug mode - g_debugBullets <0-1>

Toggle bullet marks - cg_marks <0-1>

Toggle console debugging. - con_debug <0-1>

Toggle crosshair - cg_drawCrosshair <0-1>

Toggle ejecting shells - cg_brass <0-1>

Toggle entity bounding boxes - g_drawEntBBoxes v

Toggle fog - r_fog <0-1>

Toggle framerate displae - cg_drawFPS <0-1>

Toggle FX - fx_draw <0-1>

Toggle FX debugging. - fx_debug <0-1>

Toggle FX freezing - fx_freeze <0-1>

Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled - fx_enable <0-1>

Toggle game timer - cg_drawTimer <0-1>

Toggle hit debug mode - g_debugShowHit <0-1>

Toggle HUD - cg_drawStatus <0-1>

Toggle HUD and crosshair - cg_draw2D <0-1>

Toggle letterbox format - cg_letterbox <0-1>

Toggle NPC health display - g_debugDamage <0 or 1>

Toggle objects and backgrounds - r_drawWorld <0-1>

Toggle objects and NPCs - r_drawEntities <0-1>

Toggle player and AI movement debug mode - g_debugMove <0-1>

Toggle player and AI movement debugging. - cl_debugMove <0-1>

Toggle rendring - cg_noRender <0-1>

Toggle shadows. - cg_shadows <0-1>

Toggle spawning - g_spawnai <0-1>

Toggle subtitles - cg_subtitles <0-1>

Toggle third person view - cg_thirdPerson <0-1>

Toggle vehicle debug mode - g_vehicleDebug <0-1>

Toggle wireframe mode - r_showtris <0-1>

Unknown - testgun

Unknown - debug_tankall <0-1>

Unknown - chain <0-1>

Unknown - ai_nocriticalsections <0-1>

Unknown - cg_skybox <0-1>

Unknown - cg_stats <0-1>

Unknown - cg_noPredict <0-1>

Unknown - cg_selectPlayer

Unknown - cg_tracerChance

Unknown - cg_ignore <0-1>

Unknown - cl_run <0-1>

Unknown - cl_running <0-1>

Unknown - dmflags <0-1>

Unknown - g_changelevel_time
govi-The road not taken
2008-03-18 00:19:24 UTC
Effect Code


Spawn indicated item - give

Full health - give health

Get all items - give all

Ammunition - give ammo

Invincibility - god

Ignored by enemy - notarget

No clipping mode - noclip

Toggle debug mode - debug <0-1>

Toggle developer mode - developer <0-1>

Fly mode - ufo

Teleport to a specific map node - jumptonode

Suicide - kill

List all cvars - cvarlist

Dump all cvars to console - cvardump

Reset all cvars - cvar_restart

List all console commands - cmdlist

List all shaders of current map - shaderlist

List all images of current map - imagelist

List all sounds currently used - snd_list

List all entities currently used - entitylist

List all currently bound keys - bindlist

View graphics information - gfxinfo

Save game - savegame

Load saved game - loadgame

Reset variable to default value - reset

Play a cinematic file - cinematic

Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_crosshairAlpha

Set gravity value; default is 800 - g_gravity

Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_hudAlpha

Set second that dead bodies remain onscreen - ai_corpsecount

Set shellshock duration - cg_shellshock

Set skill level - g_gameSkill

Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000 - g_knockback

Show miss distance when hitting NPCs - cg_showMiss <0-1>

Spawn indicated model - testmodel

Toggle AI - g_ai <0-1>

Toggle bullet debug mode - g_debugBullets <0-1>

Toggle bullet marks - cg_marks <0-1>

Toggle console debugging. - con_debug <0-1>

Toggle crosshair - cg_drawCrosshair <0-1>

Toggle ejecting shells - cg_brass <0-1>

Toggle entity bounding boxes - g_drawEntBBoxes v

Toggle fog - r_fog <0-1>

Toggle framerate displae - cg_drawFPS <0-1>

Toggle FX - fx_draw <0-1>

Toggle FX debugging. - fx_debug <0-1>

Toggle FX freezing - fx_freeze <0-1>

Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled - fx_enable <0-1>

Toggle game timer - cg_drawTimer <0-1>

Toggle hit debug mode - g_debugShowHit <0-1>

Toggle HUD - cg_drawStatus <0-1>

Toggle HUD and crosshair - cg_draw2D <0-1>

Toggle letterbox format - cg_letterbox <0-1>

Toggle NPC health display - g_debugDamage <0 or 1>

Toggle objects and backgrounds - r_drawWorld <0-1>

Toggle objects and NPCs - r_drawEntities <0-1>

Toggle player and AI movement debug mode - g_debugMove <0-1>

Toggle player and AI movement debugging. - cl_debugMove <0-1>

Toggle rendring - cg_noRender <0-1>

Toggle shadows. - cg_shadows <0-1>

Toggle spawning - g_spawnai <0-1>

Toggle subtitles - cg_subtitles <0-1>

Toggle third person view - cg_thirdPerson <0-1>

Toggle vehicle debug mode - g_vehicleDebug <0-1>

Toggle wireframe mode - r_showtris <0-1>

Unknown - testgun

Unknown - debug_tankall <0-1>

Unknown - chain <0-1>

Unknown - ai_nocriticalsections <0-1>

Unknown - cg_skybox <0-1>

Unknown - cg_stats <0-1>

Unknown - cg_noPredict <0-1>

Unknown - cg_selectPlayer

Unknown - cg_tracerChance

Unknown - cg_ignore <0-1>

Unknown - cl_run <0-1>

Unknown - cl_running <0-1>

Unknown - dmflags <0-1>

Unknown - g_changelevel_time

Map names:


Play indicated map - map

Map names:






























dont use + set developer 1 in cheat line

when u modify the *.exe. because u get anoing text on your screen.

yust use +set thereisacow 1337 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

and it will work

Cheat activation method for the demo:


The cheat activation method for the demo has been disabled for the game

itself (apperently Infinity Ward dislike cheating). now it is neccesary to

add the following to the end of the target line:

" +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0"

(as usual ignore quotes" Some people have discovered issues in gameplay from

this method, for most it works fine....

This was extracted from the cheat book database '06...

For more..,
farzana m
2008-03-19 22:34:08 UTC
NOTE: These are the main Call of Duty cheats that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

To enable cheats in this game modify your Call of Duty shortcut and add the following text in the target field AFTER all the other stuff:

+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

Then start the game using that shortcut and press [~] to open the console, and type the following codes (NOTE: All the codes with 0/1 are toggles; use 0 to turn them off and 1 to turn them on):

god - God mode

give - Gives indicated item

give health - Full health

notarget - The enemies won't shoot you

noclip - You can go straigh through walls

give all - Gives all items

give ammo - Gives ammunition

debug 1 - Turns debug mode on (0 to turn it off)

developer 1 - Turns developer mode on (0 to turn it off)

ufo - Fly mode

jumptonode - Teleports you to a specific node on the map

kill - Suicide

map - Loads the map you want (see the list below)

testgun - ?

cvarlist - Gives a list of all cvars in the game

cvardump - Dumps all cvars to the console

cvar_restart - Reset all cvars

cmdlist - Gives a list of all commands in the game

shaderlist - Gives a list of all the shaders on the current map

imagelist - Gives a list of all images on the current map

snd_list - Gives a list of all sounds currently being used

entitylist - Gives a list of all entities currently in use

bindlist - Gives a list of all currently bound keys

gfxinfo - Gives information about the game graphics

savegame - Saves your game

loadgame - Load your saved game

reset - Resets a variable to it's default state

cinematic - Plays a cinematic file

debug_tankall 1 - ?

chain 1 - ?

ai_nocriticalsections 1 - ?

testmodel - Spawns a model that you input

ai_corpsecount - how many seconds dead bodies remain on-screen

cg_brass 0 - Turns ejecting shells off

cg_marks 0 - Turns bullet marks off

cg_drawFPS 1 - Turns fps display on

cg_drawTimer 1 - Turns game timer on

cg_drawStatus 0 - Turns HUD off

cg_hudAlpha - Sets HUD transparency (default is 1.0)

cg_draw2D 0 - Turns HUD and crosshair off

cg_drawCrosshair 0 - Turns crosshair off

cg_crosshairAlpha - Sets crosshair transparency (default is 1.0)

cg_thirdPerson 1 - Turns on 3rd person view on.

cg_shellshock - Activates the shellshock effect for the duration that you specify

cg_showMiss 1 - Shows you how far off you are from hitting an npc if you've missed.

cg_shadows 0 - Turns shadows off.

cg_skybox 0/1 - ?

cg_stats 0/1 - ?

cg_noRender 0/1 - Gameplay will continue, but will no longer be rendered.

cg_subtitles 0/1 - Turns off/on subtitles

cg_noPredict 0/1 - ?

cg_selectPlayer - ?

cg_tracerChance - ?

cg_ignore 0/1 - ?

cg_letterbox 0/1 - Turns off/on letterbox format

cl_debugMove 0/1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging.

cl_run 0/1 - ?

cl_running 0/1 - ?

con_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on console debugging.

dmflags 0/1 - ?

fx_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on fx debugging.

fx_draw 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, no smoke, muzzle flashes or particle effects will be drawn.

fx_enable 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled.

fx_freeze 0/1 - Turns off/on fx freezing. If set to 1, smoke - for example) will freeze in mid-air.

g_changelevel_time - ?

g_gravity - Changes the amount of gravity in the game (default is 800)

g_spawnai 0/1 - Don't spawn on the map (usually crashes the game)

g_ai 0/1 - Turns off/on ai in the game.

g_debugDamage 1 - View the amount of health that an npc has and how much damage you have done to it.

g_vehicleDebug 0/1 - Turns off/on vehicle debug mode.

g_debugMove 1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging.

g_debugBullets 1 - Turns off/on bullet debugging.

g_debugShowHit 1 - Turns off/on hit debugging.

g_drawEntBBoxes 1 - Turns off/on entity bounding boxes.

g_gameSkill - Sets the game skill level

g_knockback - Sets the knockback power of weapons (default is 1000)

r_fog 0/1 - Turns off/on fog

r_drawEntities 0/1 - Turns off/on objects and npc's. Default is 1

r_drawWorld 0/1 - Turns off/on all objects and backgrounds. Default is 1

r_showtris 0/1 - Turns off/on wireframe mode. Default is 0

Map names: airfield, berlin, brecourt, burnville, carride, chateau, dam, dawnville, factory, hurtgen, pathfinder, pavlov, pegasusday, egasusnight, powcamp, railyard, redsquare, rocket, sewer, ship, stalingrad, tankdrivecountry, tankdrivetown, trainstation, training, truckride.

NOTE: To use the codes in the demo you need to use different parameters in the command line: "+set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats 1". Also, if after you type one of these codes in the console it tells you that "sv_cheats are read only", then try typing this into the console: "setrandom sv_cheats 1" (without the quotes). If you, on the other hand, are getting "cheats are not enabled on this server" message then type: "spdevmap burnville" (without the quotes).
Jere H
2008-03-18 00:36:35 UTC
it depends on what call of duty 1 2 or 3 or 4.check these
sam c
2008-03-17 23:48:04 UTC
you can't just type in a code for call of duty, you need to collect all those laptops, the intel ones, after you get them all a cheats code will ''unlock'. Also try destroying all the tv's showing al asads speech, this will unlock cheats as well.
2008-03-18 00:08:30 UTC
These are some of them:

god - Invulnerability

give "object name" - "object name" is some object in game such as BAR

give all - give all items

give ammo - maximum ammunition

give health - fully heals

g_gameSkill - Sets game skill level

jumptonode - Jumps to specific part of map

kill - kill self

notarget - Enemies will not shoot you

noclip - walk through walls

timescale X - Alters speed of game, X is a multiplier

ufo - fly
2016-12-17 00:03:48 UTC
think of this could artwork All chapters and bonus carry elect and press right,right,Left,Left,sq.,sq. on the financial disaster determination show screen. Veteran Interviews Unlockables. Unlockable a thank you to unfastened up Sgt. John D. "BUD" Hawk complete the activity as quickly as. Sgt. Stan Markut complete the activity as quickly as. Gordon Boulton complete the activity as quickly as. rejoice with
2008-03-21 08:17:04 UTC
use cheatbook database. its free and all methods are mentioned in it. google it for its download page.
Samina K
2008-03-17 23:55:04 UTC
hey big cheater don't do this

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.