2010-02-17 01:42:51 UTC
-the battle screen is less chaotic than the current battle system (maybe cause of the number of party members?) the overall display just looks better to me. Also, the damage display seems to overlap in the new system, i couldn't tell what was being hit.
-The camera seemed to pan at better angles, that system looked more like battles from Advent Children
- (i'll probably be hated for saying this) I honestly would've preferred it if Lightning was the only playable character for maybe 70-80% of the game (maybe a guest character here and there), based on the gameplay battle in the trailer. Looking at the current Crystallium system, i honestly don't want to go through all the processess of leveling up all six characters for all the different paradigm shifts (it's like FFX, i never used wakka or rikku but i needed to level them up because of underwater battles). If Lightning was the only character you could control, then with that paradigm system you'd basically be playing a different character with the same physical body.
-The graphics were already amazing, and yet they had to make them even more extravagant (not that i have any issue with that) but i would've been just as satisfied with the E3 2006 graphics as they were.
Don't get me wrong, i'll 100% guarantee i'm gonna love the game anyway (there isn't a FF i've played and hated) but i just think there are certain elements they should've kept from the earlier stages of development.
What do you guys think? Am i being too critical or is there a little truth in what i've said? Feel free to be as harsh/judgemental/biased as you like. (i just wanna know what other people think, cause my friends could care less about video games.)