lol I love how you said not to say the PS3 sucks! (I hate it when people say that too! Even though I say the same about the 360...)
Anyways here are my top picks for each category:
-Heavenly Sword (AMAZING STORY and fun fighting!)
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Beatiful!)
-I'm pretty sure that there's a Tekken game out... I can't remember the name though... : (
- Sould Calibur IV! (If that's out by October)
-Gran Turismo: Prologue
-Ridge Racer 7
I don't really play sports games... but I'd probably say...
-NBA 08
-NBA Ballers: Chosen One
Other great games:
-The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
-Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
-Lair (If you're good at using the motion controls...)
-Condemned 2: Bloodshot
-Burnout Paradise
-Time Crisis 4 (Great fun with the light gun!)
I hope that I helped! : )