Mass Effect 3 [SPOILERS] about the ending?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Mass Effect 3 [SPOILERS] about the ending?
57 answers:
2012-03-08 19:59:10 UTC
I'm in the same boat, I was extremely pissed at the ending, and my Shepard lived! ( It is possible, if you get the "best" ending it shows Shepard in the rubble, and she takes a quick breath of air).

As someone mentioned the Geth and Quarians can get a long, but it doesn't even really matter that much if they do, it just gives you more military strength which means you might t be able to make Shepard live... even the ending where she lives sucks. No closure, no happiness, all the endings pretty much take a **** on you (Even if you "live"). I hope Bioware releases some DLC or something with better endings. These ones are depressing, and honestly make me not want to play the game again; simply because I know, no matter how hard I try **** will go down, and Shepard and her companions get screwed.
2012-03-08 17:57:56 UTC
Well, the geth and quarians CAN live together. They did in mine. But my shepard is a representation of what id aspire to be in that scenario. He's me in essence, and that endidng didnt do him or the franchise justice. It seems like casey hudson got lazy. I mean really? The pinnacle of evolution is techno organic symbiosis? And the catalyst just raises like 1000 more questions! It was so vague! I want my shepard back goddamit!!
2012-03-08 17:22:22 UTC
The thing I hate most about the ending is that it kills any drive to play the game again, at least for me. I've been playing these games for three years now, and I expected my work to amount to something. Hell, I played ME2 five times to completion, with about four other half-ways floating around, and ME1 at least three. Mass Effect is the best series I've ever picked up, and I've always sworn by BioWare for KotOR, but the endings here feel like a giant middle-finger to the loyal fan-base. All three should be kept as viable endings, but there needs to be at least a fourth. That's the one where Shepard does what he does best, and says **** off, I'm saving every last person, I'm not dying in the process, and you can go suck it. I went to start a second playthrough today, just like I did with ME2, but I don't like the series anymore. Just playing the demo you could see how much more there was when you loaded up your own playthrough for the first time. Dialogue changes all the time, and BioWare has been flaunting upwards of a thousand variables, but they boil down successfully saving Earth to three different colored cut scenes. It's lazy, and it's disrespectful to the fans and Shepard. We deserve better.

So this is my ultimatum.

-To BioWare

Get me a patch or some DLC that has a proper ending, get me my house on Rannoch, and don't try to charge me extra for what should have been in the game to start with. Lest you lose a very loyal fan.
2012-03-08 02:08:46 UTC
Well first of all the story all in all creates pull but lacks depth, strangely enough you don't feel attached to anything in this game, I mean in the first one when I realized on my fisrt playtrough that someone had to stay behind and die, well it was terrible...then understanding how close the Prothaens were to the Galaxy's biggest secrets, the Relays was quite shocking. Why "advanced" civilazations have to be slaugtered every 50.000 years?

The second one had some intresting choises and revelations, the Collectors are Protheans. Reapers are harvested and created from organic material from a species...we each a nation made sense (still kinda funny that all Reapers look the same though). But then why the cycle? What was the purpose of it?

In the third one you have to confront war, so much violence and death that you just get detached from the events...and some of your choises backfire...Rana Thanoptis, the racni, the dumbasses quarians and stupid Admiral Xen and Han Gerrel and others. The game is beautiful, and you really commit into saving all...I mean I saved the Quarians and the Geth, cured the Genophage and created peace among turians and krogans, saved the Council yet again. Kicked Cerberus butt, helped everyone I could...I had maxed out the strengh bar. I had every fleet, every race onboard.

I go on Thessia, find the real reason behind their superiority (Prothean probes FTW) and then all begins to lose sense. The Prothean VI starts explaining the most important question of them all. Who controls the Reapers, and why...and Kai Leng happens...yet when you go to Cerberus base he doesn't tell you anything else, what was the Crucible supposed to do? We had half a Galaxy working on it, why the Citadel is gone so quickly and conviniently...I mean it was there for the whole time for the Reapers to take. Even if the keepers are useless now it still is a hub for all Relays.

Then you had all Galaxy forces yet the ground assault was just Alliance infantry? Where are my krogans? The Reapers death ray that leaves you half-dead is understandable but then where did my squad go? I had Garrus with me yet in the ending he's on the Normandy The talk down another crazed puppet part later is fine, but I expected to have more insights on why Cerberus was doing what it was doing and even if I'm familiar with the events of Evolution there are so many blank pages.

I actually expected what happened next...but not the answers I was given, or wait...I wasn't explained anything by a superior entity who lives within the Citadel, controls the Reapers and it portaited as the child from the beginning...

RANT follows: Why the stupid child? I don't care about him, even if I have a little brother that looks like him to me he's nothing, give it the appearence of Kaidan, someone lost whom I cared not just a random child that died in the beginning. I don't care that this entity probably had been in contact with Shepard all along...the dreams gave signals on what was going to happen and that death was inevitable

RANT finishes

So now we learn that there is a superior being who created the cycle, and was left behind by an ascended civilazation to control what was left of them and every 50.000 years forcibly ascends all advanced life forms? Why? Apparently because if not left unchecked artificial life forms will kill all organic life forms and creating the first cycle was the reply to that. Then if this being is so superior why I can't get some answers? What happened in the first cycle? The real creators of the Citadel were wiped out by their own synthetic creations? Is there no other way of forcibly acending people other than having them slaughtered by his toys? And then he gives you 3 apparent choices (I was Paragon so there might be another one) that have no difference at this moment...and the flashbacks, not nearly enough. Also it's very frustrating of being unable to save forcing to restart the mission and the boring parts.

The game is great but it lacks the polish, the depth of the other two games. Even if this might not be the last Mass Effect Universe game I expected much more closure...My Shepard gave his life for the Galaxy twice, it was such a good run and the finish was, not up to par with expectations.

P.s. Am I the only one who felt that the laser designating part on Rannoch was the worst thing ever made? I felt stupid being bosed in open terrain forced to run back and forth like a crazy squirrel.
2012-03-07 22:14:20 UTC
This game was fantastic. The combat, RPG elements, the guns a perfect mix between both games. The story was great (not including the ending). I did feel like Bioware cheated with the character development, sure you know all these people but not giving us the chat wheel for the majority of conversations both with your crew and side quests come on.

I just don't understand what they were thinking with the ending. I loved the first 2 games played them both many times to have different results in ME3. Your spend so much time gathering war assets to help against the reapers you cure the genophage, make peace with the Quarians and Geth, finally resolve a love interest being managed over 3 games and it all leads to an utter pointless battle to take Earth back. So I get 3 choices and I get screwed over either way. I know they said it was going to be a darker game and is to a point but I would have thought all those war assets would have culminated into a different ending a happy ending would have been nice for some kind of playthrough. I can see Shepard dying in one sort of ending as well but the vaugeness of the options they give you and try and wrap it all up is annoying by posing some more questions on the fans.

The game also loses some of the replay value because you can just restart the mission as u arrive on the citadel and just choose different endings like with Deus ex. I just hope Bioware does something to help calm fans of the series because I can see a lot of very disappointed fans
2012-03-07 22:12:55 UTC
yeah i thought it sucked *** hard, and from what ive been reading online everyone is saying the higher your effective military strength(EMS) the better your ending. mine was 3000 something total was 5.5k and according to multiple websites if your EMS is over 4k then Shepard lives but ive yet to see any proof that this is true as for me every ending was the same i had 3 choices and everyone resulted in Shepard dying and Normandy ending up on a uncharted world with joker and 2 squad mates i had at time of ending.
2012-03-07 21:02:04 UTC
I thought the ending was proper ****...... I played about 24 hours, imported all my games since ME1, saved the council, saved wrex, let ashly die, saved everyone in mass effect 2, romanced Jack, destroyed the collector base and reprogrammed the geth.

So I built up the proper kick *** fleet, a united-galaxy fleet(every single race possible), I went back to earth, just to run down a street, kill a hundred reapers, then just to run another 100 yards only to get a game developer cop-out of: your injuried near death from the destro-blast that gets you no matter how well you ran down the street, then given 4 choices, all of which sucked, I ended up shooting at some glass tube thinking that was to take control, so I could atleast leave the galaxy to their own devices, but nope apparently that was the one to destroy ummm all the warp gates.......

Bad Points Me:

1. Lack of depth of your decisions you made in mass effect 2

2. Lack of depth in character/ally development, many of the times about 75% of the time you try and talk to any of your team-mates they just give you a voice over while your standing there like a dick.

3. Ummm wheres my romance character? Jack only shows up three times in the game, one during a short mission where you see her for 4 minutes, one where you visit her at the bar and once at the very end through a god damn conference call.

4. Way too much focus homosexuality, I don't care about there being homosexual love choices, but what I do have a problem with is that seemingly every one on the citadel is also homosexual.


Good Parts for me:

1. First 5 hours

2. Armada CGI cutscene

3. Miranda's ***.
2012-03-07 04:55:01 UTC
Terrible Ending.

Considering how amazing ME2 Ending was, it was disappointing not only to have no choice in what occurs in the end, but also that really the final battle doesnt matter all that much either. I mean I have only beat it once, but I would assume once you hit the minimum requirements to attack, you can do so and the outcome will be the same.

I hope I am wrong, but yes that ending was terrible.

My question did it kill everyone with it, or are all of those human's, krogan, Quarians, and so forth living on earth...without any tech. Because lets face it 9/10ths of each race was on earth when the catalyst wiped all technology from the face of the universe, so wouldnt that leave all of those races trapped on earth.

Another issue I had, was that I made a BAD choice early on, I killed Mordin, and didnt cure the genophage even though I promised to. That was going to have negative side effects after the battle....However I feel like now it doesnt really matter...Everyone got screwed anyway, so curing the genophage isnt that big of a deal.

I dont know what happened to my crew, did everyone die? Are they all happy and alive?

Sorry but that Ending made that entire amazing game just....ok...

If I were to disregard the ending, it would have been the best game I had ever played but...well...That ending was just to vague, to many questions

Which begs the question of sequel. The Normandy crash landed, so clearly there is some sort of small window for another Mass effect, but the dynamic would have to change entirely.

I dont know what Bioware was thinking with that ending....I really dont.
2012-03-08 17:49:05 UTC
I agree. I did a full Paragon ending. The end just felt...empty to me. I was kind of hoping Shep would live afterwards and have a family or something with his romance (mine was Ashley). Was also hoping they would have let us see the new worlds (like Rannoch) after the war and free roam (after the war) like in ME2 (I guess I can understand that this is going to be the last ME and he needed to die), but I just felt kinda ripped off at the ending =/. Also, WTF happened to Harbinger? He was like the main guy in ME2, and you hear NOTHING from him in ME3. Only thing you hear about him is the dying reaper mentioning harbinger knowing Shepard. That's all I can think of to rant about atm.

Oh and btw, I got the quarians and geth to cooperate. ANOTHER SPOILER BELOW

The geth accept the quarians back to Rannoch and they help the quarians rebuild their homes.
2012-03-08 09:54:00 UTC
The ending was terrible. It didn't bring closure as a story should. After conflict and resolution what was the new world order? What changed for the better or worse? I'm thinking that we may have to buy a DLC to get some closure. Another question is why did Joker leave Earth in the middle of a battle for survival?

Normandy uses the Mass Relay just as it was destroyed. Mass Effect 4?
2012-03-07 17:48:02 UTC
well it makes sense, if you take into consideration past events in the series

this video gives a recap of the story from ME1 and ME2:
david w
2012-03-10 05:10:58 UTC
The ending was terrible. No showdown with Harbinger. No closure with your teammates. The last "boss" is 3 husks and a marauder when you walk towards the beam. Your squadmates mystically appear back on the Normandy even though they have been with you the entire time. Apparently they escaped being blasted by the Reaper's laser. But the Normandy was already supposed to be fighting out in space. Guess it flew back to pick up your mates.

For a series that is about saving the universe, it's extremely disappointing that not only do you not save it, you are essentially the one destroying it. All series long Shepard didn't do what people told him. He fought tooth and claw. Yet he folds like a deck of cards at the end of 3? No fight. No struggle against overwhelming odds.

Contrary to the prior two entries, I get no feeling of accomplishment. Just a great feeling of disappointment. The ending feels so slapped together my guess is the leaked script from a few months ago was the real ending. But due to the backlash of the fan community Bioware was forced to change it. Unfortunately they made it something even worse. An anti-climatic end to what was a great series up until this point.

What's the point of going and building up your forces if you're going to be the one ending life as it's known?
2012-03-10 19:22:30 UTC
Terrible ending in my opinion. I was pretty much outraged when I saw the abbreviated ending. It looks like bio-ware didn't even try. I was declaring this one of the best series I had ever played even before the game ended...but then the ending came. The last 15 minutes of Mass effect 3 kind of left a scar on the whole series for me.I couldn't wait to go through a second play through but all that changed.

The fact that non of your decisions affected the ending choice puzzled me and made me feel like it was a waste of time buiding your character to either be good or bad.

Establishing a relationship with alll the different personalities was a waste, especially with your Love interest which really made the ending hurt. Including building unity between the races to fight the reapers.

Even if I did have to die at the end, I would have accepted that if it didn't mean destroying the relays creating a new dark age where the races were trapped on whatever planet they were closest to or on.

The major issue with the endings is that it left ppl with too many questions when we were looking for a closure.

I'm trying to be optimistic about the DLC that will later come out...hoping that it gives us a better look at what happened at the end or maybe even different outcomes all together....But I have to say I was really crushed when it ended the way it did.
2012-03-09 03:15:26 UTC

I'm a huge mass effect fan, i did everything right, every mission in all the mass effects paragon and renegade with 4 different characters and classes. SO of course I did everything right and had everything in ME3. The end mission was great until you had to make the last choice. After I chose one of the endings, I was extremely disappointed, so after I saw the ending, I immediately looked online at some of the other endings. They were all pretty much exactly alike, just a different color light really lol. I never saw the one where shepard lives(didnt get it heard you can only get it by replaying it or new game +), but I saw it and was disapointed in that also(just showing shepards armor and a breath of air).

So why it failed( to me at least). Im ok with shepard making the ultimate sacrifice, (and the ending where it shows hes alive by breathing would be cool with that). The thing about the ending is it brought so many questions. Its like WTF. Destroying all the mass effect relays, the normandy crew is stranded on some planet with no way to get back to earth and the galaxy is extremely divided and no one can get to each other because all the relays were destroyed. Plus all 17 endings look the same basically, no matter what you do alll of it looks basically, if not near exactly the same. Another thing is none of your previous choices matter at all(that I could tell), which makes all that hard work go to dust. The main reason why it failed though is I believe the ending scenes were too short not explaining much (just about 4-5 minutes of you going wtf is that it?!) a much longer ending showing what choices you made and how it effected the universe is what should have happened.

How it should have ended.

1. You destroy the reapers with the weapon, everyone cheers, you survive and it shows the aftermath of what choices you made, your with the person you romanced with, the galaxy is at peace and rebuilding, show all the characters and them going back to their lives and rebuilding, partying.(basically unicorns, mystical creatures, all dancing on a rainbow, everyone is happy)

2. basically number one, but shepard dies(and possibly with the ending where it shows him in rubble and breathing real quick) everyone is in a bittersweet mood and all paying tribute to shepard, mourning and rebuilding.

3. shepard saves the galaxy but there's much sacrifice and barely anyone survived.

4.the three variations of how mass effect 3 really ends(what they actually did)

5.reapers win enough said

ending point.

This ending really disappointed me and I dont really feel the urge to play through it again. In mass effect 1 and especially 2 I couldnt wait to play through again.

P.S. I was also disappointed how little the dialogue played affect basically 2-3 dialogue choices to choose then they talk forever.
2012-03-09 08:28:02 UTC
I've not finished the game...yet, but I can tell right now that I will probably resell it once I get the achievements. A sad commentary since I've held onto ME2 and ME since getting them. ME3 is not a game I look forward to replaying again and again like I did ME and ME2.

1. The game play is too cinematic. You spend what feels like an hour of scripted missions before you can actually wander about someplace...doing the next thing when you feel like it. Do not start the game thinking you'll play just a few minutes before you get to a place to stop until later.

2. I don't know if it's so for everyone, but most all my saved characters are missing the face I have to reconstruct that as best I can. Kills the point of importing a saved character from the first game.

3. I don't begrudge endings where Shepard's classically dramatic, but it does cheese me off that the "best" endings (Shepard lives) are only attainable IF YOU CAN PLAY ONLINE. What is this garbage? EA? Bioware? NOT EVERYONE HAS BROADBAND! So, I get cheated out of the possibility of getting some endings I don't have broadband access?

4. Regarding destroyed relays destroying star systems, I'd not presume that to be automatic. In The Arrival, you smash a relay with an asteroid. In ME3, they are destroyed by design of their creators. The "explosion" might not be destructive in nature.

5. As for the catalyst looking like the child from the beginning of the game, the obvious explanation is that the catalyst took the form of something found in Shepard's mind. Indeed the manifestation of the catalyst might have been a hallucination instead of something like a VI projection such as Vigil.
2012-03-09 10:58:13 UTC
So I'm sitting at work thinking about the bad ending in ME3 and think there has to be more than that! I go on YouTube and start trying to find alternates. Apparently through multiplayer (which I personally hate, so that "optional" part is stupid to get the good ending) and getting a butt load of war assets, you can get the ending where the reapers and mass relays are destroyed and Shep survives. Even after the *gasp* from the rubble, it just ENDS. WTF. No closure, no seeing your character with the romance choice (mine's Liara - who, by the way, has the best romance scene. Weird she's the only one that doesn't get blacked out?) and like a bunch of little kids someday. People want the happy ending and all we get is the happy-ish ending. Hey the galaxy is safe, but you will never see anyone you care about again cause they're stranded. Have fun with that. *Pat on the back for finishing the game*

I just hope they release DLC that gives us something more along the lines of what we want. Why not listen to fans and make it better. Fans give you money. It's only logical to fix it and get more money than to lose your fanbase. The game is like reading a really great book series where you actually care about the characters only to finally get to the end and it's rushed, the character evolution cuts off, and you're left feeling empty and unsatisfied or, worse, like you wasted your time.

Overall, though, I thought the gameplay itself was awesome. It seems like EA/BioWare tried to make the game more appealing to more than just the RPG crowd, which is probably why they took away some of the RPG aspects we knew and loved. The choice selection was ok (I wish there was more relationship development through the game instead of the voice over where you just stand there "like a dick"), and the graphics are sick. I still say it's a disappointing end to a great story. The other games made me want to play several times just to see the different outcomes, but this one - I might just play one more time and that's it.

At least by the end of Halo the Master Chief lives and you have the notion he goes on to get rescued and stuff and it's a mostly satisying ending.

By the way, the other person who answered with all that stuff about witches and antichrist . . . wtf are you on so I can stay away from it?
will skate for nutella
2012-03-08 20:31:25 UTC
When I first beat the game I had no initial thoughts. I was confused and baffled by what happened to Shepard and his friends. I understood that the catalyst had given me three choices, but by the time I got to move Shepard to make my choice, I was deep in thought as to who this little kid -- known as the catalyst -- actually was. Which brings me to my first point. I give Bioware credit for trying to think of an unexpected ending, but you shouldn't just introduce an entirely new concept into a game and end it without answering some questions. Who was the catalyst? Why was he in the shape of a boy? Where did the catalyst come from? He says his ultimate goal is to prevent the extinction of organic life -- something that the so called 'synthetics' would inevitably end in the future--, yet he is ending organic life as we know it. Aren't the reapers synthetics? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the 'catalysts' goal?

I was sad that the three endings were all essentially the same -- in only minor variations of each other. All of the endings left Shepard either dead, or without a way of seeing his friends ever again. Note: In the destruction ending, Shepard is hinted to be alive when you see someone in N7 armor start moving.

Overall, the endings were consistent with the theme of the third game -- sacrifice. All of the endings had some sort of sacrifice. You can kill the reapers and all synthetics, which includes the Geth and EDI. You can sacrifice your life, but control the reapers and spare the synthetics. You can also join synthetics and organics into one being, thus essentially causing the extinction of the organics, but creating a new era of cross-species beings. The theme, as you can see is consistent, it's the introduction of this wildly out of nowhere 'catalyst' that poses more questions than it does answers.

The similarity between the three endings doesn't help much either. Which alas is my last quarrel with the third game. Throughout all three games, a center gameplay concept was choice. The gameplay was designed to revolve around the choices you made in game. It is therefore very irritating to learn that no matter what you do in the third game, that all of the choices you ever made were for the most part irrelevant, as the game can only end in three -- very similar -- ways. I would say that I loved the Mass Effect series -- and I do --, but to have the hundreds of choices I have made in the three games boil down to three endings, frankly pisses me off.
2012-03-08 14:31:17 UTC
You can make peace with the Geth and Quarians... But all of that doesn't even matter because no matter what you do... All the mass relays are going to be destroyed... and as I recall, destroying a mass relay will wipe out that system. (If you played the DLC 'Arrival' for ME2, you'll know what I mean)

Sooo... Yeah? What the heck? No matter what you choose, it's a hard reset for the galaxy.

And synthesis? What a joke!

I agree with most of the commenters here. I hate the ending. I don't care which... I hate them all!

All that trouble building a galactic fleet. I honestly hoped that the Crucible would be some sort of space version of the atomic bomb, and choosing to use it would be a renegade last resort type and if you played your cards right in ME1 and ME2, you don't need to resort to it and be able to repel the Reapers back into dark space.

AND you'd get the closure to every character and world you cared about and see what happened to the Turians and Krogans, the Asari with their dark secret exposed, the Geth and Quarians... Instead... we see a 3 color explosion and THE END.

2012-03-09 23:59:37 UTC
I believe, BioWare, just rammed themselves into the ground with the ending... I am very disappointed and sickened. I view the story as half-assed.

I doubt they realized what they had written which failed...

It seems they don't care enough that, we see that it doesn't matter what the decision is; each individual choices, prolongs galactic extinction

The Relays were destroyed meaning, the remaining Krogan, Turian, and Asari, are stuck their. Wrex never gets to see his unborn child. the Turians will die because no females are ON earth, and the Asari will dominate humans on earth with their reproductive abilities.

If you chose the "destroy synthetics" option, you doom the Quarians to death faster, because if you unified the Geth and the Quarians, Geth were doing Quarians a favor. Then the Krogans are stuck on a radioactive pile of rock, that will be destroyed and over populated...

The mass Relays should not have died, the Citadel should not have been destroyed.

Then after the credits, everything goes FUBAR and shows that there is human civilization on a planet that closely resembles Shepard's dream sequences?

Not to mention that the Catalyst IS the boy that gets killed back on earth...

Really? BioWare? You mean to tell me I wasted ALL of my time trying to gather war assets, get my Galactic Readiness up to 100% just to have Shepard die...? are you kidding me?

Originally I thought that my first play through could have been avoided because my readiness was still at 50%

THE only thing, and I mean ONLY thing that changed between having assets and readiness, is that Anderson says "more than 50% of Hammer touched and and we have stragglers coming in" when at 50% readiness, he says less than 25%. It is a great game! but you know what? The ending just ran Mass Effect into the ground.

Unless they mend the bullshit by leaching off of Halo, and designing the "Fujikawa drive" and introducing "Slip-Space"

Game-play, 10/10

Ending 1/10
2012-03-10 01:52:23 UTC
Really no matter what the ending would've been no true mass effect fan would've been happy with the ending. Shepard died so now we're all upset that he wont be in any more games (but in all fairness to bioware, they did tell us it would be the end of Shepard's story, so we should have been ready for something like this). And if Shepard hadn't have sacrificed himself to save the galaxy and he killed the reapers and they all lived happily ever after, it would have been too much of a disney fairytail bullshit ending. As a Mass Effect fan I'm truly upset that Shepard wont been the main character of any more Mass Effect games, 'cause lets face it: it's just not Mass Effect without the commander, but with as much of an unbiased view as i can muster up, that was arguably the best game i have ever played, bar none. So really think about it, are you disappointed with HOW it ended are you are just disappointed THAT it ended?
2012-03-10 14:22:45 UTC
Terrible endings

For one not a single decision you made in any of the other games mattered towards the endings. cos you could do none of the side missions and get the same endings as someone who finished everything.. BTW you can settle the Geth and Quarian war it all depends on some choices you make but legion still dies. The catalyst aka star-child was totally bullshit. Here I was thinking that the destruction of the mass relays meant a super nova...

Another thing that bugged a lot of people is that killing the Rachni didn't make a difference you still fought them regardless, that was a low blow...

Anyway, according to some players the original ending featured something about the reapers attacking to prevent dark energy, remember that with tali recruitment and the out of control sun? but that didn't make it in for some reason....

And no closure as to what happened to the characters you cared about or the galaxy you fought for.
2012-03-09 08:17:30 UTC
The ending was actually pretty good. It wasn't perfect by any means, and I will preface this by saying that not finding out what became of my remaining teammates was disheartening. However, I enjoyed the ending overall.

First, there are more than 3 endings, depending on how high your readiness rating was. It also depends on whether or not you saved the collector base, but if your rating was upwards of 4000-5000, Shepard lives. (Also, many have said that you HAVE to play the multiplayer to achieve ratings this high, but that is false) This game mechanic was great, as it punished players who hastily rushed into the final battle without being fully prepared. And yes, it seems at first that the Catalyst contradicts itself when saying that synthetics and organics can't get along after potentially uniting the quarians and geth, but that isn't necessarily a contradiction for two reasons:

1. We don't know if this peace will last (it probably wouldn't)

2. The geth will not always be the only race of synthetics in the galaxy

I'm surprised that people are shocked that this trilogy did not have a "squeaky clean" ending, with everything ending up great. These three games have always contained shades of gray, which I love. And as another person stated, the primary theme of the game seems to be about making sacrifices, and with a war this colossal you can't expect these characters to make it out unscathed. I also enjoyed the after-the-credits scene. A tear came to my eye when you find out that in the distant future they refer to him as "The Shepard". Not getting closure on the living squadmates is a bit maddening though.

Although I liked the ending, I still think there were better alternatives for the Reapers' origins. For instance, space is unlimited and our galaxy is just one of limitless other galaxies. Eons ago another galaxy could have been at war with ours and won, destroying all organic life. When they let that galaxy evolve again, the newly evolved galaxy eventually fought with the original galaxy again. Deeming that a war between the two galaxies would always be imminent, the original galaxy creates the Reapers to prevent our galaxy from reaching the levels of inter-galactic travel, thus preventing another war. I would have liked the Crucible to be a more powerful mass relay that allowed travel to other galaxies. This could have been a large portion of the game. While the fight against the Reapers rages on in our galaxy, Shepard and his team would traverse this new galaxy in order to get the Reapers' creators to stop them. You're welcome Bioware, I'll take my royalties now please.
2012-03-10 07:36:45 UTC
I actually got the Geth and Quarians to live together- I played as a complete Paragon the entire trilogy.

About the ending...well, you actually CAN see Shepard live. In the very "best" ending. From what I understand, you have to have a very high readiness rating and full Reputation. What really makes me upset is how you get that rating up to the 5000 plus percent needed. You need to play the multiplayer- I hate multiplayer. Why Bioware made it necessary that in what has essentially been a single-player focused trilogy make multiplayer required to get the best endings...I have no idea what they were thinking.

What I really hate is seeing Shepard die and the choices we're given. After all the **** you go through with Shepard, especially if you've imported one throughout the entire series, you really feel that Shep has damn well EARNED a happy ending. The player has EARNED a ******* happy ending. One where Shep saves everyone and gets to die of old age with their LI by their side, knowing they saved the galaxy. When given your lose-lose choices by the Citadel, it feels like Bioware just spat in the face of everything we worked for. (While I'm at it, why doesn't Shep try harder to reason with the Citadel more? She just sort of gave in to the ultimatum during my playthrough.)

No matter your choices, everything you just worked for is screwed over. Without Mass Relays, none of the fighting Alien forces can never go home. If you destroy all tech, then EDI and the Geth (who depending on your choices have all been given personalities via Legion's sacrifice) are destroyed and all order is screwed over because society was pretty dependent on the stuff.

The endings, in the most appropriate word, are:


They left a bad taste in my mouth and made me actually cry, seeing my Shep torn to bits trying to control the Reapers. If the only reason Bioware made it as it was to be poetic and **** (about God sacrificing things and Shep actually being a "shepard" to all people blah, blah, blah...), then I better hope they make another ending, the one WE want, available for DLC or something. If they try to pull the same **** in DA 3, I'm going to personally storm their offices and slap then all across the face.
2012-03-09 15:41:13 UTC
One of the worst endings in video game history. Now it might not be the worst but it will rank up there. After have 2 very solid games and 2 very solid endings, I am betting most people were not worried about the ending. I was not worried at all about the ending. The game has 0 re-playability because of this. It all together feels like one giant betrayal to their fans. :<

With how Mass Effect 3 ended and with how Dragon age 2 was done, I have to ask. Are they losing their touch? It seems so. Hell, if you look at Star Wars the Old Republic there are lots of narrative flaws in it. RIP Bioware, we will miss you :,<

Honestly, I feel like we need a free DLC for alternate endings, something that is more satisfying that that philosophical piece of S***. Really that is the ONLY way they can repay their vans.
2012-03-08 13:41:15 UTC
JUST FINISHED. played ME 1 and 2 multiple times, got every achievement, loved most of the diverse characters, played ǵood jedi' [they did make KoTOR 1&2 before this trilogy which was amazing.

I HATE THE ENDING, I HATE IT, I HATE IT. Like what the heck was all that gaming for 5 years worth if your going to impose some generic, philosophical, agnostic view on loyal fans....

The common theme was always HOPE. No matter what, personal ´organic´ self-determination, vs. extinction and control. So you brought peace to the galaxy through 800 choices over five years and united everyone, gave them hope..... for what? The geth were the only synthetic [care less what the enemy was... they were the enemy.]

I don´t get what drug-induced junk philosophy created an ending where you take CONTROL of others, or, allow organic/synthetic life to consume you as a solution.


I hope everyone else hates it, b/c I was so psyched after 5 years of feeling like you knew all these INDIVIDUALS [with FREE WILL] who decided to follow you because you NEVER IMPOSED anything, rather sacrificed yourself first on any mission, and [well I treated my allies like a REAL PERSON].

I just am ticked. Yeah EDI was cool, but some 5 yr old blob can not end the game with a high school philosophy íntroduction to christ-figure'in popular media 101.

RE-WRITE OPTIONS available at end.. or Biohazard will cease to have a following.

What a bad year for gaming!

First ǵlitch-rim´shows you just how little a 4 time game of the year winner cares about QA before chucking a disc of bugs in a box and making little effort to fix, but now ME 1 & 2 feel like a betrayal of the ´paragon/renegade´ component..

I am so dis appointed.


Best Answer

Thanks for saying exactly the right answer. Love comment! Feel the same !

What a waste. I d/n even kill Rachni Queen in first game b/c I knew that this was going to be a long ride.

So right about running down the street and then having no control b/c writer to damn lazy!

Why did they bother keeping the game in ´open choice´ till the end of the third installment???

2012-03-09 00:59:50 UTC
I 100% the game. No races hate any more. Everyone is at peace with everyone else. No war accept for the fuggin' Reapers. Just one last step to the perfect ending.........oh, what's this? Bioware with a tube of KY to azzfudge there ENTIRE FANBASE!!!!!!!!! This goes down in gaming history as the BIGGEST TROLL EVER! They raped everyone who loves this game. Ends the series (which, I might add, has so much more potential) in the WORST WAY EVERY, and then leaves you with 30 bazillion questions. BTW, why the fudge were there only 3 people in the endings? Where is everyone else? (three being the same in two but switching Vega for EDI in last). I played the game for 32 hours and 26 minutes........feeling that this would be one of the greatest gaming creations Bioware has ever released to the world, and then this shiz happens. I'm infuriated! I wish I could get my money back. I wish, somehow, for some reason, I lost all interest in the series before playing I wouldn't have to suffer this downright slap in the face! WHY THE HELL CAN'T TALI EVER ACTUALLY TAKE THE DAMN SUIT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God!!! Weather anyone wants to admit it besides me....we all got rick roll trolled on this one. Well played Bioware, My azz is officially raped. I hope your entire design team for this game dies from a skin eating desease.
2012-03-09 04:48:08 UTC
Initially, I was pretty pissed off with the ending mainly because once Shepard went up in the Crucible and the AI showed up, I was like "Really Bioware?, you had to throw a bullshit twist in there didnt you?". I understand that not all stories end with a happy ending but there should have been another choice. The final battle was so exciting, you see the armada of allied ships come through the mass relay to take back earth, all the fighting on the ground with your squad and allies, even the character development over all three games, the turn of events and decisions (paragon or renegade) and thats how it ended? Shepard dies regardless? Unless you complete the perfect ending? Even in that bullshit ending, all the synthetics are wiped out. Plus, you dont know what happens with your friends or your love interest or anyone else in the game. All in all, I was pretty pissed with the ending but you could kind of sense Shepard was going to die, especially right before the final mission at the forward operating base where he has the choice to speak with each of his friends one more time. Anyways, I think the end needed a better happier ending for all us Paragon players, and more closure with the rest of the characters than just a bullshit crash landing on an island (setting for Lost, the video game, hahaha). Ending aside, one of the greatest games Ive ever played, if they would have ended it with Shepard and Anderson sitting there watching their allies **** up the reapers and save earth, that would have been enough for me.
2012-03-09 05:17:21 UTC
I am totally pissed with my 3 endings


total military strength was = 6940

readiness rating = 50%(0 online play)

effective military strength = 3470

all missions done and planets explored

full paragon shep

36hr gameplay (just in case how long it takes you determines ending like saving the crew in ME2)

1-kill the reapers and for some reason the geth and yourself and relays destroyed

2- control the reapers and die and relays destroyed

3- merge synthetics and organics and die and relays get destroyed

why is it important to note the relays getting destroyed well all the aliens are now stuck on earth no one can get back to the homes they were fighting for WTF.

all my anderson died

all the normandy got crashed on some unknown planet for no reason (if the blast hurt the normandy wouldn't it have hurt all ships around earth stranding every species)

all some old pedifile is telling a kid what just happened(who calls there male grand-kid sweetie)

I really feel like they dropped the ball on the endings where are the choices, why couldn't i just destroy the citadel since............i'll let you find that out. or just kill the reapers leaving the geth alone. Why can my shep not live I'm so tired of suicide mission endings, I loved ME2 ending. and now just because of the endings and having more choices of dialogue ME2 is the better game in my eyes. Just had to vent. I actually regret buying the collector edition now I'm going to bed.
2012-03-09 18:31:19 UTC
I won't give my opinion on the endings, because everyone hear pretty much said it all. I am thoroughly disappointed. The biggest issue for me is how obvious Bioware made it that it would be the last game. With all the deaths of allies it was clear that the only way Bioware knew how to "truly" put an end to Shepard's story was to kill everything and everyone off. Sure they did focus on a lot of things, like combat, upgrades, and such, but they didn't focus on what to me, mattered the most. All the character creation, relationship building, and the story. My response may not be clear, but I hope I got a point across.
Commander Turkey
2012-03-08 22:01:17 UTC
It really was a terrible ending. The series was sooo much fun and I played ME1 and ME2 like 50 times and I couldn't wait for the third. Mass Effect 3 was incredible up until about the last 5% of the game. It made no sense and totally defeated the purpose of being able to choose what to do in the series. It literally made the first and second games feel like you wasted time playing them. The ending made no sense and really really REALLY let me down. I have a feeling they're going to release DLC and show a decent ending but that's only because they want to milk this game for as much money as they can. Bioware has truly let me down on this one. I wish I could get my money back :(
Bobby Wadd
2012-03-09 09:58:50 UTC
I hated it. Such an incredible series ends with a dud

First off, what makes Mass Effect so incredible is the opportunity to choose your destiny. In Mass Effect 3, I felt like choices were made for you, especially the ending

Also, their are far too many loose ends. Where were the Rachni in the final battle? Krogan? We lacked vital cutscenes and the end was pretty far out.

After playing ME3, I sacrificed myself and Earth was destroyed. What the heck man! I wanted to smooch ashley williams while standing over illusive mans dead body

This was the WORST ending in my eyes. Bioware really screwed us all
2012-03-09 03:20:55 UTC
There are 3 endings.

Good ending - All synthetic life is destroyed (including the Geth and EDI)

Bad ending - You take control of the Reapers, but everyone dies

Perfect ending - Synthetic and organic life becomes one in the same, everyone lives

The Catalyst is God.

The mass relays are destroyed no matter what, which is a good thing (maybe). The Catalyst designed the Citadel and mass relays with mass effect field technology, which is limited in its scope. It did this to create a predictable technological course for civilizations and deter them from seeking alternative, more advanced technologies.

In my playthrough I got the Geth and Quarians to make peace and help me fight to take back Earth. You need to understand that your save file from the previous games has a big influence in Mass Effect 3. To get the ideal, absolute perfect game where everyone is friends, you need to start all over with Mass Effect 1. I got the perfect ending and none of my companions died.

To get the perfect ending you just need a full effective military strength score and have a very high paragon score.
2012-03-09 00:18:00 UTC
I thought the synthesis ending was OK but left allot to be desired, it also sucks that shepard had to die. Great game overall until after the final talk with the illusive man. It sucks they dont go into any detail whatsoever about the galaxy after the normandy crash lands, so you have no clue what the races and reapers are doing. Are they rebuilding in harmony, have they gone their seperate ways? nobody knows. Seems like they just ran out of steam for the ending.

Gameplay and story 10/10

ending gets a 5/10
2012-03-08 12:29:23 UTC
I actually managed to have Geth and Quarins have peace and live together. As far as I know you need 5 points for this to happen: 2 from destroying the heretics / 0 for rewriting them (but choosing the second yields you in more assets in 3), Tali not exiled - 2 points / Exiled or no loyalty mission - 0 points, Resolve Tali/Legion conflict with Paragon/Renegade - 1 point, save Admiral on Rannoch in ME3 - 1 point, Destroy Geth on Rannoch in ME3 - 1 point, complete Legion's mission in ME3 - a must.

The downside? Legion "dies", but not before talking about himself as I and not "we". EDI gets emotional also.

As about the ending. I liked it, but left me unsatisfied. All the trouble I went through and all I get is a mediocre last mission, followed by a touching long dialog, only to get the same ending no matter which of the 3 paths I take. Yes it's literally the same: the explosion and leaf color is different + EDI showing up in the "neutral" ending.
2012-03-08 23:47:49 UTC
Ill tell you one thing i have sacrificed soo much for this Mass Effect series right from the first game, But now i realized I WAS SUCH A F*****ING FOOL"

I literally use to dream of my Shepard winning the war and cumming back to my Miranda, i dont care if u have to archive all the best achievements in order to get that ending, but Bio ware says sorry cant have u dumb monkey. And i admit i am a monkey for wasting 5 years of my life behind the game which ended in such a disgrace. If i get a chance to go back in time i would burn my Mass Effect DVDs the day i bought.

Sorry i know iam crazy but i am very very sad.
2012-03-08 17:42:30 UTC
Ending sucks, the whole story was great up until the point Shepard takes a ride to met God. Yes, the little boy(catalyst) is God. I absolutely love the little lecture he/it/God gives about Synthetic and Organic life can't ever be at peace. My play through I united the Geth and Quarians in peace so I'm looking at God going, "Are you retarded God?"

I guess Bioware didn't really think that through and it made God look like an arrogant ***.

Shepard, "Well, what about the Geth and Quar...."

God, "Nope, can't ever be at peace, will always have chaos. Who's the all powerful entity Bioware pulled out their asses to wrap up this story? That's what I thought."

Seriously, the writers should be ashamed of it and fired immediately. I was going to play through it again, but knowing that God is waiting at the end to give me a lecture that organics and synthetics can't ever coexist, I'll skip it.

Seriously, **** you God/kid/Arrogant ***, I'm glad the kid that looked like you died at the beginning now.
2012-03-08 06:32:45 UTC
Some people just need to settle down, have a look at this list that outlines possible endings, if you get a high enough readiness rating apparently Shepard does lives. Have a look at the link bellow. Also to the poster of the question you can get the Geth and the Quarians to settle there differences peacefully. There are youtube clips if your not sure how to do it.
2012-03-07 14:27:45 UTC
I was very disappointed by the ending of ME3. I mean I kinda feel that Shepard's death at the end was kinda stupid. He dies at the end after sacrificing 3 characters, the mass effect relays are destroyed regardless, and he has left behind everything all because a synthetic construct told him that he had to regardless. I mean wtf instead of the 3 endings being good, bad or neutral its the 3 endings that are the most logical.....cold hard logic..... disappointing. you don't even see what happens to everyone else. Even if you essentially make peace with every race you just die.
2012-03-10 11:21:00 UTC
I was extremely happy wit the ending. I saved Anderson and Shepard. You have to have 5000 war assets and there is also a secret ending at the end of New Game +.
2012-03-08 23:30:51 UTC
Created on 2012-03-08 266 votes, 52 comments, 1291 views

DeinonSlayer wrote an idea for new ending

Faraborne received this from him beating ME3. This was his solution to the ending problem:

Proposal is as follows:

There should be a fourth option available at the end - and the beauty of it is that it would naturally branch in a way that satisfies both of the outcomes people are asking for.

Right now, the Guardian presents us with three options - destroy, control, and merge. Each are depressingly self-destructive in their own ways, and as we all know, we have no choice but to pick one. DLC could add a fourth option: REFUSE.

Shepard stabs a defiant finger in the Guardian's chest and declares it is not their right to "protect" us from the consequences of our own actions. If peace was forged between the Quarians and the Geth, Shepard cites that as proof that the Guardian's premise of inevitable conflict between synthetics and organics is wrong. If not, Shepard can simply deny the Guardian's conclusion and declare that we're going to go down fighting. Shepard delivers an ultimatum: take your abominations and go. Whether we live as a civilization or die by our own hand is a choice to be left to every one of us. So, f*** you very much, but thanks for thinking of us.

The Guardian blows off Shepard's ultimatum, and the Reapers continue to fight. At this point, the outcome is out of your hands. Shepard watches, unable to intervene, as the fleets continue to engage, the forces of the galaxy attempting to defeat the Reapers once and for all in conventional combat. The Guardian taunts you, trying to goad you into choosing one of the three options it offered, while assuming the forms of different people you've lost along the way: Virmire casualty, Anderson, and your love interest, dead or alive, just to screw with you. You can change your mind, or continue to stand and watch. If you gathered enough war assets (as in, much higher than the required amount for the "perfect" ending we're given now), the Reapers are defeated at horrific cost, but the Relay network remains intact, and Shepard gets to reunite with his/her LI and squad provided the Normandy survived the fight (itself dependent on other criteria). This would be the hardest ending to achieve, requiring the greatest effort and providing the most reward. You would really have to work your *** off to do this, but as evidenced by this poll, most of the people here would be willing to try.

If you didn't have enough resources, the Reapers emerge victorious, and, having defeated the combined military might of the galaxy, they are free to harvest everyone else. The cycle continues. They win. Either way, you get to spit in the devil's face once more instead of bowing to the invariably self-destructive choice he offers you.

Me: I personally think this solution would be profound. Furthermore, it really gives five endings for the game. If you we're not fully prepared for the war, then Shepherd allows the Reapers to win without sacrificing his integrity (which would be a major win in my book). Finally, if you were fully prepared then you receive the most rewarding ending possible with what I think could potentially be one of the most creative boss fights in gaming history...a battle of wills alone.

if you like it go to bioware's poll using this link
2012-03-08 21:42:01 UTC
Hate to beat a dead horse, but I absolutely agree with everyone -- the endings were terrible. I read books to deepen my thought, but I play games to lighten them. Where was the super-epic, inspiring ending that ME1 and 2 had? It does seem oddly ironic that a game that is all about hope ends with so little. Very anti-climatic.

I hope who ever commented that they should release DLCs that rap things up a bit is on to something.
2012-03-09 15:01:54 UTC
You have to play the multiplayer co-op to get a good ending. By playing multiplayer, you increase the galaxies' readiness, which can be viewed in the war room on the Normandy.
2012-03-08 09:10:28 UTC
I chose synthesis on the first go... made me cry.

They built up so much hype to a good ending I expected to see my Shep growing old alongside Tali, on Rannoch...

Always went Paragon in the trilogy and I expected to see him after so much tireless fighting and enduring so much pain... finally sitting peacefully somewhere growing old alongside my romance choice and dying knowing he made the galaxy a better place.

The game overall was fantastic, I cried a lot when I saw so much self-sacrifice... Mordin,Legion,Thane..

I really hoped to see Shepard on his deathbed dying with a smile on his face.
2012-03-10 03:54:27 UTC
I was a touched bummed out because even though I had enough resources for my Shepard to live my crew is now stranded in some jungle planet.

I was kind of looking forward to Shepard settling down,

2012-03-09 17:27:51 UTC
The Geth and Quarians can if your full paragon, but the ending sucked ***. I have never been more disappointed in an ending in my life! The best trilogy (in my opinion) got absolutely **** on in the end. They gave us an ending worse than the smell of taco shits.
2012-03-09 23:48:58 UTC
In order to get the best ending your EFFECTIVE military strength needs to be at 5000. not your total. this little misconception has had hella people b-i-t-c-h-ing about it when they think that "oh i have 2300 effective and 5000 total. I am so ganna get the best ending." quit derping and just play the game. This ending is suppose to be difficult to get.
2012-03-07 19:40:20 UTC
I am hugely disappointed in this ending. I know that all endings can't be happy, but, what in the hell is BioWare thinking?!! This decision are you're screwed or you're boned. I've been waiting for this for so long and......just wow. I really hope BioWare listens to the fans and gives us a more satisfying ending
2012-03-08 20:48:12 UTC
i did not like the endings either. felt cheated. too many questions unanswerd. I have a question though.I did not get the 3rd choice through my first play through. how is it that you can get that choice as an option. i seen youtube videos in which you only get 1 choice or 2 or 3 but i dont know how to be given the 3rd option. and also to all of you who ended up with miranda as your choice of gal dont you feel cheated. you only get to really talk to her once and then see her through video in the end. sooooo lame. anyone please let me know about how to get the synthesis ending
2012-03-08 23:38:01 UTC
Just so you know you don't have to die at the end if u kill reapers and have more then a cretin amount of assets. You will see him take a breath.

Also it says in guide there's a secret end if u beat the game twice Idk if this counts as importing a character though.
2012-03-08 00:03:48 UTC
All I can say is WTF. All of that **** you have to go through just so u can blow up every one yourself? Minus will have just let the reapers kill us instead that way at least the next cycle would still have the mass relay's. The other thing I didn't like is how theirs still so many questions like what happened to my crew landing on some random planet? What happened to all the other races? Did every one die? And who the hell is this ******* old man and stupid little kid standing on the moon talking about me? Really wish the ending was more thurrow, and a little happier. just felt depressed at the end. :(
2012-03-08 04:33:58 UTC
I loved the ending to mass effect three I chose the Synthesis ending because it, to me, was the most symbolic for the story. What has Shepherd been doing this whole time? Trying to bring peace to the galaxy for all sentient life whether it be organic or synthetic it never really matters to Shepherd and in the end her sacrifices himself so that the universe can start anew where synthetic and organic life can live in peace for they became one, I was in tears, hell I still am listening to the music from that moment, when In his final moments he looks back and remembers his Best friend, His mentor, and his lover. While I am deeply saddened and emotional from the death of this beloved character I am happy that when it came down to it peace threw coexistence was possible. In the words of Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Keelah se'lai
John Empoules
2012-03-07 17:14:43 UTC
i hated the ending it sucked so damn much i mean come on really after all the time it took romancing people and how syked a person gets thinking holy **** were gonna see a family with either the quarian another human or the asari,,though at least i got to see Tali's face that made me happy
2012-03-07 15:00:01 UTC
I actually loved the ending, it was much better than I expected, and I was itching to know what the Reapers were, how they originated, and how long they've been ''naughty''. Even though The Reapers turned out to be something different than I imagined, it was mind boggling. As far as I understood, unleashing that weapon, killed everything what was in the systems that had Mass Effect relay nearby, because the Reapers laid down these relays to get the organic life under control, for them to walk on a road not to venture in the forest and discover other roads, or build them(metaphorically(of course)). What Shepard fought in the beginning was, to get rid of the Reapers and end the cycle of harvesting life every 50.000 years and turning them into more Reapers. But at the end he turned the Crucible on, to stop the cycle and let other civilizations evolve to space faring age, and be able to continue to evolve in different ways without being controlled, and wiped out every 50.000 years, he didn't do it to humans or quarians or salarians or even batarians etc. And all this part that some sort of early civilization built the relays and all that, have chosen to proceed like this, to wipe out organic life, even though disappointingly, not much explanation on who they were, when they were and what they were.. So anyway the ending was perfect, because it wasn't concerned on humans or other race lives, it was concerned on well being of the galaxy, which all of this as I said mind boggling. ANYWAY ALL OF THIS IS WHAT I THINK THAT HAPPENED, I MIGHT NOT HAVE UNDERSTOOD IT RIGHT, okay?!
2012-03-09 11:40:43 UTC
first of all!!! yes the ending is awfull!!! i expected that after i make a choice "regardless of what it is" they show me to all my friends and to all civilizations!!! but no!!! they only showed joker crash landing!!! WTF!!! and dunno what you did wrong but for me the geth and quarians settled their differences and are now living togather soo maybe you missed something up!!!

and to everyone still playing!! all the galactic readyness and war assets are useless!!! you get the same endings regardless so dont bother!!!

Bioware really dropped the ball!!!
2012-03-08 21:52:55 UTC
i went to google to find answers.....turns out playing multiplayer gets you a better ending

kinda ****** up how they worked that in there
2016-09-16 13:57:36 UTC
And the same question pops up again
2012-03-08 00:46:14 UTC
zombies are people who go into ufo ships to be healed by "aliens".

you live only once. after you die, you either go to hell or heaven.

different creatures like phoenixes, dinosaurs, monsters really exist, but be careful because demons know about these creatures and will mix in their lies to draw you away from God.

white magic=black magic=asking demons for help=spells=really bad for your future.

meditation leads to demon possession.

pagan gods/goddesses are demons. all demons are male though.

tattoos give rights to demons to bother you.

women, who had giants as kids with demons (anunaki), were cursed by God to become sirens.

masons, who built tower of babel to fight God, were cursed by God to become apemen and elephantmen.

vampires/werewolves are high-level witches who are completely demon-possessed.

aliens are demons. ghosts are demons. demons move the ouija board too.

demons show pictures to psychics/mediums/seers/astrologers. tarot cards and crystal ball are tricks to fool the eye.

80 foot dinosaurs will come out from underground through sinkholes and lakes, and start eating people up; antichrist is a red-eye gay man with white powder on his face; mark of the antichrist is a green electronic nwo tattoo with sixes that is given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive a new small gray world passport; fallen angels=demons=aliens in ufos=ascended masters=ghosts=channeled entities=dead relatives during seances=spirit guides=pagan gods=greys=automatic writing spirits, etc.; atlantis (where aliens make humans their puppets) is underneath mariana trench; china will attack russia; don't worship the antichrist; don't take "the chip, world passport, and nwo tattoo"; don't go into a ufo ship under any circumstances

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.