2013-05-25 17:38:43 UTC
just to give you an idea of what i'm trying to make in case someone does have an idea:
-a post apocalyptic world (graphics aren't a priority in fact the ideal graphics would be FNV on its lowest setting)
-a large map with a large ammount of content and side quests along with main quests (with the option to add more side quests through patches)
-a co-op option but not an mmorpg like inviting your friend in your world of elderscrolls
-with a survival aspect
now i know this could take years to develop and i will have to make many many many rough drafts and there will me loads of experimenting and id love to devote my time to this and make this game but i have no idea where to start so if anyone has any help its very much appreciated. even something as simple as a youtube video on what programs to download