ok i play pc and console(all consoles) i know for a fact out off all the consoles which is best, here is a list in order of best to worst
2:Xbox one
4:xbox 360
advantages of all
ps3-free online more features and cheaper games
xbox360-nothing really
xbox one-hdmi,dalimotion, youtube,multitasking,good graphics and so on
ps4-Awesome Graphics(Best of all consoles),youtube,netflix,dalimotion,free games with ps plus membership(alot of the time Tripple A titles)multitasking,hdmi,remoteplay,sony experia z3 companion,The Last of Us Remasterd
pc-slightly better graphics,mods
not gonna lie,i like xbox but the struggle to keep up with playstation over the years
and as for pc,pc is very expensive and high maintenance and all you get is slightly better graphics and when a new game comes out oh well guess its time to upgrade your pc
if u can afford pc i would suggest going for it but then again if you can afford pc you can probably afford to have pc and console,but in the end the choice is yours