In order to activate the Cheat and effect mode, you must click on a reference sign (z. B. of the warehouse). All keys in the Chetas and effects simultaneously for a code pressed hold: Miracles in bubbles play trickily: Wood miracle = Shift + W + left O nourishment miracle = Shift + F + left O water miracle = Shift + W + left A fire miracle = Shift + F + left I SHILD1
= Shift + S + left H of SHILD2 = Shift + P + left H of Teleportwunder = Shift + T + left E forest miracle = Shift + N + left A aeronautics miracle = Shift + F + left L wolf miracle = Shift + G + left R well-being miracle = Left Shift + H + E
Additional details
2 minutes ago miracle effects play trickily: Wood miracle = rights Shift + W + O nourishment miracle = rights Shift + F + O water miracle = rights Shift + W + T fire miracle = rights Shift + F + I (always individually press and after
that immediately wegzoomen). To betray explosion = too dangerously around it. Surm = left Shift + S + T well-being miracle = rights Shift + H + E
Effects special 2 minutes ago and Objecte: Stones = rights Shift + R + O + K earthquakes right Shift + E + R + 1 volcano (only once because in the renewed input the old
disappears and a newer emerges) = left Shift + V + U + 1 villager for village 0 (usually our village) = left Shift + D + O + a number between 1 and 8 music select = left Shift +
a number combination between 01 and 69 (in 1 to 9 would ask the zero of mitdrücken) scaffolding works 6 = left Shift + S + K + 1
Players neutral 1 minute ago (players 5 to 7) delete: (goes without reference sign activation) first the F1 key press dead are want. then if you with players 5 to 7 if it expanse game:
entf key + 1 + P + L if you win knows, if the neutral players dead are in Maps where it ONLY neutral opponents gives: entf key + 2 + P + L
1 minute ago Verbündung: END key and respectively two number keys frücken for the players that allied be should. (It gives player 1 until players 7) player 1 are you SPIELER2 = green (in many maps even yellow and orange and blue) SPIELER3 =
purple (in many Maps also blue) SPIELER4 = light blue SPIELER5 = yellow (Gegnert neutral) SPIELER6 = blue (opponent neutral) SPIELER7 = orange (opponent neutral) if for example you want to ally yourself with the green player, must you the
keys: END + 1 + 2 3und players 4 press must you in verbündung of player: Press END + 3 + 4. A Verbündung can be made not yet annulled, but I work on that.
48 seconds ago player information: SPIELER1 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 1 SPIELER2 = left Shifttaste + P + L
+ 2 SPIELER3 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 3 SPIELER4 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 4 SPIELER5 = left Shifttaste +
P + L + 5 SPIELER6 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 6 SPIELER7 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 7 to that Fade out:
Rights Shifttaste + P + L + 1
33 seconds ago defiance won expanse game: If you a Map, if you already won expanse game want, must feel pressed hold you that A + N + T + I + W + I + N, (goes also in the Gewonnenbildschirm). Now the game is stored after that under the Autosave and must load
you it nurnoch.
20 seconds ago trees: 1 to 10: left Shift key + B + A + a number between 0 and 9,11 to 20: Rights Shifttaste
+ B + A a number between 0 and 9
4 seconds ago days and night change: Day = left Shifttaste + D + A + Z night = left Shifttaste + N + I + G
twilight: Left Shifttaste + D + U + S standing type (of Land2): Left Shifttaste + A + L