Translate this from German to English plz ?
2006-08-17 04:48:50 UTC
Um den Cheat und Effektemodus zu aktivieren, musst du einen Hinweisschild (z.B. vom Lagerhaus) anklicken.
Alle Tasten bei den Chetas und Effekten gleichzeitig für ein Code gedrückt halten:
Wunder in Blasen tricks:
Holzwunder= Linke Shift + W + O
Nahrungswunder= Linke Shift + F + O
Wasserwunder= Linke Shift + W + A
Feuerwunder= Linke Shift + F + I
Shild1= Linke Shift + S + H
Shild2= Linke Shift + P + H
Teleportwunder= Linke Shift + T + E
Waldwunder= Linke Shift + N + A
Flugwesenwunder= Linke Shift + F + L
Wolfswunder= Linke Shift + G + R
Heilwunder= Linke Shift + H + E
Seven answers:
Game Guy
2006-08-17 04:52:50 UTC
In order to activate the Cheat and effect mode, you must click on a reference sign (z. B. of the warehouse). All keys in the Chetas and effects simultaneously for a code pressed hold: Miracles in bubbles play trickily: Wood miracle = Shift + W + left O nourishment miracle = Shift + F + left O water miracle = Shift + W + left A fire miracle = Shift + F + left I SHILD1

= Shift + S + left H of SHILD2 = Shift + P + left H of Teleportwunder = Shift + T + left E forest miracle = Shift + N + left A aeronautics miracle = Shift + F + left L wolf miracle = Shift + G + left R well-being miracle = Left Shift + H + E

Additional details

2 minutes ago miracle effects play trickily: Wood miracle = rights Shift + W + O nourishment miracle = rights Shift + F + O water miracle = rights Shift + W + T fire miracle = rights Shift + F + I (always individually press and after

that immediately wegzoomen). To betray explosion = too dangerously around it. Surm = left Shift + S + T well-being miracle = rights Shift + H + E

Effects special 2 minutes ago and Objecte: Stones = rights Shift + R + O + K earthquakes right Shift + E + R + 1 volcano (only once because in the renewed input the old

disappears and a newer emerges) = left Shift + V + U + 1 villager for village 0 (usually our village) = left Shift + D + O + a number between 1 and 8 music select = left Shift +

a number combination between 01 and 69 (in 1 to 9 would ask the zero of mitdrücken) scaffolding works 6 = left Shift + S + K + 1

Players neutral 1 minute ago (players 5 to 7) delete: (goes without reference sign activation) first the F1 key press dead are want. then if you with players 5 to 7 if it expanse game:

entf key + 1 + P + L if you win knows, if the neutral players dead are in Maps where it ONLY neutral opponents gives: entf key + 2 + P + L

1 minute ago Verbündung: END key and respectively two number keys frücken for the players that allied be should. (It gives player 1 until players 7) player 1 are you SPIELER2 = green (in many maps even yellow and orange and blue) SPIELER3 =

purple (in many Maps also blue) SPIELER4 = light blue SPIELER5 = yellow (Gegnert neutral) SPIELER6 = blue (opponent neutral) SPIELER7 = orange (opponent neutral) if for example you want to ally yourself with the green player, must you the

keys: END + 1 + 2 3und players 4 press must you in verbündung of player: Press END + 3 + 4. A Verbündung can be made not yet annulled, but I work on that.

48 seconds ago player information: SPIELER1 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 1 SPIELER2 = left Shifttaste + P + L

+ 2 SPIELER3 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 3 SPIELER4 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 4 SPIELER5 = left Shifttaste +

P + L + 5 SPIELER6 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 6 SPIELER7 = left Shifttaste + P + L + 7 to that Fade out:

Rights Shifttaste + P + L + 1

33 seconds ago defiance won expanse game: If you a Map, if you already won expanse game want, must feel pressed hold you that A + N + T + I + W + I + N, (goes also in the Gewonnenbildschirm). Now the game is stored after that under the Autosave and must load

you it nurnoch.

20 seconds ago trees: 1 to 10: left Shift key + B + A + a number between 0 and 9,11 to 20: Rights Shifttaste

+ B + A a number between 0 and 9

4 seconds ago days and night change: Day = left Shifttaste + D + A + Z night = left Shifttaste + N + I + G

twilight: Left Shifttaste + D + U + S standing type (of Land2): Left Shifttaste + A + L
2006-08-17 04:54:52 UTC
Maps where it ONLY neutral opponents gives: distance key + 2 + P + L 1 minute ago allying: END of key and in each case two number keys fruecken for the players to be allied are. (there are players 1 to player 7) player 1 you are Spieler2 = green (with some maps even yellow and orange and blue) Spieler3 = lila one (with some maps also blue) Spieler4 = light blue Spieler5 = yellow (neutral Gegnert) Spieler6 = blue (neutral opponent) Spieler7 = orange (neutral opponent) if itself e.g. you with becoming green player groups want, must you the keys: + 1 + 2 players 4 pressure END must you at allying of player 3und: END + 3 + 4 press. An allying cannot be cancelled yet, but I work on it. 51 seconds ago player information: Spieler1 = left shift key + P + L + 1 Spieler2 = left shift key + P + L + 2 Spieler3 = left shift key + P + L + 3 Spieler4 = left shift key + P + L + 4 Spieler5 = left shift key + P + L + 5 Spieler6 = left shift key + P + L + 6 Spieler7 = links + P to shift key + L + 7 for fading out: Right shift key + P + L + 1 36 seconds ago defiance won further-plays: If you must grope a map, if you already won to further-play want, you A + N + T + I + W + I + N to keep pressed, (goes also with the winning screen). Now the play is auto+save stored thereafter under that and you must only still load it. 23 seconds ago trees: 1 to 10:Linke SHIFT key + B+ A + a number between 0 and 9 11 to 20: Right shift key + B + A a number between 0 and 9 7 seconds ago day and night change: Day = left shift key + D + A + Z night = links + N to shift key + I + G dawn: Link to shift key + D + U + S kind of condition (of Land2): Link to shift key + A + L (3 minutes ago)
2006-08-17 04:54:08 UTC
In order to activate the Cheat and effect mode, you must click sign (e.g. of the depot). All keys with the Chetas and effects at the same time for a code pressed keep: To miracles in blisters cheat: To wood miracles = left SHIFTS + W + O food miracles = left SHIFTS + F + O water miracles = left SHIFTS + W + A fire miracles = left SHIFTS + F + I Shild1 = left SHIFTS + S + H Shild2 = left SHIFTS + P + H Teleportwunder = left SHIFTS + T + E forest miracles = left SHIFTS + N + A aviation miracles = left SHIFTS + F + L wolf miracle = left SHIFTS + G + R welfare miracles = left SHIFTS + H + E miracle effect cheat: Wood miracle = rights SHIFTS + W + O food miracles = rights SHIFTS + F + O water miracles = rights SHIFTS + W + T fire miracles = rights SHIFTS + F + I (always individually press and afterwards immediately away zoom). To betray explosion = too dangerously around it. Surm = links + S + T welfare miracles = rights SHIFTS + H + E special effects and Objecte to SHIFTS: Stones = rights SHIFTS + R + O + K earthquakes = rights SHIFTS + E + R + 1 volcano (only once because with the renewed enter the old disappears and develops more again) = left SHIFTS + V + U + 1 village inhabitant for village 0 (mostly our village) = left SHIFTS + D + O + a number between 1 and 8 music select = left SHIFTS + a number combination between 01 and 69 (with 1 to 9 please press the zero) stand work 6 = left SHIFTS + S + K + 1 Neutral players (player 5 to 7) delete: (activation goes without sign) first the F1 key to press then if you with player 5 to 7 if them are dead to further-play want: distances key + 1 + P + L if you win know, if the neutral players are dead with maps where it ONLY neutral opponents give: distance key + 2 + P + L Allying: END of key and in each case two number keys fruecken for the players to be allied are. (there are players 1 to player 7) player 1 you are Spieler2 = green (with some maps even yellow and orange and blue) Spieler3 = lila one (with some maps also blue) Spieler4 = light blue Spieler5 = yellow (neutral Gegnert) Spieler6 = blue (neutral opponent) Spieler7 = orange (neutral opponent) if itself e.g. you with becoming green player groups want, must you the keys: + 1 + 2 players 4 pressure END must you at allying of player 3und: END + 3 + 4 press. An allying cannot be cancelled yet, but I work on it. Player information: Spieler1 = left shift key + P + L + 1 Spieler2 = left shift key + P + L + 2 Spieler3 = left shift key + P + L + 3 Spieler4 = left shift key + P + L + 4 Spieler5 = left shift key + P + L + 5 Spieler6 = left shift key + P + L + 6 Spieler7 = links + P to shift key + L + 7 for fading out: Right shift key + P + L + 1 Despite won further-play: If you must grope a map, if you already won to further-play want, you A + N + T + I + W + I + N to keep pressed, (goes also with the winning screen). Now the play is auto+save stored thereafter under that and you must only still load it. Trees: 1 to 10:Linke SHIFT key + B+ A + a number between 0 and 9 11 to 20: Right shift key + B + A a number between 0 and 9
2006-08-17 05:10:46 UTC
In order to activate the Cheat and effect mode, you must click sign (e.g. of the depot). All keys with the Chetas and effects at the same time for a code pressed keep: To miracles in blisters cheat: Wood miracle = left SHIFTS + W + O food miracles = left SHIFTS + F + O water miracles = left SHIFTS + W + A fire miracles = left SHIFTS + F + I Shild1 = left SHIFTS + S + H Shild2 = left SHIFTS + P + H Teleportwunder = left SHIFTS + T + E forest miracles = left SHIFTS + N + A aviation miracles = left SHIFTS + F + L wolf miracle = left SHIFTS + G + R welfare miracles = links + H to SHIFTS + E Additional detail to 20 minutes ago miracle effect cheat: Wood miracle = rights SHIFTS + W + O food miracles = rights SHIFTS + F + O water miracles = rights SHIFTS + W + T fire miracles = rights SHIFTS + F + I (always individually press and afterwards immediately away zoom). To betray explosion = too dangerously around it. Surm = links + S to SHIFTS + T welfare miracles = rights SHIFTS + H + E 20 minutes ago special effects and Objecte: Stones = rights SHIFTS + R + O + K earthquakes = rights SHIFTS + E + R + 1 volcano (only once because with the renewed enter the old disappears and develops more again) = left SHIFTS + V + U + 1 village inhabitant for village 0 (mostly our village) = left SHIFTS + D + O + a number between 1 and 8 music select = left SHIFTS + a number combination between 01 and 69 (with 1 to 9 please press the zero) stand work 6 = left SHIFTS + S + K + 1 19 minutes ago neutral players (player 5 to 7) delete: (activation goes without sign) first the F1 key to press then if you with player 5 to 7 if them are dead to further-play want: distances key + 1 + P + L if you win know, if the neutral players are dead with maps where it ONLY neutral opponents give: distance key + 2 + P + L 19 minutes ago allying: END of key and in each case two number keys fruecken for the players to be allied are. (there are players 1 to player 7) player 1 you are Spieler2 = green (with some maps even yellow and orange and blue) Spieler3 = lila one (with some maps also blue) Spieler4 = light blue Spieler5 = yellow (neutral Gegnert) Spieler6 = blue (neutral opponent) Spieler7 = orange (neutral opponent) if itself e.g. you with becoming green player groups want, must you the keys: + 1 + 2 players 4 pressure END must you at allying of player 3und: END + 3 + 4 press. An allying cannot be cancelled yet, but I work on it. 19 of minutes ago player information: Spieler1 = left shift key + P + L + 1 Spieler2 = left shift key + P + L + 2 Spieler3 = left shift key + P + L + 3 Spieler4 = left shift key + P + L + 4 Spieler5 = left shift key + P + L + 5 Spieler6 = left shift key + P + L + 6 Spieler7 = links + P to shift key + L + 7 for fading out: Right shift key + P + L + 1 19 minutes ago defiance won further-plays: If you must grope a map, if you already won to further-play want, you A + N + T + I + W + I + N to keep pressed, (goes also with the winning screen). Now the play is auto+save stored thereafter under that and you must only still load it. 18 minutes ago trees: 1 to 10:Linke SHIFT key + B+ A + a number between 0 and 9 11 to 20: Right shift key + B + A a number between 0 and 9 18 minutes ago day and night change: Day = left shift key + D + A + Z night = links + N to shift key + I + G dawn: Link to shift key + D + U + S kind of condition (of Land2): Link to shift key + A + L 18 minutes ago kornFelder: Link to SHIFTS + F + E + 1 or 2 or 3 depending upon kind of the kornFeldes. Other objects: Lantern = CAPS key + W + 1 fence = CAPS key + W + 2 black mark to provide (well in order ways) = CAPS key + W + 3 gate (from Land1) = CAPS key + W + 4 telephone box = CAPS key + W + 5 Rotation of things: Feature type of object (like the gate) = Caps key + R + 1 player temple = Caps key + R + 2 buildings = Caps key + R + 3 fields = Caps key + R + 4 18 minutes ago fields and buildings in 4 directions align: Fields with 0° = Caps key + R + 5 + A of fields with 90° = Caps key + R + 5 + B of fields with 180° = Caps key + R + 5 + D of fields with 270° = Caps key + R + 5 + E buildings with 0° = Caps key + R + 6 + A buildings with 90° = Caps key + R + 6 + B buildings with 180° = Caps key + R + 6 + D buildings with 270° = Caps key + R + 6 + E Articles to move leave: In order to make, you must for respective-hire the keys to keep pressed, and you in such a way to move, until you are in the place, where the article is to be. The object moves immediately with you (except at heights). Feature type of object (like the gate) = Caps key + X + 1 player temple = Caps key + X + 2 buildings = Caps key + X + 3 fields = Caps key + X + 4 lanterns = Caps key + X + 5 17 minutes ago feature objects and lanterns deletes (should function also for the black mark): To camera position the Caps key and the F12 key presses, until it away is. Make smaller from certain articles: Feature of objects (like the gate) = Caps key + L + 1 stones, balls (werfbare things the damage to cause can) = Caps key + L + 2 trees and bushes = Caps key + L + 3 Increase from certain articles: Feature of objects (like the gate) = Caps key + B + 1 stones, balls (werfbare things the damage to cause can) = Caps key + B + 2 trees and bushes = Caps key + B + 3 17 of minutes ago Landcommandos change: Land0 = + + A + 0 Land2 = left shift key + L + A + 2 Land3 = left shift key + L + A + 3 Land4 = left shift key + L + A + 4 Land5 = left shift key + L + A + 5 God playground = left shift key + L + A + 6 buildings 100% on finished (one presses only so long) = over that the buildings immediately set left shift key for L to be and then press: Caps key + B + A Temples in a certain position align: Caps key + R + T
2006-08-17 04:55:08 UTC
Too long. Try a free online translator. Copy and paste the text.
2006-08-17 04:51:54 UTC
Search for OCRs in the internet. That can help you translate any language to English
2006-08-17 23:50:49 UTC
just go to the site below.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.