2011-02-08 13:54:42 UTC
My main reasoning for liking these is because they are all (except for a couple) very well rounded, diverse maps with lots of vertical orientation, hiding places, close quarters run n gun spots, you name it. These maps have something for all playing styles.
It wasn't an accident that I didn't name any maps from Treyarch games. I'm not biased against Treyarch, honestly, but the maps suck! The biggest thing about their maps is that they are too cluttered. Treyarch thinks that the more stuff going on in the map is better. It's not. The maps are too cluttered resulting in no sniping on any map. Even if the map is a fairly large map, Treyarch failed to design the map properly with good open spaces and cover for the snipers. Also, the maps seem to be built on a much, much smaller scale than the maps from the modern warfare series.
I like to have a choice to run n gun or snipe whenever I want and I don't have that option on the other maps so that's why I like the maps I chose. What do you guys think? What are your likes, dislikes in a map?