final fantasy new fan?
2011-09-16 10:51:59 UTC
im really new to final fantasy and have loads of questions but don't want to bore you.
i was just wondering if all the games in the entire series lead on from each other or if a new game explains the start of that specific game?
also i have a ps3 but am hoping to get a ps2 as well i've had 2 ps2s before but they broke but i loved the console, i have the game ff7 for ps1 and ff13. i also have a DS
i was thinking whether i should skip the first games as they were made before i was born i was thinking of starting out at buying and playing final fantasy x then going from there onwards as that looks really good as the earlier games might be rare to buy... is ff x hard to play or should i be a true fan and collect all the games one by one?
sorry for such a long series of questions! , i would appreciate any answers.
Four answers:
2011-09-16 12:42:41 UTC
^^WAIT REALLY FFX IS GETTING A REMAKE?? yesssss! so yeah anyways lol the storys are all separate from each other so you can start where ever. be careful though because some of the games do have sequels (for example, FFX has a sequel called FFX-2) but it will be indicated in the title whether or not its a sequel. For instance if it says like FFVII: (insert title here) then it is a sequel to the original FFVII. if the game just has like a number like FFVI or FFXII without having any extra titles (for example: FFXII: Revnent Wings) or dashes (for example: FFXIII-2), then you can play it without having any priror knowledge.

I would actually recommend you start FFX first. I can't think of a better gateway game into the series. It was one of the most popular ones and it was truly amazing. it was my first FF game too and it totally got me hooked. It isn't very hard so you shouldn't have any trouble. I guarantee that after playing that game, you will become a big fan.

You dont have to collect all the games to be a "true fan". in fact, most fans haven't even played half of the games. I consider myself a die hard fan even though I've only played about 5 or 6 of them. trust me, you dont have to collect them one by one. personally I would wait to get FFX though until they release the HD remake because then you will get more bang for your buck. in the meantime, you can play FFVII because that was the best-selling FF game ever and a crowd favorite. it does have outdated graphics, but it still is a masterpiece. i wouldn't start off with FF13 because many people didn't like it and it was a very weak game compared to the others. you can maybe play it sometime down the road though
2011-09-16 11:10:51 UTC
Well, first off, for the most part Final Fantasy games are stand alone. This means that most FF games have nothing to do with the other save for the development team (sometimes) and battle system. A few exceptions are Final Fantasy X-2, which is a "remix" of sorts of FFX, but with a different battle system. If it's a sequel to a specific iteration of FF, then the original game will be in the title (ie: FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus). As for the older games - I would discourage you to avoid them, especially considering they are NOT hard to find or expensive and honestly they are much better than some of the newer ones.

I'm not going to get a popular response, but FFVII was great for its time, but it's a super easy and somewhat convoluted version of the franchise. It's a bit long, has some plot snags that relate to gameplay, and the materia system - while fun - is nowhere near as good as the job system.

If you want the older ones, I highly recommend Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI. These all do interesting things with the job system and are found on various consoles nowadays. FFIV was originally FF II on SNES when it came to our country, and FFVI is FF III on SNES in US. If you have a Wii, you can pick each of these up for $8 on virtual console. If you want to stick to the same console you own your other games on (PS3), then you can pick up the PSOne versions really cheap. On Amazon you can get the PSOne collection of FF 1&2 for $16 (and that's for a new copy, see links below) although 1 is really dated and 2 is horrible. FF Chronicles has FFIV and Chrono Trigger (an awesome RPG that features the makers of FF and Dragon Quest together) for $22.48 NEW, and FF Anthology, which has FF V and VI for $14 (best collection and deal, imo). The others are good, but don't neglect the classics, which still hold up today!

As for the new ones, FFX is getting re-released as an HD remake next year (announced at Tokyo Game Show this week) so you may want to hold off and FFXII was great. FFXI is an MMO with monthly subscription fees and hundreds of hours, I'd skip it.

In short, it's never too early to start and if you want to be an FF purist without playing games that are dated and dull, I'd recommend the FF V&VI collection, FF IX and the FF X HD remake later this year. Think about it: $14 for TWO 50+ hour RPGs and some of the best iterations of the series (FF V & VI) - do it!
2016-11-09 01:51:13 UTC
fairly extensive fan, I even have all the video games in the sequence which contain the different ones Squaresoft released yet no longer having the FF tag to it (Chrono set off, Breath of fireplace, FF methods, Xenogears etc.) in a roundabout way those video games experience like they belong in the comparable universe, minus the chocobos of course. i in my view omit Squaresoft as adverse to SquareEnix. The video games look extra polished in the previous. They took extra time into arising stunning gameplay alongside with storyline and each little thing else, as adverse to in basic terms impressive CG those days. are not getting me incorrect, Lightning is a babe, whether it does not end the 1st 0.5 of FF XIII from being rubbish. I nonetheless have been given platinum for that interest regardless of the incontrovertible fact that lol. For the record, 7,9, 10 and 12 have been impressive. I wasn't partial to eight. Squall seems too very like a device, and the completed draw equipment i did no longer like in any respect. very final delusion continuously! xD
Red Xian
2011-09-16 10:59:59 UTC
They don't all continue on from each other so you can start wherever you want. Definitely get III and IV for the DS as they are both great games. FFV is my favorite but because they all vary in so many ways its best that you just get some and see if you really like them enough to go through them all.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.