Can someone help me with Mario Sunshine Game?
Help me please!
2006-02-11 07:23:57 UTC
In the game when you get shot out of the red cannon to an island, there is a blue door that is locked. How do I win this part of the game and get the blue door to open? Thanks for your help.
Four answers:
The Chancellorâ„¢
2006-02-11 11:48:22 UTC

Super Mario Sunshine is the long awaited Mario game on the Nintendo Gamecube. Super Mario Sunshine (SMS) in no way disappoints the gamer, be they average or pro. The game is easy enough for beginners to grasp, and challenging enough to be enjoyable months out of the box. Some of the puzzles are obscenely easy (You get Shine Sprite now) to scenarios you wish your controller was made out of concrete so it won't break when you throw it (or your dog) out the window in sheer gaming frustration.

If you are looking for a solid title on the Gamecube, the wait has been worth it gentlemen (and ladies). Super Mario Sunshine features bright, colourful eye candy, responsive controls, and old fashioned gaming that may be rivalled, but never surpassed by any other title available.

Basics 101

If you've played Super Mario 64 and Luigi's Mansion, you should already know how the controls work. However, there are certainly differences between all three games, the most noticeable is that Super Mario Sunshine is by far the best of the three. Here's a basic lesson in what goes where:

Analog Stick - This controls how Mario moves, and it is oriented to the screen, meaing Analog Up is Screen Up, Analog Down is Screen Down, etc. The only time the control scheme will be oriented to Mario will be when he is in first-person look mode.

Control Pad - This control is not used in Mario Sunshine.

C Stick - Very important control in that it controls the game's camera. It has a more varied scope than the older camera on Mario 64, but it still has limitations. ALWAYS ADJUST YOUR CAMERA FOR EACH NEW SITUATION. If you try to play the game without being aggressive with the camera, you will die. Slowly and painfully. Possibly more horribly than the last time you died.

B Button - This is the context action button for Mario; in addition, the B button allows Mario to do his dive attack when the Analog Stick is depressed off center (one of the few remnants of Mario 64). The B button also allows Yoshi (when ridden) to perform his tongue attack to devour once-"invincible" enemies. Using the B button, Mario can also pick-up, drop/put, or throw objects. Picking up objects is easy (just go up to object and press B), Mario puts down an object if B is pressed while he is motionless and if the Analog stick is not depressed; Mario throws the object if the Analog stick is depressed from center and B is pressed.

A Button - This Mario's all around jump and context action-confirm key. The height of the jump is partially determined by how long you hold the A button down. Tap for short hops; hold for record breaking jumps. The A button has a myriad of uses, many of which will be described below.

Y Button - This key toggles first person mode; this view is useful for precision aiming during critical moments of the game. Since Mario cannot move while fine aiming, use this to look around your surroundings when not engaged by an enemy. The best time to use this view is when you are on a high vantage point so you can see far into the distance of the stage.

X Button - This toggles modes on Mario's waterpack (some places will give the waterpack a name, but for simplicity we will refer to it as the waterpack). You can toggle the waterpack as much as you want, but leave it in the mode that most currently suits Mario's present need.

L Button - This centers the camera immediately behing Mario, making it semi-useful. Note that you can force the camera into places it wasn't meant to go with this button. When in the air, this same button makes Mario do his world famous butt stomp. Why he never had this move in Super Smash Brothers we may never know, but considering the camera options in that game (and free access to both Princess Peach and Princess Zelda) we can draw some reasonable conclusions. Huhuhuhu.

R Button - This key is central to the waterpack functions. It can be tapped or held for differing effects, plus it is intimatly tied with the many jump functions of Mario. Holding it down partly allows Mario to move when spraying, while holding this key down all the way will allow Mario to do other things.

Z Button - Accesses the map screen. On the map, you can move the cursor around and click the little icons for tidbits of info on game status. Otherwise, try not to touch this key.

Start Button - Pauses the game. Unlike Mario 64, Mario Sunshine allows Mario to quit a stage without saving and not lose a life in the process. You should be familiar with what stages can be quit from if you are having a tough time of it. This allows you to build up Mario's stock to around 50 or 60 lives - this will be useful when you get to a stage that you do not want to quit without saving.


Advanced Training 100-A "Jump Height"

There are some left over tricks from Mario 64 that you can do while some moves are new for Mario Sunshine. For the purpose of simplicity, there are three (3) heights of jump for Mario from the ground. This does not include wall jumps, rocket jumps, or any other special jump type. We're talking about pure A button moves here.

( 1 ) - Mario has a single "level one jump" whereby he holds the A button while running or from a stand still. This allows him to clear most low level objects and grab onto some others. A level one jump allows Mario to land atop a single wood box with no problem.

( 2 ) - Mario has two kinds of "level two jumps" - the backflip and the U-turn jump. These jumps allow Mario to clear out over half the objects in the game, and allows him to reach most out of the way places. Level two jumps allow Mario to easily land atop two wood boxes stacked one atop another.

( 3 ) - Mario's single "level three jump" is the slightly higher than a level two jump, but will allow Mario to land atop three boxes stacked high, but it will be rare that you have the room to perfom this jump in many circumstances. This jump is easily recognised by Mario's mid-air tumble as soon as he launches into this jump.

Advanced Training 100-B "Advanced Jumps"

Now that you know about the three levels of basic jump height, you should know these other moves as well.

U-turn jump - Move Mario in one direction then quickly in the opposite direction at the same time you jump. Mario should vault over impressively in the opposite direction he was first heading. This is the fastest level two jump you can perform and you should practise it until you can do the U-turn jump regardless of any direction Mario is facing.

Backflip - Just because Mario cannot duck does not mean he cannot backflip. This jump requires Mario to be still for a moment, making it a less attractive move when fleeing in a hurry. However, for precise level two jumps that require fine aim (and no hurries), the backflip is the perfect substitute for a U-turn jump. To execute the backflip, press and hold the R button and then depress any direction of the Analog Stick (although you should press it in the direction you want to head for best results). Press jump to see Mario flip head over heels (backwards) from the direction he was facing.

Triple jump - Mario has his old triple "Wee-hee-hee!" jump from Mario 64. While running forward, press jump each time Mario hits the ground. The jumps must be done in rapid succession, and if successful, the third jump will send Mario flying higher than the jumps done by the U-turn or backflip.

Wall ride and Wall jump - Mario can cling to a wall much like Strider Hiryuu. Jump at any smooth vertical surface and press the Analog stick in the direction of the wall. Mario will drag dust as he rides the wall down. While riding the wall, he can launch off by jumping off; done in tight shafts, Mario can theoretically climb the tallest mountains using this technique.

Spinning jump - New for Mario Sunshine, it behaves like Link's Spin Slash, but as any player in Smash Brothers Melee can tell you, is only used for doing some comboes. Rotate the Analog stick quickly then press jump. Mario will spin furiously, but he gains no altitude. I don't know when I used this except to make Mario make more noise when he squeals like a stuck pig. On the other hand, it is of some minor use if you press the R button to hose down everythig in a 360 degree manner.

Tightrope/Springboard jump - Abbreiated "spring jump" this is an object assisted jump since Mario needs to be on a tightrope, trampoline, or some other such device for this jump to be executed. Basically, each time Mario lands on said object (by dropping on it from the air), he launches higher. There is a terminal (but non-fatal) height for this move, but used in conjunction with the next jump, it will send Mario soaring into orbit.

Rocket jump - This is a waterpack assisted jump, but you won't see it until a little later. Using a special attachment, Mario can use the waterpack like a rocket pack to launch him sky high. This jump cannot be done underwater, nor can he do it while hanging onto an edge or tightrope. Each rocket jump uses a butt load of water from the pack's reservoir as well. Press and hold the R button when you have the parts and watch that water fly.

Hover jump - This is a waterpack assisted jump. You can use it almost immediately after finding the waterpack on the airport runway. Mario will hover at the moment when he activated the pack (R button). It can be maintained for 3 seconds at most, and it cannot be done intermittently (hold R button, release, hold again, repeat) to prolong the hover state. Once you let go of the R button, Mario starts dropping.

Speed jump - This is a waterpack assisted jump. It covers huge lateral distance (as opposed to the rocket jump which goes vertical). It isn't used often, unless you are doing some puzzles or something. Hold the R button to start up the pack, then press A to jump when you need to make the hop.

Butt stomp - Not precisely a jump, but it will stop Mario on a dime in mid-air. Press the L button in mid-air. Once it's done, Mario will drop like a stone. The butt stomp will also reset Mario's terminal fall velocity at the moment it is activated, so if you take a long drop, butt stomp at the last second to avoid getting hurt. New for Mario Sunshine, the "Atmospheric Re-entry" variant of the butt stomp can be done when high in the air (very high in the air) to solve certain puzzles - you definitely need it to beat the last boss of the game.


Advanced Training 200-A "Swimming with Sharks"

Swimming - Mario begins swimming when he's in the water. Pressing the Analog Stick in any direction and the A button repeatedly (try not to hold down the A button) will get Mario started in that direction. To hop out of the water, press the A button while leaving the Analog Stick neutral. The best thing to travel over water is to use the waterpack attachment for speed, but sometimes you can just dog paddle and you'll be better off when you explore.

Diving - When swimming, press the B button to do a dive paddle. Each press of the B button sends Mario down into Davy Jone's locker incrementally, so you need to wail on the B button to touch the bottom of Marianas Trench. Keep an eye on Mario's oxygen supply, and look for coins or air bubbles to replenish Mario's breathable air. Use the A button repeatedly to surface.

Advanced Training 200-B "Climbing, Clinging, and Gripping"

Climbing and Clinging - Mario can climb poles, trees, and metal grating simply by launching himself into the object forward. The Analog Stick will judge where Mario siddles while on said object. Jumping off the object is done by pressing A, while simply dropping away from the object can be done while by pressing B. Mario can even cling to grating stretched out overhead.

Climbing and Clinging (Grate Specific) - Only on grating can Mario truly display his prowess; while he can move on the grating, Mario can also swap sides on the grating when he finds an appropriate door on the grating (much like Super Mario World on the SNES). Press B while on this door and Mario will swap sides. When Mario encounters a door oriented parallel to the floor or ceiling, he can migrate from one side to the other by pressing A if he is underneath the grating door, or by butt stomping if he is above the grating door. Keep this in mind when you visit Pinna Park.

Attacking (Grate Specific) - Attack an enemy on the other side of a grate by pressing B. This of course pertains only to grates running vertically. To attack enemies above or below on grates running parallel to the ground, use the A button (while hanging) or the butt stomp (if on top).

Gripping - This is when Mario walks off a ledge or comes to grips with an edge of a platform or surface. From there, he can move side to side on the edge by using the Analog Stick. Mario can mantle up onto the platform by pressing the A button, or drop off the platform using the B button. If Mario wallrides onto an edge, he will automatically grip the edge if he cannot wedge into the gap. While gripping an edge, Mario can still use the waterpack by pressing R.


Advanced Training 300-A "E. Gadd's Waterpack"

Mario's water pack has a limited reservoir, and the waterpack will instruct you on its use when you find it anyway, so I do not need to get too specific about it; however, some things were never meant to be said, and to that end, I have to tell you about it.The waterpack has other modes as well, and using them become second nature as you progress into the game. Although you start off only with Hover mode as your only other choice, Mario will get to find more parts for the waterpack as he starts finding Shine Sprites.

Spray - Not to be confused with Sailor Mercury's Shabon Spray, Mario's Spray attack is done by the R button. The Spray is not analog sensitive, although his spray mode is. Holding the key lightly allows Mario to pee all over Delfino Island while moving, while holding the key down hard will force Mario to stay in one place while you can aim with the Analog stick. I advise using first person look if you want to aim the spray, since the view will not change if you depress hard on the R button. The Spray can be used to wash off paint (the most obvious use), but it can used to manipulate objects much like Luigi's vacuum in Luigi's Mansion. When in doubt, spray anything and everything (you never get penalised) and if you see the bright yellow stars of the water hitting something, keep the spray going until you get real results. The spray is time limited, so when you need to renew the force of "Mario's whizz", release R for a bit to maintain the range of the spray.

Spin Spray - This is more useful if surrounded by large amounts of paint. Rotate the Analog Stick in either direction then press R. Useful if you need to get rid of large patches of paint, but it does miss vital spots when compared to the regular straight on spray.

Wet Slide - After using the spray to lay down a patch of water, execute a normal slide onto the puddle. Done correctly, instead of conjuring dust clouds as normal, Mario will be "wet" and can move at great speeds by simply adjusting the Analog Stick. The wet slide cancels if Mario is attacked or hits an object.

Advanced Training 300-B "Yoshi as Opposed to Boshi"

The dippy dinosaur makes its debut on Mario Sunshine a month before his own game, Yoshi's Island (Gamecube). He has some bizarre properties in this game that makes him more of a hassle than an ally. First off, Yoshi is always hungry, so he constantly needs fruit to stay alive; if he runs out of "Juice" (see lower right corner of screen when you are riding Yoshi) he dies; touching water also kills Yoshi instantly. Yoshi cannot jump as well as Mario, but it has unlimited "water" when using the R button. Plus Yoshi can devour enemies that cannot be killed by Mario using the waterpack (press B).

Yoshi has a limited hover jump if you hold down the A button when jumping. It will not be very far, or very long, but it will be the best you have unless you ditch Yoshi (press X to dismount). As a last resort, Yoshi can do a triple jump, but the room required is just as long as Mario's. Yoshi's "water" attack will change some enemies into platforms that behave differently depending on the fruit Yoshi ate prior to spraying that enemy. Different colours of Yoshis make different platforms, so be sure you have the Yoshi colour you want before spraying, or you just might wind up getting stuck.

Yoshi is required because there is a type of "paint" (nicknamed "fat" or "butter") that is indestructable (for Mario and the waterpack anyway). This bright yellow "butter-fat" will react when Mario gets close and will damage him if touched. Yoshi can dissolve this living fat with its own Yoshi-made "water". Mario defaults to the Hover tool when he dismounts Yoshi, so if you need a special waterpack mode that is not Hover mode, do not mount Yoshi. Lastly, Yoshi can feed itself if you leave it sitting next to some fruit. So long as Yoshi and the fruit are on the same level of "ground", Yoshi automatically feeds itself and stays there until you go get him. The fruit eaten by Yoshi determines his colour, which in turn determines the behaviour of the enemy-turned platforms when baddies are hosed with "Yoshi water". Here is a complete table of what's what:

...or... ...yields...

Durian ... Chili Peppers ... Purple Yoshi Platforms move laterally forward.

...or... ...yields...

Bananas ... Green melons ... Pink Yoshi Platforms move vertically up and down.

...or... ...yields...

Pineapples ... Yellow Melons ... Orange Yoshi Platforms do not move and remain still.


Shine Sprites - You are looking for Shine Sprites. They are the equivalent of the Super Stars in Mario Sunshine and basically allow Mario to, "See things no one else can see; do things no one else can do." Each of the seven game stages (excludes the hub and introductory stages) has eleven (11) Shine Sprites that are shown on the map screen (Z button), but there are more than 77 Shine Sprites of course. Get all the Shine Sprites and know that you are a true Mario master (just don't play him in Super Smash Bros. Melee).

Yellow Coins - Just plain "coins" please. These are the coins ubiquitous to all Mario games. Grab a hundred in any stage and you will get a Shine Sprite in a relatively easy to reach spot. Sometimes, you should know where that spot is, but it will almost always be reachable with a level two jump without any other kind of assistance. In the meantime, coins restore one segment of Mario's lifebar if he's hurt; else, coins can just be collected without benefit. A good strategy is to avoid collecting coins until Mario is seriously hurt, or if you are intending to collect the Shine Sprite.

Red Coins - They're baaaaack. Collect eight of these babies and get a Shine Sprite at a pre-determined spot. They also restore two segments of Mario's lifebar instead of one. Unlike Mario 64, Red Coins do not show up unless you have selected the appropriate "Episode" for them to appear. Red Coins also do not add to Mario's coin total for the 100 coin Shine Sprite, so don't bother with Red Coins in that aspect unless you can't avoid them.

Blue Coins - Blue Coins have undergone the most change from Mario 64. The most obvious is that they allow players to save when one is collected. And while blue coins no longer add value to the coin total, they also serve a higher purpose; you can trade ten blue coins for a Shine Sprite starting midway through the game. Obviously, collecting coins for Stars has taken an ugly turn for the worse.

[To trade in your hard earned b.c.'s (blue coins), head to the hut-like building on the boardwalk (the one that has Ricco Harbor's portal on it). It will be to Mario's general left when he starts Dolphic Town. Unlike other items in the game, there are a limited number of blue coins - 240 of them in fact. Don't worry, you can't lose them, even if you opt not to save after getting one; you just have to redo the task to get a particular blue coin if you game over.]

Tool Box - Coloured boxes containing various attachments for Mario's waterpack can be found littering the various island locales. However most will be transparent when you find them; just like the Master Switches in Mario 64 (or Switch Palaces in Super Mario World) you need to find the primary Tool Box to activate all the other transparent boxes (of the same colour) in a stage. Activating the first box in the set will also trigger an option to save the game. Do it.

Yoshi Egg - In the "Stories" that you require Yoshi's assistance, you will find the dippy dino in an egg. Free Yoshi by bringing it the same fruit it is dreaming of (in the thought bubble) and Yoshi will hatch. The egg is non-moveable and will reappear in the same spot you first found it if Yoshi dies (whoops).

Fruit - This is the stuff that keeps Yoshi alive. Fruit is free, but sometimes it will be hard to find the right type if you are in a hurry. Be sure that Yoshi eats the correct fruit or food type or you will not have fun with a Yoshi that sucks instead of blows. There are several types of fruit, bananas, peppers, green melons, yellow melons, pineapples, and durian (this last fruit cannot be picked up at all). Each has different properties tweaking Yoshi's "water" on enemies.

Grafitti Petey - When you find garish grafitti around the island, you can be sure the Imposter Mario was to blame. Do your civic duty and wash off the grit to be rewarded with a blue coin (usually). The grafitti will regenerate unless you wash it off completely, so be sure to start off with a fresh blast of the spray.

Linked Grafitti - Some grafitti will dump your reward at another spot, usually by another set of grafitti. They are almost never "M" grafitti if you want to know. Once you claim that reward, you'll find that these two spots of grafitti are linked. The reward of one grafitti is set to appear at the spot of another grafitti and vice versa. Learn to recognise where the grafitti is before you go hopping about to reach the reward. Rewards disappear with time, but you can always redo the task if you miss the reward.

Barrel - This acts like a bomb of sorts, except that it's filled with water and not explosives. Use it to put out large amounts of paint or saturate an area with whizz. Barrels should be thrown for best effect.

Portable Springboard - These are nifty items found mostly in Mare Bay. They serve to boost Mario's jump height by several increments, plus they can be moved when shrunk. To shrink a portable springboard, hose it with some water. You can now pick it up and move them to where ever you need it. A portable springboard automatically inflates when Mario sets them down.

1-Up - A green mushroom that may or may not be moving. If it's moving, it will seek to avoid Mario at all costs. When mario gets one, he gains one more stock, plus he has his waterpack refilled at no cost.

Mario's Hat - You should never find yourself in a position to seize this item, because if you do, it means that Mario is in deep trouble. If his hat is knocked off by a certain type of enemy, then Mario will start taking damage from the blistering sun until he dies from heat exhaustion. Avoid enemies that take away your hat, and if you do lose it, kill the thief and sieze the hat before you die.

Water (If you need picture, you're not human) - The essential element in Mario Sunshine, Mario needs to draw on water sources to refill the reservoir in the waterpack when it is low or drawn out. As soon as Mario is over the knees in water, he can press R to refill the tank, so be sure to identify water sources when entering any new stage!

Carton (You can't mistake these for anything else; trust us) - Looks like a carton of milk, but is actually a pick-up item. If Mario gets this item, it will be like he ran over to some water and refilled the waterpack's reservoir. They are rare and only present when there is a boss fight or a puzzle that requires you to "keep going and don't look back".

Blocks (Can't miss these either) - There are several different blocks for Mario to break in the surreal worlds of Delphino Island. Brick blocks are broken from below, like the old blocks from Super Mario Brothers. Watermelon blocks are broken by butt stomping them from above. Ice blocks are melted by using water. Sand blocks start to dissolve when Mario lands on them, but they regenerate in time. Wood blocks serve as the standard blocks of most worlds, and make up most of the ground in secret stages.

Bottle Rockets (You won't worry about this one, hehehehe) - Used only in Pinna Park, these rockets will do damage to whatever Mario aims his waterpack at. They are single shot and one use only, but for the purpose of the game, a new rocket is always available in the same spawn spot on the roller coaster track. Be sure to fire your current rocket before you come across the next rocket spawn spot or you will have "wasted" a shot.


Paint - The ever present paint or "goop", that is in almost every stage is danagerous to Mario not only because it damages him but the paint will also cause Mario to slip and slide all around until he washes it off by a good dunking. Spray the paint away with the spray gun and try not to run when near paint. Only when the water washes away the paint can you feel at ease. Some paint types have fire or electric properties as well.

Yellow Living "Butter-fat" - This is a version of the paint that cannot be washed off by Mario's Waterpack. Only "Yoshi water" can dissolve this material, and it will prove most annoying to ger rid of considering Mario will need to unlock Yoshi and the dinosaur's aversion to immersion in water.

Goopy - Goopies are the little bubble creatures that are created from the paint littering the island. If you let goopies wander, they start making paint trails all over the place that can spawn more goopies. You get the idea. Kill goopies by spraying them, but you can expend less water when you let them miss their pounce at Mario; when they go splat, the paint is easier to wash off than an active goopy.

Paint Balls and Boogers - These are giant bowling balls of paint that leave a paint trail like a goopy. They are unintelligent "hazards" at best, being drawn forward by gravity and bumped along trails by guard rails. They hurt when collided with, plus they are nerly indestructable. Paint Boogers are lobbed by Gopher Cannons and can be destroyed by a throough colon cleansing water spray. However, it would be a better thing to avoid these guys altogether and vape the source of trouble.

Flower Puffy - Looking like Pikmin boss rejects dumped into this game, flower puffies are monsters that look like normal flowers until Mario gets close. Once they pop out of the ground, they start to attack by hopping towards Mario. Flower puffies can be flattend with a jump or sprayed into a wall or water, but you should try to push them into a wall with the spray. This way of killing them makes them spawn three coins instead of one.

Totem Puffy - These monsters look like the flower puffy, but they sprout higher and are immobile. You cannot spray them loose from their spots. Let them attack by drawing close, then running off to the side. Squash them with a jump when their heads are on the ground.

Pop-down Puffy - Pop-down puffies are blue puffies that hide underground when Mario gets close. When underground, these baddies spit a shower of rocks that hurt. You need to squash them with a jump, but you can't get close without alerting them. WHat you need to do is to stun them with a squirt; once they are stunned, get close and squash them for a coin.

Widget Puffy - Widget puffies are the most generic of the puffies, but they are fast on their feet once they are alerted to Mario. They charge straight at him and try to bump off his life. Simply jump straight up when they approach, and when you land you most likely kill them with a squish.

Giant Puffy - The giant puffy is seen only in Pinna Park and has a tower of widget puffies on his head. Simply spray off the puffy tower, then the giant puffy can be squished like any other puffy.

Flaming Puffy - An extremely dangerous "lethal touch" enemy; these puffies will charge Mario while they are on fire. Otherwise, they can be dealt with like a widget puffy. The great thing? They attack in droves. Not groups. Droves.

Pirahna Plant - The Pirahna Plants are back, but they aren't much of a threat since they are immobile. Simply spray their heads with water until they burst. Pure Paint versions (one which is the first "boss" you face) will require Mario to spray the mouth of the monster when it's open to kill it. Either way, the baddie loses, you do not.

Water Strider - These are insects that inhabit the lakes and environs around the island. They stride above water with their slender legs (their legs are not slender sexy, just slender wire-like). Striders cannot be sprayed, and should be avoided unless you are interested in losing life.

Wire Sparks (You'll know them when you see 'em) - "Sparky" from Donkey Kong makes its return in the game and travels along the tightropes frying Mario's Italian plumbing as he fiddles on the ropes. They can't be messed with, but then they only travel along the wire. Hop on the ropes to avoid them and keep an eye out for two versions of Sparks. Blue Sparks run along the wire in one direction and do an XY loop when they hit the end of the rope (meaning that they reappear on the other end when they reach the end of the line). Red Sparks follow Mario; both types sparks cannot phase through each other, so use that to your advantage.

Pig Puffy - These are swine like creatures that suck onto the waterpack's nozzle and prevent Mario from firing until he discharges them like deflated balloons. They do not hurt Mario, but will hinder him in any fights with paint monsters.

Hen Puffy - These are chickens that fly around, catching air and crapping paint. The paint that is created is just as toxic as anything coming out of a bird's cloaca, so spray the residue off and direct the spray at the monster. Water it down until it splats like a puffy.

Blooper - The squid from the underwater levels makes an attempt on Mario by clinging to various surfaces and shooting ink blobs. You can spray these marine deliquints off the rafters and kill them with a stomp. Unless they are seriously in your way, you can simply gun and run from these guys.

Cheep Cheep - The fish buddy of the squid accompanied its buddies to harrass Mario. Cheep cheeps hurt if you touch them, but you can simply avoid them since all they do is breach the water repeatedly and do little else. You need these guys to reach some Shines, but that's with the help of Yoshi.

Grouper (Looks like a cheep-cheep, but bigger) - The bigger, fatter fish of the Mario series inhabits deeper waters and have a different purpose in life: to drag Mario into a watery grave. Once Mario is caught, he gets dragged underwater for a bit, losing oxygen and the like in the process. In very deep waters, Groupers can kill you by delaying your ascent to restock on oxygen. Avoid them since you can't waste them.

Grate Spider - These little chits cling to grating and damage Mario as he crosses their path. The only way to destroy them is to attack them from the other side of the grating or to avoid them altogether.

Flippy - Flippies are paint derived enemies, but are harder to kill. Once a flippy gets Mario's scent, they charge at him trying to launch him high into the air (and thus killing him slowly and painfully). You can spray a flippy to put it on its back, then stomp it to stun it for a bit. To really kill it, you must use the blast weeds on Mamma Beach and have the blast weeds' explosive effects take care of the flippy for you.

Gopher Gunner - Gopher gunners fire from stationary turrets. They fire paint balls, bullet bills, and bomb-ombs depending on how close Mario gets. They can only be destroyed using a bomb-omb, so take control of one, then chuck the little bastard back at the Gopher Gunner and watch the BOOOOOOOM.

Bullet Bill and Torpedo Ted - There are several different types of these flying missiles, the most common of them simply explode and try to damage you by direct damage. A homing version (Torpedo Ted modified for air travel) will have its nose blink red when it gets a scent of Mario. The blue version drops a carton of water when destroyed and the gold version spawns ten yellow coins when blasted. All Bullet Bills and Torpedo Teds can be shot down using the water spray.

Bomb-Omb - These are walking bombs. Mario can douse them with a short spray and then he won't get blasted if he touches them. He can pick them up and use them as thrown weapons. Have a care though, bomb-ombs still go off after six seconds of inactivity, and the last three seconds will be counted down. Once the countdown begins, Mario will not be able to pick them up before they blow.

Para Beetle - Para beetles are hovering fire proof versions of Buzzy Beetle, but they are squishable now, plus Mario is using water, not fire, to wax their abdomens. The green version of para beetles will steal Mario's hat, but most of the time, you won't be troubling yourself with this monster since you will not be messing with it for long. Shoot it down with a spray, then go squishy-squishy.

Electro Koopa - This fellas look like regular Koopa Troopers, but they can fling their shells out like boomerangs and deliver a big shock to Mario. The blue electro koopa will be land based and will attack if it sights Mario. Watch for the shell coming back. You can stomp on the koopa when it is nekkid (naked; i.e., without the shell) but you will only net one yellow coin. To get more money out of these freaky little bastards, run a circle around it to trick it into throwing out its shell. Because it failed to lead its shots, you can now spray it silly with water and wait for the fully charged, AC choked, spark emitting shell to come back. WHAM. Koopa boy meets its maker and you get more money. The red version of this monster does not throw shells, but it will patrol gratings, so you will need to attack them using grate attacks.

Boo - These ghosts turn invisible if faced head on, but Mario can simply dive attack staright at them and they are killed on contact. Boos can be sprayed, but that doesn't stop them from munching on your butt. Boos now have the ability to mimic coins, to trick you into running into them. However, the mimicked coins do not spin. Just so you know.

Big Boo - The Big Boos are a bashful bunch since they won't move, and Mario has no leverage to make them move. If you touch them, you die; if you spray them, you waste water. You need Yoshi to eat these buggers and without Mario's dino pal, you're screwed.

Cloud Duppy - These are bad, bad spirits who are invincible to Mario's attacks and can only be killed using Yoshi's slurp and burp (tongue attack). They ring around Mario before attacking with a full speed charge, so if you can, out race them to avoid being hit.

Chain Chomp - Chain Chomps on the island are surrounded by fire. Mario needs to deal with them later in Monte Village, but once these boys are cooled off, Mario can snap their tails using the B button and spring them forward to where you want. Otherwise, stay out of their way, or you'll be sorry.

Boss Monster - Each Boss monster needs special attention to smear their bloody viscera across the island paradise. Read the guide and get to the meat of the matter.

Welcome to Delphino Island: The Airstrip

Total Blue Coins = 0

Total Shine Sprites = 2

Shine Get 1 - This is the first area of the game. Some welcome. If you have doubts of what you can or cannot do, do it here and now, rather than later. You can talk with the Chamberlain or with Princess Peach, but you don't need to. Instead, head down the runway and past the coloured paint on the tarmac. If you fall into the water, just swim back to shore. Near the buildings are islanders and a small yellow backpack out in the open. This is the waterpack that was somehow "ordered" and sent to Mario. Approach it for some effective results.

After the brief instruction, Mario can proceed to spray the paint off the airstrip and battle goopies that come out to splat you. For kicks, you can get Princess Peach wet. Very wet. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuu. But that won't do you any good because she's in there, and you're out here. And your only friend is your right hand. Now wake up and stop dreaming.

When you find a section of the paint that refuses to be washed off, keep spraying it to agitate the Pirahna Plant. When the paint Pirahna shows up, clear the area immediately in front of it to give yourself breathing room to deal with goopies. Then switch to first person view, and hose the paint plant when its mouth is open. Be sure to renew the spray's force by releasing R momentarily and then resuming the watergun attack. The Pirahna Plant will give up the ghost, and a Shine Sprite when it finally keels over. Before you grab the shine, you may want to dork off with the Hover mode of the waterpack since there's so much water around. If you can reach the tops of the buildings at the airstrip using just U-turn jumps and hovering, consider yourself ready for the game. Grab the Shine Sprite and "Shine Get" Mario's way to jail.

Shine Get 2 - To get to the airstrip after getting a few Shine Sprites (this will not happen until you finish the game), head to the statue that leads into Bianco Hills. This statue will be by the three attachment boxes for the waterpack. Facing the statue and the three Tool Boxes, head left. Go around the building with the Yoshi Egg and find a three Delphino Islanders by a stationary boat. Speak with the bearded Islander and he'll charge Mario ten (10) yellow coins to get to the airstrip.

The airstrip will not have changed much since you last saw it ten or twenty (real time) hours ago, except that now, you have so many more options. The goal here is to activate the red button switch and collect all eight Red Coins for the Shine Sprite. Problem is that you have only two minutes to do that. If you did not get the Speed attachment for the waterpack, you might as well quit. But if you do, get the attachment, then instead of hitting the switch, clear out the widget puffies on the runway (and if you like, the cheep-cheeps as well, but they are more or less ineffective here). If you want to collect Dolphic Town's 100 coin Shine here, you can do so, but try to stay clear of the yellow coins until you collect the Red Coin Shine since the yellow coins hint at where the red coins are. Get a feel of the airstrip and note where the obstacles are. When you're ready to start the challenge, head back to the red button switch and butt stomp it to begin:

Red Coin #1 - Inside the very obvious building across from the button switch. Crash through the doors and claim it on your way straight out into the water. Be sure you head between the two grafittied blocks to hit the water.

Red Coin #2 - In the water, follow the coins left and jump over the boats; the second coin is over the first boat.

Red Coin #3 - Jump over the second boat to get this coin. Note that you can stop, board the boat and jump on the boat's roof to get this coin or coin #2, but you will lose a lot of time doing so.

Red Coin #4 - Head past the second boat (assuming you did not stop Mario's butt-jetting) and follow the yellow coins to a T-junction formed by three sets of yellow coins; there are two Groupers loitering here, as well as a red coin. Head straight (not left) and grab the red coin while you're at it.

Red Coin #5 - You should approach a line of four buoys. Head to the right side of the buoys (it'll be the "right side" only if you are following guide) and snag the red coin by the second buoy.

Red Coin #6 - You'll head to the bridge you started the stage in. Ignore the cheep-cheeps and grab the red coin under the bridge. If you need to, stop and paddle to get it. As long as you have six coins and 30 seconds left (or even 15 seconds) you can't lose unless you have a physical disability preventing you from moving the Analog stick and the R button.

Red Coin #7 - On the runway along the line of yellow coins.

Red Coin #8 - On the runway along the line of coins. Yes. There are two coins here. Grab them both, ignore the widgets (you should have destroyed them before doing the challenge) and Shine Get Mario's Italian plumbing back to town.

Capital Paradise: Dolphic Town

Total Blue Coins = 20

Total Shine Sprites = 17

The town serves as a nexus (hub) to all the other stages in the game in addition to serving up some surprises of its own. The whole town will experiences change slightly as Mario finishes "Stories" in each stage. Mario Sunshine is a relatively large game, and so long as you focuse on completing Stories in order to free the next "Episode", you will make progress. Unlike Mario 64, there is no minimum limit to the number of Shine Sprites needed to complete the game, merely the fact that Mario finds and defeats the Imposter Mario each time it is encountered.

Dolphic Town has many surprises in and unto itself, so it comes to no surprise that the town has some Shine Sprites. You will have the opportunity to earn these Shine Sprites events eventually (at 10, 20, 30, etc.) so when in doubt, head to the area described and take a look. You may be surprised at what several U-turn jumps and a brief spite of Hover will get you. The last thing - butt stomp all the manholes in Dolphic Town and navigate the sewers for coins, 1-ups, and blue coins. Be sure to check out some of the Shine Sprite locations listed. Since they are not listed in no particular order, you can get some Shine Sprites as soon as you begin the game, before you even enter the first world . . .

Shine Get 1 - At the base of the lighthouse that has the entrance to Mamma Beach, use the Spray on that end of the beach to find an area of sand that needs to be washed off. Shine get for persistence.

Shine Get 2 and 3 - From the statue where Mario starts, head to the center of town where the river is. Ford the river to the other side and find an open door (a black space) near an open air cafe (just the ones in Paris or Berkeley). An Islander woman with a flipped on the side basket on the ground is nearby (and can be seen at the same time you see the door). Head inside and challenge the owner to break all the boxes in the shop in 30 seconds or less. Do this twice (enter/exit) for two easy Shines. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn the height of Mario's jumps and to stop him in mid-air using butt-stomps. Note that some box set ups require you to use an existing stack of boxes to reach.

Shine Get 4 - In the same area of the lighthouse, you should spot a series of green islands that you can hop. Use the U-turn jump and hover mode (or simply rocket jump) to the green pipe into a mini-stage. Start sliding off the left-most green area and alternate using jumps, butt stomps and hovering slash rocket jumps to reach the Shine at the bottom.

Shine Get 5 - Clean the other bell tower. This bell is to the right of Mario when he starts, and you need a rocket part for this Shine. Clean the bell, then rocket jump for the Shine. The bell tower, if you can't locate it, is right at the corner of the fruit stands.

Shine Get 6 - Use a rocket jump and get to the giant Shine Icon that oversees the whole town. You though that was the Final Stage? Bwahahaha. The Shine Icon is right under the red pipe leading to Monte Village. Clean the over inflated Shine Icon and get the Shine with another rocket jump. BOOOOOOM.

Shine Get 7 - Requires the speed part. Blast through the door of the bell tower building on Mario's left (not right) when he starts by the statue. That was easy. Shine get. Don't worry. You'll get tired of this phrase fast.

Shine Get 8 - Get the speed part and head to the right when Mario starts Dolphic Town. Head past the fruit stands to the area where two of the Island baliffs are watching Mario clean up the Island (the ones you saw in the movie). Blast between them and into the door for the stage. Maintain full speed and you only need to jump the gaps with the speed attachment. Be sure to maintain the speed for the last jump to the Shine platform and STOP (by releasing the R button) when Mario's fat butt is on the platform. Not doing so will be bad for his plumbing.

Shine Get 9 - Use the rocket part and get to the top of the lighthouse where the entrance to Mamma Beach is. If you don't know where, take a long walk on the short beach in town to find the one and only lighthouse. Once on top of the lighthouse, instead of using the Channeling Stone to call down aliens and UFOs (Silent Hill series), rocket jump and then butt stomp to do Atmospheric Reentry on the fireball symbol. Shine get.

Shine Get 10 - From the statue where Mario begins (you will see three Tool Boxes for the waterpack attachments), head to the center of town where it is divided by the river. Ford the river to the other side and climb on top of the building roofs. An islander on the roof will throw Mario to a Shine for a small fee. If you have trouble finding this guy, he's the only islander on the roof of any building.

Shine Get 11 - You need the rocket attachment for this one. Clean the bell in one corner of the town. This is the bell to the left of Mario when he starts by the statue. The building the bell is on also has the Yoshi Egg on the roof (look up, way up). It's easy to get to this bell if you exploit the fact that Mario rockets very high when he comes out of a manhole, and you can get the Shine by wall-jumping inside the tower. A manhole cover on top of a building near that belltower will help you access the Shine.

Shine Get 12 - Gather 100 coins for a Shine Sprite. If you have real problem doing this in the town, you can wait until you've beaten the game and can return to the Airstrip. Collect around 10 to 20 coins in the town (in the sewers no doubt), then head to the Airstrip and finish collecting 100 coins there.

Shine Get 13 - If you feel like killing something, do this one. Head to the island with the bubbling yellow fat on the green pipe and look for a small yellow bird. Use the Spray on it continuously (first person mode works since the bird circles back to the island trying to land). Eventually, it'll barf out something you want. Shine get.

Shine Get 14 - You need the rocket part for this cool little stage. Head to the cannon that enters Pinna Park and go past it into the ocean. Rocket jump to the palm trees embedded in the cliffside and enter the green pipe. Collect the Red Coins hidden in the grass and grab the Shine.

Red Coin #1 - Put out the Mushroom Guy who is on fire. Chase after him with the spray and he'll pony up when put out.

Red Coin #2 - On top of a low wooden structure. Very easy and in plain sight. Move the camera for best result.

Red Coin #3 - Underneath the stage map. You need to find the pit with a watermelon block and squash it. The coin is in the small area underneath. Wall jump back out.

Red Coin #4, 5, 6, 7 - Inside the only four enemies on the map. Two pop-down puffies, a flower puffy, and a totem puffy. Since Mario gets hit when he runs into one, I think you can tell where these guys are. Check the corners and the center of the stage for all four.

Red Coin #8 - Kill the red Bird of Paradise (Magic the Gathering: Arabian Nights) and it will drop the last coin. It is on the highest wooden platform where Mario started the stage, but if you forgot where, pan the camera up and look for a red speck on a wood platform.

Shine Get 15 - You need the rocket attachment for this Shine. From the statue where Mario starts off (and sees three tool boxes), head to the center of town where the river runs. Jump into the water and head out to the direction of the sea. When Mario is under the corridorio (overpass over a body of water), rocket jump into the coin just under the overpass and get taken to the secret Red Coin stage (the Pachinko / Pinball Machine). You may want to reset the game rather than die for this easy to reach Shine puzzle. You cannot stand properly on the pegs, only jump off them.

Red Coin #1, 2, 3 - Easy. Simply rocket jump or use the trampoline starter to get them. If you have real trouble, simply wall jump above them then butt-stomp all the way down to snag all three.

Red Coin #4 - Up and left. Start Mario on the left side of the start chute and hold left on the Analog stick after the jump. Be ready to butt-stomp to arrest his lateral motion, or he over shoots the chute.

Red Coin #5 - Up and middle. Start Mario off on the right side of the chute and leave the Analog stick neutral. You can also tap left slightly to make him head for the coin pocket.

Red Coin #6 - Down and left. Start in the left side of the chute and hold left on the Analog stick as you head up. Tricky, since this may often result in you dying when you miss the pocket all together, or if you get stuck in the center pocket.

Red Coin #7 - Down and right. Start in the middle of the middle of the chute and press right on the Analog stick to reach this pocket. Be ready to do a dive attack (B button) to reach the pocket.

Red Coin #8 - Up and right. Start in the middle or the right of the chute and press right on the Analog stick. You will also need to time your rocket jump at the best (not last) moment to gain the maximum height for lateral motion to reach the pocket. Start the charge just before Mario reaches the up and left coin pocket. The Shine Sprite will be in the center pocket. Start in the middle of the chute and press left to hit the center pocket, or start on the left side of the chute and leave the Analog stick neutral.

Shine Get 16 - You need Yoshi for this Shine. Plus I advise you getting ten to twenty lives just so you don't have to do the prep work getting to the stage where the Shine is earned. It's better to expend a Mario than to do the needed work to get here. Activate and ride Yoshi to the cannon that takes you to Pinna Park. Facing the ocean, turn left and there is a small pier that has a manhole cover. Jump there, enter the sewer and follow the tunnel to the island in the ocean. Remember that Yoshi dies if it touches water, so you will need the boat to get to the island out in the middle of the ocean for the stage that holds the Shine.

From the Island where Mario and Yoshi exits from, stay alive by eating the fruit on the trees until the boat comes. Note that there are two boats to this island (an islander with a basket is on this one). One boat leads back into town, while the other boat (the one you want) circles around the island before heading out to Island #2. Take the boat that circles around the island you are on now, and try to land on the roof of the boat. It makes the next jump easier.

Ride the correct boat all the way to a wooden platform in the middle of the ocean. This platform has bananas on it (for Yoshi) and will be on the boat's "right" side if you face forward. Hop on the next boat as it approaches the wooden platform (try to land on the roof for the next jump). Ride this next boat to Island #2 and hop off with Yoshi and use the dippy dino's "water" to melt the fat blocking the pipe. Hop in to start the stage (sans Yoshi).

The object of the Red Coin game here is to use a dead leaf in a dirty brook to grab all the coins over the water. Touch the water, Mario dies. Fall off the edge of the stage, Mario dies. Stay too long on the dead leaf and Mario dies. Enter the green pipe at the end of the ride, and you will wish Mario died. The green pipe takes you directly back to Dolphic Town and you will need to do the Yoshi bit all over again; this is why you want ten or twenty lives to expend in the course of the stage in case you get frustrated.

Red Coin #1, 2, 3 - These three are more or less in a straight line. Hop on the dead leaf and use the spray in the opposite direction you want to go. If you messed with the boat in Mare Bay and the leaves in Bianco Hills, you will know how painful this is. Now, try to do this with a current.

Red Coin #4 - Slow down as yo approach coin 3 and drift with the current in the middle of the stream for coin 4. If you miss it, you will have to make slow comeback for it later.

Red Coin #5 - Depending on how fast you are travelling, you may need to correct the leaf you are on by spraying in differeing directions. Go for the coin, not the 1-up.

Red Coin #6 - The S-curve requires you to slow down and correct for the current's over and understeerage. Use as much water as you need to slow down since the Spray is very efficient in terms of whizz. Take a note of the leaf's colour. If it is almost black, you should hurry to the end and skip coin #7.

Red Coin #7 - If you try a U-turn jump on the leaf, you will most likely die. Instead, ride to the end of the line and grab coin 8 if you want (I don't recommend it though), and tread on the orange railing holding in the river. Hover out and across to the other side of the river and grab the coin on the way. This is much easier than trying to grab the coin on the leaf.

Red Coin #8 - Grab this coin by the exit last since the movie when the Shine appears can disorient you while doing something else (jumping over death water). If you miss any of the previous coins, take the long way back to the start by using the orange railing and focus on getting the ones you missed (except coin 7). Once you set aside a lot of time, you can eventually beat this stage with the minimum of fuss.

Shine Get 17 - You will not get this Shine until you manage to beat the game. Once you do, your Dolphic Town Shine counter will go up by one after saving.


Blue Coin List (Dolphic Town) - Click on each coin for a helpful screen shot.

Blue Coin Get 1 - Linked grafitti X on start statue (Bianco Hills portal).

Blue Coin Get 2 - Linked grafitti X on building by boardwalk.

Blue Coin Get 3 - Put out the fire on Mushroom collecting Guy running on beach (or street, if you beat the game) near the lighthouse.

Blue Coin Get 4 - Room inside bell tower building to right of Mario's start point. Take a swim to find the entrance (entrance will be above the water).

Blue Coin Get 5 - Kill blue bird nesting on building roof; building is next to the three tool boxes (or Bainco Hills statue).

Blue Coin Get 6 - Kill blue bird nesting on building above the entrance to box breaking for Shines contest.

Blue Coin Get 7 - Grafitti M on tower with yellow butter fat crap on steeple roof.

Blue Coin Get 8 - Grafitti M hidden by box on a roof. Butt stomp box to reveal grafitti.

Blue Coin Get 9 - Grafitti M hidden by box in middle of town by the river edge. Butt stomp box to find grafitti.

Blue Coin Get 10 - Use speed part to break underwater door in pillars in the ocean by the lighthouse.

Blue Coin Get 11 - Behind yellow butter fat crap on a building's steeple (same building with grafitti M, coin 7). You need Yoshi's "water" to melt the fat, so look for fat when you have Yoshi unlocked.

Blue Coin Get 12 - Yellow fat crap on building behind the two Island baliffs.

Blue Coin Get 13 - Sewer maze, at the back of the town where the hills start (near the entrance to Corona Mountain).

Blue Coin Get 14 - Sewer maze, under the water in the center part of town.

Blue Coin Get 15 - Sewer maze, the tunnel leading from the town to an island.

Blue Coin Get 16 - Help islander with fruit collecting. Talk with her first to determine what fruit you need! This islander is on the island that has the only sewer tunnel linking it to town. The fruit are the green melons on the tree next to her.

Blue Coin Get 17 - Help islander with fruit collecting. Talk with her first to determine what fruit you need! This islander is very close to the fruits stands. Grab the bananas on the left side of the stands and fill her basket three times with Mario's long, stiff fruit (Mario's banana).

Blue Coin Get 18 - Help islander with fruit collecting. Talk with her first to determine what fruit you need! This islander is by the Shine Icon with a basket elevated like a basketball hoop. This islander needs pineapples.

Blue Coin Get 19 - Help islander with fruit collecting. Talk with her first to determine what fruit you need! This islander has the basket tilted on the side and is on the other side of the Shine Icon. This islander needs the spiky fruit that resembles a lychee (a durian). This is the fruit that can only be kicked and cannot be picked up. Kick the fruits across the river (by pressing forward and A next to the fruit) and then hovering over to finish the job. If you take the long way around the town, the fruit will wink out before you get there.

Blue Coin Get 20 - When you pay the boatmaster to head back for the second airstrip Shine, there is a blue coin inside the building Mario can blast through using the speed part. Melt the Ice Block with water and claim the coin. This blue coin will be recorded as a Dolphic Town item, even though you get it at the Airstrip!


Big Events

There are several events that occur in Dolphic Town as Mario gets more Shine Sprites and does other things, like finish Stories. For example, once Mario is released from jail in the beginning, talk to Princess Peach to fight Imposter Mario, and this will open up the first world of Bianco Hills. Don't worry too much about the details of each event. This game is so easy in terms of access, you can simply focus on finishing the Stories in each stage in order (except for Ricco Harbor #8) and you will open up the entire game eventually.

Event Get 1 - After being released from jail, kill the paint Pirahna past Princess Peach to activate her kidnapping. Once you chase down Imposter Mario and force him to drop the Princess, you should find him and kill him to access Bianco Hills.

Event Get 2 - Finish Bianco Hills Episode #2 (or get three Shines) to fight a Pirahna Plant at the docks. This fellow will be to the left of the statue where Mario starts Dolphic Town. Killing this paint monster will open up the second world of Ricco Harbor.

Event Get 3 - Finish Ricco Harbor Episode #2 (or get five Shines) to fight a Pirahna Plant at the beach. This fellow will be to the right of the statue where Mario starts Dolphic Town, past the fruit stands. Killing this paint monster will open up the third world of Mamma Beach.

Event Get 4 - Collect 10 Shine Sprites to have Imposter Mario kidnap Princess Peach. Catch the slick fool at a big red cannon at the edge of town. Head inside the cannong to open up the fourth world of Pinna Park.

Event Get 5 - Finish Pinna Park Episode #4 to chase Imposter Mario and a Yoshi egg. Once this is done, the Yoshi egg is on the bell tower building to the left of Mario when he starts Dolphic Town. Once you have Yoshi, you can access the fifth world of Sirena Beach. It's the big red pipe on the roof of the building by the Bianco Hills ("start") statue. Yoshi can dislodge the Pineapple and Mario can head in.

Event Get 6 - Collect 20 Shine Sprites to activate the giant ray of sunlight in the center of town. Like the red master switch stage for Mario 64, bask in the glow of the sunlight and look into the sun to go into the sixth world of Mare Bay.

Event Get 7 - Collect 25 Shine Sprites to fight Imposter Mario and the speed part.

Event Get 8 - Collect 30 Shine Sprites and fight Imposter Mario for the rocket part.

Event Get 9 - Clear all the Imposter Mario Stories and open up the final world of Corona Mountain.

Event Get 10 - Clear the game to unlock the boat that takes you to the airport. The boat is to Mario's left when he start Dolphic Town. The fee is 10 yellow coins.

World 1: Bianco Hills

Total Blue Coins = 30

Total Shine Sprites = 11

After being released from jail, and you've explored as much of Dolphic Town as possible, attempt to speak with Princess Peach. A short cut-scene will occur and Imposter Mario will kidnap the Princess and run off with her. Chase and hose down the kidnapper and when Imposter Mario is knocked down, go up to it and it will immedaitely take off without Peach. You can spray Princess Peach with Mario's hose for kicks, but to progress the game, you will need to chase after the Imposter Mario and it will grafitti a statue in the plaza. Spray the psychidelic M and it will become a portal to another world, Bianco Hills.

Episode 1 - Follow the path to the river and to a small nesting of villages. You need to get Mario's fat Italian plumbing to the otherside of the large whie wall. To do this, you can either hop on top of the wall and walk to the proper spot and fall off, or you can simply find the water wheel and vault over it to the other side. Follow the path to where the paint balls are being tossed out by a familiar paint like creature. Hose off the paint as you head up the hill and kill the plant with repeated water spraying. Shine get back to town when done.

Episode 2 - The goal is to reach the top of the windmill and clear out the infestation. The path more or less leads to the bridge over the water. Fro there, you can easily negotiate the vines and busted paths of the tower by using hover mode. Ride up on one of the platforms attached to the windmill blades. Land on top of the windmill and aproach the monster to start the battle. Fighting the Boss Pirahna Plant is easy. Face the front of the plant a lot, since you need to spray the mouth of the monster. When the mouth opens, spray it, or tons of paint will come out and drown you. Keep spraying the plant until it visibly "gulps" down something hard and falls on its back. When it does, butt stomp the protrusion on the monster's stomach. Repeat the spray and stomp twice more for good results. Shine get back to town afterwards.

Episode 3 (Secret Stage Himitsu!) - You will be doing this episode at least twice if you want all 120 Shine gets. In any case, the goal here is to get to the small cave in the intro movie. The fastest way it to wall jump off the wall onto the tightrope, then from there, bounce high enough to land by the cave. Once inside, the waterpack is stolen temporarily, and you will need to rely on 100% pure Mario to get past the obstacles. U-turn jumps, backflips, butt stomps, triple jumps, and wall jumps and rides are all part of the arsenal here.

Camera control is important too, so look before you leap. There is no time limit, and if you can find a safe spot to loiter and observe your surroundings, you will get far on later, more difficult stages. The secret Shine requires that you hit the big button switch and get all eight Red Coins in one minute or less. You will have your waterpack, and the last attachment that you grabbed for the stage; I recommend the hover part for this stage.

Episode 4 - Grab all eight Red Coins. Unlike the Secret Stages, I will detail where the red coins are in the episode stages, since that will advance your game. Secret stages are just that: extras. And since you will be under time to collect all eight, the red coins will more or less be in plain sight. In any case, head into the village and find all eight red coins. All eight coins in this case are all in the vicinity of the village, and not anywhere else. Bounce on tightropes and look into balconies, but you almost cannot miss any of them.

Red Coin #1 - Approach the village and bounce on the tightropes to the white wall on the right. Get coin.

Red Coin #2 - Turn back to village and get coin on ro
2016-04-23 17:13:18 UTC
If you enjoy plenty of basketball and you want to dunk like Vince Carter but the genetic does not served you that manual, Vert Shock will help you and is where you will find this guide.

Adam Folker made Vert Shock. Adam Folker is really a former university basketball player today turned qualified basketball player, a 30-year-old player who has always been struggling with his jump. He tried countless ways to boost his vertical but just recently, he'd a breakthrough. His success is the result of the newest Vert Shock plan that has changed straight jump training and has been creating lots of excitement in the world recently.

The Vert Shock process is perfectly accessible to people at every degree of exercise expertise. It does not require any particular gear or facilities, making it simple to rehearse anywhere.

The Vert Shock is the best on the market
Joseph Surles
2006-02-11 07:36:01 UTC
you tell mario to jump with the A button, run with the control button and jump with the x && Y button . . . if you get more specific about the levels, than i can help more lol jk
2014-01-29 16:50:24 UTC
Beat the secret level.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.