2013-02-21 17:40:32 UTC
My Xbox and PS3 both frequently get dropped due to network time outs.
Ive tried pretty much everything.
Ive power cycled, hard reset, port forwarded, DMZ'd the connection.
Ive cleared all cache, history etc on the browsers as well as the gaming consoles.
Ive run speedtest numerous times and on average I would say I get about 35mbps as my download speed and 4.0 mbps for my upload speed.
I think the lowest Ive ever seen it is 25 for download and 2 for upload.
Ive called my ISP, had a technician come check it out, and this network timeout issue is still on going.
Anybody have a problem where only the gaming consoles are seemingly affected.
I have tried both Wired and Wireless Connections and both have had network timeouts multiple times daily.