Raven Tamayo
2012-10-21 15:35:13 UTC
Um my current posters in my room are
-a world map
-all of the pokemon gen 1 through gen 4
- super diaper baby (from captain underpants)
-a naruto movie poster
On my collage (sorry idk how to spell this but it a bunch of collected pictures)
-link from zelda trilogy
-various superheros
-dialga pokemon card
-fable II
- soul eater poster
- Totoro card
I own a bunch of books of various genres, 4 mangas naruto
I watch a lot of anime
I Have a bit of XBox games, my favorite being mass effect 3/ cod 4 (though it got broken :,(...)
a bit of wii games mostly regular stuff like smash bros, zelda games, risedent evil 4
and a whole lota ds games
Would you say im a nerd or geek? like out of 10?
i guess i should say im a girl and 14
ohhh umm and if you have an xbox live pls add me inuzawc i dont have a mic though...yet
and also that pic isnt me its some random girls pic i found on the intenet and decided to put blaha blah it a whole other story