What do you think about the Sims/Sims2 and expansion packs?
2006-01-27 16:41:50 UTC
I am so totaly addictied to them! I do not own the orgional sims my bff does and that is how i got addicted! I own every Sims2 and expansion pack! Tell me what you think!!
Three answers:
2006-01-28 15:03:41 UTC
I'm exactly like you! I'm in love with the sims! I just got the sims complete collection and sims 2 nightlife. Its the best game ever invented! I also have cheats if you want any just give me an email or go to GOOD LUCK! ktl/simluver
2006-01-28 00:48:24 UTC
The sims 2 is great! I play it wiht my 6 year old daughter and it's like the ultimate dollhouse. We have lots of fun.
2006-01-28 00:43:33 UTC
i like rollercoaster tycoon a lot better...

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