help with DARK CLOUD 1 for PLAYSTATION 2?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
help with DARK CLOUD 1 for PLAYSTATION 2?
Four answers:
2006-09-17 06:25:51 UTC

Latest Cheats, Game Cheats, Prizes, Gaming News, Technology News and more.
2006-09-15 19:43:35 UTC
you have to build up more ... i got the strategy guide because i could not build the towns right... they have to be perfect ...dark cloud 1 & 2 are two of the best games i have ever played. i finished them both. kingdom hearts 1 & 2 are great too
2006-09-15 19:29:47 UTC
Go back to other dungeons and try to level up your weapons. Do anything you can to level, but don't go forward until your ready. Thats what my gf did.
2006-09-15 12:36:31 UTC
The Ultimate Unofficial Dark Cloud Strategy Guide

Written by AdrenalineSL &


Version 2.0: Released August 14, 2002


The very latest versions and updates can be found at CheatCC and



This is currently [Version 2.0] of Adrenaline's and Azaroth's Dark Cloud

Walkthrough and Strategy Guide.


* Complete know-it-all basics section for dummies

* A full walkthrough that can lead you from point A to Z

* Georama help when you are stumped with that 89%

* Help on how to fulfill requests of all the villagers and getting 100% in

all categories

* Story and character information

* Everything, and I mean everything about weapons

* Weapon stats, weapon abilities, you name it

* Complete Bestiary with battle strategies

* Complete Item lists and their uses

* "Fool-proof" boss strategies for all bosses

* Extra random stuff about Dark Cloud

COME BUY IT NOW! Available at most retail stores that sell wads of printed

guides from the internet. Suckers. I will hunt you down and kill you 'til you



--- WHAT'S NEW ---


Version 2.0 | August 14, 2002

After some contemplation, I just don't want to add my *NEW* e-mail address in

this guide. All the help I can offer is found here. If you can't get the help

you need, then consult the message board, PLEASE! No need to try my old addy.

I don't use it anymore. Well, hardly. For those of you that have endlessly

tried to contact Azaroth--he hasn't been online for months!! Anyway, I just

kinda fiddled around with the format. I didn't add anything, but I did take

out some things. The old updates have been deleted and stuff. There's nothing

more I can really add, so I hope I don't need to update anymore. Good day,

good night and good game.

[Old updates deleted]


Table of Contents


01. Controls & Gameplay


Dark Cloud Concepts

Exploration Mode

Battle Mode


02. Dark Story


03. Walkthrough

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Demon Shaft

04. Rebuilding The Villages

Norune Village

Matataki Village


Muska Lacka

Moon Factory

Gallery of Time

05. All Things Weapons

Weapon Stats

Weapon Evolutions

Weapon Flowcharts

Weapon Abilities

Secret Weapons


Weapon-Building Hints

06. Bestiary

07. Boss Strategies

08. Item List

09. Miscellaneous

Tips & Tricks

Frequently Asked Questions

10. Outro

Special Thanks

Contributor Credits

Legal Junk

Shameless Self-Promotion

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| | | | 01. C O N T R O L S & G A M E P L A Y | |

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Left Analog Stick - Run/Walk

*Climb ladders

*Move cursor on the menu screen

Right Analog Stick - Adjust camera angle

Triangle Button - Open Menu

*Buy/Sell items

Cross Button - Main Action button

*Confirm selections

Square Button - Use active item

*Use menu ("!")

Circle Button - Close menus

*Cancel selections

L1 Button - Select weapons/items/Switch Target

L2 Button - Adjust camera angle

R1 Button - Block attacks

R2 Button - Adjust Camera/First-person view

Start Button - Confirm selections

Direction Buttons - Move character/cursor


Dark Cloud Concepts


I will be comparing Dark Cloud with many games, but mostly the Final Fantasy

series and Zelda. If you are offended in some way (I don't know how), then

don't read my guide. Don't laugh; some people are paranoid like that. Mostly

those Square fanboys though.



Dungeons are typical segments found in many games. Without dungeons, you will

have to slog through a repetitive pattern of "Explore" -> "Talk" -> "Save

People" -> "Get the girl". Sounds a little humdrum, no? Well, it is! Having

dungeons in a game is indispensable for players such as me. I'd be dying of

boredom, otherwise. So it appears that the Dark Genie has transformed once

peaceful environments into vast dungeons congested with monsters looking for

a buffoon to accidentally stumble onto them, unarmed. Dungeons are especially

essential to Dark Cloud since they contain the valuable Atla. Don't know what

an Atla is? Read below.



These things are round, magical spheres that behold the ever-so important

pieces of your homeland. In the split second of total destruction of Toan's

home, the Spirit King safely tucks them away in these spheres. If you're

sharp, you will have known that they are called Atla. Each Atla contains a

piece of the lost Western Continent, which you will need to diligently find

to restore order back into the world. Atla can contain people missing from

villages and foundation parts such as trees, fences, roads, bridges, rivers,

etc. Of course, you can't just walk and pick up these Atlas. You'd need a

special device to not only let you obtain the Atla, but also help you find

it. Well, this item is given to you by the man himself so I won't delve into




This neat thing was undoubtedly culled from Final Fantasy IX's ("!") action

thing. Maybe this is one of the features that have been added into this

version (don't send hate mail if it ain't). Well anyway, it works generally

the same as the one in FFIX; assuming, you've played it. :/ Uh, ok, for those

of you who haven't the slightest idea what it is, think of it as a treasure

detector. When Toan is in front of a treasure (or whatever), the ("!") will

appear. This hints that Toan has hit the motherload and should be prompted to

hit the X button. Upon doing so, Toan will dish out the treasure and add it

into his inventory. This also works with the Atla. Sometimes, when the ("!")

icon appears, it either means you've found treasure OR Toan has to do a task

or use an item to trigger the next event.



In Dark Cloud, you will make new friends and have them join your party. But

the downside to this is that only one character may appear on the screen at

once. No worries though, you will be able to switch characters in and out of

action. Your allies have special skills that can help you progress in your

epic quest to save the world, so it's essential for you to use all your

allies to get the real gist of the game. You can switch allies by holding the

Directional Left pad and Select simultaneously.



This feature was definitely borrowed from Zelda: Majora's Mask. It's arguably

the same thing. Dark Cloud's world DOES gradually change to reflect the time

of the day. As you lounge around, time flies by and before you know it, it

may be nightfall. People interact differently at certain times of the day,

like in Zelda:MM. Talk to them at a certain time of the day, they might give

you presents, or just talk to you. It is dependant on the time of the day. I

repeat, the time of the day. The tough part is to now figure out how the heck

you're going to know how the people will interact with you the way you want

them to during what part of the day. Morning? Noon? Night? Never? That is the

true meaning of exploration.



If I haven't mentioned this before, I will mention this again: Dark Cloud and

Zelda:MM are rather akin to each other. This Person Left Arrow concept was

also present in the Zelda game. The blue arrows are used to indicate there is

a person in the distance that can be spoken to. As you approach the person,

the alert changes to the name of the person. If you find this annoying, you

can turn it off via the Options menu.



This is pretty simple and doesn't need a long explanation. There are in-game

tutorials if you really need help. The only thing you'd need help on is how

you'll want to place the houses and stuff so everyone would be happy. Anyway,

to open the Georama window, press the SELECT button to toggle Georama mode

first then press the (/\) button to open the menu. You can use this mode once

you have collected enough Atla in dungeons to rebuild _something_. Pop into

the Georama menu, and start assembling pieces of the world.

When assembling villages, make sure you have the proper foundations for such

tasks. Select the object you would like to plant into the ground. Press the

(X) button for bird's eye view of the land. Experiment with the buttons. If

you mess up, you can always level the villages and rebuild them. :) Remember

to keep everyone happy.

Tip: Wander through town chatting with everyone to find out what they want in

their house, their landmark, and everything else you need to know about their

ideal house.


Exploration Mode




Chests can be found in various places and may appear at random. Most chests

can be seen on the casual screen. When you've found one, simply walk up to it

and open it using the X button. However, some chests are "trick" chests. They

contain harmful traps, kinda like Vagrant Story's trap floor panels. It's not

possible to watch out for them until you're caught in one.



Most doors in town are unlocked, but some require special keys to open them.

Where do you find these keys? Monsters will usually drop them upon defeat,

and you may sometimes obtain them through friendly conversations with the

locals. Keys can also be found in chests. You can usually tell if a door is

locked when they can't be opened with the X button. =P



Believe it or not, this is the first game I've seen that requires Toan and

co. to keep their bodies properly hydrated with water. Water, in this game,

can replenish your health, water meter, and stuff...So a good thing to keep

in mind is when you come across a spring, drink up and call upon your other

party members to drink their fill as well. Don't be a water hog! If there're

no springs or water-related things around, just pray that you've remembered

to bring along an available water flask. If your character becomes dehydrated

his HP will gradually decrease, and like humans, they become weaker in combat

and other actions.



The map, like any map, lays out the current area for you. Voids will fill as

Toan explores the area and discovers new areas and such. Sometimes you can

find map fragments in chests. Map fragments help patch up the holes and

disclose other areas of the dungeon, or whatever. It immediately gets added

to the map information displayed. When reading maps, you may find many icons

and color-coded shapes. You can obtain these "location" information by

finding the Magical Crystal on each floor. Once found, the symbols will

instantly be displayed on the map. These shapes and icons are meaningful if

you know how to read the map properly. These are what those symbols mean:

"Pink arrow" – Toan's current location on the dungeon floor

"Green dots" – locations of Atla

"Green squares" – Floor entrances

"Yellow square" – Floor exits

"Red dots" - Symbolize monsters. When they begin to move, they're

coming for you. Beware.

"Yellow dots" - chests and objects that can be accessible

"Blue Circles" - Water sources where you can quench your thirst

"Small Circles" – Mystery circles. These cause either good or bad status


"Pink ("?")" - designate entrances to the secret areas


Battle Mode




Naturally, your life meter is the most essential stat to watch for. Always

remain vigilant to this meter. The life meter is marked by a heart and is the

top meter of all meters in position. It represents how much damage Toan or

some other ally can sustain. Technically, the higher the better chances for

survival. Of course, each ally has their own life meter, meaning it may come

in different lengths. If the meter depletes to 0, the character is K.O.ed and

cannot perform any further actions. Life can be restored using curative items

or by nice, refreshing water from a local gutter.



The duration of your weapon is dependant on how you maintain it. Weapons have

feelings too, you know. You should never overwork your weapon, or it will not

only break, it also means that you've wasted your effort in trying to

strengthen the darned thing. As you strike with a weapon, be it a slingshot

or some huge club, it will begin to lose its efficiency and its WHP will

decrease. If, or when all WHP is gone, the weapon breaks and disappears from

your inventory. However, the character's default weapon will remain no matter

how badly you abuse it. :) The Weapon Hit Point meter is marked by a sword.

With the use of the Repair option, only then can you help maintain its edge.

You will need to have some Repair Powder handy first to be able to use the

Repair option. So the tip of the day is to have Repair Powder in abundance!

Doesn't hurt to have extras of everything.



The ABS meter is vital to upgrading your weapon (if you want it upgraded). As

you continue using the same weapon (without wearing it out), the ABS meter

will increase. Once it reaches the heightened point of the meter, you can

upgrade your current weapon by selecting the UPGRADE option in the weapon

menu. Cool.



In Dark Cloud, not only do you need to worry about your HP, but you have also

got to watch your Thirst Meter. Both these meters are pretty systematic and

they pretty much work in the same way. However, the depletion of the thirst

meter does affect your HP meter. If your warrior is dehydrated, his HP will

start to decrease. The thirst meter is represented by a line of water

droplets. As Toan, or other allies, grow more parched, the droplets will

begin to fade away. When this happens and you are near the end of your water

supply make excursions to a nearby river, stream, gutter, puddle, etc., or

hunt for one. Like normal human beings, water is a vital ingredient to life.




Active Item Slots are those three squares at the top of the screen. You can

set up your items here for instant use, without having to open your inventory

menu. You can quickly use these items by pressing the [] button. Use the

Direction buttons to move between the items. Items can range from offensive

items to auxiliary items. Go figure.



The speed meter does not determine how fast your character can react, but

rather how quickly he can swing the sword, or weapon. The greater the speed,

the more combos he can pull off. And we all know how devastating combos can

be if used correctly. If the speed meter is empty, you must wait patiently

for the meter to slowly refill again. Speed increases as you allocate certain

attachments to a weapon. The speed meter is displayed at the lower left

corner of the screen. Speed also changes dramatically as your weapon grows

stronger. Stronger is better.



Depending on your recklessness, you can either receive little (or no damage),

or major wallops. Each time you or the monster receives its share of pain,

the "damage" will be distinctly identified in a red light and the amount of

HP lost will be displayed.



In contrary to primary attacks, which do moderate damage to your foes, each

character can execute special attacks called charge attacks. Though, it does

not hold a catchy name, it's exceptionally powerful, mind you. To properly

deliver these deathblows, press and hold the (X) button until the character

basks in red light; then release the button. This should have the character

go on a frenzy of attacks. For each character, he or she will perform their

own signature moves, or different types of charge attacks:


| Toan | Jump Slash and Windmill Slash |

| Goro | Spin Smash |

| Ungaga | Tornado Spin |

| Ruby | Charge Magic Bolt |

| Xiao | Power Shot (Hold button down) |




Like the Throw command in the Final Fantasy games, throwing items at enemies

in Dark Cloud can be beneficial, or sometimes rueful. To prepare an item for

throwing, place it in one of the Active Item Slots for convenient purposes.

Only throw items if you have surplus quantities of that item, unless it's a

useless item then uh, use it. To "auto-throw" an item at an enemy, you must

first have your ideal enmity locked-on target. Next, select the item you'd

like to pelt your foe with, and press the ([]) button to throw. To manually,

aim and throw is a bit trickier. Select an item from the Active Item Slots or

whatever, then press and hold the ([]) button. A cross-hair will appear to

help you aim your shot. When you've got your victim down, release the ([])

button and watch 'er go! A nice thing about throwing items is the exchange

between the monster and you. It might drop attachments that will aid you in

defeating monsters of the same attribute later.



Team work is what everyone needs to get through grueling tasks. With a one-

man party it's impossible. Be a team player! Anyway, to switch your allies in

and out of the role, press the SELECT button and a circle of all your party

members will appear. Use the Directional buttons to choose between members,

and press the (X) button to confirm your selection. However, in some areas,

you are prohibited to use any other ally. These such areas are called Limited

Zones. The hell are these Limited Zones?



Limited Zones are randomly placed in floors of dungeons. These place morbid

restrictions on the player such as using a weapon can reduce ABS instead of

the other way around and getting thirsty quicker. These are silly examples of

Limited Zones. Simply put: They aren't fun.



Throughout the game, enemies you encounter will challenge you into a simple

Duel. During Duels, the player does not have complete control over the

character. It doesn't take brute force and strategy to win these battles,

but rather it takes a precision of timed buttons. Kinda like Squall's

Renzokuken in Final Fantasy VIII. When a duel is about to commence, a ("!")

icon will appear overhead. At the start of the duel, a blue bar appears at

the bottom, and scrolling white block will appear on the left side of the

screen. As we digest this, controller button replicas start to appear on the

right side and work their way to the left side. As the buttons overlap the

white block, press the buttons according to the buttons displayed on screen.

It takes a little practice to master it. Winning Duels award you with nice





Upon popular demand, I've created and opened this section for those players

who are having trouble learning the ways of the fishermen. First, look for a

decent fishing pond and spot. Examine the fishing sign, and select Fish. Now,

Toan will hold the fishing rod. Choose a spot you'd like to fish. An options

box will appear with the options: (X)Cast, ([])Change Bait, and (_)Quit. The

last option just tells you what you have as your current bait. Look into the

pond; you can vaguely tell that there are fish in there. Attach the bait on

to the hook first, then cast the line into the spot with the most fish. Move

around a little bit to attract the fish. Hold on to the rod until you feel a

nibble (you can also see it on the screen, or even feel it).

Now that you know a fish is interested in your bait, stay neutral a bit until

you're sure the fish is hooked to your bait. Rotate the camera a bit for a

better view. Now, attempt to reel in the line and the fish should grab on to

it. Mash the (X) button to successfully catch it. Your points will be

evaluated depending upon how big the fish is. Remember that you can lose the

bait if you let it dawdle for too long. Also, to be a good fisherman, keep in

mind that it is better to fish at night and in the morning. That's when the

fishies get hungry. Toan's first fishing experience will be in Norune when

you rebuild the pond. Prickly bait works well there. Give it a try and master



Yadda, yadda. I'm getting restless with these game basics. Let's get on with

the meat of the game. If you really don't understand Dark Cloud's elements,

it's best advised you keep playing to get used to it, or you return the game

and get your darned money back.

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| | | | 02. D A R K S T O R Y | |

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The following is the story written with my own words with absolutely no

embellishments. Honest. You really can't blame me for trying.

Ok, so the milieu of the story takes place on an unspecified world, with two

moons and magical creatures you'd usually find in fairy tales; it's much

different from ours, that's for sure. While it resembles a plot clipped out

of Aladdin, the world of Dark Cloud is actually much more than turban attire

and oversized flying dogs. Now I won't blame the people who translated Dark

Cloud for trying, but they did a poor job on the story. Actually, I'm one to

talk, aren't I? Well anyway, it appears that this king 400 years ago, could

not bear to watch his kingdom in ashes. His anguish was great enough to bring

forth a dark power that can grant one's wish. Of course, the king wished for

the safety of his kingdom and that is what he had gotten. The king breathes a

sigh of relief and starts to kick back upon a fortunate victory.

Blessed with the retentive memory of his easy-earned victory, it was a only a

matter of time before his kingdom was once again engulfed in flames. From

this, we learn that with one's selfish and greedy desire comes consequences.

Now, we all know this is a foreshadowing sentence. Someone 400 years later is

going to come along and stumble across this urn in which this Dark Genie is

concealed in, and release it to bring forth his most lustrous desires. Argh.

The clock fast forwards to the present. In the rural village of Norune, the

villagers gather to celebrate the Harvest Festival. As you probably would

have guessed, the Harvest Festival is a time of rejoice and other cheesy

stuff--a time to thank the gods for another successful year of copious crops.

It is here, in this village, where all the troubles begin to play out--where

it all starts. The player is introduced to his game companion, Toan, a young

audacious boy who wears spandex.

Elsewhere, in a secluded area where the Dark Shrine bear its ominous shadows,

a wave of a more sodden mood is given off. Not the mirth atmosphere like the

one in Norune Village, but a more sullen and creepy aura fills the warm air.

An army of what seem to be armored mages pray and perform rituals for the

figure at the foot of the urn. Who is he? Only but the most ridiculous name a

video game character has ever been bestowed, Colonel Flag. Apparently, they

have all gathered to perform a ceremonial resurrection of a dark god known as

the Dark Genie (this shows how talented Level 5 is with their naming skills).

After what seems to be hours, the seal on the urn begins to wear off, and the

evil-being slowly emerges from the urn, as if in a trance. Moments later,

the plump genie overshadows the entire room. In trepidation, the Colonel

plucks up enough courage to squeak a few words. A few words that can mean the

total destruction of the world. The Dark Genie recognizes him as its master,

and in a blink of an eye, devours an unfortunate priest. Being encapsulated

in a bottle for 400 years helps work up a voracious appetite, no? :)

Meanwhile, back in Norune, Toan searches for Paige in a village teeming with

dancers and jostling people. Suddenly, the shadow of the incoming Dark Genie

covers the night sky and fills the land with complete darkness until...BOOM!

A sinister ballet of destruction follows. Toan's village suddenly leaps up

in flames, as the Dark Genie continues to twirl and spin around, pitching

destructive bolts toward the village. Everything is in chaos. People

screaming for their lives and chickens clucking, trying to find their pens.

In all the carnage, Toan makes a heroic dive to save Paige from an early

death, but to no avail. Everything dies out.

Toan awakens to find himself in a strange place with an elderly man standing

before him. And who might he be? The almighty Spirit King to say the least.

He has apparently saved Toan's hide from hell and recognized his heroic

actions to save his loved ones. You ask yourself, _Why me? Why am I the only

survivor?_ Surprise! You're not. You're not that special.

Apparently, the Spirit King made last minute efforts to save the village and

other parts of the world, encapsulating them in balls (that resemble

dragonballs). Encased in these balls are your fellow cronies and parts of

villages--trees, bridges, cats, fences, people, rivers, the works. Your

assignment is about to be foretold. The Spirit King bestows you the power to

rehabilitate your world. You must now venture to different dungeons and seek

out these balls called Atla. Though, it's not just a picnic in the park,

you'll meet much stiff resistance. By showing true gallantry, only then can

you survive and restore Toan's homeland back to its pristine state.


\ Characters /




Weapons: Swords

Favorite Food: Fluffy Doughnut

Toan is the main protagonist of the game. The big, not-so-beefy tyke that's

going to save the world from the sinister of evil. He's been granted with the

power to recreate the world from these little teeny balls called Atla.

Encased in these Atla are pieces of the lost world Toan must restore. With

the Atlamillia, only Toan can capture these lost fragments and overcome the

dangers of perilous dungeons they have been stashed away in.

Let's see now, Toan has a wimpy-build, looks too young to assume he has even

gone through puberty yet, wears oversized shoes and gloves, and plus he has a

flair for that silly turban on his head. Not the greatest image of a hero,

huh? Well, if the Spirit King decides to instill the fate of the world on

this boy, then I guess it doesn't hurt to believe in him. After all, we'll be

controlling him. Eh, eh?



Weapons: Slingshots

Favorite Food: Fish Candy

Xiao is, or rather, was a stray cat found by Toan while exploring the Divine

Beast Cave. Xiao takes an immediate liking to Toan after he rescued her. Xiao

follows him home to his village and gets turned into a cat warrior. Being a

half-cat, half-human creature, she packs quite a wallop. She flings her

slingshot like nobody's business. She is not, however, fighting material, so

it's best advised not to rely on her too much. She may lack in the looks

department but she sure is cute sometimes. Having two fluffy ears, claws and

a tail does make her act in a cute demeanor. My impression anyway.



Weapons: Hammers/Axes

Favorite Food: Grass Cake

Goro's a chunky looking feller who can maul things like a hot knife in

butter. He is just another one of those strong, but brainless companions

you'd find in any game. His attacks are devastating and can easily wipe out

fairly strong monsters. Because of Goro's bulky built, he can be a nuisance

to control. He lives in what seems to be a cozy tree house adjacent the main

portion of Matataki Village. At first, he does not join Toan on his quest,

but rather he wants to challenge him. Looks like making friends isn't that

easy after all.

Goro wields a ridiculously huge, wooden hammer and wears a bearskin over his

head. Talk about a fashion statement. He has, like about a hundred rolls on

his arms, legs and his beer belly. But he's an all around good fighter uh,

minus the speed and intelligence.



Weapons: Rings/Armlets

Favorite food: Witch Parfait

Ruby is a luscious babe Toan had summoned from a lamp. Don't be so fooled by

her appearance, as she will be your most useful character in the game. Time

to throw a party, ya'll! She wears powerful magic rings that can really toast

some bad guys! Who wouldn't want a beautiful gal on their team? She'll really

blows you and your mother's mind away (her attacks and stuff, dummy). Do not

leave home without her. :)



Weapons: Spears/Staves

Favorite food: Scorpion Jerky

Ungaga is a warrior of the desert people whom you first encounter on your

arrival at the Sun & Moon Temple. He has lost his courage and belief in his

own abilities as a warrior after he could do nothing to stop the destruction

of his village at the hands of the Dark Genie.

Ungaga will join you after you activate the event at the 3 Sisters House in

Muska Lacka. He will regain his courage and will to fight, joining with Toan

to continue his quest to rebuild Muska Lacka and defeat the Dark Genie. He's

a good short range fighter with better reach than either Toan or Goro but he

starts out rather weak. You should use him sparingly until you complete Muska

Lacka and get the Mirage which can be built up into both of his Ultimate




Weapons: Machine Guns/Spell Shooters

Favorite food: Carrot Cookie

Osmond is the boss of the moon people in Yellow Drops and is trying to win

the Sun Gem in the games at the Coliseum. You will find him on the eighth

level of the Moon Sea, and he will immediately join up with you on the quest

to defeat the Dark Genie. He starts out with a relatively weak weapon so you

might want to build him up a little bit before you reach the limited level on

the Moon Sea where you're forced to use him exclusively. I would recommend

that you hold off building up his weapons too much for the time being; you

should be able to acquire a Hexa Blaster in the Gallery of Time which can be

built up to his most powerful weapon, the Supernova.

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| | | | 03. W A L K T H R O U G H | |

| |____| |___________________________________________________________| |___


The opening movie is based on the story foretold in the manual (or by me, if

you've read "Dark Story"). Name your character "Toan", or name him some

other appropriate name. His name could be "Sweat Socks" for all I care. The

movie opens out at the Dark Shrine, where an army of dancing who knows what,

is performing some kind of resurrecting ritual. It's pretty long, so you can

stop killing your controller now. Let's skip ahead, as you can watch it

without by guidance, or do you...?

Anyway, meet Toan (I will be using the default names, thank you very much)

and his mom, although the game doesn't state her name. Toan's gotta hurry up

and finish his meal, or he's gonna miss the opening ceremony. Just as Toan

starts to bathe in the joyous atmosphere, ready for a good time, the Dark

Genie appears and lurks about in the sky. Mass destruction ensues. Dancing

and prancing about while hurtling destructive beams from his body parts. The

star symbolizing Toan's destiny has moved. This bodes for a promising future

for our hero. The time has come for his destiny to be known.




When you regain control of Toan, you'll find the land completely devoid of

life. Run forward and the Village Chief's house will loom into view. It has

miraculously escaped the mass annihilation of all things. Er, anyway, speak

to the Village Chief. He will immediately instill the duty of having you go

to the Divine Beast Cave to check up on good ol' Dran. He gives you the Cave

Key which you will need to unlock the huge stone doors. And for being great

Survival buddies, he fills your item bag with useful items you'll need during

the excursion to Dran. Afterwards, check the closet behind the chief to find

a Prickly. Leave his house.

Note: You can come back anytime to have your bag refilled with useful items.

Head northeast towards the entrance of the Divine Beast Cave. Use the Cave

Key the village chief gave you and press on. Know that I will not be able to

guide you step by step through the dungeons. You're going to have to pull

through this yourself since the dungeons are randomized. Meaning, every time

you enter the cave, you'll be at different parts of the floor.




When you first enter, the only accessible floor at this time is, of course,

the first floor. So we'll start here and work your way up and stuff. Don't

worry too much about dying. The first time you get KOed, the Fairy King will

come to your aid and impart Georama knowledge into your pea brain with the

help of a Manual. So, every time you die, you'll get transported outside with

some items lost.

Floor B1:


There are a total of eight Atla to collect here, some of which include Macho

and his house. You can choose to start building his house if you'd like.

Start hunting for that Dran's Crest and pick up the nice items along the way.

Don't forget to fill up on your water supply. Just look for a blue stain on

the map and that should be your water source. Be sure to pick up the Tram Oil

for "back room" purposes. The question mark on the map denotes the location

of the backroom entrances. In this case, it's a Tram. It should be located on

every floor and you can only use it when you've found Tram Oil.

Floor B2:


Toan will find a wandering cat on this level, but runs away at the sight of

him. Another eight Atla to gather here to add to the ever growing collection.

Be sure to plunder all the chests for weapons and stuff. Since the dungeons

are so randomized, it's kinda hard to tell what you'll get and stuff.

Floor B3:


After snagging the six Atlas here, you should have a total of 22 fragments of

your village. Hey, you're getting there! If you're getting restless, you may

go back to the empty lot and start rebuilding your town with what you have. I

would. You might encounter Statues on this floor (from here onwards). They're

pretty tough to handle; that is, if you don't have the Stone Breaker placed

on your swords. You can stick in an Undead Killer, as well. You can find

these attachments in the chests, as you empty the chests. A good reason to

explore the dungeons more than once.

Floor B4:


On this floor, you'll encounter the first duel with a skeleton. First you're

Going to have to fend off a trio of Skeleton Soldiers. Simple enough isn't

it? Probably not for the first time. To pull this off in succession, follow

the scrolling buttons and hit them as they pass through the white line on the

left. It ends pretty quickly. This mini-game takes precision timing and may

need a little practice. Don't fret if you've lost. The game will allow you to

redo it again and again.

Floor B5:


You might want to build up your weapon on this floor, as it proves to be a

nice battle ground. Don't forget to search for those Atla. There're a total

of five on this level.

Floor B6:


Collect seven scattered Atla on this floor and just fight your way to F7. You

might catch a glimpse of a kitty cat.

Floor B7:


The 7th floor is the first to expose you to these Limited Zones. This one

causes ABS to reduce as you strike with your weapon. So a good idea is to

put it away and avoid any battles. Oh, the Dran's Crest. This is going to be

tough, especially since you want to upgrade your weapons. Just blindly pick

out a few victims and hope that it will drop the Dran's Crest. There are

also eight Atla to find on this level.


*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ On B7 where your weapon loses abs, I have found if you go down with ~*

*~ a recently powered up weapon, you don't lose anything. That is to say, ~*

*~ if you are at 0 abs, you do not go into negative abs. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ It may seem too obvious, but it might be an idea to include. Just a ~*

*~ thought. Thanks again for a great FAQ -- I look forward to seeing the ~*

*~ updates as and when you get around to them. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks very much to Dorothy Hall for such a wonderful tip. :) ~*

*~ ~*


Floor B8:


On this level, you'll run into a mysterious young man. He'll challenge you to

a duel. This is a dud, as you can't win. Toan will just fall and be at the

mercy of the white-haired guy's blade. What's this? Toan fell deliberately to

protect a poor cute cat from danger. Before the mysterious man leaves, he

tosses some Changing Potion to you. Is this out of kindness, or is it filled

with poison to suck the life force out of you? Oops, Toan isn't supposed to

drink it. At this point, you may want to return to the village and trigger

Toan's event with the stray cat. Use the Changing Potion on the little gal.

It'll join you afterwards. From here onwards, things will be much easier for

you to handle. Use Xiao to jump over that chasm.

Floor B9:


As usual, just collect the Atla on this level. There's nothing exciting or

unusual to take note of.

Floor B10:


Fight. Collect Atla. Progress. Same old, same old. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Is

that simple enough for you to follow?

Floor B11:


Encounter yet another Limited Zone. Only this time, Xiao can only be used on

this level. Therefore, if you haven't recruited her, yet. Now is a good time

to do so. This is pretty hard, since Xiao is physically weaker than Toan and

cannot sustain too much damage. Your number one priority is to find a Dran's

Crest and move on. This is based on luck, I guess. I personally, had a hard

time with this level. You might want to consider emptying the chests first,

then move onto finding the Crest. If you're still having trouble, upgrade her

weapon and come back later.

Floor B12:


Same old, customary routine. Collect the Atla and move onto the next level.

Floor B13:


Collect Atla and grab some goodies from chests. Then move onto the next level

if nothing else.

Floor B14:


One floor left before facing the big guy. If you're weapon isn't at LEAST a

Dagger+5, you're in bad shape. So, if you haven't been diligently training

your weapons, you'd better start now. Also, try to stock up on Repair Powder

and the sorts. Gather the remaining Atla and move to the final floor of this

dungeon. But first, you'll need the Horned Key. To get that you must rebuild

Dran's Windmill. By now, you should have ALL the Atla, if not, enough, to

build Dran's Windmill. Rebuild the entire thing until you trigger the event

and inside the windmill should be a chest containing the Horned Key. Whew!

You might want to save. Before heading down to the final floor to square off

with the boss, you should explore those backrooms.

Back Rooms:


The enemies in the back rooms are generally tougher than the ones on the

actual dungeon. However, the plus side to this detour is to attain very nice

items and attachments. To access the back room in this dungeon, you must

first find the Tram Oil situated in one of the chests on any floor. Now, find

a red hook on your map if you can find it and head in that direction. When

you get there, look for an old rusted tram. Lubricate it with the Tram Oil

and use it to gain entrance to the back room. From there, you're on your own.

Good luck.

Before heading off the square off with the guardian of the village, make sure

you have a defense of at least 15 for both Toan and Xiao. To raise their DEF,

find some Fluffy Doughnuts and Fish Candy. Those food items can raise defense

considerably. You can find those items in dungeon chests, or chests outside

of the newly rebuilt homes.

Floor B15:


Meet Dran, a lively, cheerful guy...that's about to tear your body apart! Get

it together and fight!



For the first boss, he is tough if you don't know what to do. If you do, that

is wonderful. To make this puppy prowl, use Xiao to fling a slingshot at him

in the face. He'll get irritated and drop on the ground. Switch to Toan and

let him have it with a few pokes in the butt. Giving it to him in the leg can

prevent any damage to you. Remember to back up when you've landed a few hits,

or he'll knock you to the ground. Having item Dran's Feather could somewhat

help you in the fight. Wouldn't use it though. Just remember to keep Xiao a

good distance away from him to avoid any damage to her. Repeat this method

several times over and the possessed Dran will finally give in. Use Repair

Powder if you need to.


Upon defeat, Dran will finally knock out of his trance and become apologetic.

Mention the Dark Genie and he'll start to tell you about a similar being he

calls the "Black Demon." Long ago, this Black Demon brought mass destruction

to the world, much like what the Dark Genie had done now. It was massacre and

blood after massacre...and blood. This powerful magic tribe called the Moon

People were sickened by the Black Demon's reign, they sealed the demon in a

giant urn. People commemorate the day the Moon People saved the world from

the evil, but now that it has been released from its entrapment, it's up to

Toan to restore peace through the land.

Now that Dran's done telling his side story, he'll offer to help you in your

quest to rebuild the world and save it from the Dark Genie's grasp. Toan

hitches a ride on Dran's back to return to the village. There, Dran gives him

give the World Map, except this map is "magical". Great. He also adds that

when you reach Matataki Village, you should seek help from the Great Treant.

Now it's time to completely rebuild the village and fill in the patches. Make

any last preparations. Be sure to get the fishing pole from Alnet when you've

refurnished her home. She will gladly hand it over as recompense, but don't

tell Pike! See the Rebuilding Help section for details.

When you've done everything there is to do in the village, go visit Dran and

he will bestow you with your first charge attack: WindMill Slash. It'll come

in handy (to get this attack, you must have 100% in all three categories in

the Georama Analysis menu.). Now that you've taken the first step to a whole

new world, it's time to migrate to the next village that is Matataki Village!




Watch the rather short cut-scene. You will find Matataki Village as decimated

as Norune Village had started out with. There's still the waterfall and a few

broken bridges and the dried up trenches. Toan turns to find a chunky-looking

guy staring back at him; the guy runs off to the back. When you can control

Toan again, pursue the man that had just run away. You'll come to a clearing,

and in the middle is a massive treehouse. Approach the ladder and the fat man

will plummet to the ground. He attacks you and a duel commences. This is easy

as long as you watch for a "rotation" button.


[TIP] Submitted by TooCoolSmurf

Just intentionally miss one of the sequences and you can get all the items in

Goro's treehouse right now, rather than waiting to level 9. Just Let Goro

beat you and he'll insult you and hop back up to his treehouse. Follow him

and you can enter his treehouse now! If you talk to Goro while up there he

tells you to come back when you're a worthy opponent. Then leave Goro's

treehouse and head back to the entrance at Matataki Village. Let the time

change to dawn, dusk, etc. Then go back and walk up to the ladder and Goro

jumps down and challenges you to fight again. Now beat him to get the

earrings and continue your quest. This has no effect on the rest of the game!

Just gives you a little extra.


When defeated, he'll reveal his name to be Goro and retreat into his home for

a snack. Toan will pick up an item the benevolent warrior had left behind:

Hunter Earrings. When you regain control of Toan, speak to Goro to find out

More about these earrings and Treant. Now return the way you came and go back

to the main portion of the imaginary village.

In the northwestern part dwells the renown Tree Fairy known as Great Treant.

The Fairy King will appear next to you and explain its situation. Treant's

water supply has run dry and it cannot speak or move without water. It's all

dried up. So the Fairy king inlays the first priority that is to restore its

river. Plus, you'll need to anyway to obtain a very important weapon. Now,

the Wise Owl Forest gates to the east are open and waiting for Toan to enter.




Toan will enter the Wise Owl Forest in a quirky demeanor. I, personally, like

the music here better than the one back in the Divine Beast Cave. Well, the

key you need to move from one "Territory", as they are called, to another,

is to have three types of things: Red Berry, Pointy Chestnut and Shiny Stone.

All of these items can be found in each of the territories and are dropped by

clumsy, but hostile monsters. When you reach an owl at the end of each level,

you must use one of the three items to appease it for it to allow you to the

next territory. Each owl in each territory may like something different so it

is best you get prepared.

In some territories, they require you to find the Moustache Key to unlock

doors that lead to the essential Atla or other treasure chests. The Moustache

key works the same way the Bone Key did in Divine Beast Cave. The backfloors

in this dungeon are a bit harder to find. That is, the key item to the back-

floors. The key item here is the Sun Dew. Use it in those little pool areas

with a shiny leaf floating in the water.

Territory 1:


The first and foremost thing to do is collect the Atla scattered throughout

the level. This level's enemies are comprised of the three days of the week:

Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Don't underestimate their size. They are

tough and can steal your things. They're easy to kill with Xiao equipped with

Bandit SlingShot. Then, there's the Cannibal Plant, which can Poison you and

"goo" you. It sucks. Keep fighting until you've found the Red Berry, Pointy

Chestnut, and the Shiny Stone. Then, with the owl, pick ONE of the three and

it should accept it.

Territory 2:


You'll encounter some new enemies here. Namely, Sunday, Wednesday and Hornet.

Sunday and Wednesday are just ready for a massacre, carrying their little

knives and axes. They aren't too hard considering you've got your weapon ATK

power to about 35. Again, just seek out the three items and you'll be on

your way to the next level. Don't forget those Atla. You might want to start

rebuilding if you'd like. Oops, I forget you get to rendezvous with the

FliFli as well.

Territory 3:


Everything's the same except you get to meet the King Prickly and Tuesday. It

can blow poison darts at you so be careful. Great. They're really fun to play

with. Look for the items, find the Atla and move on.

Territory 4:


Unfortunately unfortunate. This is, sadly, a Limited Zone where Xiao is the

only controllable character at the moment. This is very similar to the one in

Divine Beast Cave. Plunder all the chests in the zone first, then go for the

bad guys. Remember that you've got to find the three crucial items to move to

the next level. To get out of this predicament, simply use the most powerful

slingshot you have and add a PlantBuster to it. That should help in the long

run. As you pick up one of the items, bring it to the Wise Owl and see if it

is the one it desires. If the stubborn owl, doesn't want it, then keep at it.

You'll eventually get the one you need.

Territory 5:


Same thing here; nothing new. Just pick up the Atla and scavenge for the Red

Berry and the other items. Watch out for the Haley Holey. Use Xiao to attack,

as you can't get close enough with Toan. Your old friend, Mimic, is here too.

Territory 6:


The dungeons are getting repetitive. So just fight your way to the next level

and gather all the nice treasures if you find any. Find the Atla and add them

to your collection. You may encounter a Witch Illza here, who can pelt poison

apples at you.

Territory 7:


I'm not sure if this is a randomized Limited Zone or not, but it seems using

a weapon will reduce its Abs. This is very similar to one of the handicapped

levels in the Divine Beast Cave. Fight in battles sparingly and you should

get through no problem. It's not that much of a brain-buster to have the Abs


Territory 8:


I was unfortunate enough to have two Limited Zones in a row. This is probably

randomized as well. This time, Toan and co. get thirsty a lot quicker. You'd

better have some water jugs in stock. Unless you just happen to find pools of

water everywhere, then it's fine that you don't have any. Just get through

this level like you would in any other level. Before you move onto Territory

9, you must rebuild Cacao's House.

In the event of his house being renovated, Cacao will play a song and tell a

story of how Fudoh killed the White Tiger. There's a rumor that flows along

the lines of how Fudoh was killed by the most ferocious snake of all, the

Killer Snake. Again, not a catchy name, but it can kill you if you don't have

the right weapon equipped. Cacao will bestow you the Odd Tone Flute, which is

used to lure the snake out of the cave in Territory 9. Now, that you have

this flute, re-connect the river to Treant if you haven't already. When you

do, Treant will be revitalized and will give you the Serpent Sword in return.

Ok, you have the necessary things you need. Head back to the forest.

Territory 9:


There are no Atla on this level, so something must be up. Kill the WereWolves

in a quick duel. Head towards the seemingly hollow cave and whip out that

wannabe-ocarina. Play it to lure the Killer Snake out of the cave. I hope you

have equipped the Serpent Sword. You will engage into a fairly lengthy duel

with the overgrown reptile. Press the buttons accordingly and it should be no

problem. Toan will receive the Bone Pendant following the fight. Now, go back

to the treehouse where Goro dwells. Show him the Bone Pendant and a cut-scene

about the truth of his father will ensue. It seems that Fudoh did fall before

the Killer Snake, but he did this intentionally. Fudoh wanted to do a gallant

thing before he died; the Killer Snake seemed like a good opponent. Goro will

hate him for telling him that, but Will join the party now with dreams of his

own: Becoming the mighty hunter of legend! Then, he adds a conceited remark,

"I'll do better than you." As in, do better than Toan. That's very likely to

happen. On the side note, Goro's treehouse is now accessible. You can find

nice items there such as the Fruit of Eden and a Pocket. When you're ready,

return to the Wise Owl Forest. Use his hammer on the tree stump.

Territory 10:


Again, another possibly randomized Limited Zone. The Thirst Meter whittles

away quicker. To make things worse, if your defense isn't high enough, the

Earth Diggers here can really knock your lights out. Same old stuff here and

them jingles.

Territory 11:


Everything is pretty much the same here. Like always, collect the Atla, slog

through endless battles finding those darned items and head to the next level

of Wise Owl Forest.

Territory 12:


Ok, I am almost certain that using Goro is a must here since it is a Limited

Zone that's not randomized. Since you're going to have to use Goro, I highly

suggest NOT to engage into too many battles since Goro is weak at this point.

Yes, I know you need the three keys; try to randomly pick out your target and

pray that it'll drop one of the items you need. Use the same method you used

with Xiao in Territory 4. Fight sparingly 's all I have to say. And remember,

when fighting with Goro, always use his Charge Attack since his weakling blow

can't even hurt a fly.


[TIP] Submitted by Stefani W.

In your detail of the territories of the Wise Owl Forest, Territory 12 is

indeed a mandatory limited zone with Goro. Since he's so weak, it's much MUCH

easier to just stock up on bombs and use those on most of the major enemies

(except the hornets, those are fairly easy). If not, when fighting the Earth

Diggers and Witch Illzas, a simple strategy to beating them is locking on and

then charging your weapon before slowly approaching them. After the Witch

Illza throws an apple, or after the Earth Digger spits its ice attack,

saunter up and nail them with it, then retreat a distance away and repeat the

process. It's easier than getting killed a billion times -.-;


Territory 13:


Everything is pretty much the same. The same pattern. You may encounter those

annoying Werewolves. Use Xiao to finish the job if you're having trouble with


Territory 14:


If you haven't been diligently building your weapons, now's a good time to do

so. I found a Sand Breaker and a CrysKnife here, although, you may not be

that lucky. From here onward, you won't find any new enemies, as all of the

existing ones have already made their debut appearance. Everything's the same

otherwise. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I need to find something new to say...

Territory 15:


Another possible Limited Zone that can reduce Abs when striking with a weapon

and stuff. It goes without saying. You should know what to do by now. Switch

to a weapon that doesn't matter that much to you and use it to gain access to

the next level.

Territory 16:


By now, when you've bypassed this level, you should have all the Atla pieces

you need to rebuild Matataki Village. If you don't feel like it now, just be

sure to build the Mushroom House. When finished, Ro and Annie asks Toan to go

up the ladder. Inside the house, Ro will give you the Moon Grass Seed, which

is just what you need to confront the boss of Wise Owl Forest (it's amazing

how he survived that fall). Now, climb the ladder to the second floor of the

house afterwards and grab the Sun Dew in the chest. When everything is ready,

return to Wise Owl Forest.



Like the Divine Beast Cave, the backrooms in the Wise Owl Forest is actually

pretty much the same. You'll find uncommon treasures and the monsters here're

are a bit more vicious. The backroom key in this dungeon is the Sun Dew. Look

for a small pool of water with a dock on the left. Use the Sun Dew on the

leaf and the Sun Dew transform the leaf into a life-size boat. Use it to head

into the backrooms on each floor. Though, the Sun Dew is harder to find, it's

still worthwhile to hunt for it.

Before heading off the face Master Utan, I recommend you rebuild Matataki at

100% in all three categories. This way, Goro will receive the Battle Ax from

Treant. Plus, you can get a Turtle Shell from Couscous. See Rebuild Help for

more details. Make sure your defense for each character is above 25. You can

sustain more damage this way. When ready, head off.

Territory 17:


Plant the Moon Grass Seed in the fertile soil and accelerate its growth using

the Sun Dew. Now, you have access to Master Utan's lair. For the first time,

meet the overgrown ape-dude that would love to pick your sweatsocks for some

love interest.


BOSS FIGHT: Master Utan

You should know that in order to defeat bosses, you'll need a little bit (ok,

a lot) of interaction with your allies. In this case, Toan and Goro make a

good duo here. Use Goro and his chunky weapon and smash Utan's feet. Then,

switch to Toan and slash him, like you did with Dran, until Utan starts his

rampage again. If you're having trouble whapping his feet with Goro, give him

some Stamina Potion or Dran's Feather to boost his speed and power a bit. It

will be even better if you've acquired his Battle Ax. The most annoying thing

is that he would take a handful of seeds from the nearest tree and stuff 'em

in his mouth and spit them out at 100MPH. They're rather hard to dodge. When

he sits down, give him an extra blow or two. Keep it up and he should go down



When you've defeated Master Utan, the forest guardian will, like Dran, snap

out of his trance. To show his sincerity, he removes the boulder that is

blocking the path to Brownboo Village. Afterwards, he dozes off to a deep

slumber. The exit leads to Brownboo Village which is inhabited by the Moon

People. It will become part of your world map now.

Enter to find a radiant village filled with fireflies dancing in the air. In

a cut-scene, one of the villagers informs the chief about your arrival. They

decide to use the same plan again. These guys sorta remind you of FFIX's

Vivi, don't they? Anyway, head to the western part of town and you'll get

conked in the head by a giant chestnut or something. When you come to, you

find yourself in a pretty bad predicament. Toan tries to warn them about the

Dark Genie, but to no avail. Finally, another member of the tribe urges the

chief to see the crystal. A nice ensuing cut-scene of the Dark Genie's castle

I must say (looks like Ultimecia's castle from FFVIII). There he is, the Dark

Genie kicking back and puffing on a cigar.

The Moon People tribe devise a plan for you to go to the moon since their own

magic has whittled away over time. But you need the Moon Orb; and where's

that? Only in the next destination: Queens! So, the little guys set out your

next few day's worth of plans. Best get going. Queens will now be a point on

your map.




Like all the other villages you've passed through, Queens is not much, if not

_any_, different from the previous two. You've got empty ground here, there,

and everywhere. Queens is a nice seaside village that has evolved from a

regal city to a commerce province full of merchants and thieves. Except there

are none of that sort at this point.

From the entrance, run toward the vague image of a ship in the distance. Toan

comes to the docks and surprisingly finds another human being! Meet Rando, a

local merchant who just happens to have escaped the carnage of the Dark

Genie. He takes you to the only shop in town, his. There, Toan and he chat

about the Dark Genie and the situation they're in. Rando discloses

information about a sunken ship that contains all the goodies of merchants,

including the Moon Orb. To get there, Rando introduces you to the Turtle, a

submarine disguised as a turtle. From here, Rando bids farewell and asks you

to stop by his shop if you need to refill your inventory. Of course, you must

pay for them. *grumble* *grumble* When you're ready, take the submarine down

to the ship and enter your third dungeon.




The key to gaining access to the other levels here is the Hook. You'll need

it to latch it on to the crane in the hold. There is also the ShipCabin Key,

which you need to unlock required doors. It works like the Bone Key and the

Moustache Key. Water on this level is harder to come by (well, for me it was)

so, you'd better stock up on some water. The backfloor entrance in this

dungeon is, believe it or not, a giant fish that will take you there. You

must find a Flapping Fish in order to lure it out. Remember, these fish will

spoil if you don't keep them refrigerated with ice.

Layer 1:


Since the environment is all new to you, you'd better get acquainted with it.

This dungeon is perfect for weapon building. You'll encounter a lot of

Corceas here; a whole mob of them, as well as some Gunny. Pretty annoying

monsters. I found Goro's Trial Hammer here, which isn't that big of a wowie.

Anyway, just hunt for the Hook and get going. You may visit the backfloor on

this floor if you want.

Layer 2:


Standard fare. Same stuff. Nothing special. Let's move along people...I hate

being repetitive, but I guess I have no choice. ^^;;

Layer 3:


Again, nothing terribly new to report. You may encounter those tricksters,

Mimics. Other than that, it's all in the flow. I found a few Shamshirs, but

they're useless at this point. Your weapons should do more than 100 damage

each time. If not, you'd better level them up. You may want to concentrate

on upgrading the Gladius to the Chronicle Sword. It's possible at this point

if you didn't know. You'll encounter a lot of Cursed Roses here, as well as

those annoying Mimics.

Layer 4:


Typically, the same as the previous floors. Those Cursed Roses can really get

to you. Make sure you have some Soap handy.

Layer 5:


This is a Limited Zone where Xiao is the indispensable character. Naturally,

just use the same methods you've used before when you stumble onto situations

such as this. Remember to plunder all the chests before picking off the bad

guys one by one.

Layer 6:


Toan and company may encounter Gyon here. He's pretty tough when fighting him

in close-range combat because he charges at you (slowly) with his pointy

trident. Be sure to use Xiao to finish him off, either that or have plenty of

cure items ready.

Layer 7:


Sheesh, I am about to run out of things to say if this goes on. Well, it goes

without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Nothing new here, move on to the next

level and remember to collect all the Atla.

Layer 8:


Now's a good time to build King's Hideout and after you've passed this level

you should have all of the necessities to finish King's Hideout, which is

very important for the upcoming levels. Place his house anywhere for the time

being and trigger the event. King will want to reward you, but doesn't know

how, or what. He's finally decided to give you of what seems to be a lamp. He

says it's priceless. You gladly take it, but you accidentally drop it. Here's

a little comical intermission played out for you. Ruby joins your party! Yay!

Stop by the fish cart(build it, if you haven't already) and buy some Flapping

Fish for those backfloors. Don't forget the ice.

Layer 9:


As the level begins, the welcome party that consists of a Captain, Corcea and

the notorious Pirate's Chariot will greet you with open swords. It won't be a

duel this time, but it's a fairly difficult fight, especially with the Pirate

Chariot. So, I suggest you take out the moving cannon with a bomb just to

make things move along quicker. Next, take a stab at the Captain and finally,

pick off the Corcea with Xiao, or whomever. You'll find the hook in a chest.

Now, switch to Ruby and use the Fire attribute on her ring to open the magic-

sealed door. Press R2 then aim directly at the gem using (X).

Layer 10:


Nothing new, try experimenting with Ruby a bit, but since she is a fledgling

at this point, you'll need to power up a bit. Go into the backfloors like I

told you to and level up her weapons. She'll be the party's powerhouse later

on, and you'll be so glad that you put away extra time with Ruby.

Layer 11:


Same old stuff. Just collect the Hook and the Atla and be on your way. 'Nuff


Layer 12:


Unfortunately, if you haven't built up Ruby yet, you'll regret it now, since

This is a Limited Zone that allows you to only take the role of Ruby. Pretty

hard, if she's only doing 20 damage each time with that Gold Ring. Ok, if you

didn't evolve her weapons and make them stronger, you can try allocating

different elements to oppose that of the monsters.

Layer 13:


Things recycle here and everything is normal so, I'm sure you could handle it

without my guidance.

Layer 14:


A possibly randomized Limited Zone where your thirst depleted rapidly. I hope

you have plenty of water in stock.

Layer 15:


Again, nothing really fascinating. Another randomized Limited Zone. This time

using a weapon can reduce Abs. Ack, the horror. And what's worse is that you

can't switch to another weapon.

Layer 16:


After this level, you should have most of Queens' Atla. Go village building

and restore its youth. Use my guide if you need to. You actually might want

to do this first since you'll need to complete the event with Yaya to reach

the boss. Trigger the event with Yaya and return to her for a second reading.

This time, choose the third new option. Grab the Music Box Key on the counter

in Rando's Shop. A touching dialogue. Don't forget to stock up on some Cheese

and Stamina Potion.



The key to the backrooms here, as mentioned earlier, is the Flapping Fish for

the "master" to appear. You need to keep the fish chilled or it'll spoil. Go

to the open grates and use the Flapping Fish. A looney-looking fish in a

captain's hat will appear. He'll offer to take you to the backroom in his

mouth. Will he eat you? Could you trust him? It doesn't hurt to try. :) Alas,

he really does take us to the backroom. Get what you need there and use it to

return to the main level.

To prepare properly, try to develop Ruby's weapon into Athena's Armlet and

stick in all the Fire gems you can. If you've completed the town before this

fight, don't hesitate to use Toan's Macho Sword, unless you have something

much stronger. Don't forget that fire attribute! The _Ice_ Queen will have a

lot of ice-based attacks. Actually, all ice-based attacks. Forget the Anti-

Freeze Amulet, it doesn't work. Be sure that your member's defense is well

over 30.

Layer 17:


Collect the remaining Atla and find the exit. Instead of the customary

pulley, it's replaced by a music box. Whip out the Music Box Key and watch

the ensuing sequence. Now meet your impending doom...



First off, make sure you have a lot of cure items and Stamina Potions/Dran's

Feathers to quicken your movement with Toan. Also, use the BEST weapons you

have and put all the Fire gems on both Toan's and Ruby's weapons. At the

start of the fight, the Ice Queen won't waste any time casting her first ice

spell. Those ice blocks pop up everywhere, so it's no use trying to dodge it

and waste energy. Now, use the Stamina Potion on Toan and run in a zig-zag

fashion to avoid most of Saia's attacks. Then go up to her and slash at her

to break the shield temporarily. Now, use this opportunity to quickly switch

to good ol' Ruby and blast La Saia silly with fire magic(remember to junction

the fire attribute on her weapons). Then switch back to Toan and repeat. If

you are really floundering, try hiding behind the pillar nearest to her until

her attacks die off and jump out and start your assault. She is too difficult

of a boss to be snoozing through it. Good luck. You'll need it. :)


You might want to trade in your Ointment Leaf to Basker for the foundation.




After a short visit to Brownboo Village and a failed attempt to call the Moon

Ship to the village you are sent on your way to explore the Sun & Moon Temple

to find out what has happened to the ship. When you arrive at the temple you

will meet Ungaga. He will inform you that the temple is filled with monsters

(like we would have expected anything less) and the village of Muska Lacka

has been destroyed by the Dark Genie. The goal here will be to restore the

village and clean out the temple to find the moon ship.

As you progress through the temple you will have a couple of short cut scenes

showing Ungaga talking with your friend from Brownboo Village who will keep

trying to convince Ungaga that he is strong and that he should help Toan in

his question to defeat the Dark Genie.

The first thing you should do is head up the stairs and into the temple to

collect some Atla pieces and start rebuilding the town. When you exit from

the temple you will appear near the front of the temple and can reach the

village by walking straight ahead through the arch formed by the two bones.




The sun and moon temple will offer a refreshing change in appearance from the

other dungeons, even the chests take on a different look here. The number of

Atla that appear on each floor and whether or not the floor is a limited zone

is totally random with the exception of a couple of floors that will be noted

in the level walkthroughs below.

The key to open the way down on each floor will be the King's Slate and can

be found after defeating a random enemy on the floor. Some doors inside the

Sun & Moon Temple will require the Stone Key to open. The key to the Back

Levels is called the Secret Path Key and will be found in chests.

Level 1:


You know the basic goal of the floors by now, collect the Atla and treasure

and then move on to the next level. The enemies on this floor will include

Phantoms and Mummies and should go down fairly easily.

Level 2:


The same basic goals present themselves here and once again Mummies and

Phantoms will be found as well as a new enemy, the Bomber Heads.

Level 3:


The goals are of course the same here and the enemies that appear include the

Phantoms, Mummies and Bomber Heads. I also encountered the first Mimics on

this level and even though the look a little different they go down just as

quickly as previous versions. It would be safe to assume that any chest from

this level down could be a Mimic.

Level 4:


You guessed it, more of the same goals here. The opposition on this floor

expands to include another new enemy, the Golems.

Level 5:


This floor includes the same goals and selection of enemies as the previous

level and by this time you should be getting a fairly nice collection of Atla


Level 6:


Are you having fun yet? The collection of Atla pieces has to keep growing

and that means continuing your descent into the temple. This level has the

same goals as the previous levels and the same enemies are present with the

addition of Mr. Blair and his fireball attacks to the roster, cool him off

with some ice based attacks and continue your journey through the temple.

Level 7:


You will find more of the same here, collect the Atla and treasure and move

on to the next level. The monsters here are the same as the previous level

with the possible addition of Crabby Hermits.

Level 8:


This floor will hold the final Atla pieces you need to complete some key

buildings in Muska Lacka so collect them all and make sure you head back to

start building on the village if you haven't done so already, you must have

placed and activated at least the event at the 3 Sister's House before you

can venture any deeper into the temple. The monsters here include the same

ones you faced on the previous level.

Level 9:


This floor is very small and is intended to make sure you have acquired

Ungaga and introduces his special ability. When you first arrive on this

level you will see a short cinema sequence showing the two golem brothers

talking and then they will attack you. You should make quick work of them

then move forward to the doorway with the dark fog and use Ungaga's charge

attack to clear the passage so you can continue to the next level.

Level 10:


We're back to more of the same Atla and treasure collecting on this level.

The roster of enemies grows again to include the Dunes.

Level 11:


This level is just like the previous one, go through collecting the Atla as

you fight the familiar enemies that you faced on the last level then head

down to the next level.

Level 12:


This is just more of the same, the enemies will be the same as those on the

last two levels so just wade through them, collect the Atla and move on to

the next level which is sure to be lots of fun. As a side note, I did run

into the first King Mimic of the dungeon on this level.

Level 13:


This will always be a Limited Zone where you are forced to use your newest

ally in the fight against the Dark Genie... Ungaga. The biggest challenge

here will be learning to fight with Ungaga if you haven't used him on the

previous levels and haven't spent any time building up his weapon, which I

hadn't because the only weapon he had was the Fighting Stick. The key to

this level is just taking your time and killing enemies until you find the

Slate to exit the level then run around grabbing the goodies and leave.

Level 14:


This is pretty much another standard level, collect the Atla and treasure

while fighting the monsters which now includes the Blue Dragon.

Level 15:


And here we have another standard level with the same goals as before but

monsters now have another ally in their attempts to stop you, Steel Giants

which you may remember from your brief encounter earlier in the temple.

Level 16 & 17:


I'm grouping these two levels together since they are both standard levels

where your goals include collecting Atla and finding the key to move down

another level. There will be no new monsters on these levels.

After this level you should go back and complete building Muska Lacka. You

should make sure to get 100% in the Georama Analysis to pick up the Mirage

for Ungaga and a Diamond to help with weapon upgrading. You also need to

activate the event at the Chief's House and then get the Sun Signet and the

Moon Signet from Zabo and Enga. You are now ready to go challenge the boss

of the Sun & Moon Temple.

Level 18:


When you arrive at this level you will see two statues with impressions that

match the two signets you've just picked up in town. Walk over to them and

place the signets in the appropriate statues to open the doors and watch a

short cinema sequence that leads into the fight with the boss of the Temple.



This boss is one of the easiest in my opinion but that could be because of

the level to which I had built up Ruby's weapon by the time I reached the

final level of the Sun & Moon Temple, regardless of how powerful the weapon

you have the strategy is the same.

As the large man-shaped form approaches you need to use Ungaga's charge

attack until you see the smoke flow into a circle around the coffin. Once

the coffin is exposed, quickly switch to the character with the most powerful

weapon and make sure that you have Holy as it's active element and whack the

exposed coffin. This causes the smoke to start reforming the man-shaped body

and once again advance towards you, before it has reformed you should switch

to Ungaga and start his charge attack, this will cause the smoke body to be

dissipated again as soon as it comes towards you allowing another hit from

your most powerful character. If you have a decent weapon this shouldn't

take very long, in my game Ruby took him down in two hits doing around 1100

damage with each hit from her Holy aligned ring.


After you have defeated the boss a passage will open up leading to the Moon

Ship and a short Duel sequence will follow and then you will be on the ship

and heading to the moon to visit Yellow Drops and try and discover a way to

seal the Dark Genie away and stop him once and for all.




After a brief cinema sequence showing the trip to the moon and Toan meeting

a couple of the moon people you will be back in control to explore the town

of Yellow Drops. You should make a quick trip around Yellow Drops to get a

feel for the layout of the town, you should note the locations of Samba and

Jive. Samba will take care of storing your items in this town and Ledan's

shop will be located inside the house Jive is standing outside. Once you

finish your trip around town go inside the large central building where you

will meet Ledan. He will tell you the boss has gone across the Moon Sea to

enter the games at the Coliseum and then you'll be shown to the entrance of

the Moon Sea. Ledan will head back into town and his shop will be open from

this point on and is a good place to stock up on essential items. Once you

are all stocked up it's time to head out onto the Moon Sea.

Note: You should give the Clay Doll to Marnia who will be standing beside

the stone arch at the end of the path you start on when you regain control

of Toan after the trip to the moon. She will give you a unique gem, Sun,

which adds several stat bonuses when attached to a weapon.




The Moon Sea will be unlike any of the previous dungeons you've explored up

to this point. The pathways and rooms are the surface of the moon and they

are wide open with no walls anywhere to be seen. This means that missiles

can travel through the area normally blocked by walls which adds an element

of danger to the monsters with long range attacks. In the walkthroughs of

the levels below when I refer to a level as normal it means that there are

no story elements or special events on this level, there is still a chance

that the level will be a limited zone. The number of Atla per level will

be random just like it was in previous dungeons.

To move between levels on the Moon Sea you will need Gun Powder which will

be dropped by one of the monsters after it dies. There are drawbridges on

the Moon Sea that will require the Handle to operate properly. The Back

Levels on the Moon Sea can be reached using the Bravery Launch, a rare item

that can be found in chests.

No. 1 Craters:


The first area of the Moon Sea should be used to acquaint yourself with the

new surroundings. The enemies on this level include the Hellpockle, Witch

Hellza and Moon Bug; they should go down fairly easily if you've spent some

time building up at least one melee and one long range fighter. Once you've

explored the level and collected all of the Atla and chests activate the big

cannon and head to the next crater.

No. 2 Craters:


The goals on this level are the same as the previous level, collect all the

Atla and treasure then move on to the next level. The monsters here include

a new addition, the Space Gyon, he can be annoying but isn't very dangerous.

No. 3 & 4 Craters:


These two craters are both normal levels with the same roster of monsters

you faces on the previous level. There is the chance that mimics will show

up starting at level three, remember this fact when opening chests. Once

you've collected the Atla and treasure continue on to the next level.

No. 5 Craters:


I think the beauty of the moon should be wearing off by this point so just

get your butt moving and collect the Atla and treasure and continue across

the Moon Sea. The monsters on this level now include the Moon Diggers, a

very annoying and possibly dangerous monster.

No. 6 Craters:


The White Fangs will start appearing on this level. They are an upgraded

version of the Werewolves and are just as easy to defeat. After exploring

the level and collecting the Atla and treasure move on to the next crater.

No. 7 Craters:


This is another normal level, just collect the Atla and treasure and keep

moving across the Moon Sea. The monster list expands again on this level

with the addition of the Vulcans. They are a more powerful version of the

Dunes you met in the Sun & Moon Temple and are immune to fire.

No. 8 Craters:


You will meet Osmond, the boss of the moon people the first time you visit

this level. He will transport you back to Yellow Drops and explain why he

is going to the Coliseum then join up as your final ally. When you return

to this level switch to Osmond, move past the large gap to the cannon and

use it to reach the next level.

No. 9 Craters:


This will be another normal level, just collect the Atla and treasure then

continue to the next level. I found the first King Mimic of the dungeon on

this level so be careful when opening big chests from now on.

No. 10 Craters:


This is more of the same, just collect the Atla and treasure then move on to

the next level. The roster of monsters will grow again with the addition of

the Titans, a slow moving enemy that attacks just like the Golems and Steel

Giants from the previous dungeon.

No. 11 Craters:


This will probably be the most annoying level of the entire dungeon. You'll

be limited to using Osmond on this level and chances are you haven't had any

time (or the inclination) to build up his weapons and he is very weak. The

best way to get past this level is to buy several bombs and use them on all

of the enemies you encounter until you find the Gun Powder. You could also

purchase one of the guns from Ledan's shop and try to fight the monsters on

this level but be prepared to use a lot of repair powders in the process.

No. 12 Craters:


This level is a return to the normal routine of collecting Atla and treasure

then moving on to the next level. The roster of monsters now includes the

Crescent Barons which possess good long and short range attacks.

No. 13 Craters:


The most notable thing about this level is the addition of a new opponent,

Arthur. This is probably the most powerful of the enemies found on the Moon

Sea and also proves to be one of the fastest. Explore the level and collect

the Atla and treasure then move on to the next crater. Only one more level

stands between Toan and the Coliseum.

No. 14 Craters:


This level is just more of the same, collecting the Atla on this level will

provide the last parts you'll need to build the Sun Giant and once you're

done you should fire the cannon and leave the dungeon for the time being.

After leaving the dungeon you should go back to the Moon Factory and finish

rebuilding the Sun Giant. You will be missing only one piece for the chest

of the Giant, the Sun Sphere (a.k.a. Pez Sphere). This is the price at the

Coliseum and you should now have the ticket that is required to enter the

competition so what are you waiting for? Take a minute to make sure you're

well stocked up on supplies then head to the Coliseum.

No. 15 Craters (The Coliseum):


The Coliseum gates stand before you and a hellpockle dressed in red stands

outside. Walk up to him and use the ticket, he will then open the doors to

the Coliseum. Inside you will find there is only one combatant left and it

seems as if he's never been defeated, I guess it's time to change that.



This has got to be the hardest hitting boss you've encountered up to this

point in the game... too bad he should never even get to attack unless you

get careless during this fight. To defeat Joe select your strongest fighter

and move around the ring until one of the barrels is between you and Joe.

He will stop and pick up the barrel and start drinking, this is your cue to

move in and land one attack. After landing the attack dodge back away from

Joe, find another barrel and repeat this process until he dies. Using this

attack pattern you should be able to defeat Joe without taking any damage.


After you have defeated Minotaur Joe you will be taken outside. Go to the

Moon Factory and place the Sun Sphere into the chest of the Moon Giant then

go back into walk mode on the floor of the factory. You will see a short

cinema sequence where Osmond holds a mission briefing and then tells you to

just let him know when you're ready for the attack on Dark Heaven Castle.

Take this time to stock up on any needed supplies and then talk to Osmond

and let him know you're ready to continue. There will be another cinema

sequence showing the Sun Giant taking off and heading towards Dark Heaven

Castle for the final confrontation with the Dark Genie.




The cinema sequence will continue showing the approach to Dark Heaven Castle

and a talk between the Faerie King and Seda which will reveal a bit more of

the story behind the Dark Genie. The scene will then shift outside showing

the battle between the Sun Giant and the Dark Genie which ends with the Sun

Giant blasting the Dark Genie. Toan and his allies think they've defeated

the Dark Genie until they see General Flag and he explains that the Genie

they destroyed was simply a mouse that had been infused with a small amount

of the true Dark Genie's power and that the true Dark Genie is inside Flag

and he proceeds to destroy the Sun Giant. The use of such great power by

the Dark Genie ruins General Flag's body and he abandons it then heads back

inside Dark Heaven Castle. Toan and Osmond are rescued by Dran and dropped

off in the courtyard of Dark Heaven Castle where Dran tells Toan he has to

hurry up and get inside the castle to confront the Dark Genie while he is

in a weakened condition.

Toan heads inside where he talks to Seda and learns more about the creation

of the Dark Genie and Seda's involvement in the whole matter. Seda opens

the Gallery of Time and tells Toan to find the fragments of his memory he

left inside the gallery and return to the past to stop the events that led

to the creation of the Dark Genie. Sounds easy enough, Toan rushes through

the opened portal and you find yourself on the first floor of the Gallery

of Time, heading towards your final confrontation with the Dark Genie.

When you exit the Galley of Time you will find the Faerie King outside in

the hall. He has opened up a shop to keep you well stocked on all of the

supplies you'll need including healing items, attachments and even gems at

the low price of 3000 each. This dungeon should be fairly simply for you

at this point in the game if you've spent your time building up one long

range fighter and one short range fighter to the point where your attack

and magic ratings are above 100 for each. If you haven't build up your

weapons very well you should take the time to do so now because the last

boss is one of the more challenging ones in the game.




I'm changing the format of the walkthrough section for this dungeon. You

may have noticed that the in the previous dungeons the brief paragraph for

each level would tell you what type of level to expect, what new monsters

you would face and any special comments I had about the level. The levels

for this dungeon consist of a lot of normal, randomized levels and instead

of trying to think up twenty or so ways to say this I've switched to a new

short level summary format.

The level key for the Gallery of Time is the Clock Hands, this item will be

dropped by a random monster on the level when it is defeated. The key for

locked doors in the Gallery of Time is the Pitchdark Key. The item needed

to open the way to the back floors in the Gallery of Time is the Flapping

Duster and is very rare, I found one in the whole dungeon.

5 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Evil Bat (4 Abs), Curse Dancer (5 Abs), Dark Flower (5 Abs)

Comments - This was a Limited Level (Abs Down) in my game.

18 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Billy (6 Abs)

Comments - This was a Limited Level (Thirst) in my game.

23 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Living Armor (6 Abs)

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

38 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Mimic (6 Abs)

51 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Rash Dasher (6 Abs)

66 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Club (6 Abs)

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

102 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Heart (6 Abs)

109 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Diamond (6 Abs)

122 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Spade (6 Abs)

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

140 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Joker (6 Abs)

151 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - None

162 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - King Mimic (18 Abs)

205 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Lich (12 Abs)

208 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Blizzard (8 Abs)

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

213 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - Alexander (15 Abs)

225 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal

New Monsters - Black Dragon (20 Abs)

238 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal Level

New Monsters - There will be no new monsters for the rest of the dungeon.

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

249 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal

Comments - This was a Limited Level (Thirst) in my game.

300 Years Ago:


Level Type - Always a Limited Level (Xiao Only)

310 Years Ago:


Level Type - Always a Limited Level (Goro Only)

322 Years Ago:


Level Type - Always a Limited Level (Ruby Only)

340 Years Ago:


Level Type - Always a Limited Level (Ungaga Only)

356 Years Ago:


Level Type - Always a Limited Level (Osmond Only)

382 Years Ago:


Level Type - Normal

Comments - There was a weapon chest on this level.

400 Years Ago - Night of the Incident:


This is the final level, only accessible after you have collected all of the

Georama Parts and viewed all of Seda's reconstructed memories. You should be

prepared for a tough battle before coming down to this level. The Dark Genie

will be the toughest enemy you have faced even with powerful weapons.



Phase One:


In the first part of the battle the Dark Genie's hands will come up out of

the floor to attack you. His right and left hand will only be vulnerable to

a certain type of elemental attack and will never be vulnerable to the same

element. The color of the gem on the back of his hand will indicate which

element it is currently vulnerable to and will only change when he crosses

his hands across his chests and folds his wings in close to his body. You

should face the Dark Genie and watch which hand he thrusts into the ground

and then note the color of the gem on that hand, in this way you can judge

when to start moving to dodge the attack and will know which element to set

active on your weapon. The hands will take a few thousand points of damage

to defeat so be patient. The only damage you should take in this phase of

the battle is from an almost invisible attack that does around twenty to

thirty points of damage and cannot be avoided. If you don't want to change

elements all the time just remove all elemental affinities from the weapon.

This will cause it to do less damage than it would with the corresponding

elemental affinity but will save some of the hassle.

Phase Two:


Once the hands are defeated the next phase of the battle will begin. The

Dark Genie will now randomly switch between attacking with a powerful beam

that shoots from his head and the unavoidable attack he used before. You

should dodge to the side to avoid the powerful beam and immediately shoot

his head using Ruby (or your most powerful ranged attacks). If he starts

using the unavoidable attack repeatedly, just target his head and fire at

will his head is defeated or he starts using the beam attack again. Make

sure you keep yourself healed up during this phase of the battle.


[TIP] Thanks to tempt amn and Kevin

Use a Stamina Potion to "avoid" any damage on your character when the Dark

Genie casts that seemingly unavoidable attack. Although you'll still get

knocked down, you'll lose no HP points.


Phase Three:


With his head defeated the Dark Genie shifts to his final form which looks

like a big insect of some type. He also summons to demonic looking guards

to fight at his side in this final stage of the battle. This phase of the

battle can be fought using a couple of different strategies. You can kill

the two guards which will make the Dark Genie open his mouth and expose an

orb that you have to target to damage this final form. If you don't kill

the guards he WILL randomly open his mouth to expose the vulnerable area,

giving you the chance you need to defeat him. The attacks he uses in this

form are the deadliest you've ever encountered. The first is a powerful

beam of energy that tracks you across the screen. To dodge the attack run

in a circle away from the beam and then towards the side of his body. If

this doesn't work you will take a large amount of damage, although one hit

won't be enough to kill you at this point you will be severely injured and

knocked to the ground. If this happens, you should have a premium chicken

in one of the active item slots and use it as soon as you get back to your

feet, if you don't time this correctly and the beam is still active you will

die, no character can take two hits from this attack. The other attack this

form uses are waves of power that travels over the ground, he seems to only

use this attack after you hit the gem inside his mouth and it can be dodged

fairly easily. This form may give you some problems and should not be taken

lightly. I would recommend having at least nine premium chickens in the

active item slot just in case you have problems dodging the beam attack and

have a few stand-in powders and revive powders in case your chosen fighter

goes down during the battle.


If you are having problems in this battle you probably have weaker weapons

and should consider building them up a bit more before taking on the final

battle. You should have a strong weapon for Toan by this time and he will

have the easiest time in the first phase of this battle as long as he has

an attack rating of over 200 and a magic rating over 100 with high ratings

in all of the elements. When I fought the Dark Genie I had the Chronicle

Sword with everything maxed except the attack rating which was at 220 and

this took out the hands in around six hits. The second phase requires you

to make use of long range attacks to hit his head and the third phase will

be much easier with someone who can attack from long range. I used Ruby

for these two phases and had the Secret Armlet with all stats maxed except

for magic which was around 240. The head took four hits from the back of

the room with Holy active on the weapon and the final form took five hits

from medium range with Holy active on the weapon. You can win this battle

with weaker weapons but expect a longer fight and prepare accordingly.


After you defeat the Dark Genie you will view the end game cinema sequence.

I will not go into details, you'll just have to beat the Dark Genie and see

the ending for yourself.

Once the cinema sequence is completed watch all of the credits and allow the

game to save the game cleared flag to your memory card. The Demon Shaft is

now open for your exploration on any game where you've reached Dark Heaven

Castle. This is a 100 level dungeon featuring most of the enemies you have

encountered in all of the other dungeons as well as a small selection of new

enemies, read the section below for a brief summary of what you can expect

inside the Demon Shaft.




The Demon Shaft is your reward for beating the game, a massive one hundred

level dungeon filled with treasure and beefed up versions of the enemies you

previously faced throughout the game as well as a few new faces. I'm not

going to do a walkthrough of the Demon Shaft but I will give you some hints

and tips about what to expect in the Demon Shaft and how to prepare for the

challenges ahead....

- The Demon Shaft seems to have no Limited Levels and of course there won't

be any Atla in the dungeon. The main goals on every level should be to

fight until you acquire the key down to the next level and then collect

all the treasure and avoid combat unless you need to level up a weapon.

- The key to open the way down to the next level inside the Demon Shaft is

the Black Knight Crest. The Silver Key will open the locked gates inside

the Demon Shaft. The Crystal Eye can be used to open the way to the back

floor on any level of the Demon Shaft.

- The monsters in the Demon Shaft as well as the dungeon itself will change

after every 20 levels. These changes include the addition of new monsters

and some old monsters changing their elemental strengths and weaknesses.

- The monsters in the Demon Shaft can really drain weapon hit points when

you attack them using melee weapons. If you plan to use Toan, Goro or

Ungaga then you should use one of your active item slots on auto repair

powder so you don't have to worry about losing your favorite weapon.

- The enemies here will do more damage than anything you've encountered in

the previous dungeons so make sure you bring in some healing items. You

should also bring along a normal supply of water in case you run into a

long stretch of levels without underground springs.

Those tips should see you through the Demon Shaft. The boss on the 100th

level should be easy compared to the Dark Genie. I'll add some strategies

for defeating him in the next update. The new monsters you'll encounter

inside the Demon Shaft shouldn't pose any challenges you won't be able to

overcome and I don't plan on updating the bestiary to include them. Your

reward for completing the dungeon is the Chronicle2 Sword.

___ _________________________________________________________________________

\ \\___ ___________________________________________________________ ___/

| | | | | |

| | | | 04. R E B U I L D I N G T H E V I L L A G E S | |

| |____| |___________________________________________________________| |___


Find out where and how to build the homes for everyone you come across. Can't

figure it out yourself? You sad little man. Oh well, that's what this section

is for. This is pertinent to the Georama mode only. I will guide you through

building the ideal village that everyone envisions. Of course, it's your job

to collect all the Atla first. Well what are you waiting for? Get to work you


I will, to my best ability, try to lay out a bird's-eye view of the village

once it's been properly assembled. Meaning, you can use these neat ASCII maps

as a quick reference as to where all the houses should be properly set. Lost

you yet?

There are actually various ways to lay-out the villages, just as long as you

satisfy all the inhabitants of the village. Try different things. My way is

not the only way to go. This is just a quick reference for when you are

totally stumped.




Well, naturally, you'll need the Atla you've gathered from the Divine Beast

Cave. Don't have it? Go back and get it! Sheesh. Anyway, as you may have

suspected, the only way to move on to other villages is to first rebuild,

and I mean completely rehabilitate Norune Village before moving onto another.

Well, even if you wanted to, you can't anyway. So I guess you're stuck with

good ol' Norune until you've, or rather, Toan has helped the poor mendicants

of the village. :)

Ok, I think the first couple of Atla you can amass could be enough to rebuild

Macho's home, but I hate going through the trouble of telling you which huts

to build in order. Therefore, I'll just randomly tell you what you need, and

how you're going to renovate your fellow neighbors' huts...err, houses. Then,

you could just seek out which you need help on and shoot. :)

100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis and get: Windmill Slash!



| |

| X = Town Exit |

| V = Entrance to|

| Cave |

| _ |

| |_| = WindMill |

| (_) = Tree |

| # = Bridge |


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| Laura's house_____ X _________ |

| ___________ ________\ / \ |

| _________ | | | | | | |

| | | |___________| |_________| \_________/ |

| |_________| \___Claude's House \________Paige's |

| (_) \__Alnet's House House |

| _____________________________________________ _____________ |

| | # # RIVER | / \ |

| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Fishing | |

| | | | Pond | |

| | | \_____________/ |

| (_) Chief's House (_) (_) | | |

| / ________ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |

| __ / | | | _____________| |_________________ |

| / \ | | | | DRAN'S WIND-| RIVER | |

|| | | | |ROAD| MILL | _________________| |

|| | |________| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |

| \__/ \_______Your House |__________________| | (_) (_) _ |

| Dran's Windmill_____/ | | |_| |

| | | (_) |

| (_) | | ______ |

| ___________________________________________| | | | |

| | # # RIVER | | | |

| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | |

| (_) |______| |

| _______ Macho's house____/ |

| | | ___________ |

| |_______| | | |

| \_______Gaffer's Buggy |___________| |

| _ \_____________The Hag's house |

| |_| |

| V |

|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |

You can't blame me for trying. =P Let's start with your house, since it is

your number one priority to keep your mother happy 'n stuff. Be her little

angel and start building! Plus, Toan can count on sleeping in his own bed

tonight if you do things correctly. Hell, the villagers will become so

content, you'd forget they were there.




Items needed:

- Chimney

- Keg

- Llama

- Stray Cat

- Toan's mother, Renee

- Upstairs storage

How to build it: Since your mother, or rather, Toan's mother would like the

sun shining brightly on her, the first thing you would want is to make sure

the house is facing the east. That way, the first thing Renee will see when

she wakes up is the sun.

Rewards: If Toan has rescued that Stray Cat back in Divine Beast Cave, then

it follows you home. From there, you can change it into a fearsome feline

warrior. It will join your party; her name is Xiao, but "Kittycat" is a nice

name too. :)




Items needed:

- Alnet

- Alnet's younger brother, Carl

- Cabin

- Lamp

- Llama

- Stairway

How to build it: If you have talked to Alnet lately, you'll know she detests

the Macho brothers. Actually, detests is such a strong word; dislike is the

better word for it. To keep her happy and comfortable, position her house as

far away from the Macho brother's house as possible.

Rewards: Alnet gives you a fishing rod for being so kind. Too bad you're too

young for her.




Items needed:

- Annex Room

- Barbell

- Fence

- Lamp

- Macho

- Macho's big brother, Komacho

How to build it: Notice the muscular build on the brothers? Well, they'd like

to keep their shapes that way. And how? Only by letting them work out with

those vicious monsters in the Divine Beast Cave. Place their house near the

entrance and it should be more than enough to keep them happy, that is until

they lose a leg. Their insatiable appetite for muscles and less brains gives

monsters a slight advantage over them, yeah? :)

Rewards: Komacho offers Stone Breaker as recompense for your carpentry antics

and stuff. The Stone Breaker is effective in one of the floors in the Divine

Beast Cave. The Macho brothers leave and square off to settle things once and

for all.




Items needed:

- Bench

- Cabin

- Candy Box

- Claude

- Fence

- Lamp

How to build it: Knowing Claude, he'll love to eat Alnet's cooking. Why not

make them neighborly neighbors?

Rewards: Here is an example of the time sequence in Dark Cloud. Since people

react differently at different times of the day, you may want to visit every-

one during the morning, afternoon and the remaining part of the day. Some of

them may give you gifts. Claude is a great example. During the morning, he'll

feel generous and give you item Candy; at night, he will feel even better and

give up some Cheese and Soap! Great! Oh, don't bother during the afternoon,

though. He is sleeping at that time. :P




Items needed:

- Cabin

- Fence

- Lamp

- Paige

- Paige's father, Pike

- Wheels

How to build it: A place next to the fishing pond is more beneficial for Pike

than for Paige, since Pike loves to fish. You may learn a few things from him

you know?

Rewards: Paige knits a new and bigger pouch for you. Now it can hold up to 60

items. Whoop!




Items needed:

- Auntie Laura

- Cabin

- Fence

- Gina

- Lamp

- Tricycle

How to build it: Laura can't stand the noise coming from the Village Chief's

house. A good idea is to keep it a distance away from the chief. Poor guy.

Rewards: If you've gotten the Tricycle just like Gina asked for, she'll love

you more than ever and also hand over Dran's Feather. Aww, isn't that sweet?




Items needed:

- Light

- Sign

- Supplies

- Gaffer

How to build it: Gaffer will be content with where ever you put him, just as

long as his shop will be swarming with customers. He's an easy-going guy eh?

Rewards: Nothing special. But since you've helped reopen his shop, he will be

more than willing to sell you items or vice versa. Selling items you've found

in the cave is not a bad idea to accumulate those Gilda!


*~ ~*

*~ A NOTE SUBMITTED BY: David Lanier ~*

*~ ~*

*~ If u don't have pike when u finish gaffers buggy, gaffer will have ~*

*~ fewer weak items than normal (he will have a bad back after puttin up ~*

*~ the sign). ~*

*~ ~*





Items needed:

- Bench

- Cabin

- Fence

- Jar

- Hag

- Lamp

How to build it: The hag has an unusual liking to watch big Dran's Windmill

blades. It gives her sick pleasure.

Rewards: The Hag will offer to keep any unnecessary items you have as storage

and stuff. Nice place to drop off any redundant items, or items you'd want to

use later.




Items needed:

- Dran's Blades

- Dran's Horn

- Sign

- Torch

How to build it: Placing it in the center of the village will serve as a nice

monument of uh, something.

Rewards: You get to fight the boss! Yay!




Items needed:

- Ladder

- Windmill Vanes

How to build it: You can actually place these anywhere in town, just as long

as no one complains.

Rewards: None.




The next village in line that's waiting to be rebuilt. Almost everyone here

would like a Torch, so you'd better have those prepared. You'll generally

find the Atla to this village in the Wise Owl Forest (duh). Now, go Atla

hunting and then we can talk. Let's start with Cacao's House since it's the

first you need to worry about.

100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis and get: Battle Ax!



| |

| X = Entrance |

| V = Entrance to|

| _ Forest |

| |_| = WaterMill |

| (_) = Tree |

| -W- = Well |

| G = Path to |

| Goro's home|

| -T- = Treant's |

| Chamber |

| # = Bridge |


--Main Portion of Village--

- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| ' (_) (_) | | -T- .|

| / _____ (_)|###| .' |

| \ | |(_)| | / |

| ' | | _________Cacaos' House ; |

| ' |_____|/ | | ' |

| / (_) (_) (_) | | ' |

| ' | | ; |

| ; (_) (_) (_) | | \ |

| ; ___________| | ' |

| MOUNTAINS AND / | _ ____________| ; |

| HILLS | ||_| ________ _________ \ |

| ' | | | | ____Bunbuku's | | \. |

| ' | | |________|/ House |_________| \|

| ' | | \___Pao's House |

| . . ;' |##| . . |

|_ _ _; ' . ' . ; | | ;'PEANUT '.... |

| \ \ | | ;. LAKE ';|

|<- Leads to \ ' |##| ;'' ' ' ' ' |

| Waterfall area -G-(_) | | V |

| ___________________| | /|

| (_) | |_| | ' |

|_______| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯______Couscous' House ____________ / |

| # | /___________ -W- ' ' ' |

|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ' EARTH A ' ; EARTH B ; / |

| ; ____ ; ; ________ ;\ |

| ; | | ; ; | | ; \ |

| ; |____| ; (_) ; |________| ; \|

| ; ; ; Mushroom House ; |

| ' ___________ ' ' ______________' |

| |

|____________________ X __________________________________________________|


Town Entrance

--WaterFall Area--

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| ' ;;;;;;;;;;;; ||||||||||||| ;;;;;;;;;' |

| ' ;;;;;;;;;;; Waterfall ;;;;;;;;;;;' |

| ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |

| | DAM | ____Baron's|

| _________ |_______| ________/ House |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |_________| | | | | |

| \_____Kye&Momo's | | |________| |

| House | | |

| |#####| |

| __________ | | |

| | | | |________________ |

| |__________| | _ RIVER # | |

| \____Gob's House ||_| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |

| | | _____ | | |

| | | | | | | |

| -W- | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |_____| | | |

| | | \___Wise Owl| | Leads to|

| | |______________| | Village|

| | RIVER | |____ |

| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ||

| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ||

| |_______________________ | v|

| | | X|

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, you can't blame me for trying. =P There you have it. The second

village is finally done. Any questions?




Items needed:

- Cabin

- Cacao

- Laundry

- Sign

- Stairway

- Torch

How to build it: Cacao acts as if he suffers from down syndrome, and looks as

if he were going to break down from a heart attack if you don't build his

home correctly. He loves to sing and compose music. Therefore, he'd like to

listen to the rustling of the leaves. Simple enough. Use about 6 trees from

your georama inventory and surround his house with them. That should keep him

really happy.

Rewards: Being the indisposed person that he is, he'll sing a patriotic song

to you about the legendary warrior, Fudoh. Afterwards, seeing that you'd like

to start a music career, he gives you a homemade, handicrafted ocarina-like

instrument, the Odd Tone Flute. He warns you that it may attract snakes. Nice

guy that man is.




Items needed:

- Ancient Baron

- Branch

- Roof

- Sign

- Torch

How to build it: Attach all its necessities and speak with the Baron to find

that he is the village chief. He would like to be near enough water for it to

be audible. Finding that he is becoming older and older, his hearing isn't so

acute anymore. It's best to place him where the water is roaring. The water-

fall is a nice place.

Rewards: Being the thankful fellow that he is, he imparts old stories of the

village into your tiny head. Ask all the questions you can, and when you've

asked them all, you can choose to leave. But before that, the Ancient Baron

gives you a nice gift to help you on the journey. Toan receives a Gourd, foo.




Items needed:

- Laundry

- Pao

- Sign

- Stairway

- Torch

How to build it: Pao is a genial chap. He'll gladly cook for you if you ful-

fill his requests. He would like his house to be placed next to Peanut Pond,

although, you don't know where it is. He tells you to look very closely at

Matataki Village. It's pretty obvious. It's about the only pond in the whole

village. There's a small strip of water in the northwestern part of village.

Position his house there.

Rewards: Pao provides you with a hearty meal and gives you a hint about the

Moon People's Village. Before leaving, Pao also presents you the Fruit of

Eden. Don't forget to say thanks.




Items needed:

- Balcony

- Old chap, Ro

- Ro's Wife, Annie

- Second Floor

- Sign

- Torch

How to build it: The elderly couple would love a nice view from atop their

house, so a balcony is essential here. Even after building their house and

assembling their cozy balcony, they're still not happy. Time to take things

into overdrive. Take Earth B and place it where it's positioned on the ASCII

map above. Then place the mushroom house on the surface. This should magnify

their view by a hundred times. If that doesn't satisfy them, nothing will!

Rewards: After rebuilding their house, Ro(or Annie) calls Toan to come to the

balcony. The couple mulls over what to give you in return. Ro knows just the

thing and heads into the house. Inside, you see Ro rummaging through dozens

of cluttered boxes. He finally finds it, and falls headlong to the floor from

two stories up. Miraculously, he survives and cheerfully gives you the Moon

Grass Seed. It apparently grows in a special place in the forest.




Items needed:

- Bunbuku

- Cabin

- Sign

- Stairway

- The mute, Kululu

- Torch

How to build it: Bunbuku's request is the easiest of all. His lazy butt can't

handle trudging to a faraway Watermill, so be sure to place his house near

one or vice versa. Kululu would like a torch to keep the boogey man away. Oh,

and don't forget the Upstairs Cabin Bunbuku would like.

Rewards: He's a stingy guy, as you don't get anything from him. To top it all

off, he eats one of Kululu's things and she throws a tantrum. Now she won't

listen to either you or Bunbuku until she gets back what Bunbuku has eaten.

He attempts to give you hints on what it was, but it's pretty simple. It's...

Candy! You can get that from Couscous. When/If you give the Candy to Bunbuku,

he'll repay you with an Ointment Leaf.




Items needed:

- Entrance

- Sign

- The owl, Mr. Mustache

- Torch

- Wise Owl Entrance

How to build it: This little feathery entrepreneur is one overbearing birdy.

He would like water ALL around his shop. That means north, west, east and

south, baby. All around. Simple enough. Just use the remaining Rivers and

start building a moat around his shop. Use my ASCII map if needed.

Rewards: The shop will now be open for business and for a one-time special,

Mr. Mustache will sell you the valued Wise Owl Sword for 2,500G! Talk about

a blow to the old self-esteem. But anyway, it's worth it.




Items needed:

- Bone

- Muscular man, Gob

- Sign

- Torch

- Tree

How to build it: He's got to have the coolest looking house in the village!

First off, he'd like a skeletal roof (bone) leading to his door, then he'd

like to be next to Momo. Make Gob Momo's official neighbor. "Her legs are sin

to look this good!" or something like that anyway.

Rewards: Gob shows you how a real man cooks, but Toan seems to become full

rather too quickly. Before you get a chance to leave, he tosses you a Frozen

Tuna (Goro's weapon).




Items needed:

- Cabin

- Momo

- Momo's grandpa, Kye

- Sign

- Stairway

- Torch

How to build it: Momo is a knockout (in Gob's eyes, anyway), although, she

seems to have an odd liking to Goro. Anyway, Momo loves to shop and Mr.

Mustache's shop seems to be her favorite store, although, she points out that

his stuff is too expensive for her taste. Make sure the shop is in walking

distance anyway.

Rewards: Kye is a little senile here. He goes nuts and attempts to fall off

the roof. Then he scoffs at Momo for um, stuff. Momo jumps down Xena-style

and hands you a measely Plant Buster as a reward. All that hard work for that





Items needed:

- Couscous

- Grass

- Sign

- Torch

How to build it: A very large, plump stuffed animal of a sort. He has a tree

(a compacted one) growing on his head, which looks...attractive. Anyway, he

would like you to help him think of a way so he could see the outside world.

I mean, he can't even fit through the door, so help the poor guy. Use the

remaining Earth A and place his house on top. Position it as it is in the map


Rewards: Like the old hag in Norune, he'll offer to let you store any items

you don't need in his "fluffy grass". On the plus side, he'll offer some

Candy. Now, if you refuse that, he'll offer a Shiny Stone (Ice or Fire Gem).

Finally, refuse him for the third time and he'll just cough up a Turtle Shell

without your acknowledgement. I say go for the third option.




Items needed:

- Bucket

- Roof

- Stairway

- Torch

How to build it: The easiest can't get any easier. It doesn't matter where it

(or they) goes.

Rewards: None.




Items needed:

- Torch

- Waterwheel

How to build it: You can place two of them anywhere, while reserving one for


Rewards: None.




Ah yes, I didn't forget that nice, quiet little seaport village where all the

latest trends and items are. It's a nice village. There's the "ruler" of the

town, King, whom you need to pay taxes to. There are those lovely vendors

that sell fresh fish, water and fruits. Everything you need for a growing boy

and girl! Then, there's those weapons, items, and gems/attachment shops to

gander at. Oh, don't forget the ever-popular Leaning Tower plucked straight

from Italy.

100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis and get: Macho Sword!



| |

| X = Entrance |

| V = Leads to |

| the docks. |

| (_) = Palm Tree |

| |



| |X

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| | | | | ____ _______ |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |____| |_______| |

| | |WAT-| | \__Jack's \__Basker's|

| | | ER | | (_) |

| | | | | (_) |

| EMPTY SPACE | | | | ___ |

| | | | | | | ______ |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |___| | | |

|____________________________| | | | \_Suzy's|______| |

|____________________________| | | | (_) \__Fountain |

| | | | | |

| _____ | | | |________________________|

| | | (_) | | | |________________________|

| | | | | | | | |

| |_____| ____ | | | | | _______ (_) |

| \___Joker's | | | | | | | | King's| _____ |

| ____ |____| | | | | | |Hideout| | | |

| | | Divining | | | | | |_______| |_____| |

| \__/ House | | | | | | | \__Lana's|

| (_) \___Leaning Tower | |WAT-| | | | |Road ______ |

| _______________ | | ER | | | | | | |(_) |

| | | | | | | | |_| |______| |

| |____ _____| | | | | | _____ \_Sheriff's|

| |____|\__Cathedral| | | | | |_____|Ruty's |

| (_) | | | | |________________

|____________________________|________ V _______|__________________|_____|





Items needed:

- Bicycle

- Prison

- Prison

- Wilder

- Wilder's assistant, Sam

- Sign

How to build it: The sheriff's position entails him a big responsibilty to

keep Queens a safe and peaceful town, but King is definitely up to something.

better place his office adjacent to King's Hideout just to be on the safe

side. He also needs two prison cells just for extra precautions. You might

want to remind him that the interior may need a little renovating. :)

Rewards: Wilder and co. is back in operation! We can rest in peace now that

we know the town is in good hands. Toan tries his luck and asks about the

Moon Orb, but to no one's surprise, Wilder knows nothing about it. However,

he passes on the word that the Joker might know something about it since he

is a crystal dealer. He gives you a Search Warrant just in case the Joker

gives you any trouble.




Items needed:

- Annex Room

- Chimney

- Jack

- Lamp

- Sign

- Sunshade

How to build it: Jack's store doesn't open at anytime except during the day.

Even before you complete his house. He'll need a sunshade and an annex room.


RUBY. I'll explain why in a little bit. He'd like his place near the watery.

So just place his shop near the entrances to one of the three sections of the


Rewards: If you've followed my advice (about Ruby), then she will appear and

talk him into giving the party something in return for their hard work. Jack

will scurry to the back room and return with a Big Bucks Hammer for Goro and

a Platinum Ring for Ruby. This is the best exchange anyone could ask for.




Items needed:

- Chimney

- Joker

- Lamp

- Sign

- Sunshade

How to build it: Joker doesn't seem too fond of the Sheriff. It'd make sense

if you'd place his shop as far away from the Sheriff's office as possible.

Complete his shop, then with the Search Warrant the Sheriff gave you, check

in and have a chat with the crystal seller. Apparently, that he is also after

a crystal that supposedly gives the beholder eternal life.

Rewards: He gives you nothing, as all he has to offer are his "useless" gems.

You can now buy _some_ items and attachments from him.




Items needed:

- Car

- King

- King's lackey no. 1, Stew

- King's lackey no. 2, Jake

- Lamp

- Sunshade

How to build it: King is a rich, fat bastard. So stingy that he'll unwilling-

Ly give you something in return for you efforts. Well, first he would like

his ugly car back. Don't forget to pave a road for the car. It doesn't matter

what it looks like as long as it leads from the car. And also, remember to

put up that sunshade.

Rewards: King is uncertain whether to give you something, but feels that he's

obligated to do so. Stew (or Jake) whispers something into his ear. King

responds delightedly and tells you to wait. He gives you what seems to be a

lamp. It's something money can't buy he says. Oops, Toan accidentally drops

it and everyone seems mortified. Out comes a beautiful genie. Everyone is

shaken up, even our young hero. And what happens in the end? She becomes our

newest team member! Yay, hurrah to Ruby!




Items needed:

- Hat Shaped Roof

- Mark

- Phil

- Torch

How to build it: Phil, the saint, would like the Cathedral to face the ocean

so, he could pray everyday to calm the soul of La Saia. Have the entrance

face one of the openings to the water. He'd also like to have a hat shaped


Rewards: Phil regales you with the story about the Queen La Saia and why the

church no longer has any weddings held there. For being such a good listener,

he presents you with the Holy attachment.




Items needed:

- Basker

- Chimney

- Lamp

- Second Floor

- Sign

- Sunshade

How to build it: Like Jack's store, he opens only during the day. He believes

that if his shop is placed at a higher ground, business will come pouring. Be

sure to place him in the first section, near the entrance to town. He needs

that second floor and don't you forget it.

Rewards: He will gladly help store items for you. Everything stored in Norune

and Matataki Village will be carried over to his inventory.




Items needed:

- Sign

- Snake

- Yaya

How to build it: The renown fortune teller would like her precious emblem

facing in the direction of the sun rise. Just rotate her shop around until

she's satisfied, although, I think the first position should be the right one

or something.

Rewards: Now, Yaya will give you a free reading of your future or whatever.

Choose from your options and uh, Yaya will perform her "fortune telling". It

looks a little dirty, but um, it works, I guess. Choosing the Moon Orb will

show Lana carry away a distinct ball of what seems to be one of the fruits

from her push cart. Next, choosing Dark Genie will give you an insight to his

impending plan. He's about to destroy another town!




Items needed:

- Lana

- Pushcart (fruit)

- Pushcart (fruit)

- Pushcart (fruit)

How to build it: It's quite simple to assemble. Her request is blunt and easy

to fulfill. She would like to be near her son, Jake, who always seems to be

lingering around King. She would like to keep an eye out for her momma's boy.

Rewards: She gives you a Gooey Peach and opens her fruit stand. If you have

already visited the fortuneteller, you'll be treated to an additional scene.




Items needed:

- Pushcart (fish)

- Pushcart (fish)

- Pushcart (fish)

- Ruty

How to build it: Again, really easy to assemble and her request is not really

a brain-buster. She'd like her cart to be somewhere near the docks so it'd

save her the trouble of lugging a cart load of fish from the docks all the

way to the other side of town. Just put her next to the ramp leading to the


Rewards: As with all shops, hers is open for business. For your efforts, she

gives you a Flapping Fish and an Ice Block to keep it from getting spoiled.

Now, you can buy Flapping Fish any time, which is the back floor key to the





Items needed:

- Keg

- Lamp

- Pushcart

- Suzy

- Urn

How to build it: Suzy's water cart is just like the other two and requires

kegs and urns to hold the water. Being such a water freak, place her stand

near the water fountain.

Rewards: Her store is having a re-grand opening thanks to you, but she is a

little shaky about her catchy name. Give her an opinion about it and whether

you gave her a positive or negative answer, she'll ask what she should

convert it to. Pick Fighting Watery to get her to sell Stamina Potions. Neat!

Note: If you pick the Freshen Up Watery she will sell all of the basic stat

enhancing attachments for weapons, this includes Attack +1, Endurance +1,

Speed +1 and Magic +1. -= Azaroth =-




Items needed:

- Pillar

- Spout

- Water's Surface

How to build it: Just assemble everything in accord. Be sure to place it near

Suzy's water cart.

Rewards: None.




Items needed:

- Tower 2nd floor

- Tower 3rd floor

How to build it: Assemble the parts needed. Just place it anywhere.

Rewards: None.




The desert town of Muska Lacka is perhaps the one village where you have the

least creative license on how to rebuild the village since you have to fit

all of the houses into a specific pattern to keep the tradition of the pole

guardian and meet the additional requests of the Chief and 3 Sisters. The

layout below does not make use of any of the road pieces and the building

names have been abbreviated but should be easily recognizable. I didn't

bother with the road because I didn't like the way it looked and it is not

needed to get the 100% Georama Analysis.

The house marked by "N/A" indicates the one existing house that is still

standing in the village before you begin reconstructing it using the Atla

pieces you have collected. You should have the Oasis and the 3 Sister's

House as well as most of (if not all) of Brooke's House and Jibubu's House

before going down to level nine of the Sun & Moon Temple.

Reward for all 100% in Georama Analysis: Mirage and a Diamond!


| Key |

| |

| (T) - Tree |

| |


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| ----- ------- |

| |Bones| |Prison | |

| ----- | | |

| (T) ---O--- |

| (T) |

| ------ Totem ------ Totem ------ |

| | | --- | | --- | | |

| | N/A O | C | O Enga | | A | O Chief| |

| | | --- | | --- | | |

| ------ ------ (T) ------ |

| To =

| ---O--- ------- ---O--- Sun&Moon ->

| |Jibubu | | Zabo | | Toto | Temple =

| | | | | | | |

| ------- ---O--- ------- |

| - (T) |

| |B| Totem ----- |

| |o| --- | | |

| |n| (T) | B | O Brooke |

| |e| --- | | |

| |s| (T) ----- _ |

| - (T) |B| |

| ----|---- ---O--- |o| |

| | | | 3 Sis | |n| |

| | Oasis | | | |e| |

| (T) | | ------- (T) |s| |

| --------- (T) - |

| |

- - - - -| Bones |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Items needed:

- Totem Pole 2nd Head

- Totem Pole 3rd Head

How to build it: Please refer to the map above to find out which houses need

to be grouped around each Totem Pole. There will be three faces for each and

they all must face the corresponding small totem poles outside of the houses.

Rewards: None.




Items needed:

- Cabin

- Stairway

- Mini Totem Pole

- Hay

- Jibubu

How to build it: Jibubu only wants you to maintain the tradition of the pole

guardian so place his house facing the correct side of Totem Pole C.

Rewards: He will reward you with a Fruit of Eden.

Note: If you go to his house at night you can give him the Foundation you got

in Queens and in return he'll give you the Clay Doll. ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you

are having problems, please see the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of this

guide for the precise answer to your problem.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Hay

- Cabin

- Brooke

How to build it: Again he only wants you to keep the tradition of the pole

guarding so place his house facing the correct side of Totem Pole B.

Rewards: He will tell you a bit about Toan's past, give you an Attack +3

attachment and open his shop so you can buy supplies.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Cabin

- Odds & Ends

- Nagita

- Devia

- Mikara

How to build it: They want their house near the Oasis and want you to keep

the tradition of the pole guardian so place them facing the correct side of

Totem Pole B and place the Oasis nearby.

Rewards: You will be told the story of Ungaga and Mikara's relationship and

afterwards Ungaga will join you as your fourth ally.




Items needed:

- Tree

- Tree

- Tree

How to build it: Place it next to the 3 Sister's House.

Rewards: You can fish at the pond. This is a good thing since you can find

Mardan Garayan and Baron Garayan fish here at Dusk and at Night. These fish

are the single best source of points you will find but require some patience

to catch since they appear more rarely than any of the other fish.

Note: I know most places say that you can only catch the Mardan Garayan fish

during Dusk but I have caught several during the night though they appear a

little less frequently during this time.




Items needed:

- Stairway

- Stairway Roof

- Mini Totem Pole

- Roof

- Hay

- Enga

How to build it: Enga wants you to keep the tradition of the pole guardian so

place his house facing the correct side of Totem Pole C.

Rewards: When you finish repairing his house he will give you a Buster Sword

and allow you to use his house for storage purposes.

Note: Once the chief has given you permission to enter the final level of the

Sun & Moon Temple you can return here and he will give you the Sun Signet.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Roof

- Hay

- Odds & Ends

- Zabo

How to build it: He wants you to keep the tradition of the pole guardian so

place his house facing the correct side of Totem Pole B.

Rewards: He will tell you some information about the village and the Sand

Warriors and give you a Double Impact slingshot for Xiao.

Note: Once the chief has given you permission to enter the final level of the

Sun & Moon Temple you can return here and he will give you the Moon Signet.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Stairway

- Sign

- Gron

How to build it: The inhabitant won't really have any say in the matter but

you need to keep the tradition of the pole guardian village wide so place

this building facing the correct side of Totem Pole A.

Rewards: You get to see a little cinematic sequence between Ungaga and Gron.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Odds & Ends

- Handle

- Toto

- Gosuke

How to build it: Toto wants you to keep the tradition of the pole guardian so

place his house facing the correct side of Totem Pole A.

Rewards: A cinematic sequence with Toto and Gosuke gives you more background

information about Toan and you receive the Sun Sword.




Items needed:

- Mini Totem Pole

- Cabin

- Cabin

- Chief Bonka

How to build it: She wants you to keep the tradition of the pole guardian and

needs to be near the entrance to the Sun & Moon Temple, so make sure you have

the house near the bone arch leading to the temple and that it is facing the

correct side of Totem Pole A.

Rewards: After a cinematic sequence with the Chief, Toan and Ungaga you are

given permission to enter the final level of the Sun & Moon Temple and told

to go see Zabo and Enge for the two signets needed to open the door to the

boss of the temple.





| |<--------- This square shows the correct placement of the

|____| Parts HD of the Sun Giant, refer to the map below

\ /\ / for relative positioning of the other Sun Giant

\ / \ / georama pieces.

\ / \ /

\ / \ / Note: The head should be oriented so the top of

\/ \/ the head is towards the top of the drawing.


/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

/ \

The pattern inside the circle should be oriented as shown above. The ASCII

map below assumes you have done this already and that you have placed the

Parts HD in the correct position. The Sun Giant has just enough room to fit

inside the factory when positioned correctly. The PartsH D, when placed in

the correct position will not be at the very top and center of the circle,

this is the upper limit of the factory floor. The raised platform with the

ramp at the bottom of the circle is the lower limit of the factory floor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

| -------- |

| | HD | |

| | | |

| -------- -------- -------- |

| | |------------| | |

| | HGR || || HGL | |

| | | \ CT / | | |

| -------- | | -------- |

| ---- | | ---- |

| Parts HGR2 ---> | | -------- | | <--- Parts HGL2 |

| | | ---------- | | |

| ---- | WT | ---- |

| ------ | | ------ |

| | | ---------- | | |

| Parts AMR --> | | ---- ---- | | <-- Parts AML |

| | | | | | | | | |

| ------ | | | | ------ |

| Parts TIR ----------> | | | | <---------- Parts TIL |

| ---- ---- |

| ------------ |

| | || | |

| Parts FTR ---------> | || | <--------- Parts FTL |

| | || | |

| ----------- | || | |

| | Lookout | | || | |

| | Tower | ------------ |

| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|________ |

| ----------- | Platform | Ramp | |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Items needed:

- Crown

- Eye

How to build it: It should be placed at the end of the factory opposite the

high platform on the south end of the factory and should be oriented so the

neck is down towards the platform.

Rewards: After a short cinema sequence with Osmond and Toan on the head of

the Sun Giant you will receive the Admission Ticket that will allow you to

enter contest at the Coliseum.




Items needed:

- Scale

- Crest Armor

- Sun Sphere

How to build it: Place this directly below the head of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: You will only be able to rebuild the chest of the Sun Gient when

you have won the contest at the Coliseum. This will complete the Sun Giant

and enable you to travel to Dark Heaven Castle.




Items needed:

- Buffalo's Horn

- Skirt

- Skull

How to build it: Place this directly below the waist of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Eagle Head

- Eagle Feather

- Big Urn

- Amuleo

How to build it: Place this directly beside the chest of the Sun Giant.

This should be placed on the Sun Giant's right side.

Rewards: A very short cinema sequence that shows Amuleo surveying the floor

of the Moon Factory. Afterwards he will be on the floor of the factory.




Items needed:

- Big Urn

- Eagle Feather

- Eagle Head

- Gotch

How to build it: Place this directly beside the chest of the Sun Giant.

This should be placed on the Sun Giant's left side.

Rewards: Another short cinema sequence that shows Gotch trying to leave the

project but Osmond talks him into staying.




Items needed:

- Urn

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts HGR of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Urn

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts HGL of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Ammonite

- Twisted Horn

- Elephant Emblem

- Mammoth Tusk

- Finger

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts HGR2 of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Ammonite

- Twisted Horn

- Elephant Emblem

- Mammoth Tusk

- Finger

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts HGL2 of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Urn

- Tomahon

How to build it: Place this directly below the waist of the Sun Giant. This

should be arranged so that it is on the right side of the Sun Giant, forming

the thigh area of the right leg.

Rewards: A cinema sequence between Tomahon and Osmond where they discuss why

the Sun Giant fell apart the first time and why it is important to acquire

the Sun Sphere at the Coliseum.




Items needed:

- Urn

- Boon

How to build it: Place this directly below the waist of the Sun Giant. This

should be arranged so that it is on the left side of the Sun Giant, forming

the thigh area of the left leg.

Rewards: A cinema sequence where Boon tries to run away but Osmond convinces

him that it would be better to stick around.




Items needed:

- Nail

- Big Urn

- Turtle Shell

- Spine of Shell

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts TIR of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Nail

- Big Urn

- Turtle Shell

- Spine of Shell

How to build it: Place this directly below the Parts TIL of the Sun Giant.

Rewards: None




Items needed:

- Second Floor

- Ladder

- Ladder

How to build it: This can be placed to the right or left of the Sun Giant.

There are only two spots this can be placed when the Sun Giant has been

correctly assembled.

Rewards: None




There isn't really a georama in the Gallery of Time. You will be collecting

Atla in the final dungeon but they merely represent fragments of memory left

inside the gallery by Seda. I'll list the pieces required for each of the

fragments below as well as a very brief summary of the cinema scene you can

view when you have reassembled the various memories. You can assemble and

view these memories using the Georama menu option inside the Gallery of Time

itself or in the main hall of Dark Heaven Castle.




Items needed:

- Bed

- Father

- Crown

Event: A scene showing how Seda became King when his father died.




Items needed:

- Moon

- Castle

- Torch

- Crown

- Sophia

Event: A scene showing Seda's crowning day when he first saw Sophia.




Items needed:

- Bed

- Minister

- Sophia

- Buggy

Event: A scene showing that Seda is consumed by thoughts of Sophia when the

Minister comes to inform him the princess of a neighboring kingdom has gone

missing in the storm. Seda is reunited with Sophia an hour later.




Items needed:

- Horserider

- Sword

- Wizard

- Father

- Crown

Event: A scene showing Seda going to battle for the first time and wondering

if this is what war is like. Then he hears his father's voice telling him

that it is his duty to defend the kingdom.




Items needed:

- Wizard

- Broken Sword

- Horserider

- Castle

- Sophia

Event: The war with the west is going badly and their wizard seems to be too

powerful to be stopped. Seda is determined to hold them off and keep them

from invading the castle and reaching Sophia.




Items needed:

- Fort

- Broken Sword

- Black Robed Man

- Bloody Agreement

Event: A scene showing Seda resting after his army's latest defeat. A man in

a black robe approaches him and offers him the power to defeat the armies of

the west.




Items needed:

- Black Blood

- Light

- Wizard

- Castle

- Sophia

Event: As Seda uses the power he got from the black robed man and light from

his hands destroys the armies of the west. He wonders if this is Dark Power

and then vows to never let his enemies harm Sophia.




Items needed:

- Castle

- Wine

- Moon

- Sophia

- Door

- Assassin

Event: A scene showing Seda returning to his castle after the battle. Then

Sophia comes to visit him, but is it really her or an assassin sent to take

Seda's life...?




Items needed:

- Sophia

- Knife

- Bloody Dress

Event: A scene showing Sophia getting killed as she protects Seda from the

assasin's blade. Seda wonders who he will fight to protect now.




Items needed:

- Castle

- Dark Cloud

- Black Blood

Event: A scene showing the birth of the Dark Genie from the black blood in

Seda and the negative emotions that consume him after Sophia's death.




Items needed:

- Ruined Castle

- Grave

- Broken Sword

Event: A scene showing Seda thinking about the things he has lost and he

realizes that not only has he lost his kingdom and Sophia, he also lost

something more important, he lost himself.




Items needed:

- Sandglass

- Prophet

- Sword

- Book of Curses

Event: A scene showing Seda using the forbidden magic to open the portal to

the future, determined to stop the Dark Genie even if it means scarring the

world itself.

___ _________________________________________________________________________

\ \\___ ___________________________________________________________ ___/

| | | | | |

| | | | 05. A L L T H I N G S W E A P O N S | |

| |____| |___________________________________________________________| |___


A fighter is only as good as his weapon, or something. You will need weapons

to battle those hostile savages skulking in dungeons. They can be either

extremely tough or ridiculously easy. Dark Cloud features an intricate weapon

system pulled out of Vagrant Story (this game took a lot of elements from

other games huh?). You don't just go to a store and by weapons like you would

in most RPGs, you laggard. This system lets you customize your weapons, as

well as develop them into much more lethal weapons.

To maintain your weapons, you must never ever let them break. That's one very

good reason to have plenty of Repair Powder in stock. The only way to forge

powerful weapons is to let them "mature". When the time comes, you can choose

to upgrade it. However, just a routine of slashing and hacking isn't going to

bring your weapon's strength and endurance very far. To make it absolutely

strong, attach various stones to it to maybe even let it evolve into a rare

and valuable weapon that can probably outstrip others. You'd like that right?

Know your weapon. By now you should know that your weapon is your new best

friend. Don't leave home without it. But even if you have a weapon, is it

strong enough to vanquish evil from the face of the earth? Not if it is weak

and stodgy. First, you've got to consider its typical characteristics:

ATTACK (AT) - the attack power of the weapon

ENDURANCE (ED) - higher endurance = longevity of weapon

SPEED (SP) - higher speed = able to deliver more combos

MAGIC (MP) - higher MP = the greater advantage of the elemental and

attribute aspects

You might want to use items that can definitely boost those stats up to be

the cream of the crop around these parts. Next, there are those elemental


Monster – COUNTER Wind - THUNDER Tip: Use the attributes in

Fire - ICE Evil/Undead – HOLY CAPS against each of

Ice - FIRE Thunder - WIND the six different ones.

Then there are monster categories: Beast, Dino, Metal, Plant, Sea, Sky, Mage,

Stone, Undead, and Mimic. So theoretically, if you have something that can

overpower each one of those gits, the more damage you can deal to them. This

is true isn't it? You can count on meeting all these types of monsters as you

play through Dark Cloud, so be prepared.


Usually, you'd find them in dungeons as you explore it, or monsters you will

have defeated should drop them on occasion. Actually, if you use a special

item on a monster and defeat it, it will almost always drop an item that can

be used as an attachment. You can also find nice attachments as compensations

from grateful villagers. Play the fishing game and accumalate points to trade

in for decent items.

TIP OF THE DAY: Performing Status Break on old, redundant weapons will net

your fairly valuable attachments to add to new weapons. Recycle. Reduce.

Reuse. If you develop weapons properly, it may come to be an unattainable,

fantastic, super-strong weapon.

-+- Weapon Statistics -+-

The known weapons for each of the characters in the game. Maximum stats for

the Ultimate Weapons are included when they are known. Other weapons have

their base statistics listed which should indicate what is needed to upgrade

another weapon into those more advanced forms. These base statistics are

based on the weapons I have found inside chests or that I have built up.

Weapons marked by an astericks(*) indicate the stats for this weapon have

been approximated based on what stats were needed to build up to this weapon

from another sword. If you find that you are building up a weapon to acquire

the Choora but find that you have a 0 Thunder and it isn't shown in red when

you check the build up screen then most likely the 10 Thunder listed for the

Choora is a carry-over stat from the sword that was being built up.





Maximum Stats


| Chronicle 2 Sword | |


| WHP 99 | Fi 99 | Dr 99 Be 99 |

| AT 350 | Ic 99 | Un 99 Sk 99 |

| EN 99 | Th 99 | Ma 99 Me 99 |

| SP 99 | Wi 99 | Ro 99 Mi 99 |

| MG 200 | Ho 99 | Pl 99 Mg 99 |



| Chronicle 2 |


| AT 350 |

| MG 200 |


| Chronicle Sword |


| AT 260 |

| MG 150 |


| Arise Mardan |


| AT 250 |

| MG 120 |


| 7th Heaven |


| AT 240 |

| MG 110 |


| Sword of Zeus |


| AT 199 |

| MG 176 |



Required Stats


| Chronicle 2 | |


| Can only be acquired in the Demon Shaft by |

| defeating the boss on Level 100. |


| *Chronicle Sword | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 60 | Dr 60 Be 60 |

| AT 122 | Ic 60 | Un 60 Sk 60 |

| EN 99 | Th 90 | Ma 60 Me 60 |

| SP 99 | Wi 60 | Ro 60 Mi 60 |

| MG 100 | Ho 90 | Pl 60 Mg 60 |


| Arise Mardan | |


| Mardan Twei can be built up into the Arise |

| Mardan after catching 35 Mardan Garayan. |


| 7th Heaven | Stats Pending |


| Sword of Zeus | Stats Pending |




| *Atlamillia Sword | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 30 | Dr 30 Be 50 |

| AT 70 | Ic 40 | Un 25 Sk 30 |

| EN 80 | Th 30 | Ma 20 Me 60 |

| SP 75 | Wi 40 | Ro 43 Mi 60 |

| MG 60 | Ho 20 | Pl 30 Mg 35 |


| Mardan Twei | |


| Mardan Eins can be built up into the Mardan |

| Twei after catching 20 Mardan Garayan. |


| Dark Cloud | Stats Pending |


| Big Bang | Stats Pending |




| Brave Ark | Stats Pending |


| WHP 83 | Fi 36 | Dr 45 Be 74 |

| AT 77 | Ic 20 | Un 62 Sk 71 |

| EN 99 | Th 25 | Ma 36 Me 40 |

| SP 99 | Wi 32 | Ro 43 Mi 23 |

| MG 45 | Ho 40 | Pl 63 Mg 33 |


| *Heaven's Cloud | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 10 | Dr 30 Be 30 |

| AT 66 | Ic 30 | Un 40 Sk 30 |

| EN 53 | Th 40 | Ma 0 Me 40 |

| SP 83 | Wi 40 | Ro 0 Mi 10 |

| MG 40 | Ho 20 | Pl 0 Mg 20 |


| *Drainseeker | Drain |


| WHP N/A | Fi 30 | Dr 0 Be 39 |

| AT 53 | Ic 30 | Un 10 Sk 26 |

| EN 86 | Th 44 | Ma 10 Me 10 |

| SP 99 | Wi 30 | Ro 35 Mi 10 |

| MG 64 | Ho 10 | Pl 10 Mg 12 |


| *Aga's Sword | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 10 | Dr 20 Be 32 |

| AT 60 | Ic 0 | Un 25 Sk 20 |

| EN 52 | Th 0 | Ma 20 Me 20 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 23 Mi 35 |

| MG 37 | Ho 10 | Pl 25 Mg 20 |


| *Lamb's Sword | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 35 |

| AT 45 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 35 |

| EN 48 | Th 20 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 16 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 20 | Ho 20 | Pl 30 Mg 12 |


| *Maneater | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 10 | Dr 10 Be 30 |

| AT 55 | Ic 10 | Un 10 Sk 10 |

| EN 44 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 80 | Wi 10 | Ro 10 Mi 0 |

| MG 55 | Ho 10 | Pl 10 Mg 60 |


| 7 Branch Sword | Stats Pending |


| Crosshinder | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 10 | Dr 30 Be 0 |

| AT 68 | Ic 10 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 15 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 35 Mi 20 |

| MG 21 | Ho 30 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Sun Sword | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 30 | Dr 30 Be 0 |

| AT 50 | Ic 0 | Un 30 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 35 | Ma 0 Me 15 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 30 Mi 0 |

| MG 30 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 15 |


| Mardan Eins | |


| WHP 58 | Fi 5 | Dr 10 Be 0 |

| AT 50 | Ic 5 | Un 8 Sk 0 |

| EN 50 | Th 5 | Ma 10 Me 0 |

| SP 50 | Wi 5 | Ro 10 Mi 10 |

| MG 50 | Ho 5 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| *Antique Sword | Stop |


| WHP N/A | Fi 6 | Dr 20 Be 8 |

| AT 37 | Ic 10 | Un 8 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 70 | Wi 10 | Ro 10 Mi 10 |

| MG 25 | Ho 20 | Pl 0 Mg 8 |


| *Choora | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 10 |

| AT 41 | Ic 10 | Un 10 Sk 0 |

| EN 44 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 56 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 29 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 21 |


| *Dusack | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 10 |

| AT 41 | Ic 20 | Un 10 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 58 | Wi 20 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 29 | Ho 20 | Pl 0 Mg 10 |


| Tsukikage | |


| WHP 40 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 8 |

| AT 40 | Ic 10 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 20 | Th 20 | Ma 0 Me 20 |

| SP 70 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 34 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 8 |


| *Evilcise | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 10 |

| AT 45 | Ic 20 | Un 10 Sk 0 |

| EN 48 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 38 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 10 |


| Macho Sword | |


| WHP 53 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 12 |

| AT 43 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 52 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 12 Mi 35 |

| MG 20 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Wise Owl Sword | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 12 |

| AT 30 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 22 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 16 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 12 | Ho 0 | Pl 12 Mg 12 |


| Claymore | Stats Pending |




| Sandbreaker | Thirst |


| WHP 40 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 8 |

| AT 28 | Ic 10 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 70 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 14 | Ho 12 | Pl 0 Mg 8 |


| Sax | |


| WHP 57 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 26 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 10 |

| MG 15 | Ho 0 | Pl 10 Mg 0 |


| Shamshir | |


| WHP 32 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 20 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 10 |

| EN 30 | Th 8 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 6 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 4 |


| Chopper | |


| WHP 57 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 10 |

| AT 30 | Ic 0 | Un 10 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 15 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 10 |


| Small Sword | |


| WHP 30 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 20 | Ic 8 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 33 | Th 10 | Ma 33 Me 0 |

| SP 80 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 36 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Serpent Sword | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 0 | Dr 21 Be 24 |

| AT 22 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 23 |

| EN 48 | Th 14 | Ma 12 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 12 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 8 | Ho 0 | Pl 21 Mg 0 |


| Bone Rapier | |


| WHP 30 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 15 | Ic 5 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 30 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Buster Sword | |


| WHP 57 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 10 |

| AT 24 | Ic 0 | Un 10 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 10 |




| CrysKnife | |


| WHP 55 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 5 |

| AT 12 | Ic 0 | Un 5 Sk 5 |

| EN 25 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 8 | Ho 8 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Baselard | |


| WHP 40 | Fi 6 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 8 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 10 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 4 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Kitchen Knife | Quench |


| WHP 30 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 5 | Ic 8 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 22 | Th 0 | Ma 33 Me 0 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Gladius | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 10 | Ic 0 | Un 15 Sk 0 |

| EN 32 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 6 | Ho 5 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Dagger | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 48 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 4 |

| AT 6 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 30 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 4 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 2 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |






Maximum Stats


| Angel Gear |


| AT 256 |

| MG 103 |


| Angel Shooter |


| AT 182 |

| MG 99 |


| Super Steve |


| AT 130 |

| MG 80 |



Required Stats


| Angel Gear | Stats Pending |


| Angel Shooter | Stats Pending |


| Super Steve | Stats Pending |




| Divine Beast Title | Stats Pending |


| Steve | Durable |


| WHP 50 | Fi 11 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 16 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 48 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 50 | Wi 0 | Ro 30 Mi 20 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Double Impact | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 40 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 12 |

| EN 50 | Th 0 | Ma 8 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 12 |


| Matador | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 30 | Dr 30 Be 0 |

| AT 42 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 12 |

| EN 50 | Th 10 | Ma 8 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 30 |


| Dragon Y | Stats Pending |




| Hardshooter | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 0 | Dr 5 Be 5 |

| AT 35 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 12 |

| EN 50 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 20 |

| SP 70 | Wi 0 | Ro 20 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Flamingo | Stats Pending |


| Bandit Slingshot | Steal |


| WHP 45 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 30 | Ic 0 | Un 5 Sk 12 |

| EN 38 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 48 | Wi 12 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 5 |




| Steel Slingshot | |


| WHP 48 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 14 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 5 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 5 |

| SP 43 | Wi 0 | Ro 5 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Bone Slingshot | |


| WHP 40 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 8 | Ic 0 | Un 12 Sk 5 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 58 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Wooden Slingshot | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 48 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 4 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 8 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 40 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |






Maximum Stats


| Inferno |


| AT 350 |

| MG 300 |


| Tall Hammer |


| AT 260 |

| MG 200 |



Required Stats


| Inferno | Stats Pending |


| Tall Hammer | Stats Pending |




| Satan's Ax | Stats Pending |


| Gaia Hammer | Stats Pending |


| Last Judgement | |


| WHP 65 | Fi 10 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 99 | Ic 10 | Un 45 Sk 0 |

| EN 45 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 20 |

| SP 48 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 25 |

| MG 55 | Ho 10 | Pl 0 Mg 20 |




| Battle Ax | |


| WHP 55 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 65 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 45 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 45 | Wi 0 | Ro 15 Mi 30 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 30 |


| Magical Hammer | |


| WHP 55 | Fi 30 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 62 | Ic 20 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 34 | Th 15 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 45 | Wi 5 | Ro 5 Mi 18 |

| MG 25 | Ho 30 | Pl 0 Mg 20 |


| Trial Hammer | Poor/Abs Up |


| WHP 67 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 24 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 10 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 47 | Wi 0 | Ro 20 Mi 20 |

| MG 25 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Big Bucks Hammer | Big Bucks |


| WHP 55 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 40 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 35 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 30 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 15 |

| MG 14 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Turtle Shell | |


| WHP 55 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 36 | Ic 30 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 45 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 18 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Plate Hammer | Stats Pending |




| Steel Hammer | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 25 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 10 |

| SP 20 | Wi 0 | Ro 12 Mi 10 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Frozen Tuna | |


| WHP 80 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 22 | Ic 20 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 18 Me 0 |

| SP 40 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 10 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Mallet | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 41 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 20 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 30 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 30 | Wi 0 | Ro 5 Mi 15 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |






Maximum Stats


| Secret Armlet |


| AT 155 |

| MG 300 |


| Mobius Ring |


| AT 99 |

| MG 250 |



Required Stats


| Secret Armlet | Stats Pending |


| Mobius Ring | Stats Pending |




| Athena's Armlet | Stats Pending |


| Destruction Ring | Stats Pending |




| Goddess Ring | |


| WHP 62 | Fi 10 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 38 | Ic 10 | Un 30 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 26 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 58 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 60 | Ho 55 | Pl 0 Mg 30 |


| Satan's Ring | |


| WHP 70 | Fi 55 | Dr 30 Be 0 |

| AT 40 | Ic 25 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 18 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 44 | Wi 18 | Ro 0 Mi 30 |

| MG 60 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Fairy's Ring | |


| WHP 64 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 35 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 69 | Wi 15 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 65 | Ho 20 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Crystal Ring | |


| WHP 53 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 38 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 64 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 55 | Ho 20 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Pocklekul | |


| WHP 50 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 35 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 69 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 55 | Ho 10 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Bandit's Ring | Steal |


| WHP 45 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 12 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 44 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 67 | Wi 18 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 25 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Thorn Armlet | |


| WHP 67 | Fi 15 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 50 | Ic 10 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 65 | Wi 10 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 35 | Ho 10 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Platinum Ring | |


| WHP 55 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 17 | Ic 20 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 66 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 40 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Gold Ring | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 45 | Fi 15 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 10 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 40 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 65 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 20 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |






Maximum Stats


| Babel's Spear |


| AT 321 |

| MG 80 |


| Hercules' Wrath |


| AT 256 |

| MG 50 |



Required Stats


| *Babel's Spear | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 45 | Dr 56 Be 36 |

| AT 212 | Ic 20 | Un 56 Sk 36 |

| EN 99 | Th 90 | Ma 26 Me 46 |

| SP 99 | Wi 36 | Ro 39 Mi 48 |

| MG 55 | Ho 40 | Pl 30 Mg 38 |


| *Hercules' Wrath | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 45 | Dr 26 Be 46 |

| AT 113 | Ic 0 | Un 26 Sk 26 |

| EN 79 | Th 30 | Ma 26 Me 26 |

| SP 99 | Wi 36 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 20 | Ho 60 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Terra Sword | |


| WHP 74 | Fi 30 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 120 | Ic 20 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 50 | Th 30 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 75 | Wi 30 | Ro 16 Mi 16 |

| MG 22 | Ho 2 | Pl 16 Mg 16 |


| Mirage | |


| WHP 72 | Fi 45 | Dr 16 Be 16 |

| AT 63 | Ic 0 | Un 16 Sk 16 |

| EN 45 | Th 0 | Ma 16 Me 16 |

| SP 77 | Wi 20 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 10 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Cactus | |


| WHP 60 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 70 | Ic 35 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 45 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 90 | Wi 35 | Ro 8 Mi 8 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 8 Mg 8 |


| Scorpion | Poison |


| WHP 58 | Fi 10 | Dr 12 Be 8 |

| AT 50 | Ic 0 | Un 8 Sk 8 |

| EN 35 | Th 0 | Ma 8 Me 12 |

| SP 78 | Wi 21 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Desanga | |


| WHP 52 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 46 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 35 | Th 25 | Ma 25 Me 0 |

| SP 74 | Wi 17 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 8 |


| Partisan | Stats Pending |


| 5 Foot Nail | Critical |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 40 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 45 | Th 10 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 90 | Wi 18 | Ro 8 Mi 8 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 5 Mg 5 |


| Halberd | |


| WHP 52 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 8 |

| AT 44 | Ic 10 | Un 0 Sk 5 |

| EN 28 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 8 |

| SP 75 | Wi 15 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Javelin | |


| WHP 52 | Fi 8 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 38 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 25 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 70 | Wi 12 | Ro 5 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 8 Mg 0 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Fighting Stick | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 48 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 35 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 20 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 65 | Wi 5 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |






Maximum Stats


| Supernova |


| AT 256 |

| MG 128 |


| Star Breaker |


| AT 120 |

| MG 45 |



Required Stats


| Supernova | Stats Pending |


| *Star Breaker | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 23 Be 23 |

| AT 70 | Ic 0 | Un 23 Sk 23 |

| EN 80 | Th 0 | Ma 23 Me 53 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 65 Mi 38 |

| MG 30 | Ho 0 | Pl 23 Mg 23 |




| *Hexa Blaster | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 45 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 64 | Ic 45 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 63 | Th 45 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 93 | Wi 45 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 55 | Ho 45 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| G Crusher | |


| WHP 68 | Fi 0 | Dr 5 Be 5 |

| AT 50 | Ic 0 | Un 5 Sk 5 |

| EN 60 | Th 0 | Ma 5 Me 35 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 30 Mi 20 |

| MG 25 | Ho 0 | Pl 5 Mg 5 |




| *Skunk | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 25 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 51 | Ic 25 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 61 | Th 25 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 71 | Wi 25 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 21 | Ho 25 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


| Snail | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 5 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 34 | Ic 5 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 50 | Th 5 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 5 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 10 | Ho 5 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| *Swallow | |


| WHP N/A | Fi 0 | Dr 8 Be 8 |

| AT 50 | Ic 0 | Un 8 Sk 8 |

| EN 62 | Th 0 | Ma 8 Me 13 |

| SP 80 | Wi 0 | Ro 18 Mi 13 |

| MG 20 | Ho 0 | Pl 8 Mg 8 |


| Blessing Gun | |


| WHP 45 | Fi 15 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 34 | Ic 15 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 50 | Th 15 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 60 | Wi 15 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 10 | Ho 15 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |




| Jackal | |


| WHP 58 | Fi 0 | Dr 3 Be 3 |

| AT 30 | Ic 0 | Un 3 Sk 3 |

| EN 35 | Th 0 | Ma 3 Me 3 |

| SP 65 | Wi 0 | Ro 3 Mi 3 |

| MG 8 | Ho 0 | Pl 3 Mg 3 |


--== BASE WEAPON ==---


| Machine Gun | Cannot Build Up |


| WHP 50 | Fi 0 | Dr 0 Be 0 |

| AT 22 | Ic 0 | Un 0 Sk 0 |

| EN 30 | Th 0 | Ma 0 Me 0 |

| SP 55 | Wi 0 | Ro 0 Mi 0 |

| MG 0 | Ho 0 | Pl 0 Mg 0 |


-+- Weapon Evolutions -+-

Basically, each weapon undergoes five or less evolutions. Naturally, as each

Weapon goes through each stage, it should become more powerful. Depending on

what you attach to it(be it gems and attachments), it may take on a different

and a nicer form, not to mention easier to kick butt with.

Sometimes you may find already evolved weapons in chests. With these prepared

weapons, you can help evolve them even further into their final form. You can

follow the original chart above for better comprehension. My only tip to you

when developing your weapon power, you should find ALL of the Gems and other

Attachments. I don't care how you do it; you don't need to tell me which body

part you're willing to trade for gems, just get them.

The tables below will list the evolution paths for each weapon and I'll try

to put them in order from the slowest upgrade paths to the fastest. I will

also break off any redundant steps into a single line to save space, you'll

see what I mean when you look at the lists.



Default Weapon: Dagger

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and are included at the bottom of the weapon list due to lack of space and a

desire to keep the table as eye pleasing and legible as possible.




Kitchen Knife | Chopper | Choora | *Heaven's Cloud* |

Kitchen Knife | Chopper | Choora | *Maneater* |

Kitchen Knife | Chopper | Dusack | *7 Branch Sword* |

Kitchen Knife | Chopper | Dusack | *Brave Ark* |

Kitchen Knife | Sax | Dusack | *7 Branch Sword* |

Kitchen Knife | Sax | Dusack | *Brave Ark* |


Baselard | Sax | Dusack | *7 Branch Sword* |

Baselard | Sax | Dusack | *Brave Ark* |


Gladius | Small Sword | Tsukikage | *Heaven's Cloud* |

Gladius | Chopper | Choora | *Heaven's Cloud* |

Gladius | Chopper | Choora | *Maneater* |

Gladius | Chopper | Dusack | *7 Branch Sword* |

Gladius | Chopper | Dusack | *Brave Ark* |


CrysKnife | Small Sword | Tsukikage | *Heaven's Cloud* |

CrysKnife | Sandbreaker | Antique Sword | *Brave Ark* |


Bone Rapier | Evilcise | *Drainseeker* |


Shamshir | Dusack | *7 Branch Sword* |

Shamshir | Dusack | *Brave Ark* |


Serpent Sword | Evilcise | *Drainseeker* |

Serpent Sword | Tsukikage | *Heaven's Cloud* |


Buster Sword | Claymore | Cross Hinder | *Big Bang* |


Macho Sword | Aga's Sword | Atlamillia Sword | Chronicle Sword |

Macho Sword | Cross Hinder | Big Bang | Sword of Zeus |


Wise Owl Sword | Lamb's Sword | Atlamillia Sword | Chronicle Sword |


Maneater | Atlamillia Sword | Chronicle Sword |


7 Branch Sword | Atlamillia Sword | Chronicle Sword |


Heaven's Cloud | Dark Cloud | 7th Heaven |


Brave Ark | Dark Cloud | 7th Heaven |


Drainseeker | Dark Cloud | 7th Heaven |


Sun Sword | Big Bang | Sword of Zeus |


Big Bang | Sword of Zeus |


Mardan Eins | Mardan Twei | Arise Mardan |



HINT: Evolving the Chronicle Sword


I've put together the quickest path from the Macho Sword to the Chronicle

Sword without using any SynthSphere attachments. Here is a list of the gems

to attach to efficiently build up each weapon into the next best weapon.

-= Macho Sword =-

Diamond x6, Peridot x3, Ruby x2, Sapphire x1, Pearl x3

-= Aga's Sword =-

Garnet x1, Ruby x1, Aquamarine x1, Amethyst x3, Sapphire x3, Pearl x6

-= Atlamillia Sword =-

Garnet x3, Aquamarine x2, Sapphire x3, Peridot x6

Using the gems outlined above you should be able to build up the Macho Sword

after four upgrades but should take up one more level to infuse more gems in

the sword, saving steps later on when building up the Atlamillia Sword. The

same applies to the Aga's Sword which will also be able to build up within

four upgrades but should be taken up another level as well which will allow

you to build up the Atlamillia Sword after the fifth upgrade, giving you the

Chronicle Sword in fifteen total upgrades.



Default Weapon: Wooden SlingShot

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and the rest of their evolution steps are included at the bottom of the table

due to lack of space and a desire to keep the table as legible as possible.




Steel Slingshot | Hardshooter | Double Impact | *Divine Beast T* |

Steel Slingshot | Hardshooter | Matador | *Divine Beast T* |


Bone Slingshot | Flamingo | Dragon Y | *Divine Beast T* |


Bandit Slingshot | Hardshooter | Double Impact | *Divine Beast T* |

Bandit Slingshot | Hardshooter | Matador | *Divine Beast T* |

Bandit Slingshot | Double Impact | *Divine Beast T* |


Steve | Super Steve |


Divine Beast T | Angel Shooter | Angel Gear |




Default Weapon: Mallet

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and the rest of their evolution steps are included at the bottom of the table

due to lack of space and a desire to keep the table as legible as possible.




Steel Hammer | Plate Hammer | Magical Hammer | *Gaia Hammer* |

Steel Hammer | Plate Hammer | Magical Hammer | *Last Judgement* |


Bone Slingshot | *Gaia Hammer* |


Big Bucks | Magical Hammer | *Gaia Hammer* |

Big Bucks | Magical Hammer | *Last Judgement* |

Big Bucks | *Gaia Hammer* |


Frozen Tuna | Turtle Shell | Magical Hammer | *Gaia Hammer* |

Frozen Tuna | Turtle Shell | Magical Hammer | *Gaia Hammer* |

Frozen Tuna | Turtle Shell | *Battle Ax* |


Battle Ax | Satan's Ax | Inferno |


Gaia Hammer | Tall Hammer |


Last Judgement | Tall Hammer |




Default Weapon: Gold Ring

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and the rest of their evolution steps are included at the bottom of the table

due to lack of space and a desire to keep the table as legible as possible.




Platinum Ring | Crystal Ring | Goddess Ring | *Athena's Armlet* |

Platinum Ring | Crystal Ring | Satan's Ring | Mobius Ring |

Platinum Ring | Fairy's Ring | *Destruction R.* |


Thorn Armlet | Crystal Ring | Goddess Ring | *Athena's Armlet* |

Thorn Armlet | Crystal Ring | Satan's Ring | Mobius Ring |

Thorn Armlet | Fairy's Ring | *Destruction R.* |


Pocklekul | Fairy's Ring | *Destruction R.* |


Bandit's Ring | Crystal Ring | Goddess Ring | *Athena's Armlet* |

Bandit's Ring | Crystal Ring | Satan's Ring | Mobius Ring |

Bandit's Ring | Pocklekul | Fairy's Ring | *Destruction R.* |


Athena's Armlet | Secret Armlet |


Destruction R. | Mobius Ring |




Default Weapon: Fighting Stick

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and the rest of their evolution steps are included at the bottom of the table

due to lack of space and a desire to keep the table as legible as possible.




Javelin | Desanga | Cactus | *Terra Sword* |

Javelin | Partisan | Cactus | *Terra Sword* |


Halberd | Scorpion | Mirage | *Terra Sword* |

Halberd | Scorpion | Mirage | Hercules' Wrath |

Halberd | Scorpion | Cactus | *Terra Sword* |


5 Foot Nail | Scorpion | Mirage | *Terra Sword* |

5 Foot Nail | Scorpion | Mirage | Hercules' Wrath |

5 Foot Nail | Scorpion | Cactus | *Terra Sword* |

5 Foot Nail | Partisan | Cactus | *Terra Sword* |


Terra Sword | Babel's Spear |




Default Weapon: Machine Gun

NOTE: Weapons with astericks(*) around them can be evolved into another form

and the rest of their evolution steps are included at the bottom of the table

due to lack of space and a desire to keep the table as legible as possible.




Jackal | Blessing Gun | Skunk | *Hexa Blaster* |

Jackal | Swallow | G Crusher | Star Breaker |


Snail | Blessing Gun | Skunk | *Hexa Blaster* |

Snail | Hexa Blaster | Supernova |


Hexa Blaster | Supernova |


-+- Weapon Flowcharts -+-

The following charts offer a visible representation of the upgrade paths to

get to the ultimate weapons. This section currently lists only three of the

main weapons for Toan and may or may not be updated with charts for the rest

of the characters depending on how useful they are to the readers, so let us

know whether you like the charts and want more!




EN: 99 |

SP: 99 |

MG: 150 |


/ \

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____/ \____ __/ \__

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EN: 99 |

SP: 99 |

MG: 110 |


/ | \

__________________/ | \_________________

/ | \



/ \ / \ |


| _| | |_ CHOORA TSUIKAGE / |

| | | | / / \ / |

SANDBREAKER | | | / ___/ \ / BONE

| | | | / | \ / RAPIER


| / | \ / | /


CRYSKNIFE | | \_______




| |





EN: 99 |

SP: 99 |

MG: 176 |


/ \

/ \

____/ \____

/ \


/ \

/ \








MG: 103 |







/ | \

/ | \

_____/ | \_______



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_____/ |






MG: 99 |



/ | \

/ | \

_____/ | \_______



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_____/ |






MG: 80 |







MG: 300 |
















MG: 200 |




| |

| |


| | /

| | /

MAGICAL HAMMER-----|--------------/

| |

/|\ |

/ | \ |

________| | |_______ |

| | ||


| |








MG: 300 |













/ | \_______

____/ | |







MG: 250 |



/ \

_________/ \__________

/ \

/ \


| |

| |


| /|\

| / | \_____

/|\ _____/ | \

/ | \ / | POCKLEKUL

_____/ | \_____ / | |

/ | \ / | |


| |

THORN ARMLET-----------------------




MG: 80 |






/ \

_________/ \________

/ \


/ | \ |

/ | \____ |

_____/ | \ |

/ | SCORPION ------------


| |\ | \

|__________| \ | \_____

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MG: 50 |







/ \

/ \

_____/ \_____

/ \





MG: 128 |






/ \

______/ \______

/ \


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------------BLESSING GUN






MG: 45 |











-+- Weapon Abilities -+-

Some weapons have additional beneficial or detrimental powers that can affect

anything from how much money you get to how many absorb points you get to the

speed at which water is lost inside the dungeon. Some special abilities can

cancel each other out and when they are placed on the same weapon both of the

abilities will vanish.

Some abilities seem to appear randomly on weapons found within the dungeons,

the chance for a weapon to have a random ability that it normally does not

have seems to be very small however. I have found a Durable CrysKnife and I

have found a Fragile Baselard but have yet to find a weapon with Critical but

I have spoken to someone who says they found a weapon with Critical inside a

weapon chest of the Sun&Moon Temple.

Note: I have gotten information from one person who found a 5 Foot Nail with

the Critical ability and have now received many confirmations that the 5 Foot

Nail does indeed always possess the Critical ability.

Listed below you will find a list of the weapon abilities in the game with

the effects of each ability detailed. Abilities that cancel each other out

will appear together and will generally have exactly the opposite effect.


Big Bucks / Poor


Big Bucks increases the amount of money that is dropped by slain enemies.

Poor decreases the amount of money that is dropped by slain enemies. These

abilities cancel each other out when placed on the same weapon.


Drain / Heal


Drain heals an amount of health equal to a small percentage of the damage

done to monsters in combat. Heal gradually replenishes the health of the

character while they are inside the dungeon. These abilities cancel each

other out when placed on the same weapon.


Durable / Fragile


Durable decreases the rate at which weapon hit points are lost. Fragile

increases the rate at which weapon hit points are lost. These abilities

cancel each other out when placed on the same weapon.


Quench / Thirst


Quench slows the rate at which water drops are lost inside the dungeon.

Thirst speeds up the rate at which water drops are lost inside the dungeon

but refills one full water drop for each enemy killed. These abilities

cancel each other out when placed on the same weapon.


Abs Up


Abs Up increases the amount of Absorb Points you get when killing monsters

by around 20% which is a great help when building up any weapon.




Critical gives a small chance for a weapon to kill any enemy in one hit and

is consequently the rarest ability in the game. The 5 Foot Nail seems to be

the only weapon that always possesses this ability.




Poison will sometimes inflict the Poison status when striking enemies. The

chance for this power working on an enemy seems to vary.




Steal will randomly steal items from monsters when striking them. The item

gained from an enemy will usually be different than the items dropped by an

enemy when they are slain.




Stop randomly freezes enemies in place when striking them, preventing them

from attacking or moving for a few seconds.


Easy way to get all the Specials – Tip submitted by Kirby Freak (Denni)

1) Synth a Trial Hammer to a Big Bucks Hammer.

Big Bucks Hammer – Big Bucks, Abs Up

2) Synth BBH to Antique Sword.

Antique Sword – Big Bucks, Stop Abs Up

3) Synth your Bandit Slingshot to Antique Sword

Antique Sword – Stop, Abs Up, Big Bucks, Steal

4) Build up a 5 ft. nail to Scorpion

5) Synth Scorpion to Antique Sword

Antique Sword – Stop, Abs Up, Big Bucks, Steal, Critical, Poison Heal

6) Find a weapon with Durable

7) Synth it with Antique Sword

Antique Sword – Stop, Abs Up, Big Bucks, Steal, Durable, Critical, Poison

If you want Quench ----- Synth Kitchen knife with weapon

If you want Thirst ----- Synth Sand Breaker with weapon

If you want Heal ----- Upgrade your bandit slingshot to Angel Gear

If you want Drain ----- Synth Drainseeker with weapon

Then Synth the final Weapon with whatever weapon you want to have all the

specials (such as Chronicle 2).


-+- Secret Weapons -+-




The Mardan Eins sword can be bought for 2500 fishing points any time after

catching a Mardan Garayan. This fish can be found at the Matataki waterfall

at night and at the oasis in Muska Lacka at dusk and at night. The only bait

that the Mardan Garayan will take is a Poisonous Apple which can be bought in

Queens at a price of 120 each. This fish is much easier to find at the oasis

than at the waterfall and is worth between 150 and 300 points each.

The Mardan Eins sword cannot be upgraded initially even if you max out every

single stat on the weapon, I know because I tried. The sword can be upgraded

later and I believe that the event triggering it's ability to be upgraded is

catching one of the Baron Garayan fish which appear in the same locations as

the Mardan Garayan only much less frequently. They only hit on Potato Cakes

and are worth between 600 and 900 points each. I have since revised my view

on how to upgrade the Mardan Eins sword, I have yet to catch a Baron Garayan

but after catching many Mardan Garayan fish I was able to upgrade the Mardan

Eins sword into the Mardan Twei and Arise Mardan. You have to catch around

20 Mardan Garayan to get the build up to the Mardan Twei and another 15 to

get the build up to the Arise Mardan.

You can find the statistics for the Mardan Eins in the weapon lists above as

well as the upgrade path for the sword. You will not need to upgrade any of

the stats for the weapon to be built up, just catch the required number of

fish and then go into the weapon screen and the build up will be flashing to

indicate the sword is ready to be built up to it's next form.


*~ ~*

*~ I got it by a lot of fishing and a lot of patience. It doesn't tell ~*

*~ you how to build it up so I just status broke my 7th Heaven and put it ~*

*~ on it. It turned into Mardan Twei. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Note: The Mardan Eins can build up into the Mardan Twei and the Arise ~*

*~ Mardan without any increase in the base stats, all you need to do is ~*

*~ catch the requisite number of Mardan Garayan fish. -Azaroth ~*

*~ ~*

*~ This is a tip from jhjmonnee ~*

*~ ~*





This is currently just a rumor which may or may not really exist. One of the

people in Muska Lacka talks about the Moon Shadow Sword which can in turn be

upgraded into a more powerful sword.

I've had some people submitting information concerning the Moon Shadow Sword

and what it could be referring to and have included those contributions below

for you to read. The Moon Shadow Sword could possibly be the Tsukikage which

does translate to literally mean Moon Shadow. This will probably be the only

update to this section unless someone submits information on a sword that is

named Moon Shadow in the game and has statistics and detailed steps on how or

where to find the sword.


*~ ~*

*~ There is indeed a Moon Shadow Sword but it goes by a different name... ~*

*~ Tsukikage literally means Moon(Tsuki) Shadow(Kage) in Japanese, now I'm ~*

*~ no expert at Japanese, but you can look up those words and you'll see. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ -Superdevilj ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ In reply to the question in the strategy guide, yes the sword does ~*

*~ exist - 100%. I racked my brain trying to remember where I got the ~*

*~ sword and cannot for the life of me remember... sorry. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Unfortunately, I turned it into a synthsphere (or however it's spelled) ~*

*~ once I got the sun sword. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ -Brian ~*

*~ ~*


-+- Weapon Attachments -+-

People are skipping ahead of me and I've been getting a lot of demands for a

Gem and attachment weapon-upgrade-stats thing, so I've decided to make this

section. Before I thought I could start on working on it, I already get tons

of helpful e-mails. Thanks to these people, they've saved me about millions

of hours keeping tracks of these. Thanks everyone. I will add anything if it

has yet to be mentioned.




Attribute attachments enhance one of the four primary stats by an amount that

ranges from +1 to +3 and are most often found inside the dungeons. These can

also be bought in the +1 variety in the town of Queens if you choose the name

"Freshen Up Watery" when Suzy asks you to suggest a new name for her shop.




The elemental attachments all give +3 to their respective elements. These

attachments are easy to find since Gaffer in the first town will sell all

five of the elemental attachments if you wait to activate the event at his

shop until after you have place Paige's House.




These attachments give +3 to the various Anti-Monster statistics on weapons.

They are relatively easy to find with some attachments able to be bought in

the stores of each town and can be also be acquired by using an attack item

such as a bomb to kill a monster of the appropriate type inside the dungeon,

they will drop a buster attachment a little over half the time.




What can you say about these wonderful little attachments other than the fact

that when used effectively they can do the work of up to 15 other attachments

at one time (ooh... diamonds... so nice for those anti-monster stats). These

can only be found in the back levels of the dungeons or bought by spending

your fishing points at a cost of 100 per gem. The effects of the gems can be

found in the table below.

Amethyst +10 Ice, +10 Anti-Dragon and Anti-Mage

Aquamarine +10 Ice, +10 Anti-Sky and Anti-Marine

Diamond +10 Anti-Metal, +5 vs. All Other Creature Types

Emerald +10 Magic, +10 Anti-Dragon and Anti-Plant

Garnet +5 Attack, +10 Fire, +10 Anti-Beast and Anti-Stone

Opal +10 Endurance, +10 Anti-Metal and Anti-Mage

Pearl +10 Endurance, +10 Thunder, +10 Anti-Undead

Peridot +5 Attack, +10 Holy, +10 Anti-Beast and Anti-Plant

Ruby +10 Speed, +10 Fire, +10 Anti-Mimic

Sapphire +10 Magic, +10 Wind, +10 Anti-Sky

Topaz +5 Attack, +10 Speed, +10 Anti-Undead and Anti-Sky

Turquoise +10 Ice, +10 Anti-Stone and Anti-Mimic

Sun +10 Attack, +10 All Elements, +3 All Anti-Creature Stats

-+- Weapon Building Hints -+-

I'm adding this section based on some feedback from one of the readers of

this FAQ who said I should include a few tips for people who are having a

hard time building up their weapons and I'd like to send Steadybopin03

a thank you for a good suggestion and I hope this will help some people out.




There are a few easy ways to quickly build up your Abs meter for your weapons

no matter which dungeon you are currently exploring. The first way is to use

those back level keys and put them to work for you. Monsters on the back

levels are worth twice the amount of Abs as the monsters on the front levels

and will re-spawn every time you journey between the front and back levels.

If you use this trick effectively you can build up two or three weapons to

around +5 in the first dungeon at the very beginning of the game, giving you

a good start on boosting attack power for your main weapon. The best place

to use this tactic is in Queens since the monsters there all give good base

Abs points and the back levels range from around 64 Abs points to over 180

points just for clearing it out once, a good return for the money spent to

buy a flapping fish and block of ice in town, especially when you can keep

going back and forth between the two parts of the level clearing them out

until you get your weapons built up or run out of supplies.




There is an easy way to build up weaker weapons by using your more powerful

weapons in one of the later areas like Queens to kill the enemy and then

equip the weaker weapon before the monster disappears from the screen to get

the Abs points added to that weapon instead of the more powerful weapon. I

know this is a pretty well known tip by now but I included it because it is

useful if you have the patience to endure the constant weapon switching.




Alright, early in the game you can make do with the normal attribute, element

and buster attachments to build up a weapon the first time but after that we

all know by now you will almost have to get gems or spend countless hours to

get enough Abs points to build your weapon up to +15 and put in another nine

points of fire or anti-beast or whatever. This gets very hard later in the

game when multiple stats must be over 60 and some as high as 90. Gems can be

hard to find inside dungeons since they only appear in back levels and by the

time you reach Dark Heaven castle and can buy them from the Fairy King you

shouldn't need them and at 3,000 each they are a bit expensive. This leaves

fishing for the points to buy gems and if you have the patience this can be

the simplest way to build up some very powerful weapons as early as Matataki


At the beginning of the game you'll want to save any of the Poison Apples you

find until you get to Matataki Village, then you can fish for the Mardan

Garayan fish at night from the dock by the waterfall. Mardan Garayan do not

appear very often at the waterfall, the chance for one to be there seems to

be around five percent and I never went more than twenty fishing attempts in

a row without finding one and when it did take a long time for one to appear

there was usually another on there within a couple of casts. I know a lot of

this depends on luck so your results may vary but I thought it was well worth

the time for a few fish that run between 150 and 300 points each, I was up to

over 1500 points in around 45 minutes. The other place to fish in Matataki

is the peanut pond which holds Tartans that average about fifty fishing

points each.


*~ ~*

*~ The Umadakara is found in Peanut pond (and as far as I can tell, NOT by ~*

*~ the waterfall; only in the pond itself.) A friend and I have caught one ~*

*~ each; they respond only to the carrot, and as far as I can tell, are ~*

*~ the only fish that do so. Both of us caught this fish mid-afternoon. ~*

*~ Mine measured 113 cm and was worth 142 fishing points. The day I caught ~*

*~ mine on was 110. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Quamp for this information. ~*

*~ ~*


If you are looking to upgrade later in the game you will want to fish in the

oasis at Muska Lacka where the Mardan Garayan appears much more frequently,

sometimes appearing around thirty percent of the time. The best time to fish

for them is Dusk but they are also found here during the Night. You can also

find Baron Garayan fish in the oasis, even though they appear less frequently

than the Mardan Garayan they net you around 300 and 900 fishing points each

depending on size.

The best tip for fishing in the oasis is to throw in something other than a

Potato Cake or Poisonous Apple and see if there are some fish that don't go

for the bait, then throw in a Poisonous Apple for that fish and see if he

goes for that which will mean you've found a Mardan Garayan, if he doesn't go

for it take the chance and toss in a Potato Cake and cross your fingers, you

may have just found a Baron Garayan. The normal bait can be just about

anything, I found that Throbbing Cherries are good but others will work too,

I just happened to have one in my inventory when I started fishing this way

and everything seemed to go for it except the Barons and Mardans, this is

also true for the Pricklies and Mimis, at least they worked for me when I

caught one of the other types of fish on my Throbbing Cherry. As a note to

all of you searching for the Baron Garayan fish, he does NOT just appear as

a huge fish but also appears from the mid-size range on up and I have mostly

caught them in the range of about 85-120 cm and have yet to see one of them

in the huge size at the Oasis though I did see one at the Matataki Waterfall

but I was out of Potato Cakes at the time and couldn't catch him.




I included the weapon statistics in this guide to help people plan the best

attachments they'll need to build up their weapon and although I still have

some blanks in the list they are steadily being filled in with information.

You just need to compare the weapon you have to the one you are trying to

reach and figure out which gems or attachments get you there with the least

number of upgrades. For example lets say you have a weapon that currently

has a Fire 0, Ice 0, Stone 0 and Mimic 10 and you know it builds up into a

weapon that you find has Fire 20, Ice 10, Stone 10 and Mimic 20 on the list

of weapon statistics, your best choice would be 2 Garnets and a Turquoise,

which would give you the required levels in all of the attributes and boost

your attack by 10 and give you some added Beast and Stone as well.

If you happen to be building up to a weapon not on the lists above you can

still follow the same procedure to figure out the best gems to use even if

you don't know what stats you will ultimately need. An important thing for

you to remember when building up your weapons is that speed and endurance

will not hold you back from being able to build up your weapon into an

advanced form. I found this out accidentally while working to build up one

of my weapons and was neglecting it's speed and endurance in favor of the

other attributes I needed to increase.


I hope this section provides some helpful tips for building up weapons and

even though a lot of this is common knowledge I thought it might help to

include it here just in case someone hadn't heard these tips before.

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Location: Gallery of Time

Alexander is a relatively new looking enemy but fight a few of them and you

will notice they are similar to the Mask of Prajna from the Shipwreck. Let

them approach you and slash or blast them as they move the shield out of the

way in preparation to take a swing at you with their sword or launch a fire

ball towards you.


ARTHUR (15 Abs)


Location: Moon Sea

Arthurs are perhaps the most difficult melee oriented monsters to date, this

is due to their speed and the extended range of their attack. They rush at

you and perform a stab attack with their drill-shaped right arm which has a

range that exceeds that of Toan and Goro's weapons. The use of long range

weapons is the preferred way to deal with them. If you choose to fight this

monster up close either use Ungaga and his spears or use charge attacks with

Toan or Goro; any other tactic will get you hit before you're in range to

land an attack.




Location: ShipWreck

The name starts with "Auntie" so it's safe to assume it's feminine. Anyhoo,

it's of the ice element and having a fire attribute weapon can bring her

down easily. So, she doesn't pose too much of a threat, unless they gang up

on poor you.


BILLY (6 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

Billy is a more powerful version of Mr. Blare from the Sun & Moon Temple,

except he lacks the immunity to fire. You can use the same strategy here

that served you well against Mr. Blare in the temple.




Location: Gallery of Time

Black Dragons are the latest dragon variant and have the same attack pattern

as the previous dragons you've fought. Circle around them to avoid their

long range attack then blast them with a missile weapon while they recharge

for another attack, or using a melee fighter you can rush in and attack then

move back to dodge their next attack if they don't go down.




Location: Gallery of Time

The Blizzard is the latest variation on the Golem and uses the same attack

and defense patterns. Take him down from long range or rush in and cut him

up with your best short range fighter, remember to dodge back far enough to

avoid his ground pounding attack if he has the chance to use it on you.




Location: Sun & Moon Temple

This guy fights just like his weaker brother in the Divine Beast Cave except

his breath weapon is a bit faster and he can fire more often. Just dodge

around him in circles darting in right after he fires to slash him and he'll

go down relatively quickly, or you could just stand back and shoot him.




Location: Sun & Moon Temple

These guys approach you slowly and try to get in their single melee attack

which is a quick spinning punch, if you're using a melee fighter hit them and

dodge backwards then repeat until they are dead, but watch out because they

will explode when they die, this explosion catches Toan most of the time if

he deals the killing blow but Goro and Ungaga seem to be just out of range of

the explosion when they kill them. Of course you could always just blast 'em

from long range and not worry about their explosive nature.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

These guys can poison you and "goo" you, which is blatantly annoying. Their

status attacks are easy enough to dodge. Then, retaliate with several combo

attacks of your own.




Location: ShipWreck

The Captain can do a lot of damage if your defense is low. He tends to back

away each time you take a whack at him. Just stay still and provoke him, or

just use Ruby to finish him off quickly(that is, if Ruby is powerful enough).




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Bats are the most annoying in the Divine Beast Cave. It can afflict poison on

you forcing you to give up Antidotes. But they're typically weak creatures.


CLUB (6 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The Club is the first of the playing card soldiers you'll meet and none of

them will prove to be a real challenge. His short range attack is nothing

to fear, just let him get close then cut that playing card apart.




Location: ShipWreck

Typical pirates that can throw you landlubbers overboard. Easy to deal with

using Xiao. Wait until they lunge at you, then let them have it for over 100





Location: Sun & Moon Temple

They advance slowly and cover up to block your shots and can hit hard in

return with their pinchers. The easiest way to beat them is let them come

close to you and dodge around them landing quick blows or combos when they

aren't defending, shooting them is relatively easy as well if you let them

come close enough so they don't have time to cover up before it hits them.




Location: Moon Sea

The Crescent Baron fires at you from long range and has decent attack speed.

They can also use a spinning whip attack when you close to melee range. The

easiest way to deal with them is to stay back a little ways and dodge their

missile attacks then hit them with a long range attack of your own. To use

melee fighters successfully you should move towards the baron while dodging

it's long range attacks, score a hit or two when you're in range then dodge

back to avoid the spin attack; repeat this attack pattern until it dies.




Location: Gallery of Time

The Curse Dancer approaches you and then draws back and jumps towards you to

attack. You can either attack them as they approach using a character with

a ranged weapon or dodge their attack then kill them with your best melee

fighter, which should only take a couple of hits max.




Location: ShipWreck

These prickled hybrids are no picnics in the park. Although, not too strong,

they are equally annoying. They can puff out this grimy stuff that causes

Gooey status and when near enough, they can whap you hard. Xiao or Ruby are

good bets against them.




Location: Gallery of Time

The Dark Flower is just a higher powered version of the other flower type

enemies you've fought and trimming these weeds should be second nature by

this point.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

These guys are pretty easy despite its size and its massive club. Once you've

got it locked on target it will attempt to hit you, and then run away. So,

you could always just slash them silly while chasing them. They're pretty fun

to play with. :)




Location: Gallery of Time

Diamond is the third of the playing card soldiers you'll face and he is also

limited to a short range attack. Let him approach and just slash him apart

using your superior speed or just blast him from long range.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

These guys work kinda like Statues, but not quite. Use the same tactics here

like you did with the Statue. Try to refrain yourself from using combos on

these guys as they can retaliate quite well with attacks of their own. They

are slow, yes, but their attacks hurt a lot. Think of "hit and run" attacks

with this deadly foe. Jump in to attack, then quickly get out of the way.


DUNE (10 Abs)


Location: Sun & Moon Temple

These guys are pretty tough since they tend to like to advance with a wall

like projection in front of them to defend against attacks like a shield and

only let it down when they launch their melee attack. Advance on them and

slash when the shield is down then quickly step back before they attack, it

may take a couple of fights to get the timing of their attack pattern but

once you do it's simple to take them down, of course shooting them is the

easiest way to dispatch them.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

Like moles, they can dig underground and jump out when you least expect it.

Their attacks hurt if you're defense isn't high enough. They also puff out a

mist of Freeze status smoke. Once you get caught in it, quickly switch to

another member to avoid dying, or simply use some Anti-freeze item. They're

annoying to deal with.


EVIL BAT (4 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The Evil Bat is an upgraded form of the Cave Bat from the Divine Beast Cave

and is the easiest enemy in the Gallery of Time. You can defeat these bats

using the same strategies that worked for the Cave Bats and shouldn't be a

challenge to you by this point in the game.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

FliFlis act like clumsy little fools. They attack you by tripping themselves

and falling on their face. The pollen they emit can poison you, so don't let

it touch you. It's better to attack from afar, or just go in slash like mad.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that can box like no one else. Just stick it to him

when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack again,

which is very annoying. So you're going to have to catch up to it before you

can deliver a few slashes in the ****.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

These guys are a pain. They disappear and appear elsewhere. Always dodge

its purple fireballs. I don't know what they do, but I was to weak to stay

and find out at the time. :) You can only hurt him when he is on the ground.


GOLEM (4 Abs)


Location: Sun & Moon Temple

These guys are slow moving and slow to launch an attack, just move in and

slash them then dance back to dodge their swing or ground-pounding attack.

The ground attack can cause damage if you're too close to the monster so

learn the range on the attack and be sure to back up far enough when you

dodge the attack. They go down very easily under a missile barrage without

any risk to your character.




Location: ShipWreck

An oversized clam that has obviously took his vitamins. It's not much of a

threat. Just allocate some fire-based attributes to the weapon and it will

fall before your blade, ax, slingshot, or whatever.




Location: ShipWreck

When you're close enough, it'll start to charge at you with its trident in

hand. He hurts if you're not careful and especially dangerous when you have

other monsters on your back.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

Pretty annoying fellows that chuck lovely fireballs at you to make you burn

like hell. Either get in and slash wildly at it, or use Xiao and attack it in

a professional fashion.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

Xiao is the best person to use against these guys. Since their leaves act as

propellers, it's dangerous to battle close-range with them. Using Xiao is

much more easier to kill them with her slingshot. You can't hurt them when

they're planted in the ground. Hit them to lure them out.


HEART (6 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The second of the playing card soldiers, this one possesses a missile attack

but again is nothing your characters should fear. You can use your ranged

attacks to pick him apart or just rush right up to him and slash him apart

with your best melee weapon.




Location: Moon Sea

These guys are probably the easiest enemies on the Moon Sea, they advance

towards you at a walk and should go down in a slash or two from your best

melee or ranged fighter. If you hit them and they don't go down they will

usually try and rush at you to hit you with their shovel but can do little

damage to you by this point in the game.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

Like a buzzing bee, you can hear these guys from a mile away. Generally easy

enough to kill with a slash or two.


JOKER (6 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The Joker is the last of the playing card soldiers and is again limited to

short range attacks. Take him out with extreme prejudice and hopefully with

an ease that makes you wonder what these enemies are doing in this dungeon.




Location: Divine Beast Cave, Wise Owl Forest, ShipWreck,

Sun & Moon Temple (15 Abs), Moon Sea (12 Abs)

A pretty tricky fellow. These guys can suddenly lunge at you when you least

expect it. 'Specially if you're opening weapon chests. Dance around him and

stick it to him when his guard is down.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

These guys drop from the thick canopy. You can't see them in casual view, but

you could see their shadows on the ground, as well as sense them on the map.

If you run into their line of attack, they'll drop on you and knock off a lot

of HP. When they land on the ground, just slash away at them.


LICH (12 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The Lich is an upgraded version of the Ghost and has the same attack pattern

as his weaker cousin. Take him down as he approaches using your best long

range combatant or just slash him before he starts to rise up into the air.




Location: Gallery of Time

The Living Armor is an upgraded version of the Statues from the Divine Beast

Cave and have the same slow attack speed. You can just dance around them as

you pick them apart, they shouldn't last long.




Location: ShipWreck

It's like some kind of scary mask with a sword and fan. I forgot what those

were called, but they're easy to deal with. Dodge their poison gas attacks,

and finish them off with relentless slashing.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

A skeleton wearing a trenchcoat. A former member of the Trenchcoat Mafia? :)

He's kinda annoying, but simple to defeat when you've dealt with its brothers

(Skeleton Soldiers) enough.




Location: Divine Beast Cave, Wise Owl Forest, ShipWreck,

Sun & Moon Temple (6 Abs), Moon Sea (6 Abs)

A smaller and weaker version of King Mimic. These guys can suddenly lunge at

you when you least expect it. 'Specially if you're opening item chests. Dance

around him and stick it to him when his guard is down.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that wields a spear like no other. Just stick it to him

when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack again,

which is very annoying. So you're going to have to catch up to it before you

can deliver a few slashes in the ****.


MOON BUG (5 Abs)


Location: Moon Sea

This bug can be annoying, it has a cannon under it's shell and will take

shots at you from long range. When you get closer it will curl up into a

ball and roll at you, (sort of like the Rockanoff from the Divine Beast Cave)

but easier to dodge since they can't turn corners well. They are probably

the hardest enemy to kill on the first couple of levels and reduce your

weapon hit points quickly. To kill them, just dodge the rolling attack and

give it a few slashes with your best melee fighter or stand back and trade

shots with your best ranged fighter.




Location: Moon Sea

The Moon Digger is a more powerful variety of the Earth Diggers found in the

Wise Owl Forest so you should be familiar with their attack pattern. Attacks

from long range are the easiest way to kill them, but they can also be taken

down quickly using a charge attack from your best melee fighter.


MR. BLAIR (5 Abs)


Location: Sun & Moon Temple

These guys are fire-based creatures and are totally immune to any fire damage

caused by a weapon. To beat them quickly switch your weapon attribute to Ice

and then walk in under they rear back to throw a fireball at you then dodge

around them and slash them in the side or back. When attacking with missile

weapons you need to advance to lure them into launching an attack then blast

them with your weapon, otherwise they will defend against the attack most of

the time.


MUMMY (4 Abs)


Location: Sun & Moon Temple

These guys come straight at you and have a short range melee attack only. The

easiest enemy in the Sun & Moon Temple, just slash or shoot them as they move

towards you, but make sure they are dead because they can revive themselves

with about 1/3 of their hit points any time they would normally be slain. I

have personally had one come back to life three times in a row.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Probably one of the tougher enemies in the cave. It's sluggish demeanor at

first seems to be no apparent threat. That is, if you don't get too close.

It will squash you flat like pancakes. Just avoid these guys if you want to

save the trouble.




Location: Sun & Moon Temple

Phantoms are large insects who fly towards you then rise up in the air to do

a downward lunge attack. If you're using a melee fighter wait for them to

start to climb up in the air then quickly circle them and after they do the

downward lunge attack rush in and slash them from behind. If you're using

one of the long range fighters just shoot him as he approaches.




Location: ShipWreck

This guy is a pain in the ***. If your defense isn't high, one blow from him

can knock your lights out. I found it easy just to use throw items, such as

the Bomb, at him. He dies rather quickly this way. Attacking him with Toan is

rather difficult since he hones in on your moves (he moves when you move), or

if you don't move, he shoots.




Location: Gallery of Time

Another upgrade to a monster from the Divine Beast Cave, the Rash Dasher has

the same attack patterns as the Dashers. They'll head straight towards you

and make killing them even easier, one or two hits should be all it takes.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Like a rolling Dodongo from Zelda, Rockanoffs can be damaging if you stumble

onto its path. Its momentum can knock you off your feet. Work around it and

give it a nasty poke in the back.




Location: ShipWreck

A decent adversary. He blocks 50% of the time and when it senses an open spot

to attack, it'll use an ice-based attack.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that blows poison darts like no other. Just stick it to

him when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack

again, which is very annoying. You're going to have to catch up to it before

you can deliver a few slashes in the ****.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

These undead zombie dudes love to come in packs. Don't get surrounded by them

or you'll be eating dust all day. They're pretty slow, so you can hack at

them faster than them ever lifting their swords.




Location: Moon Sea

You should be familiar with the attack pattern of the Space Gyons from your

encounters with the weaker Gyons in the Shipwreck. The main difference with

the Space Gyons are their ability to turn instead of being limited to moving

in a straight line when they attack. This difference will have no impact on

ranged fighters but melee fighters should resign themselves to getting hit

at least once while closing in to attack.


SPADE (6 Abs)


Location: Gallery of Time

The fourth of the playing card soldiers and another enemy that is limited to

short range attacks. You can take him down from long range or just rush up

and slash him to pieces. Can the enemies get any easier?




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Try to refrain yourself from using combos on these guys as they can retaliate

quite well with attacks of their own. They're slow, yes, but their attacks

hurt a lot. Think of "hit and run" attacks with this deadly foe. Jump in to

attack, then quickly get out of the way.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Taunt the doggie by letting it see you. Until it starts to chase after you,

it won't take any damage; not at all.




Location: Sun & Moon Temple

Tougher versions of the Golems you fought earlier in the temple, they are as

easy to fight as their weaker brothers. They are slow moving and slow to

launch an attack, just move in and slash them then dance back to dodge their

swing or ground-pounding attack. The ground attack can cause damage if you're

too close to the monster so learn the range on the attack and be sure to back

up far enough when you dodge the attack. They go down very easily under a

missile barrage without any risk to your character.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that wields a knife like no other. Just stick it to him

when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack again,

which is very annoying. So you're going to have to catch up to it before you

can deliver a few slashes in the ****.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that likes to throw balls of poison at you, which can

easily be dodged. Just stick it to him when his guard is down. They'd usually

try to run away and then attack again, which is very annoying. So you're

going to have to catch up to it before you can deliver a few slashes in the



TITAN (12 Abs)


Location: Moon Sea

Titans are very similar to the Golems and Steel Giants from the Sun & Moon

Temple and the same combat strategies work here. They have slow attacks so

move in and slash them then move back to dodge their swing or ground-pounding

attack. The ground attack causes damage if you're too close to the monster

so learn the range on the attack and be sure to back up far enough to avoid

damage when you dodge the attack. They go down very easily under a missile

barrage without any risk to your character.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that blows poison darts like no other. Just stick it to

him when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack

again, which is very annoying. So you are going to have to catch up to it

before you can deliver a few slashes in the ****.


VULCAN (12 Abs)


Location: Moon Sea

The Vulcans are a stronger version of the Dunes you encountered in the Sun

& Moon Temple so their attack pattern should be familiar to you. You should

advance on them with your best melee fighter and attack when their shield is

down then dodge back to avoid their attack; or you could simply shoot them

from long range and avoid any risk to your characters.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

A nasty little dwarf that can wield an axe like no one else. Just stick it

to him when his guard is down. They'd usually try to run away and then attack

again, which is very annoying. So you're going to have to catch up to it

before you can deliver a few slashes in the ****.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

Xiao is the best solution to this sucka. Just stay away from it and avoid any

means of close-combat with it.




Location: Moon Sea

The White Fangs are more powerful versions of the Werewolves found in the

Wise Owl Forest. They are limited to short range melee attacks and advance

towards you as soon as they spot you. Take them down with a couple of hits

from your best melee or ranged fighter as soon as they are in range.




Location: Moon Sea

The Witch Hellzas are very similar to the witches from the Wise Owl Forest

except they throw fireballs at you instead of poisonous apples. The easiest

way to kill them is from long range due to their high attack speed. Your

best melee fighter should be able to kill them in one or two hits if you can

avoid their fireballs and get in melee range.




Location: Wise Owl Forest

These floating ghouls can throw poisonous apples at you and are especially

dangerous when too close. Use Xiao to get the job done with her slingshot.




Location: Divine Beast Cave

Beware of its spinning attack. It's exceptionally strong, 'specially since

you're pretty weak at this state. Never let it use its attacks. Just keep

pounding away at it. But, of course, unless you enjoy dying, I won't stop


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| | | | 07. B O S S S T R A T E G I E S | |

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He's tough and kickin'...

For the first boss, he's tough if you don't know what to do. To make this lil

puppy prowl, use Xiao to fling a slingshot at him in the face. Make sure you

have Xiao locked on to him before you shoot or she'll miss. Also, wait until

he's facing you, or flying in your direction, then, hail him with stones.

Hit him with Xiao and he'll get irritated and drop on the ground to lick his

wound. Now, switch to Toan and let him have it with a few pokes in the butt.

Since Dran can recover exceptionally fast, I'm assuming you could only land a

hit on him before he knocks Toan to the ground while getting up. Giving it to

him in the leg can prevent any damage to you. If you have any surplus Stamina

Potions in stock, don't hesitate to use them if you're struggling. Remember

to keep Xiao a good distance away from him to avoid any damage to her. Repeat

this method several times over and the possessed Dran will finally give in.

Use Repair Powder if you need to.

Additional Help


Dran, There is a second objective in a way to beating him, I myself find Xiao

very weak in her weaponry, but if you would like to beat Dran a very easier

way then rather risking almost killing yourself with the tactic the guide

says, (no offense to anyone who made it including the owner), you can collect

Old Gaffer's atlamillia and do not build it, and after you gain Xiao in your

quest, build her Wooden Slingshot's stats up to MAX. (NOTE: This Takes A LONG

time but its worth it) After that is done your attack should be pretty high,

and if u don't want it MAX, try to get very close and your slingshot should

be attacking around 60 at least, then go to Floor 15. Which is "DIVINE BEAST

DRAN'S CHAMBER" Attack him with your slingshot, he should come back down to

the ground in distress, once he is down move away and fire again he should

prowl, turn around, almost burst himself strait at you, to avoid this right

after you shot the last slingshot shot at him move right and he should miss

you and ram the wall. Then hit him again and it should repeat as long as you

do that he will not touch you, just remember to repair your weapon when

needed and quench your thirst when low.

-= Thanks to Ryan Chroust =-




Run when you see flying things...

Again, like the previous waltz with Dran, you'll need to use your newest team

member, Goro, to get the job done and right. I highly suggest that you have

the Battle Ax equipped on him before the fight. It will make the fight much

easier and puts less strain on your fingers. At the beginning of the fight,

Master Utan would have grabbed handful of berries from the stockpile above

and stuff them in his mouth, then spits them out at you at 100MPH. Although,

they are easy to dodge, they come in like a wall of ember. When you feel Utan

has eased down on the offensive, quickly switch to Goro and nail the ape in

the feet. Now, you can either choose to switch to Toan and slash away, then

alternate between the two members, or you could continue using Goro and hack

relentlessly at his feet until he dies. I'd go with option number two. :) If

you keep hammering his feet, he won't be able to start up another attack.

When Master Utan spits the seeds, you are able to block them 100% with the

block button held.

-= Thanks to DJ Brookshire =-




Just chillin' and beatin' the crap outta you...

First off, make sure you have a lot of cure items and Stamina Potions/Dran's

Feathers to quicken your movement with Toan. Also, use the BEST weapons you

have and put all the Fire gems on both Toan's and Ruby's weapons. At the

start of the fight, the Ice Queen will not waste any time casting her first

ice spell. Those ice blocks pop up everywhere, so it's no use trying to dodge

it and waste energy. Now, use the Stamina Potion on Toan and run in a zig-

zag fashion to avoid most of Saia's attacks. Then go up to her and slash at

her to break the shield temporarily. Now, use this opportunity to quickly

switch to good ol' Ruby and blast La Saia silly with fire magic(remember to

junction the fire attribute on her weapons). Then switch back to Toan and

repeat. If you are really floundering, try hiding behind the pillar nearest

to her until her attacks die off and jump out and start your assault. She is

too difficult of a boss to be snoozing through. Good luck. You'll need it. :)

Additional Help


Alternate between Cat-Girl and Genie. Run to the right hand side of the

screen and hide behind the pillars. Use these pillars to dodge the evil

queens spells. You have a couple of moments after the queen casts her spell

so hop out with Cat-Girl and hit the queens shield a couple of times to knock

it down. Once her shield is down switch to Genie and zap her with magic.

-= Thanks to Mark Michaels =-

Okay this is what I did. I used Xiao and Ruby for the whole fight. Now you

must be careful in this battle because unless your weapons are powerful and

your characters have a lot of health this battle can be long and tough. More

long than tough if you use my strategy. What you do is stand behind a pillar

near the wall that's closest to her. And when she shoots her homing ice ball

that freezes you put the pillar between you and that. After it hits jump out

with Xiao and shoot her with your slingshot. Then once her shield goes down,

you will know because it will say no effect instead of showing damage, switch

to Ruby and launch a fireball at her. Do this by selecting your attribute

fire on one of her rings, helps if the fire attribute is powered up. Just

repeat this cycle over and over till she's dead. But don't let her hit you

with that ice ball because it will freeze you. And while you are frozen she

will drop another ice ball on your head. My health was at 120 and it came

close to killing me every time when I had full health. So don't let them hit

you. If you follow my strategy this will be a very very easy battle.

-= Thanks to Damien Brown =-

The "standing behind the pillar," trick really works well. Of course if she

is in the middle of the room it's really hard to hit her and not get frozen.

Unfortunately the anti-freeze amulets don't work against her freezing

attacks. Carry lots of healing stuff because your going to need every bit of

it. It also wouldn't hurt to have a few "Stand In" and "Revival Powders" when

fighting her. Anyway. Try to drive her toward any of the pillars. This will

save time and energy. As soon as you see an ice-beam shatter on the pillar,

run toward her with Toan and slash her force-field, causing it to disappear.

Run behind the pillar again before she has the chance to freeze you. You can

take as much time as you want, because she doesn't reactivate her force-field

again until you hit her with Ruby's Fire Blast. You really need to take this

time to heal if you need to. Don't lock on to her with Toan, because he runs

slower whenever he is locked onto something. Please try your best not to get

hit with those ice blocks...They really REALLY hurt. Oh and don't stay close

to her for too long, she has a way of surrounding herself with an expanding

blizzard that doesn't feel too well to your characters. Try to stay away from

this. :-)

-= Thanks to John =-


--- KING'S CURSE ---


Not as tough as he seems...

This boss is one of the easiest in my opinion but that could be because of

the level to which I had built up Ruby's weapon by the time I reached the

final level of the Sun & Moon Temple, regardless of how powerful the weapon

you have the strategy is the same.

As the large man-shaped form approaches you need to use Ungaga's charge

attack until you see the smoke flow into a circle around the coffin. Once

the coffin is exposed, quickly switch to the character with the most powerful

weapon and make sure that you have Holy as it's active element and whack the

exposed coffin. This causes the smoke to start reforming the man-shaped body

and once again advance towards you, before it has reformed you should switch

to Ungaga and start his charge attack, this will cause the smoke body to be

dissipated again as soon as it comes towards you allowing another hit from

your most powerful character. If you have a decent weapon this shouldn't

take very long, in my game Ruby took him down in two hits doing around 1100

damage with each hit from her Holy aligned ring.




Didn't anyone ever tell you drinking would get you killed...?

This has got to be the hardest hitting boss you've encountered up to this

point in the game... too bad he should never even get to attack unless you

get careless during this fight. To defeat Joe select your strongest fighter

and move around the ring until one of the barrels is between you and Joe.

He will stop and pick up the barrel and start drinking, this is your cue to

move in and land one attack. After landing the attack dodge back away from

Joe, find another barrel and repeat this process until he dies. Using this

attack pattern you should be able to defeat Joe without taking any damage.


--- DARK GENIE ---


Surprise! He proves to be the most powerful boss in the game...


Phase One


In the first part of the battle the Dark Genie's hands will come up out of

the floor to attack you. His right and left hand will only be vulnerable to

a certain type of elemental attack and will never be vulnerable to the same

element. The color of the gem on the back of his hand will indicate which

element it is currently vulnerable to and will only change when he crosses

his hands across his chests and folds his wings in close to his body. You

should face the Dark Genie and watch which hand he thrusts into the ground

and then note the color of the gem on that hand, in this way you can judge

when to start moving to dodge the attack and will know which element to set

active on your weapon. The hands will take a few thousand points of damage

to defeat so be patient. The only damage you should take in this phase of

the battle is from an almost invisible attack that does around twenty to

thirty points of damage and cannot be avoided.


Phase Two:


Once the hands are defeated the next phase of the battle will begin. The

Dark Genie will now randomly switch between attacking with a powerful beam

that shoots from his head and the unavoidable attack he used before. You

should dodge to the side to avoid the powerful beam and immediately shoot

his head using Ruby (or your most powerful ranged attacks). If he starts

using the unavoidable attack repeatedly, just target his head and fire at

will his head is defeated or he starts using the beam attack again. Make

sure you keep yourself healed up during this phase of the battle.

Tip: Use a Stamina Potion to "avoid" any damage on your character when the

Dark Genie casts that seemingly unavoidable attack. Although you'll still get

knocked down, you'll lose no HP points.

-= Thanks to tempt amn and Kevin for both of their contributions of the above

tip =-


Phase Three:


With his head defeated the Dark Genie shifts to his final form which looks

like a big insect of some type. He also summons to demonic looking guards

to fight at his side in this final stage of the battle. This phase of the

battle can be fought using a couple of different strategies. You can kill

the two guards which will make the Dark Genie open his mouth and expose an

orb that you have to target to damage this final form. If you don't kill

the guards he WILL randomly open his mouth to expose the vulnerable area,

giving you the chance you need to defeat him. The attacks he uses in this

form are the deadliest you've ever encountered. The first is a powerful

beam of energy that tracks you across the screen. To dodge the attack run

in a circle away from the beam and then towards the side of his body. If

this doesn't work you will take a large amount of damage, although one hit

won't be enough to kill you at this point you will be severely injured and

knocked to the ground. If this happens, you should have a premium chicken

in one of the active item slots and use it as soon as you get back to your

feet, if you don't time this correctly and the beam is still active you will

die, no character can take two hits from this attack. The other attack this

form uses are waves of power that travels over the ground, he seems to only

use this attack after you hit the gem inside his mouth and it can be dodged

fairly easily. This form may give you some problems and should not be taken

lightly. I would recommend having at least nine premium chickens in the

active item slot just in case you have problems dodging the beam attack and

have a few stand-in powders and revive powders in case your chosen fighter

goes down during the battle.

Additional Help


The dark genie is pretty hard. He has an attack were he sticks his hand in

the ground and it pops up under you. Just run and avoid it., then come back

and hack at the exposed hand.. there are two ways you can go about. Either

don't give Toan's sword an attribute so that you hurt him. Otherwise the

attack has no effect. the hand is popping up take a quick glance at

the color of the gem on the hand then quickly change your weapons attribute

to that color. This method inflicts more damage but you have to be quick. He

has another attack were he flaps his wings and you get hurt by the gust . I

have yet to find a way to avoid it. When your done with that form he changes

into something else and has some kind of death ray that kills you with one


-= Thanks to IEtErNaLArkI =-

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| | | | 08. I T E M L I S T | |

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These items listed are items that I HAVE found in the game personally. Items

will be added on as I progress through the adventure. I may not get all of

them, so may god (or you) help me if he/you will. They will be divided into

categories for convenient purposes. It should be much better than a cluttered

item list.



| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Thunder | Thunder attribute added to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Fire | Fire attribute added to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Ice | Ice attribute added to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Wind | Wind attribute added to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Holy | Holy attribute added to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Attack+1,2,3 | Adds X number of characteristics to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Endurance+1,2,3| Adds X number of characteristics to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Speed+1,2,3 | Adds X number of characteristics to weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Magic P.+1,2,3 | Adds X number of characteristics to weapons.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Garnet | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Pearl | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Aquamarine | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Topaz | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Opal | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Diamond | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Ruby | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Amethyst | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Emerald | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Sapphire | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Peridot | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Turquoise | A gem that can be attached to a weapon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Sun | A unique gem attachment for weapons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Undead Buster | More effective to Undead type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Stone Breaker | More effective to Stone type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Sky Hunter | More effective to Flying type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mage Slayer | More effective to Mage type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mimic Buster | More effective to Mimic type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Dino Slayer | More effective to Dino type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Dragon Slayer | More effective to Dragon type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Plant Buster | More effective to Plant type enemies. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Bread | Restores a small amount of health. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Cheese | Restores a moderate amount of health. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Premium Chicken| Restores all lost health. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Soap | Cleanses the body of sticky stuff. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mellow Banana | Recovers HP, but will dehydrate character. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Fruit of Eden | Increases the max HP by X number of points. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Candy | Given to you by Claude. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Antidote Drink | Purifies the body of Poison status. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Stamina Drink | Raises power. It gradually increases. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Regular Water | Quenches some of the Thirst Meter. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Tasty Water | Quenches a majority of the Thirst Meter. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Premium Water | Quenches the Thirst Meter completely. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mighty Healing | Heals all conditions. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Fluffy Doughnut| Toan's fav. food. Increases Toan's defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Fish Candy | Xiao's fav. food. Increases Xiao's defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Grass Cake | Goro's fav. food. Increases Goro's defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Witch Parfait | Ruby's fav. food. Increases Ruby's defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Scorpion Jerky | Ungaga's fav. food. Increases his defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Carrot Cookie | Osmond's fav. food. Increases his defense. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Bomb | Explodes major damage to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Stone | Inflicts a small amount of damage to enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Lightning Gem | Lightning-based attack to enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Inferno Gem | Fire-based attack to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Blizzard Gem | Ice-based attack to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| WhirlWind Gem | Wind-based attack to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Sacred Gem | Holy-based attack to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Throbbin Cherry| Fruit that allows time to be stopped. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Poisonous Apple| Afflicts poison status if thrown to enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Bomb Nuts | Explodes major damage to the enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Gooey Peach | Afflicts Gooey status if thrown to enemy. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Repair Powder | Repairs worn-out weapons to new. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Auto-Repair | Automatically repair weapons about to break.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Revival Powder | Revives fallen characters. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| PowerUp Powder | Powers up weapon's grade. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Escape Powder | Escape from dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Stand-in Powder| Choose alternate ally over fallen character.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Fishing Rod | Given to you by Alnet to go fishing. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Prickly | First fishing bait that Toan can get. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Petite Fish | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mimi | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Minon | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Potato Cake | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Carrot | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Battan | Fish bait that can be found in dungeons. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Cave Key | Unlocks the doors to the Divine Beast Cave. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Dran's Crest | Opens floor doors to the Divine Beast Cave. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Bone Key | Unlock special doors in some dungeon floors.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Horned Key | Key to unlock Dran's chamber. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Pointy Chestnut| One of three keys in Wise Owl Forest. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Red Berry | One of three keys in Wise Owl Forest. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Shiny Stone | One of three keys in Wise Owl Forest. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Mustache Key | Unlock special doors in some dungeon floors.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Hook | Acts as a pulley to the next deck. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| ShipCabin Key | Unlock special doors in some dungeon floors.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| King's Slate | Opens door to next level in Sun&Moon Temple.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Stone Key | Unlock special doors in some dungeon floors.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Gunpowder | Allows you to fire the cannons on the moon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Handle | Used to lower bridges on the moon sea. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Clock Hands | Allows you to activate the clock faces. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Pitchdark Key | Opens locked doors in the Gallery of Time. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Black Knight C.| Opens door to next level in Demon Shaft. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Silver Key | Opens locked gates in the Demon Shaft. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Changing Potion| Used to change Xiao into a human-cat. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Moon Grass Seed| Used to make a plant grow in a special area.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Music Box Key | Used to unlock the Music Box in Shipwreck. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Ointment Leaf | Can make a cure-all medicine from this item.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Foundation | Works like facial cream for girls. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Clay Doll | An rare antique clay doll. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Tram Oil | Lubricates the rusted trams to the back. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Sun Dew | Accelerates a plant's growth. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Flapping Fish | Lures the "master" to the surface. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Secret Path Key| Opens the path for the coffin to travel. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Bravery Launch | Allows you to take a leap on the moon. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Flapping Duster| Allows access to back levels in Gallery. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Crystal Eye | Allows access to back levels in Demon Shaft.|

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |




| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Dran's Feather | Fast movement that eventually wears off. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Treasure Key | Actually, a key for treasure chests. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Manual | Given to you by the Fairy King. Tutorals. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Pocket | Increases number of items stored in pouch. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Gourd | Increases max value of Thirst Meter. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Gold Buillon | Item price no change. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Antidote Amulet| Prevents poison status for a while. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| A.F. Amulet | Prevents freeze status for a while. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| A.G. Amulet | Prevents gooey status for a while. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| A.C. Amulet | Prevents curse status for a while. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Ice Block | Refridgerates fish to prevent spoiling. |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |

| Rotten Fish | Any ideas on what this does? |

| --------------- |-------------------------------------------- |


___ _________________________________________________________________________

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| | | | | |

| | | | 09. M I S C E L L A N E O U S | |

| |____| |___________________________________________________________| |___





This is just a hodgepodge of various contributions from readers. They range

from helpful to zany stuff. Enjoy.

- Can't find the key item you're looking for? You should usually find them

in dungeons or dropped by bosses. They can also be give to you by swell

villagers. Re-enter dungeons to find different items and stuff. Since it

is randomized, the treasures should be different.

- After you rebuild a house in each village, the house will provide chests

that contain useful, if not valuable, items that can help you a lot in

the current dungeons. Every time you return from the dungeon, the chests

will reappear when you've emptied them prior to that. Each time it will

contain a nice item such as a Gourd.

- When you come across a large treasure chest and you don't have the chest

key to unlock it safely, you can always guess the trap. You'll be given

three possible traps: Poison, Explosion, and Curse. The majority of the

time, the trap will either be poison or a curse. If you guess the trap

successfully, not only will you avoid the trap, you'll also receive nice



*~ ~*

*~ Trade stuff (I'm not sure on most the names, bear with me): After you ~*

*~ complete CousCous's house in Matataki, tell it that you'd like some of ~*

*~ it's candy. It will give you the lollipop. Give the lollipop to..umm.. ~*

*~ that guy who lives with the little girl in white fur (in Matataki.) and ~*

*~ he'll give you the Ointment Leaf. Give that to the guy in Queens that ~*

*~ owns the place where you store stuff, and he'll give you the Foundation.~*

*~ Give the Foundation to the guy in Muska Lacka who thinks he's handsome, ~*

*~ and he gives you the Clay Doll. Give that to one of the moon people ~*

*~ outside in Yellow Drops, and you get the Sun! It's a badass jewel that ~*

*~ goes on a weapon. Increases most if not all stats by a lot. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Xiao and Osmond's attacks: Dunno if these two have powerup attacks or ~*

*~ not. Osmond certainly doesn't. His machine guns are worthless but his ~*

*~ lasers are great! ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Much thanks to Jon9John for these useful information. ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Just a quick thing I noticed. In the Divine Beast Cave, once you guess ~*

*~ the trap on the large weapon chests, all other large chests you run ~*

*~ across on that trip through the dungeon will have the same trap. One ~*

*~ trip through the cave netted me ten weapons, and every chest was a curse~*

*~ trap. I'm not sure if this works through later areas, but it seems ~*

*~ logical that it might. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to kmathis2 ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Ok this trick is one I just found out about. What you need to perform ~*

*~ this trick is Goro, and the Big Bucks Hammer for Goro, and about 5-7K ~*

*~ Gilda. Ok what you do is you go to the Wise Owl Forest and you know ~*

*~ those little trolls with the names of the week, well sometimes when they~*

*~ hit you they take a lot of money. What you do is you let one of them hit~*

*~ you (near a water fall or with lots of healers), and if it says its ~*

*~ stolen your money, you just kill the thing with the hammer. You should ~*

*~ get double the money you had stolen cause the big bucks hammer does ~*

*~ that I've gotten up to 50 Gil just from this trick :) ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Chris Kramchuck ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ If your just beginning, remember the mayor trick, he refills your bag, ~*

*~ but why rely on just getting them between dungeon romps. Visit him, ~*

*~ get the items, step away, use the one's you can (water, repair powder, ~*

*~ etc.) and step over and refill your bag, step away and do it again, ~*

*~ until there is nothing you still need repaired, and your thirst is ~*

*~ quenched. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ If you get Tram Oil and easily defeat the monsters in the back room, ~*

*~ don't waste the Abs, clear it, come out, and immediately take the tram ~*

*~ back in, and clear it again. No additional chests but I made 2 ~*

*~ synthstones that way on level 3 of Divine Beast Cave alone. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Note: Synthstones are interchangeable, sword synthstones can be placed ~*

*~ on slingshots, hammers, rings, etc. and vice versa so synth what's ~*

*~ easiest for you and add it to a weapon you don't like to use often, but ~*

*~ need beefed-up. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ And like everyone else has already mentioned, get used to fishing, GEMS ~*

*~ are your friends, and even us boys like Dark Cloud Diamonds! ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Submitted by Steven Bernard ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ However, I would like to clear up what one of your contributors have ~*

*~ added at the end of the walkthrough about the game not recognizing more ~*

*~ than one status, i.e. poison,stamina,curse. What I have discovered is ~*

*~ that if a player is poisoned and you drink a stamina drink, you will ~*

*~ continue to suffer from the poisons effect. Now if a player is poisoned ~*

*~ and walks over a magic circle and is "Pumped with Energy", after the ~*

*~ stamina effect wears off so will the poison. I have done this once when ~*

*~ I was poisoned and had no antidote, so I ran for the rejuvenating ~*

*~ waterfall and was pumped going over a circle and waited it out in the ~*

*~ pool. I watched the poison continue its effect, and once the stamina ~*

*~ had worn off, so did the poison. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to faceless creation ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Those little blue and red circles that give you random things like "abs ~*

*~ of equipped weapon is full" or "status of equipped weapon changed" ~*

*~ (( ack how I dread that one)) well, if you want a 99% sure chance of ~*

*~ getting "pumped with energy" every time, before you run into the circle,~*

*~ equip your default weapon, such as Toans "Dagger", and then run in. 99% ~*

*~ of the time ( I say 99 because I am not 100 percent sure, but so far I ~*

*~ have never gotten anything else ) you will get your character "pumped ~*

*~ with energy". this works at any circle thingie anywhere in the game. ~*

*~ Also it seems that if you walk into a circle with a weapon that has ~*

*~ "big bucks" on it ( preferably big bucks hammer) you have a much much ~*

*~ better chance of getting "funds increased a little"(aka double money). ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Sports4128 ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ When it comes down to quench and thirst I find it better to have thirst,~*

*~ I have been able to go through 12 floors without springs and without ~*

*~ using a single water on my main character simply from killing enemies ~*

*~ and gaining that 1 point afterwards. I love it. It kind of fits me ~*

*~ personally anyway because I am always thirsty. Go figure. But anyway. ~*

*~ I have a Chronicle Sword with max stats that has big bucks, steal, ~*

*~ critical, stop, thirst, and durable and I couldn't be happier. It's only~*

*~ level 9 too. And as for Osmond. I guess I'll be the first one to admit~*

*~ that I love the guy. He is great to switch to when an enemy gets a ~*

*~ lucky hit in and kills your main character. Since he has the ability to~*

*~ fly over chasms. Including the ones you use Xiao to jump over. He can ~*

*~ easily run away and shoot at the same time to put some distance between ~*

*~ you and the enemy. I once died in the Moon Sea at the hands of 2 of the ~*

*~ golem types and the weird bug cannon thingy and switched to Osmond. I ~*

*~ had a simple Jackal, no attachments or level ups and I killed both golem~*

*~ types and the bug. It only took 3 repair powders. And they dropped 120~*

*~ gilda all together. I just doubled my profit. Attack and move at the ~*

*~ same time. Ability to cross over chasms and jump points. Multi-hit ~*

*~ capabilities. He makes xiao obsolete for me. I only use the other ~*

*~ characters for opening doors now. So osmond is a welcome addition for ~*

*~ me. Well I guess that is about it. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Master Oberon ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ For all the potato cakes you might want...go to the back part of first ~*

*~ floor in moon sea dungeon with xiao equipped with bandit slingshot.... ~*

*~ moon diggers are all that's there with potato cakes to steal, you can ~*

*~ hit them with her even when they are still in the ground. went through ~*

*~ there three times and stole at least 12. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Calvin Mills ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Toan: the best defense is a good offense. Run up (don't even ~*

*~ necessarily lock on, it slows you down a bit), getting out of the way if~*

*~ they shoot at you, and smack 'em before they finish rearing back to ~*

*~ swing at you. Toan has the shortest delay from when you press the ~*

*~ button to when he swings. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Xiao: Shoot the flyers with her. Also use her or Ruby against moles. ~*

*~ Remember that shooters' weapons degrade with each shot, but they don't ~*

*~ degrade more against tough-hided monsters. Against enemy shooters, lock~*

*~ on, wait for the enemy to shoot, *then* sidestep and return fire. (Only~*

*~ against cannon and moon crescents should you shoot first, dodge second, ~*

*~ shoot third.) Status Break her spare Bandit Slingshots and distribute ~*

*~ them widely, especially to Ruby (unless she already has a status broken ~*

*~ Bandit Ring) because you often get nice things like fruits (bait!). ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Goro: The block button is your friend--but there are some things you ~*

*~ can't block. You have to anticipate most opponents' moves with Goro. If~*

*~ you aren't good with him, Status Break someone else's spare weapons and ~*

*~ Upgrade them into his. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Ruby: Don't tap the button too hard if you want to shoot and dodge; if ~*

*~ you tap it hard, even quite briefly, it will still be a slow underhand ~*

*~ toss rather than the fast backhand shot. Pay special attention to what ~*

*~ element a monster is vulnerable to, as it radically increases her ~*

*~ damage. (Saves on repair powder too, at the expense of more time in the ~*

*~ Weapon menu.) Status Break her Bandit Rings if you haven't status ~*

*~ broken enough bandit slingshots; I think your chance of theft is per ~*

*~ hit, not per monster, so giving them to the shooters helps your cash ~*

*~ and bait revenues the most. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Ungaga: This guy has reach! You may have to lock on to hit with his ~*

*~ first swing because it's straight down, but it also hits directly ~*

*~ behind you; the second and third swings are wide slashes that may hit ~*

*~ several monsters even more easily than with Toan. Keep an Auto-Repair ~*

*~ powder in an active slot if you do this, though. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Osmond: Buy him a better gun, and take him back to the bottom of the ~*

*~ Shipwreck to level it up. Fortunately, you don't need him to win the ~*

*~ boss fight, unlike all the other allies, but there are Osmond-only ~*

*~ levels. Osmond is good if you want to turn thrown items into Additions, ~*

*~ since his individual shots do so little damage. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Keith Polivka-Rohrer ~*

*~ ~*






*~ ~*

*~ When fishing wait until the Bobber ( red and white ball on string) goes ~*

*~ COMPLETELY underwater, then press x once, The fish is hooked and caught.~*

*~ There is no need to bash the X button, once hooked the fish is ~*

*~ automatically reeled in. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ The waterfall in Matataki Village has a rare fish, the Mardan Garayan ~*

*~ mentioned by Dike. At night I caught this fish with a poison apple as ~*

*~ bait! ~*

*~ ~*

*~ And you can upgrade weapons to the weapons that are sold for FP, ~*

*~ however those weapons make great synthspheres. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Chris Stein ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ When the fish starts to nibble on your bait, NEVER try to reel it in or,~*

*~ 9 times out of 10, you'll lose your bait. What you do is wait patiently~*

*~ until the bobber goes underneath the water's surface, which is when you ~*

*~ hit the X button to pull the line in. If done correctly, you'll pull in~*

*~ the fish, with no "mashing" required. If you fail, there's about a 50% ~*

*~ chance (depending on the bait) of losing your bait. (Whereupon you go ~*

*~ buy more) ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Kathy Melnikoff ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Its really simple, when you fish, you see the floater shake in the water~*

*~ when a fish nibbles on the bait, but the problem is telling when the ~*

*~ fish actually has it's mouth around it. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ All you have to do, is to look at the floater. When the fish bites the ~*

*~ bait, you will see the floater dive suddenly, and that's when you press ~*

*~ X to hook it. It's really the only time the floater is completely ~*

*~ underwater, so it's pretty easy to tell. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Now that I found that trick, I get a fish every time and I haven't lost ~*

*~ a bait since. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ That's it. Good fishing. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Simon Chicoine ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ 1. Equipping the Maradan Eins sword (worth 2500 fishing points - it's a ~*

*~ lot, I know) will increase the chance of getting the rare Maradan ~*

*~ Garayan fish. Upgrading it to Maradan Twei and then Arise Maradan ~*

*~ increases this further. Once you have Arise Maradan, you will also get ~*

*~ more (and larger) Maradan Garayans and Baron Garayans. I recently caught~*

*~ a 185 cm Baron Garayan - worth 723 fishing points! In upgrading the ~*

*~ Maradian Twei (and Arise Maradan)you don't need to put any attachments ~*

*~ onto the sword; merely upgrading it three times will cause it to be ~*

*~ ready for buildup. The Arise Maradan is also one of the most powerful ~*

*~ swords in the game, comparable to the Sword of Zeus or the Chronicle ~*

*~ sword. It can do up to 400 HP of damage per swing! ~*

*~ 2. Speaking of the Baron Garayan, I've heard rumors it can be caught in ~*

*~ the morning with the Arise Maradan equipped. So far, I have not been ~*

*~ able to duplicate this. Again, you'll know a Baron because it is always ~*

*~ a large fish accompanied by three very small fish. ~*

*~ 3. The point value of a fish depends on two things: 1. What type of fish~*

*~ it is, and 2. its size. Example: The Niler (Norune/Peanut ponds,) which ~*

*~ only gets to be about 50-70 cm in length, is worth more than the Nonky, ~*

*~ which ranges in size from 75-120 cm. However the highest point value ~*

*~ fish, the Baron Garayan, the Mardan Garayan and the Umadakaura tend to ~*

*~ be the largest in their respective areas. (Adrenaline - on your FAQs in ~*

*~ the e-mailed in section it says the Maradan Garayan is worth 250 points.~*

*~ This is only if it about 120 cm in length.)Another small fish worth a ~*

*~ lot: The Piccoly (Queens docks.) ~*

*~ 4. I have discovered that the Umakaduka can be caught by the sign in ~*

*~ Peanut pond. However, it's still available only mid-afternoon. Unlike ~*

*~ other fish, this one seems to have feet and look something like an ~*

*~ aardvark. ~*

*~ 5. Fish you want to avoid: a. The Bon (Queens docks) This is a gray ~*

*~ spherical fish. The biggest one I've caught was 90 cm and worth 12 ~*

*~ points. Most of the time, it's 60 cm and 5 points or so - and Evys ~*

*~ (which it responds to) are expensive! Unfortunately, several other fish ~*

*~ respond to the Evy, so you don't know what you're going to get until ~*

*~ you pull it up. b. Nonky (Peanut pond/Waterfalls/Norune pond) Another ~*

*~ big fish worth very little. It is a dark golden brown color. The largest~*

*~ I've caught is 133 cm, and worth a mere 15 points. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Quamp ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ No generalization is true, including this one. The game certainly has a~*

*~ LOT of variables, but here's how I managed to get 3 Baron Garyans in 8 ~*

*~ minutes. ~*

*~ CIRCUMSTANCE: First playthrough of the game, all of the way finished ~*

*~ with Gallery of Time, except for Dark Genie battle. I had the second ~*

*~ iteration of the Mardan sword equipped, the Mardan Twei, which I ~*

*~ managed to upgrade after catching a paltry 10 Mardans. I never used ~*

*~ the sword or upgraded it. However, after 3 Barons and at least two ~*

*~ other Mardans, I still haven't managed to get to Arise Mardan. ~*

*~ WHEN: IMMEDIATELY following the announcement of Dusk. Be standing at ~*

*~ the fishing sign. ~*

*~ WHERE: Oasis of Muska Lacka (or Racka, for those of you speaking ~*

*~ Engrish). ~*

*~ HOW: Stand facing the fishing sign such that your vantage point looks ~*

*~ into the oasis. All fishin' holes in the game have a starting point ~*

*~ for the fish to be generated. Watch as the fish are generated. The ~*

*~ Baron Garyan is the largest fish in the game, and its graphic is ~*

*~ proportional to its size even underwater. You can tell just by ~*

*~ looking! If none of the fish look big, quit and try again; this way, ~*

*~ you can check the pond about 30 times in one dusk cycle. But even if ~*

*~ your eyes deceive you, here's what you do to verify the Baron: use a ~*

*~ Minon as bait and see if the BIG fish bites. If not, you've got a ~*

*~ Baron. Use the Potato Cake next. I got lucky and haven't lost a ~*

*~ single bait to these yet, and all three I managed to get were over ~*

*~ 150cm, for a grand total of 2100+ points. Some FAQs are claiming ~*

*~ lengths well in excess of 200cm, so you shouldn't have much trouble ~*

*~ distinguishing Barons from the next largest fish in the pond, the Dem. ~*

*~ My record Dem is about 169cm, so they can be confusing. GOOD LUCK! I ~*

*~ won't tell you what the Baron looks like, but Hef would appreciate. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Jason ~*

*~ ~*






*~ ~*

*~ I have a trick to let anybody upgrade their weapon much faster. What you~*

*~ do is save it, upgrade your weapon either way by using Abs or Upgrade ~*

*~ Powder, and upgrade. If you don't get a x2 the next Customize, just ~*

*~ reset it and do it again until you do. This may take a while - 10 tries ~*

*~ average for me - but it's worth it, especially when your gonna use ~*

*~ something like a diamond. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to R. Jou ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ One of your posters suggested that the use of SynthSpheres is not a good~*

*~ way to upgrade weapons. I must disagree. It's a great way, if you have ~*

*~ the time, patience, and know-how. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Say, for example, you want to get Goro's Inferno maxed out, but, like ~*

*~ me, you built it up as soon as you could and now have about 150 or so ~*

*~ points to gain, just in the AT stat. OK, it has four slots for ~*

*~ attachments, so you could gain (at 5 points of AT per gem, not counting ~*

*~ the Sun Gem or x2 slots) a maximum of 20 points per upgrade, and not ~*

*~ gain any special abilities in doing so. It would take you 8 upgrades to ~*

*~ max it's AT, and you wouldn't make any progress elsewhere (except for ~*

*~ the one or two elements and the few "busters" that the gems can ~*

*~ enhance)! Seeing how the upgrade cost for weapons like the Inferno ~*

*~ increase so dramatically, you wouldn't make it very far before having to~*

*~ use several trips through a dungeon just to upgrade it once! OR... ~*

*~ ~*

*~ You could build up weapons with special abilities (using the switch ~*

*~ trick works really well with this, esp. in the Sun & Moon Temple and the~*

*~ Shipwreck dungeons), status break them, and add them to other paltry ~*

*~ weapons, such as Last Judgment, as you upgrade it to a status break, ~*

*~ thereby increasing their stats and giving them the special abilities to ~*

*~ be added into the main weapon later. If you work this way, which takes a~*

*~ lot of time (I won't lie), you gain the added benefit of max-ing out ~*

*~ weapons much faster than normal. Think of the SynthSphere as a big gem. ~*

*~ As a point, I will say that my Inferno's AT went from 199 to 272, it's ~*

*~ MP went to 189, PLUS it now has Quench, Steal, and Poison. That was JUST~*

*~ the SynthSphere from the aforementioned Last other ~*

*~ attachments included. Not bad, eh? I wanna see a gem do that! Here's ~*

*~ another example: My Chronicle Sword has only been through 3 upgrades. It~*

*~ has used 2 SynthSphere attachments. It is completely maxed out, and it ~*

*~ has the abilities Quench, Steal, Stop, and Critical. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ A few quick pointers for doing this style of upgrade: ~*

*~ 1. Do not waste gems on the weapons you are going to status break ~*

*~ (either the main weapon or the subsequent "special ability" weapons). ~*

*~ Instead, use all the extra little things you have, like AT+1 and AT+2, ~*

*~ or the regular "busters" to free up your inventory. I do recommend using~*

*~ something in them when they upgrade so you get more power from the ~*

*~ SynthSphere, but certainly not hard-earned gems. Use them along with the~*

*~ Spheres in the main weapon. ~*

*~ 2. Do not waste a SynthSphere unless necessary. If a SynthSphere ~*

*~ maxes one of your weapons stats, great. But before you upgrade the ~*

*~ Sphere into the weapon, make sure that you are getting the most out of ~*

*~ it. Throw it into another weapon and do some math to see if it is giving~*

*~ you all that it can. You are spending the time to do this, so make sure ~*

*~ you try to get every last point that you can. ~*

*~ 3. Make sure you already have a strong weapon, and then switch off ~*

*~ weapons for ABS. It is so much faster this way, plus it eats up less ~*

*~ repair powder. ~*

*~ 4. I STRONGLY recommend that you do this on the 17th level of the Sun & ~*

*~ Moon Temple, for 3 reasons: ~*

*~ a) If you can get your grubby paws on a Secret Passage Key while ~*

*~ dinking around in there, you can start gaining 192 ABS points ~*

*~ per trip through the Back Route (which ALWAYS has 8 Blue Dragons~*

*~ worth 24 points each). The regular floor isn't that bad either, ~*

*~ offering Steel Giants and Blue Dragons at 12 points each, Dunes ~*

*~ at 10, and King Mimics at 15. ~*

*~ b) You can find stronger weapons (such as Last Judgment or Crystal ~*

*~ Ring) on the floor in the large chests that you can use for ~*

*~ status breaking. The floor usually has at least two Weapon ~*

*~ Chests each time you go through. One of these will be a King ~*

*~ Mimic (I have yet to get two weapons in one trip). Sometimes you~*

*~ get nothing, but that's the way it goes. ~*

*~ c) You have a chance of getting the 5ft. Nail, which is the only ~*

*~ thing I have seen with Critical, which is well worth the effort ~*

*~ in putting on your best weapons. ~*

*~ 5. You don't have to have a weapon with a special ability to put into~*

*~ the secondary weapon. You can use something else, like a Battle Ax, to ~*

*~ increase it's stats so that more comes from it when you put it on your ~*

*~ main weapon. ~*

*~ 6. Bring LOTS of repair powder into the Sun & Moon Temple. You might~*

*~ need it if your killing weapon isn't strong enough. And don't let your ~*

*~ weapons break for cryin' out loud! You will never forgive yourself (and ~*

*~ no, I am not speaking from experience here). I just believe that a TV ~*

*~ might have a PS2 controller imbedded in it if my 1-2 hour or so long ~*

*~ project suddenly snapped on me! ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Quick overview just as a recap. Upgrade Special Ability weapons and ~*

*~ status break them into stronger weapons. Upgrade the stronger weapons ~*

*~ (as you are adding to them) and status break them into the main weapon. ~*

*~ This way, things will max out for you much faster than usual, plus you ~*

*~ will need fewer upgrades to do it and gain abilities to boot. Some ~*

*~ abilities you may want, such as Drain, might require you to build up the~*

*~ other weapons for them. Just use the flowcharts Adrenaline and Azaroth ~*

*~ provided for us (Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! It has made my life ~*

*~ so much easier!). ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Another thing...I don't think that the Mardan Eins builds up EXACTLY as ~*

*~ mentioned. I know that I have caught many, many Mardans and the thing ~*

*~ still won't least not after I first bought it. This is just a~*

*~ thought, and I cannot tell you for certain, but I think that you have to~*

*~ catch the requisite fish AFTER getting the sword for it to upgrade. I ~*

*~ had been fishing for a long time, catching every Garayan fish that I can~*

*~ (I have a Baron that measured 233cm...864 points for that sucka!), and I~*

*~ decided to get the sword for the heck of it, but it would not upgrade. I~*

*~ am almost positive I had caught more than 25 Mardans, but, like I said, ~*

*~ I cannot be certain. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Last little tip: If you want to get a special ability into a weapon, but~*

*~ the weapon that has it also has a defect, you must first add the counter~*

*~ to the defect into the weapon you want to get the ability onto. For ~*

*~ example, if you put a Kitchen Knife SynthSphere onto a Sandbreaker, it ~*

*~ will remove Thirst, but if you upgrade the Kitchen Knife into the ~*

*~ Sandbreaker, Thirst will return. In the same way, if you build up the ~*

*~ Sandbreaker into the Antique Sword, then break the Antique Sword and put~*

*~ it onto a weapon that already has Quench, Quench will disappear until ~*

*~ you upgrade the Antique Sword into it. Once you do that, Quench will ~*

*~ return, and you will gain Stop. Thirst just disappears. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Micheal Overby for this quite lengthy, but useful information.~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ I found a Quicker way to to get abs faster, go to the back area of level~*

*~ 14 of the Shipwreck. In my journeys to that Back area all I have ~*

*~ encountered are Mask of Pranja which give you a crap load of abs (24 abs~*

*~ a piece I beleieve)and there are usually about 3 gems or so scattered ~*

*~ around the map in Chests. I have also found out different fishing holes~*

*~ exchange different gems (the fishing area in Queens has aquamarine while~*

*~ the oasis in Muska Laka (or raka major messup on sonys part) does not ~*

*~ have not all fishing holes are the same....... ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to ScottyJ ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Oh and here's a hint... although it might be obvious, I don't think that~*

*~ it's stated. Don't upgrade a synthsphere into a weapon until you're ~*

*~ ready to turn that weapon into a better synthsphere. Then just switch ~*

*~ it off between teammates. That only applies to the early game though, ~*

*~ like early Goro and Xiao limit zones and the like- makes them simple ~*

*~ enough. Once you reach Shipwreck 14 you should be able to make multiple~*

*~ lines, and won't have to switch between teammates. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ About Build Up and Status Break: Status Break the weapons that have ~*

*~ native special abilities (e.g. Bandit Slingshot/Ring): if you Build Up a~*

*~ Bandit Slingshot, it loses the Steal ability. But if you turn it into a~*

*~ SynthSphere, and upgrade a weapon with it, the Steal from the ~*

*~ SynthSphere will stay even when you Build Up that other weapon. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Contrary to what the other ("name withheld") person seems to have said, ~*

*~ NEVER upgrade a SynthSphere into a weapon you plan to Status Break, for ~*

*~ the same reason you wouldn't upgrade such a weapon with a gem. Status ~*

*~ Break the weapons separately, then upgrade the SynthSpheres into your ~*

*~ primary weapon one at a time. The other way only gets you 36% (60% of ~*

*~ 60%) of the first weapon's stats, instead of 60%. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Keith Polivka-Rohrer ~*

*~ ~*






*~ ~*

*~ This is just a little bit of information concerning the glitch of Muska ~*

*~ Lacka (Racka). I have no idea how much you know about the Japanese ~*

*~ language so I might just be telling you something you already know. ~*

*~ There is no "L" in Japanese. However, "R"s can be pronounced as Ls. ~*

*~ Since this is the case, the translators probably meant for it to be ~*

*~ Lacka but made the mistake of using an R since that is what they need to~*

*~ use to write it in Japanese. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to robyn ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Some cute misspellings in the game I've found: ~*

*~ 1. In the Sun and Moon Temple, have Xiao equip Steve and face a Dune. ~*

*~ Steve will say, "Woah, where did he come from?" ~*

*~ 2. In Moon craters, use the bravery launcher, and set it up at the ~*

*~ place. It will give you two options. The second one is "Whimp out." ~*

*~ 3. Journey from Queens to Muska Lacka via the "Go to other area" option ~*

*~ in the menu. Muska Lacka suddenly becomes Muska Racka in the title ~*

*~ screen. I'm sure there are others in the game... ~*

*~ ~*

*~ More thanks to Quamp ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ I dont know if you changed Toan's name or not but if you did in the Cut-~*

*~ scene after you defeat the ice princess you get called Toan no matter ~*

*~ what your name is. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to PhantomAcer ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ Something very strange happened to me while in Shipwreck. I was running~*

*~ around, minding my own business, killing enemies, etc., when I got the ~*

*~ Map of the layer. A hallway intersected with the corner of a large ~*

*~ room, something that had never happened before. I thought this odd, so ~*

*~ I investigated. I had already cleared out the room, so I headed to the ~*

*~ corner in the hallway. When I got to the intersection, I fell through ~*

*~ the floor--and ended up walking on the pipes in the ceiling! It was the~*

*~ single strangest thing that has ever happened to me in a game (that I ~*

*~ can think of at the moment). I tried walking off the pipes, which only ~*

*~ worked in hallways, but I ended up going through the floor and back onto~*

*~ the pipes no matter how many times I tried to fall off onto the floor. ~*

*~ When above a room, however, I could walk on thin air across the damn ~*

*~ room, from one side all the way to the other. I had to reset and start ~*

*~ the! layer over, which wasn't that big a deal, but still.... ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Just thought you might like to know about another bug in Dark*

*~ interesting tidbit. ;o) ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Kris Walker for this funny glitch. ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ In the Sun Giant, if you do not assemble all the people and parts before~*

*~ putting in the Sun Sphere, or Pez Sphere as Osmond calls it, there will ~*

*~ be no event. This actually is unfair, for I missed the serious one's ~*

*~ event by assembling the Sun Sphere in place and then putting the serious~*

*~ one in his slot. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Billy ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ I have an extraordinary glitch to report. Well, two. The first, was ~*

*~ one that has previously been reported already....the falling through ~*

*~ floors and such. I too had to restart the game to correct this problem.~*

*~ Now, for my favorite and most helpful glitch....I had beat the so called~*

*~ Genie, or that rat, so I moved on to the Gallery of Time. When I ~*

*~ completed my first level I had come out back into the castle part and ~*

*~ was frantically trying to find out where to lay my parts and all, only ~*

*~ to discover I was able to go to a place called the Demon Shaft. My son ~*

*~ walked in and said, "you finished the game!" I told him, "no." I'm ~*

*~ trying to figure out where to put these parts together. ~*

*~ Well, as time went on and reading your user guide, it is obvious that I ~*

*~ somehow escaped the wrath of the real Dark Genie with a simple glitch. ~*

*~ Plus, I have no limited areas in the Gallery. Looking back, I remember ~*

*~ not saving my game after that rat business and all (standing at the ~*

*~ steps), and was freaking out because now I was in the first level of the~*

*~ Gallery. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, or maybe it ~*

*~ was a reward of bravery or stupidity of not saving after 20min film and ~*

*~ two duals. Just thought I would pass this on. Happy playing all! ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to Mellodee Griffith ~*

*~ ~*


*~ ~*

*~ The first I'm not sure, since I don't spend much time in the back area ~*

*~ of Wiseowl Forest. It could be normal. It just dumped me out in the ~*

*~ middle of blackness, and I had to walk to the back area, which had no ~*

*~ entrance or exit. As said, you'd probably know on this one. I just ~*

*~ don't find it profitable to go back there, so I wouldn't know- shipwreck~*

*~ back areas are so much nicer. =) ~*

*~ ~*

*~ This one is definately a glitch. In the Moon Sea, there was a corridor ~*

*~ and a room that wasn't connected to anything else. When I walked next ~*

*~ to it, it looked like a glitchy hallway was there- but it looked more ~*

*~ like a jump point for Xiao (before gaining Osmond). However, there was ~*

*~ no exclamation mark, no jump point, no bridge, no anything. It was just~*

*~ a separate landmass. And yes, I had to leave and come back to get two ~*

*~ pieces of atla that were stuck on that island. ~*

*~ ~*

*~ Thanks to ~*

*~ ~*


-+- Frequently Asked Questions -+-


Q: How do I give the cat the Changing Potion?

A: I'd never thought this would be a frequently asked question, but hey,

expect the unexpected. Just trigger the event in Toan's house. After the

event, go to your so-called room on the second floor and an exclamation

point should appear overhead with the cat on your bed. Whip out that

Changing Potion and it should transform into Xiao. What's so hard about



Q: Where do I find the Fishing Rod?

A: Complete Alnet's house and she will give it to you as a gift. Just don't

tell Pike! =x


Q: How do I get Goro on my team?

A: You can't recruit him immediately after you defeat him the first time. In

order to add him to your team, you must first defeat the Killer Snake and

bring the Bone Pendant to him. You will discover the whole story behind

Goro and stuff, then he will join you on your quest. Killing the Killer

Snake is another story...


Q: How do I kill that damned Killer Snake? I keep dying!

A: This is pretty tricky. When you duel with it, you will die, no matter the

hell what you do. It'll be a breeze once you know the secret. The secret

is to use the SERPENT SWORD to kill the snake. Equip Toan with it and try

and duel with it. You should be able to slay the hideous beast this time.


Q: How do I get the Serpent Sword?

A: You can only get it by re-connecting the Rivers to Treant's water source.

Then, when he is revived, use the Hunter Earrings to understand his

gibberish. You will get the Serpent Sword from him. It won't break until

it has completed its "mission".


Q: How do I open those friggin' doors with Ruby?

A: As directed in the game, switch to first-person view (R2) and shoot (X)

directly at the crystal. If it doesn't open, it means that the elemental

attribute of the magic doesn't match that of the crystal. Change the

elemental attribute and try again. Notice the color of the gem. The color

"red" symbolizes "fire" and "blue" symbolizes "ice", etc.


Q: What do I do with the Music Box?

A: You don't do anything with it. You open it. You open it with the Music

Box Key. To get that, go to the fortune teller a second time and choose

"Who was La Saia's lover?" You'll get a premonition of what seems to be

Rando's shop. On the counter is a gleaming object. Go check it out. Then

use the item on the music box.


Q: How do I beat Goro in that Duel? What's this "rotation" button?

A: Simply press Up-Left simultaneously.


Q: I'm so cool! I found Candy in a treasure chest! Isn't that amazing?!

A: I don't care, honestly, but if you have, it's a downright glitch in the

game. It's not possible to have found it in a treasure chest.


Q: Do I really need so and so to complete the game?! I don't have enough

of the Atla to rebuild a certain house so I could recruit so and so!

Does this mean I just screwed myself over?! NOOO!!!

A: Yes, sadly. There is a fixated number of each type of Atla on the levels

that you need to build whomever's house that's needed to rebuilt. I've

tested this out, but I'm a gullible person and may need the help of you

English literate folks.


Q: Why won't Jibubu accept my grateful offering of the Foundation?! I've

followed everything you said in the walkthrough!

A: This is from Kevin D., who saved us the trouble and answered all our

questions regarding Jibubu.

Hey, alot of people said that Jibubu would not take the foundation. The

same thing happened to me but before I gave him the foundation. Anyways,

If you do not give him the foundation before you complete the town, or

before you defeat the King's Curse he'll never go in his house. I don't

know why but the prick won't go in his house.

Thanks so much Kev.


Q: How and where do I get the Sun gem?

A: You trade the Clay Doll at the Yellow Drops for this. You get the Clay

Doll from Jibubu for giving him the Foundation, which you get from

Baskar for the Ointment Leaf, which starts by receiving this item from

Bunbuku for the Candy. Whew, convoluted much?


Q: I still can't change the cat into that ultimate cat warrior?! What am I

doing wrong?

A: OK! I've been getting this question too many times. First, complete his

house. Next, stop by his barn. Then, go inside and trigger the event

normally in his house. The cat should be on Toan's bed waiting for you

to change her afterwards. If this still doesn't work, the cat is stubborn

as hell.


Q: I can't find a Flapping Duster! Help!

A: There is a rumor circulating the boards that this is non-existent in the

US release of Dark Cloud. I don't know the exact answer to this, but I

infer this from the great number of e-mails I've been getting about it.

I've been told that people have found Flapping Dusters in the import

Version, but none in the US release. How Azaroth found one is beyond me.

Go ask him.


Q: I don't understand how to upgrade weapons! I keep getting this "????"!

What do I do?

A: OK, first thing you'll notice in the Build-Up option, there will be a

few rows labeled "????". The point is that the name of the weapon is

unknown at the moment. Check the stats needed to be able to build it up.

The stats indicated in red mean that that's what you need to power up.

For example, the Power stat is marked in red. Keep beefing it up with

attachments until it's not marked in red anymore. Although, you won't

know this until you UPGRADE IT into the weapon. Continue doing this to

all that stats indicated in red until the name of the weapon becomes

available. That's when you upgrade it to a different weapon. Was that

simple enough for ya?


Q: How do I beat ? I've been hacking at him for

20 mins or longer and he ain't dyin'! What am I doing wrong? Is there

something I'm supposed to do?

A: This common problem most likely implies that your weapon isn't strong

enough. Therefore, you should take the time to build it up. For

example, Dran, if you're doing 20 measly damage to him, you'll need

to hook a rubber band to your controller and leave it on overnight

before he dies. Catch my drift? Just build up your weapon and bosses

will be cowering before you.


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o| S P E C I A L T H A N K S |o


AdrenalineSL and Azaroth would like to thank the following for directly or

indirectly contributing to the FAQ:

Level 5 & Sony – For making/publishing the game.

CJayC – For giving me (Adrenaline) the opportunity to allow my FAQ writing to

take off to extreme heights.

Azaroth – For helping Adrenaline finish the impossible.

All the readers – For making this guide become popular, and their persistency

in annoying us. That wasn't written in a negative connotation. It makes us

feel all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing how much you love us, worship us,

stalk us, hate us, and so on and so forth. Thanks, you guys. We love you too!

Contributor Credits


Thanks to the readers of this FAQ who have taken some time to e-mail us with

corrections, tips, hints and suggestions; the guide is immensely improved by

their efforts. The people that are listed here are not particularly more

special than the other contributors listed throughout the FAQ, but they have

sent us small tidbits of information that we have incorporated into our own

info. Credit due to them is found here.

- LrdDelamos for correcting an error in the controls section.

- Patrick Crespo for pointing out that Xiao does have a Charge attack.

- Martin Doyle for the Brave Ark stats.

- Ruben Marcos for the Cross Hinder and Cactus Stats.

- Don Stevenson for contributing something (I forget) to the weapon section.

- p0_b0y for Last Judgement and Javelin stats

- AdamDadeH, Nicholas Rister, Zaldy Buenaobra, Jon9John and D.U.II for having

submitted weapon evolution information or weapon statistics which have been

incorporated into our tables.

- Chris Stein, Giovanni Ameneiro, DJ Brookshire and Erich Johnston for having

submitted information on the gem properties.


Legal Junk


The unofficial Dark Cloud strategy guide was created May 30, 2001. 2001-2002

AdrenalineSL and Azaroth. All rights reserved.

This is a list of the official or authorized carriers of this FAQ:

Cheat Code Central




All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole and in part

in any form. Playstation 2 and Playstation 2 logos are registered trademarks

of Sony, Inc. Dark Cloud is a registered trademark of Level-5, Inc. The

authors of this document are in no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of

America. You may not place this document on your website or reproduce it in

any way without the author's consent.

This Dark Cloud FAQ/Walkthrough was written by AdrenalineSL and Azaroth, who

hold all copyright for this document, in whole and in part. This guide may be

used for private and personal use only. You may not permit anyone under any

patents to reproduce it, in part or in whole, or use it for profitable

purposes. All content within this file is owned and created by Stephanie Lee

and Brian Hively. Should you attempt any infringement of these terms under

the false belief that you are safe from international copyright law, it must

be said that you are a moron.

You may download the file through a web browser onto a single computer for

your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not permit anyone else to

modify the file or use it for any commercial purpose, display, performance,

sale or rental. It absolutely cannot be decompiled, disassembled, modified,

or create derivative works based on the documentation in whole or in part. Do

not remove any copyrights.

DISCLAIMER: Dark Cloud, the Dark Cloud logo, missing village pieces, and all

related characters are copyright and property of their respective owners.


Shameless Self-Promotion


Check out other FAQs also written by me, AdrenalineSL! Go here:

I would list Azaroth's CRP, too, but you see--he has only one guide, and you

have been reading it.

Get out, now. I mean it.




The Unofficial Dark Cloud Strategy Guide

Copyright 2001-2002 Stephanie Lee and Brian Hively

June 2001

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.