Consoles vs PC, which do you prefer?
2015-06-25 08:49:03 UTC
Console advantages
1. It's plug and play
2. Online is better
3. Discounts
4. Better exclusives
5. Has controllers, better than keyboards
7. Better graphics at upscaled 4K, just as good
8. You skipped 6
9. Made u look. looooool

PC disadvantages
1. Poor optimization
2. Cant autoaim with keyboard and mouse
3. Uncomfortable
57 answers:
2015-06-26 18:31:50 UTC
Console advantages

1. It's plug and play , just as much as pc

2. Online is better , wait what, this is always a pro for pcs

3. Discounts, ever heard of steam, or and torrents

4. Better exclusives, ya ok ps4 does have a few exclusivies so ill give you that one

5. Has controllers, better than keyboards, easily plug your console controller to your pc

7. Better graphics at upscaled 4K, just as good, i dont know of any console using 4k

PC disadvantages

1. Poor optimization, largely irrlevant

2. Cant autoaim with keyboard and mouse, this is generally an advantage

3. Uncomfortable, not sure what console vs pc has to do with your shittty chair
2015-06-26 12:27:50 UTC
I grew up in the NES era, where technically those were considered computer systems in some ways. Ever since then playing games on an actual computer never felt official to me. Consoles feel like true gaming machines to me.

If I had the money, I'd invest in a gaming PC just for certain games, even though I'm not an online gameplay kinda person. Again, I don't know if PC would even then feel like an official gaming platform to me. Consoles just have a special place in history as *the* home video gaming platform.
jeremy f
2015-06-27 15:54:35 UTC
I grew up around PC's, worked on them for years, even as a kid. Just tinkering. IBM, Commodore 64 etc. Never owned a console until about 2000 or so. So i would say PC. But as for these new consoles they are so close to mid range gaming PC's I prefer them. Well PS4 that is. Xbox One isn't really much imo. More of a super multi media device, which is cool.
2015-07-06 14:28:11 UTC
Consoles are way more consistent, but if you put up a good computer it will work better than most of consoles, however, consoles (as you see xbox one) are getting people in awkward positions (where at xbox one you cant play without internet connection). Ill always be more of a PC user, i do like consoles but i think pc just adds up more of a competitive feeling.
2015-06-29 09:04:41 UTC
I prefer a consol over pc
2015-06-26 15:13:56 UTC
As someone who started on console, then built his own PC and owns the PS4, and a very up to date PC.... PC... better looking, games are cheaper just because of steam, a wider aray of games... only thing consoles have are exclusives, but PC has infinitely more and they're generally better with mods ect. also there are games like League, Dota, in the MOBA genre that are super big and popular but can never be on a console or played with a controller
2015-06-25 21:23:49 UTC
9 advantages for console vs 3 disadvantages for pc..

you're not going to select a 'console' answer as your favourite at all are you LOL XD

Personally, probably pc nowadays, as consoles have become too much like pcs, too expensive for what you get, and as the console market outwidth Nintendo is bloated with boring shoot em up gun games, mouse and keyboard is necessary, and the pc equivalent will always beat a controller, wireless or not :P I might have said console if I was a young teenager still playing 16 bit games though :)
2015-06-26 01:23:09 UTC
I grew up playing console games, so I prefer console gaming over PC gaming. I've tried PC gaming and couldn't get into it, I don't like the controls, plus it just feels a lot more comfortable sitting back with a controller in your hand than sitting straight up facing directly at a computer screen in my opinion
2015-06-27 22:04:21 UTC
i like both. but pcs can get expensive real fast. but let me break it down a bit.

1. true, its also true of most pc's (just takes a little longer to set up)

2. true

3. steam has discounts.

4. not always. one of the most fun games that i played is PC only.

5. i like a keyboard for some games and a controller for others. im sure most of you can agree.

6. just what do you mean by 'poor optimization'?

7. you can use controllers on a pc for some games. i know for a fact you can use xb360 and xb1 contollers on windows pc's steam games.

8. it can be uncomfortable playing a console game.

point is everyone has preferences...
2015-06-28 06:22:22 UTC
PC is far at a bigger advantage than consoles i already owned

sega ps2 ps3 n64

played also on a wii and a gamecube.

i got a pc now and i can tell u this

by the price u pay for a ps4 u can build a pc that runs any and all current games launched up to date

pc will never be outdated because u can allways upgrade ur pc

if u reach the max upgrades for ur pc just buy a new motherboard

wich means u can infinitly upgrade your own pc and in the proccess obtain parts to build other pc's

if u try to allways keep ur pc the most up to date you wont just have ur own personal pc as u will end up with enough parts to build others.

actually console games are what are resctricting pc gaming.

PCs have way better graphics and consoles like ps4 and xbox are restricting the improvement of pc gaming because they have a set limit of graphics that they can play at max quality.

making that wen games are realeased for both console and PCs they will not have as good graphics as they would have if they were PC only.

btw if you look at the list of the most played games of all time and look up the top 6 spots the first place is for CS GO

also in the top 6, 5 out of the games are PC exclusives like CS go or League of Legends
2015-06-26 19:21:14 UTC
Console advantages

1. It's plug and play - So is computer. I use an xbox360 controller of all things on my computer all the time

2. Online is better - You use the same router, so if you mean stability not really, and I don't have a problem finding people to play with either so far.

3. Discounts - Have you never heard of steam or humble bundle? There are deals and discounts literally every where for computer games. I bought Skyrim for $5, and the Dead Space series for the same.

4. Better exclusives - Maybe, but in exchange, computers get things for both xbox and playstation. Meaning PC has access to games for both systems that one system may not have for the other.

5. Has controllers, better than keyboards - Once again, you can also put your controller into your keyboard. Its not like controllers now a days uses a weird input port. Xbox controllers and playstation controllers use USB too now, and have support to be used on the computer. So if you don't like a keyboard, use your controller on the computer too anyways.

7. Better graphics at upscaled 4K, just as good - Consoles don't really support 4k graphics from what I know. Also, when they make games on the PC, they make the graphics with the stronger graphics capabilities in mind. meaning that computers have a higher possible capacity graphic quality.

8. You skipped 6 - Does it matter?

9. Made u look. looooool -Sure did

PC disadvantages

1. Poor optimization -I'm not really sure who told you this lie. Sure it may get a bad ports from the PSP, but console games are individually made and optimized for the PC apart from the consoles.

2. Cant autoaim with keyboard and mouse - Auto aim exists because controllers move slower than a mouse can. If you want auto aim so badly from your controller, just plug a controller into your PC, just like I mentioned you can do.

3. Uncomfortable What is? Using a keyboard and mouse? Then just use that controller. A PC is a box connected to a screen just like an xbox or a playstation, you can set it up for playing any which way you can for a console.

4. Please come up with real pros and cons. These all feel like you made them up on the spot, mostly because what you said wasn't even really true for either the pros or the cons.

5. I feel the only real valid point is exclusives to be honest. Xbox gets halo, computer doesn't. So if you're dead set on getting a system for the sake of one game, then consoles are for you. But I personally just don't feel like there's enough exclusives on any particular console to make it worth it.

6. I'm obviously a PC Elitist.
2015-06-26 19:03:08 UTC
You can't just list a bunch of advantages of consoles then only disadvantages of both. You have to list Pros/Cons of each one. I honestly prefer PC. There are many ways to customize games on PC. Take Minecraft, and GMod. You can add mods to each one of them to make them a whole new different game! Consoles, not so much... But hey, I don't own a new console. I only own a Wii.
Kris R
2015-06-28 12:41:22 UTC
dude....first, pc has superior graphics, they dumb down graphics on console so it can run, yeah it looks good, but a one or ps4 isn't going to push as much as a pc running high end cards in quad sli, no auto aim??? only a puss would need auto aim, but pc has a little thing called aimbots, mouse and keyboard are far more accurate at fps than a controller. I do both console and pc gaming....not as much pc as I used to cause most of my friends play conole
2015-06-26 09:13:19 UTC
I agree with you on;

*poor optimization - true, can't deny that, there are so many bad ports or ports with annoyances.

*exclusives of console, thats the main lure for most people to console i think

Not sure some of these are valid;

*controller support - most games have controller support on pc, I play Grid with a ps3 controller.

*discounts - you've heard of steam, right?

*online play is better - depends what you are looking for pc online play is generally more competitive although there are less players, and generally you don't have to pay extra for it like on console.

*can't auto aim - that option depends on the game, not hardware.

*uncomfortable - just your opinion, you can use a controller these days anyway.
2015-06-25 18:14:52 UTC
Does it really matter as long as i can play video games i'm ok hell i went back to playing some FFX and Naruto on a PS2 and i don't give a crap about their lack of advance tech we have now on PC and the other consoles they are some fun games i literally used so much time just getting celestial weapons for my whole group so in all reality it doesn't matter its just the video game that counts not the console
the lone writer
2015-06-25 09:53:18 UTC
You can't list advantages for one and then disadvantages for another. You list pros for both and cons for both.

A lot of your points are invalid. Online play is not better than the PC. The PC is optimised for that sort of thing with dedicated servers, as well as servers that people run themselves. When a consoles servers go down, they're gone. When a PC's servers official servers go down, people make them so other's can play.

Discounts? Okay then. Unless you're a PS+ or gold member, discounts are very rare. You get much better discounts on PC games e.g. steam sales, humble bundles etc.

Has controllers? You can hook up a controller to the PC if you don't like playing with keyboard and mouse.

Better graphics? Are you sure you're not high? Consoles and games don't even support 4K graphics, so that upscaling you're getting? Yeah, that's 1080p.

If anything has great optimisation, it's the PC. Hell of a lot better than consoles. If you can't autoaim, use a controller. It's not rocket science to hook one up. And for your third point; your setup is obviously awkward. My PC setup is comfortable enough that I can game for hours on there.

Your fanboyism is cute, but unncessary. And wrong. I prefer my console but to say that PCs suck compared to them is ridiculous. The only negative about them is that they're expensive af to upgrade.
2015-06-29 15:38:57 UTC
I prefer consoles right now, but if I ever got rid of my Mac and got a PC I might switch.
2015-06-25 20:57:02 UTC
Consoles are great for gaming, as they are made for gaming :P

But PC in my opinion is also great, I am a PC gamer, and PC gaming is more customizable with mods and such. You can also plug in a console controller to use on PC, so there is auto aim if you do that for most games.
2015-06-27 10:39:08 UTC
2015-06-27 20:48:24 UTC
PC simply wins because of many reasons.

1. internet obviously

2. can be used for work.

3. has many games you cant get on console.

4. you can make videos and upload them on youtube.

5. you can edit videos.

6. you can animate.

Theres many more i couldn't list because of how many.

Also consoles are limited to very few things. video games being one of them.
2015-06-26 18:19:04 UTC
You're so wrong. PC= original and easily modifyable games. Best graphics and ease of use.

Console= DRM.

Maybe before ps4 you got those things you mentioned. Now you get to pay $200 plus for a trashy game like destiny.Or a BBEEAAUUTTIIFFUULL sweet, gorgeous NERFED ugly looking bastard of a game called watch dogs. Watch Dogs is so ugly, it makes ugly chicks on jerry springer hot.
2015-06-26 02:20:47 UTC
Firstly, console has better discounts? Have you been on steam?

Anyway, I play more pc, but that's probably because I have more games on pc. However I enjoy playing on my ps4 just as much.
2015-06-28 20:38:25 UTC
2015-06-27 11:30:37 UTC
Not siding either.But Pc and Console are the same.Only differences are:

Games can be modded.

PC can be customized therefore allowing you to change parts to your preference.
2015-07-02 12:12:40 UTC
i prefer pc over consoles
2015-06-26 12:30:16 UTC
Console. Because Arkham Knight.
2015-07-01 14:18:42 UTC
I'm just going to say console, just because I can't afford a PC that's powerful enough for newer games. Otherwise...
2015-06-25 10:21:02 UTC
Sounds you are for Consoles since you do not give disadvantages for them or advantages for Pc. Not a fair comparison.

In my opinion, PC advantages is online is better, I have gotten better discounts with computers. I do not like controllers, to me the keyboard is better. A lot that you see as console advantage, I see as PC advantage.

To me with the Console, FPS games do not have the accuracy of of the computer and uses the auto aim. To me the auto aim is a disadvantage, takes away the challenge.

I do more gaming on computer, yes. However, I do have Xbox and PlayStation and have played many games on them.
2015-06-26 07:59:58 UTC
I would prefer pc for games like Minecraft or Skyrim, because you play mods on them but overall, i prefer consoles.
2015-07-01 11:09:18 UTC
you have to upgrade your computer no matter what because there is a graphic content between games. They are all about graphics (i am really sorry). If you have a console you don't have to upgrade it at least for like a 3 years. Consoles are way cheaper man.
2015-06-25 20:14:49 UTC
I'd say PC but all I play is basically console
2015-06-25 22:36:06 UTC
PC, for its adaptability, Console for very specific purpose!
2015-07-06 18:02:27 UTC
i prefer pc it contains everything a console can have except ds games you won't have the same experience with a real nintendo or a wii even though i never had one
2015-06-26 21:33:48 UTC
I like consoles just bcuz they're made for gaming

I feel weird and cheap playing video games on a computer screen

I use my computer for work and Internet stuff
2015-06-27 14:50:45 UTC
pc is best for gaming you can play game on every setting medium, low, high, ultra and very ultra

but in consoles you only play in preferred setting
2015-06-26 17:41:17 UTC
You guys realize you can plug in an xbox controller into a pc? Controls isn't a disadvantage.
2015-06-26 17:53:27 UTC
Bias much? I prefer PC though primarily because free online, better prices, better graphics, mods, and options with control (including controllers). Also with a keyboard and mouse autoaim is unnecessary and it being uncomfortable depends on your setup.
Standard Human
2015-06-26 00:44:10 UTC
If we are talking specs and games (which are the most important) then of course whether you like it or not, PC wins.

Any other way, it depends on preference.
2015-07-01 12:26:35 UTC
PC, because of the light up keyboards and headphones. jk, console.
2015-06-25 16:27:49 UTC
Pros for console, cons for pc? Biased much?
2015-06-28 04:04:44 UTC
both. I like the pc cuz it has: fnaf,roboolks and beter youtube. I like consoles cuz:mario,sonic and pac man. I love the xbox 360, wii u and snes
2015-06-25 11:46:22 UTC
Consoles no question
2015-06-27 06:09:29 UTC
2015-06-26 07:19:16 UTC
Well both have their ups and downs, personally, I like playing BattlefieldPlay4Free on the computer, I like aiming with the mouse, but I like the way the controllers on Xbox and PlayStation don't have excess keys/buttons, every one of them has it's use, and on the keyboard, you can accidentally press the wrong one and do something wrong.
2015-06-26 07:03:13 UTC
PC are much better for Spreadsheets
2015-06-25 11:18:48 UTC
I would choose consoles for gaming.
2015-06-26 11:37:37 UTC
PC. Always.
2015-06-26 11:40:05 UTC

Guys lists "can't autoaim" as a disadvantage. These are the kinds of kids that we've been laughing at for decades at QuakeCon
2015-06-25 12:20:57 UTC
Ps4 & Xbox 360
2015-06-28 22:07:40 UTC
i like both. but pcs can get expensive real fast. but let me break it down a bit.
2015-06-25 20:31:12 UTC
2015-06-26 07:34:09 UTC
2015-06-25 08:50:12 UTC
2015-06-27 11:36:23 UTC
2015-06-25 18:03:53 UTC
both.just enjoy gaming,thats it.
2015-06-28 22:45:56 UTC
i rock
2015-07-04 12:54:48 UTC
i hope you will like this

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