Sims 2
Cheat Effect
Y, X, B, Z and Left Set Skill Level
X, B, L, Up and Down Advance Time 6 Hours
R, L, Z, Right and Left Give Money
L, R, Up, A and Z Unlock Cheat Gnome
B, Z, Down, Right, B Unlock all fashions
Z, B, Up, Down, Right, A Unlock all recipes
Z, X, Down, Left, Up Unlock all objects
Up, X, Up, Right, Z Max All Motives
X, Z, Left, X, Up and X Unlock All Lots
Right, Down, Right, Down, Right Team picture(cheat gnome not needed)
R, L, R, L, Y Horn Sound
A,A,B,B, Up, Down, Up, Down, Z Unlock Everything
Sims 2 Pets
Cheat Gnome
Any time during gameplay press the following butons in succesion to get the corresponding effect.
Cheat Effect
L(2), R, A(2), D-pad Up Cheat Gnome
10,000 Additional Simoleons
Enable the "Cheat Gnome" code, then enter the code below while playing the game. An option to advance time by six hours will now appear on the Cheat Gnome. Select the Cheat Gnome, then cancel the selection. Enter the code again. A "Give Sim Simoleons" option should now appear.
Cheat Effect
Up, Left, Down, Right, R 10,000 Additional Simoleons
Advance Clock 6 Hours
Enable the "Cheat Gnome" code. Then enter this one.
Cheat Effect
Up, Left, Down, Right, R An option to advance time by six hours will now appear on the Cheat Gnome.
The Sims 2: Pets Passwords
Pet Codes
At the codes screen under the "Game Options" menu, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Password Effect
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A Black Dot Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Q91ZB1A Black Dot Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z1AQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZAAQ91ZB1A Blue Bones Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A Blue Bones Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Z91ZB1A Blue Star Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Star Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Q91ZB1A Green Flower Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHZ1AQ91ZB1A Green Flower Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Q91ZB1A Navy Heart Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Q91ZB1A Navy Heart Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Q91ZB1A Orange Diagonal Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Z91ZB1A Orange Diagonal Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9QAAQ91ZB1A Pink Vertical Strip Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A Pink Vertical Strip Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Q1AQ91ZB1A White Paws Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A White Paws Cats
Pet Fur Codes
Go to the Real Estate office in your neighborhood. Select "Create a New Family". On the Create a New Family screen, press X and a window will come up where you can enter these cheats.
Password Effect
ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Blue fur for Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9Q11Z91ZB1A Unlocks Blue fur for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9QA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Red fur for Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQ1AQ91ZB1A Unlocks Red fur for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks Green fur for Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Green fur for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Z91ZB1A Unlocks Pink fur for Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z1AQ91ZB1A Unlocks Pink fur for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9ZAAQ91ZB1A Unlocks Purple fur for Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks Purple fur for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Bandit Mask" fur pattern for Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A Unlocks the "Bandit Mask" fur pattern for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Panda" fur pattern for Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Stars" fur pattern for Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Zebra" fur pattern for Dogs
Animal Crossing
Say code to Tom Nook
Cheat Effect
NYVkmM6NYY7sJFmCUmtU9cuCh Cherry
exrQkk9XofYWLzCROgdCKb&IV5Tw Orange
Animal Crossing Passwords
Getting a Blue Nintendo Bench
First, talk to Tom Nook. Choose the ''Other Things'' option and then the ''Say Code'' option. Now enter the following CASE-SENSITIVE password:
Password Effect
cU3jlm@hdl6Aip zJFAEajAcbZXim Get Blue Nintendo Bench from Tom Nook
Passwords for mario items
Tell these codes to tom nook by speaking to him, then tell him other things, then goto say code and then enter these pass words to get rare mario items
Password Effect
4UF6T948GZ3ZW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf Starman
4UT6T6L89ZnOW3 dw&%jtL3qjLZBf Cannon
4UT6T6L89ZnOW3 dwU%jtL3qjLZBf Flagpole
1mWYg6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNwpfij76ts Green Pipe
#SbaUIRmw#gwkY Bh66qeLMscTY%2 Super Mushroom
rSbaUIRmwUgwkA 1K6tq#LMscTY%2 Coin
4UT6T948GZnOW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf Fire Flower
rSbaUIAmwUgwkY 1K6tq#LGscTY%2 Koopa Shell
1mWYg6IfB@&q75 8XzSNKpfWj76ts Brick Block
#SbaUIRmw#gwkY BK66q#LGscTY%2 ? Block
QI6DLEnhm23CqH zrUHk3cXd#HOr9 Mario Mural
IboOBCeHz3YbIC B5igPvQYsfMZMd Block Flooring
Spooky Set Passwords!
Talk to Tom Nook and choose Other Things, then Say Code and enter the following:
Password Effect
2%Q2fhVehAyAY3Z5yYAK9zhHxLo7 Jack-In-The-Box
2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Jack-o-Lantern
2%Q2fhMKRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7 Spooky Clock
piPiES@sTRJmAAshO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Spooky Dresser
Dar4567a912345Ea3456789e23i5 Spooky Lamp
2%Q3EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Spooky Table
2%Q2fhMdRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Spooky Vanity
jePiES@LTRJmAApcddkwe9Uh9wO4 Spooky Wardrobe
GsHinkistinkiS LstinkistinkiS Spooky Bookcase
linkz2ldaBanon ganonSeldClink Spooky Chair
SuPermariogolf supermariogOlf Spooky Paper
Infinite 100 Turnips
The following passwords will ensure that you will never, ever be short of cash again. Simply ''Say Code'' the first password to Tom Nook three times in a row for three ''100 Turnips'' items, and mail the second code to every animal in your village for however many more 100 Turnips.
Note: When mailing villagers, you must put the Key icon -- located in the top-right corner of your Letters keyboard(in the game) -- in the first line. The code to the villagers must be typed as follows:
Line breaks can be found in the last key of the third row of symbols on the Letters page of your typing keyboard(in the game).
Password Effect
mRSMDqYokR685s &%OL&kwcRCmqi3 Write this in a letter to any or all animals in your village.
aPShDyYoeR685b afcAlkwcRCmqi3 Upon telling Tom Nook, he will tell you you've won a contest with a glitched name, and give you 100 Turnips. Can be used three times daily.
All Passwords for the Jingle Set
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. Talk to him. Tell Nook ''Other things'', then ''Say Code''.
Password Effect
aPShHyYoeR685b afvBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Bed
aDSLHyYoeR685b afBBklwcRCmqi3 Jingle Chair
JgpermariobqoS 2ysmAlCa0ssiNG Jingle Clock
11AcKGI9JE#Jf@ gHceoBLdG7Y%PE Jingle Dresser
aPShDyYoeR685b afTBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Lamp
aDShHyYoeR685b afEBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Piano
aPShDyYoeR685b afhBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Sofa
lLhuwvEDA33emA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Jingle Table
MeetloafmeatdY LxatloafmeatdY Jingle Wardrobe
All Passwords for the Harvest Set/Series
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, say ''other things'', then say ''say code''.
Password Effect
vPNH#CJc5yevsB DDQOhQdeKxHydS Harvest Table
ZeldainhyruleS NlgendO3Zeldgb Harvest Mirror
ArariaAndrarah Srurl5ngtre5&2 Harvest Sofa
1TWYT6IfB@&q7z 8UzSN1pfij76ts Harvest Lamp
fi9GES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Harvest Dresser
R5ngoARS6I3iVL y&M6IJyNoWUBW4 Harvest Clock
ifc74nVlY%zoI4 15X@qSEncEKb0V Harvest Chair
ArariaAndrarah Swurlingtre5&2 Harvest Bed
Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqO9cb#3UaKHP5 Harvest Bureau
A Couple of the Snowman Item Passwords
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, say ''other things'', then say ''say code''.
Password Effect
vCTbFPFQciYmWC Zk&TnDUgljJ&jb Snowman Clock
AkwardwarjraiN AkwardhSrdraiN Snowman Dresser
4UFG548CQ2QZGf 1n#%jWLEqj5ZBf Snowman Fridge
vCTbFPFQcxYmWC Zk&TnDUgljJ&jb Snowman Lamp
4UTG548QQtQZGf In#%j1L7qj5ZRf Snowman Sofa
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%jNLEqj5ZBf Snowman Table
4UTG548QQtQZGf ln#%j2LNqj5ZBf Snowman TV
4UTG548qQKQZGf 1n#%jNLEqj5ZBf Snowman Wardrobe
The Password for the Golden Shovel
If you don't want to work for the Golden Shovel, then just type in the code below. To do so, go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, say ''other things'', then say ''say code''.
Password Effect
TarquterMustje AtLeastHundred Golden Shovel
Free Candy!
To receive as much candy as you want, type in the password below. Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, say ''other things'' and then say ''say code''.
Password Effect
IkomyourfathzY LiimyourfathzY Candy
Receive the Lucky Nintendo set for free!
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, click ''other things'' and then ''say code''.
Password Effect
BCQ4iZFK%i5xqo SnyrjcrwAeDMkQ Luigi Trophy
ECzihy%rtHbHuk o3XlP3IslEqI#K Mario Trophy
Free Lottery tickets
To get free lottery tickets, for Tom Nook's monthly raffle, just simply talk to Tom, select ''Other things'', then select ''Say code'' and enter the password below for the month you want. You can enter passwords up to 3 times, then save & quit, and reload your game, to enter more passwords.
Unfortunatly, not all months have been found yet.
Note: The passwords are case sensitve and need to be put in, exactly as seen below.
Password Effect
mc3451Ru4K2312 1ki45123412312 December Tickets
Ii8rows2082LuG LisnowsrdouLug April Tickets
Ec345123412312 1ki45123412312 March Tickets
Ec3451Ru4K2312 cki45123412312 January Tickets
ClinkocarniabY AlinkocarniayG August Tickets
mc3451Ru4K2312 1ki45123412312 May Tickets
Ec3451Ru4K2312 1ki45123412312 November Tickets
mc3451Ru4K2312 1ki45123u12312 October Tickets
Radios and Sound Systems
Go to Tom Nook and select ''Other Things.'' Then select ''Say Code.'' Enter the following codes to get the following things
Password Effect
1LhuwvEDA22emAdbgnvzbCvBAsyU Hi-Fi Stereo
aDSLDyYoeR685bafaBlkwcRCmqi3 High-End Stereo
a#S8UItokM6850h%LO&kwcRCmqi3 JukeBox
aDShDyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3 Red Boombox
SupermakiobroSAoImAlCaOssiNG Reel-To-Reel
B6&6KQom9DzR35RfLDC4%EEpCmiR Retro Stereo
aPSLDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tape Deck
Crm%h4BNRyu98d9Uu8exzZKwu7Zl Turntable
HRcE#IbRoJEV8od@rB6leTnU%a3E White Boombox
1LhuwvEDA33fmAdbgnvzbCIBAsyU Dice Stereo
Get Secret Clothes
To get secret clothes, talk to Tom Nook, select ''Other things'' and then select ''Say Code'', then tell him the passwords listed below. Note: that the clothes will not appear in your catalog, so if you want to get more, you will have to tell him the codes again. Remember that the codes are case-sensitive so you have to type them in, exactly as they are seen here.
Password Effect
GetinforfreebY 1dtinforfreebY Get the Somber Robe
HlljaLzthemmoY IlljazzthemmyG Get the Red Sweatsuit (Worn only by Female animals during the aerobics sessions)
2uiDfAH%AfqmWi ZkyTnDUgQjJ&j% Get the Blue Puffy Vest (worn only by male animals during the fishing tourneys)
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%j6LEqj5ZBf Get the Bamboo Robe
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNrpfyo76ts Get the Summer Robe
Money and Clothes Universal Codes
Go to Nook's, talk to him, select 'Other Things', and 'Say Code'. Enter these codes, case sensitive to recieve:
Password Effect
8LdteZiflznX&xnKTQgajCFyv5cC Citrus Gingham
QIYoEaYntfw2DASHhs5523CdTZqr Circus Shirt
A6YoE&yVt%UpdPiHGa5Z6@w4TyqX Checkerboard Tee
m6YoE&ZBt%UpDANHya566@w8TyqX Chevron Shirt
DIYoEsZVtJu2DAJHl7yZy@C8TyqX Checkerboard Shirt
oLdteqiflb2N&eyKmfwKHCuov5cC Barber Shirt
Q6YoMaYnY%U2DANHhs5r23CdfZqr Bad Plaid Shirt
QIYoMaYgYJw2DPHHs75r23CtfZqr A shirt
BLdtgqHXdb2NleyKmfw&HCuog5cC Anju's Shirt
TkEJUvirn%PG6arZijVSR5qFZLQJ 100 Bells
iB2&a%eRcgIO7NHOCS3hTkoMHnKp 1,000 Bells
NLqJ&@4EnHnltp SEn4tFOwAXndFb Pitfall
Glitch Passwords
When you try to discover universal codes when talking to Tom Nook, remember that there are glitch codes. Please remember to enter these codes at your own risk.
Password Effect
ODMzz2BESKOLXD lpfKxPAXrEUrPh Freezes game whenever you try to load it.
Ai9xES@sTRJsYY 5h09cb39UaKHI3 Locks away the game when you finish entering the code
Ai9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb39vAK#s4 Makes it impossible to win lottery, and other contests in the game
isc74NV1Y#zoI4 I5X@qSEdcEKbOV Disable all background music
KK Music Passwords
If it says to tell Tom Nook, talk to him, go to ''Other'', then ''Say Code''. Enter the code exactly as seen below, Note that codes ARE case sensitive.
If it says to tell a villager, write any villager a letter, with the first line being the key symbol that is at the top right side of the keyboard on screen, and the next two lines being the code. You must manually line break with the enter key on the onscreen keyboard (the arrow that points down and then turns to point left).
I also suggest copying and pasting the code to a text file so you can be sure that you can read it properly (you know how the letter O and number 0 look alike, well, the uppercase i and lowercase L tend to look a lot alike, too.)
The periods are in there to show where to line break.
Password Effect
PunehMeOutBoyS . PuncEMeOutBoyS Tell: Villager to get K.K. Casbah
Oqtjq2f&4MOru9 . IM8dr2pYkxqla# Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Condor
PunehMeOutBoy8 . PuncyMeOutBoyS Tell: Villager to get K.K. Cruisin
NbfDGWIeSLYAAC . u6iMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. D&B
69UFKKdcMs%Qrs . ij#H@ooBWlWok5 Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. I Love You
Dozdey@DiddysD . Donkey@DiddysD Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Mambo
69UIKKdcMs%Qrs . nj#H@ooBWIWok5 Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Only Me
69UIKkdcMs%Qrs . nj#H@ooBWlWOk5 Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Rock
PunehMeOutBoy8 . PunchMeOutBoyS Tell: Villager to get K.K. Samba
1CT1DOY4k36851 . r4#613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Ska
jePccCvLTRJoBA . Tcddkwe9ej9rz4 Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Song
jePccCvLTtJoBA . pcddkwe9ej9rc4 Tell: Villager to get K.K. Song
PunehMeOuVBoyS . PunchMeOutBoyS Tell: Villager to get K.K. Soul
3%J%wCcdSxWiIt . givJMjsAznGVDB Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Steppe
BunehMeOutBoyS . PunchMeOutBoyS Tell: Villager to get K.K. Swing
Pi9xAT@bUEioH8 . sz09bc#9pbFKb4 Tell: Tom Nook to get K.K. Western
Passwords for the "Lovely" set
Tell Tom Nook: Choose ''Other'' from his menu when you talk to him, then choose ''Say Code'', enter code EXACTLY as shown (codes ARE case sensitive)
Tell Villager: Write any villager a letter, make the first line the key symbol, the second and third lines are for the code. You must manually enter the line breaks (indicated by periods)
Password Effect
Q6&6KQom9DzR35 . 8fLDC4%EEpCmiR Lovely Armchair:Tell: Tom Nook
Graw5agAEabbag . GrabbagGrabbag Lovely Armchair:Tell: Villager
Toad&Mushsooms . Hmad&Mushrooms Lovely Chair:Tell: Tom Nook
Grab5aggEabbag . GrabbagGrabbag Lovely Chair:Tell: Villager
4u&x5fw9GINwLS . 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Lovely End Table:Tell: Tom Nook
B6&6KQom9DzR35 . kfLDC4%EEpCmiR Lovely Kitchen:Tell: Tom Nook
DwpermKriobro3 . Sjpermariobro3 Lovely Kitchen:Tell: Villager
GrHb5agbEabbag . GrabbagGrabbag Lovely Lamp:Tell: Villager
4Ui6TCC8iZcQW3 . dwh%jtLcqjIZBf Lovely Phone:Tell: Tom Nook
dhoDamnHRADoes . NotLikeMyHouse Lovely Stereo:Tell: Tom Nook
Uni6ersalClRes . Eniversa2Codes Lovely Vanity:Tell: Tom Nook
Lottery Tickets
Go to Nook's shop, and talk to him. Select other things, then say code. Enter these codes for Lottery Ticket Universal Codes.
Password Effect
CHCNeAewl3oy93S7kZNX8NGjHcj4 1 April Ticket
CHCNeAPw8goa93S7kqNpNuGjjcji 2 April Tickets
FjZB43wBuFzZbuTt3wy@xsHwwrKS 3 April Tickets
ADqYZjC&hSqBMzQooJbIlgoPg#gA 4 April Tickets
%aB#9VEM3IwoWKDh7BUSke2NqbA5 5 April Tickets
nfGRXAxRjrhL2qSq7HFVRe7Va5z5 1 August Ticket
TDqYZHORhDqBMzQuoJBslNoPg#gA 4 August Tickets
cfGR9AxRjUhL2qSq7HFV7emVShK5 5 August Tickets
CHCNeAewl3oy93S7kZNX8NvjHcji 1 February Ticket
FjZB43wBuFzZbuTtrwy@xsiswrKS 3 February Tickets
pNEZwiHslHcnExAn86LwABKk#RPA 4 February Tickets
CHCNeAPw8gol9ES7kqNp8Nvjjcj4 5 February Tickets
L9ouxTZU@bROenQQVRKia7vjNkGH 1 December Ticket
CHCNeAewl3oh9ES7kZNXNuvjjcji 2 December Tickets
35nJFNqEMurzrakrRmnR%Kil6ZiZ 3 December Tickets
mFCNtQeGyc8y93S2kZ5WluG2jcji 4 December Tickets
L9muxTSwv6RYenL9muxTSwv6RYen 5 December Tickets
laY#9VEM3QwokKSh7yUSke2Nqw%h 1 January Ticket
nfMR9AxRj&hL7qDY7pFV7emVSsba 2 January Tickets
nfMR9AxRj&hL7qDY7pFV7emVSsK5 5 January Tickets
Get Super Tortimer NES game
If you wait until April Fool's day and talk to Tortimer, he'll give you Super Tortimer for NES, but it only says ''Herf Hoorf Super Tortimer isn't an NES game!'' Just make it fast using this password (As always, tell it to Tom Nook) cause it's still worth a laugh when you give it to your friend saying it's a cool NES game.
Password Effect
ArariaAndrarahS9urlCngtre5&2 Get Super Tortimer for NES
NES Games
Here are 9 out of the 15 NES Passwords. Just tell them to Nook by saying ''Other Things'' and then ''Say Code''.
Password Effect
bA5PC%8JUjE5fj 1EcGr4%ync5eup Wario's Woods
Crm%h4BNRbu98d 9un8exzZKwo7Zl Golf
3%Q4fhMTRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLd7 Exitebike
2n5@N%8JUjE5fj ljcGr4%ync5EUp Donkey Kong
bA5PC%8JUjE5fj ljcGr4%ync5EUp DK Jr. Math
1n5%N%8JUjE5fj lEcGr4%ync5eUp Baseball
CbDahLBdaDh98d 9ub8ExzZKwu7Zl Balloon Fight
Random Item Code
Tell to Tom Nook. Say, 'other things' then 'Say code'.
Password Effect
rbhbSCvhathoBa dzddkweuej9rcd Random Item each time
When at Tom Nook's store (and talking to him), choose ''Other Things'' and then ''Say Password.'' You can only get three things from him at a time. When you recieve three items, wait an hour, or Save and Quit then talk to Nook again. Rare items.
Password Effect
3%J%cCcdSxWiIt (2nd Line)givJsjsAznGVDB Recieve Imperial K.K.
yUF6T6X8iZn0WU (2nd Line)dw9%j8x@qjLZBf Recieve Game Boy (does nothing, miscellaneous item).
TarquterMustje (2nd Line)AtLeastHundred Recieve Golden Shovel.
2%Q3fhMURByAY3 (2nd Line)Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Recieve Ebony Piano.
aPSLDyYoeR685b (2nd Line)afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Recieve Owl Clock.
A&ShHyYoeR685b (2nd Line)afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Recieve Snowman.
I7r45678912345 (2nd Line)E2345678912345 Recieve Arwing.
Get ALL the models!
Tell these to Tom Nook. Select 'other things' and then 'say code'. Some of them need to be told to a vilager. To do that, address a letter to a villager (any villager) and: First line with have the KEY. Next line will have the fist line of the code. Third line will have the last line of code. Then send the letter.
Password Effect
cISIHBYokR685s &%LO&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Cosmos Model 1
Ai9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKHA4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Cosmos Model 2
fi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKHl4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Cosmos Model 3
4HT6T948YZnOW3 dji%jtLEqj5ZBf Tell: Villager - Get Dirt Model
LLhOwvrDA22fmt dagnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook - Get Dump Model
KtsuKiKiHeDeaY IswayinthereyG Tell: Tom Nook - Get Grass Model
aRShDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get House Model
aRSLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Lighthouse Model
a&SLDyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom nook - Get Locomotive Model
aRShHyYoeR685b af&BlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Manor Model
LLhOwvrDA22fmt dagnvzbCvBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook - Get Museum Model
fi9GES@sTRJhAA sq09cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Pansy Model 1
4UT6T6L89Zn0W3 dw&%jBAcETkayS Tell: Tom Nook - Get Pansy Model 2
4UT6T648GZ3ZW3 dwb%jtL3qjLZBf Tell: Tom Nook - Get Pansy Model 3
IseemGaeHpIsee IseemGaeppIsee Tell: Tom Nook - Get Police Model
4UH6TbA8VZaAW3 dwh%jtLeqj5ZBf Tell: Tom Nook - Get Post Model
aRShHyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Pink Tree Model
alShDyYoeR685b PfbBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Shop Model
WhatHaveYouGot ForMeTqdayNook Tell: Tom Nook - Get Snowy Tree Model
1LhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 1
BuN2up3up4upsG 1up2up3up4ups1 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Katrinas Tent Model
a&ShHyYoeR685b afABlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Well Model
yUF6T6L8iZn0WU ywU%jtx@qjLZBf Tell: Tom Nook - Get Weed Model
a&SLHyYoeR685b afqBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 2
NI9xES@R8G685r HbG8#8NESgEPIo Tell: Tom nook - Get Station Model 3
ABoyqndHtsBlob ABoesndHisBlub Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 4
yUF6T6X8iZn0WU dwk%j8x@qjLZBf Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 5
a&SLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 6
E7M6t5x4A3d2fi E7M6s5x4A3d2fl Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 7
ABoyqndHysBlob ABoesndHisBlob Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 8
QtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW&PulBC Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 9
ILhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 11
SupermariobroS oiImg1Cr0ssiNG Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 12
aRSLHyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 13
aRSLDyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 14
ABoyqndHisBlob ABoeAnuHisBlub Tell: Tom Nook - Get Station Model 15
a&SLHyYoeR685b afQBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tailor Model
Ai9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tent Model
a&SLeyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Track Model
RsEenejcktIsee DseenejcktIsee Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tree Model
Di9GES@sTRJhYY sq09cb#3UaKHP5 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tulip Model 1
Di9xES@sTRJhYY scO9cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tulip Model 2
fi9xES@sTRJsYY sc09cb#9Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook - Get Tulip Model 3
Chess characters
Go to Nook's store, talk to him, select other things and chose the password choice. Then enter one of the following
Note: I think you need to talk to a villager for the White Knight. I'm not positive though.
Password Effect
BiPiES@sTRJmAAshO9cb#9Uh9HO4 White Knight
aPShDyYoeR685bafbBlkwcRCmqi3 White King
SupermariobqoS4nImAlCa0ssiNG White Bishop
aDShHyYoeR685bafyBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Rook
1LhuwvEDA22fmAdagnvzbCvBAsyU Black Queen
SupermakiobroSAeImAlCrOssiNG Black Knight
lLhuwvEDA23fmAdsgnvzbCIBAsyU Black King
aDSLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Bishop
RtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW#Pulyc White Pawn
aPShDyYoeR685baf%BlkwcRCmqi3 White Queen
aPSLHyYoeR685bafxBlkwcRCmqi3 White Rook
Cabin Items
Go to Nook's store and talk to him. Select other things and chose the password option, enter one of the following
Password Effect
MupersmaspbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin low Table
ZzicrRB%wwcRMsGX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Cabin Table
IDkteTBeNewWayOCRogtingCodez Cabin Wardrobe
11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcebBLdG7Y%PE Cabin Dresser
MupersmashbnoSSupersmashbroS Cabin Clock
D7r4567a912345Ea3456789e23i5 Cabin Chair
S2ui@kTheukFH8 RGTU6@F71d5GX3 Cabin Bookcase
MupersmashbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin Bed
MupersmashbgoSSFIersmashbroS Cabin Armchair
All passwords for Classic set
Tell these to Tom Nook. Select 'other things' and then 'say code'. Some of them need to be told to a vilager. To do that, address a letter to a villager (any villager) and: First line with have the KEY. Next line will have the fist line of the code. Third line will have the last line of code. Then send the letter.
Password Effect
KtsuKuKeGiKunY ItsuReSeZeNiyG Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Wardrobe
OainktothepasT qninktothepasT Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Wall
Za2&3&4&5&6&7& 1&2&3&4&5&6&7& Tell: Tom Nook - Get:: Classic Vanity
Toad&Mushsooms Hmad&Mushdooms Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Table
B6&6KQom9DzR35 RfyDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Sofa
5ePiES@sTRQmAA sh&9cb#9Uh9w04 Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Hutch
rc&c5qw9baamLS gljjHSoLwZMD7& Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Clock
rxdfqdasdasdas masdasdasdasda Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Desk
11ACK6I9JE#Jf@ gHCeoBLaa7Y%PE Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Chair
BF&6KQom9DzR35 RfLDC4%EepcmiR Tell: Tom Nook - Get: Classic Cabinet
Alternate Codes for Nintendo Statues
You can get the Lucky Nintendo Set for free with this code. There are others codes for them but these codes also work.
(Note: All codes are case sensitive. You must type exactly as you it. O and 0 look same as do I and l and 1.)
Password Effect
1mWYg6IfB@&q75 8XzSKd6Tuj7Lts Mario Statue
Cabana Items
Go to Nook and talk, select other things, then pick the password choice.
Note: You need to talk to a villager for the Cabana Screen
Password Effect
B6&6KQom9DzR35DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Cabana Bed
Iar45678912345E2345678912345 Cabana Boockcase
2%QafhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Cabana Chair
2%Q3fhMdRByAY3Z5yYAK9zyHxLo7 Cabana Screen
PlaystationonE PyaystationonE Cabana Dresser
ZzicrRB%wwcRMs GX1Qb&Zv0Z7c8x Cabana Lamp
I7345678912345 E234567891234E Cabana Table
FjEiKuIzEiKukY DkEiKuIzEiKuky Cabana Vanity
Green Items
Go to Tom Nook and talk. Select other things, then password.
Note: For the Green Desk you will need to talk to a villager
Password Effect
MupersmaspbsoSSFIersmashbroS Green Table
MupersmashbwoSSupersmashbroS Green Pantry
2%Q2fhVeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Green Drum
aD%3RxM3M#X3aoQPRxO8Q8xEITqv Green Desk
S2ui@kTheuoHH4RGTU6@F71d5GX3 Green Counter
MupersmashbloSSgIersmashb5oS Green Bench
Wallpaper Codes
Go to Nook's store and talk to Tom Nook. Select Other Things, and then select Say Code
Password Effect
qAepnQGwSyXfFNZ9@WoO%Pvha#OK Get Arched Window
#zjKWDN3bx4p7E635nljHT7tTBTC Get Backyard Fence
5jiSk583al5H2%ZWfacRW37KT4Tw Get Bamboo Wall
5jiKk583aL5H2%ZWfabRW37KT4Tb Get Blue Wall
Pi&aCKUGKV#2%UJxuMKYfxg5jA@M Get Blue Trim Wall
qAx5nQGuSULJFNZ9SJWO%mvjfd@ Get Cabana Wall
eVRaCHbuzzrS%UpxiEqYfYv5HH@s Get Cabin Wall
BY4qneovrZkTW8Mvf8fCe3nSj4OU Get Chic Wall
qA#5nQGuSrXJFNZ9SfW0%mvjf#OU Get Citrus Wall
fADSO6jGqYLaulZJAecY@keb56@r Get Concrete Wall
IPv5fWiNTK3F8EDUpqKZyA&Yz9dU Get Exotic Wall
635nljHT7tTBTCZWSabRWx7KT4Tb Get Exquisite Wall
BYPgneo&rGLWW8MvEo%CexnHYLOU Get Floral Wall
VYDan9uv3EXJW8Mv@4%Ce3nHYLmU Get Gold Screen Wall
%A{S0tRscBXSulZJCcY@Aeb56Dr Get Green Wall
lY&qgSovE@rJkEM&JwNOuAnzHBO@ Get Groovy Wall
6Pgpfh4NTN5p8EDUpZKZyA&YzZd@ Get Imperial Wall
rjaKk583jv#S2%ZW@2g&W37zjiY@ Get Ivy Wall
EAvpnQGuH5LJFNZ9vW70%mvhazD@ Get Kiddie Wall
eVRaCHbuzz5H%UpxiEqYfYv5HH@s Kitchen Wall
rkntenoisbette9ihanMicrosoft Gives you the Rose Wall
Get all the Fossils
Use one of the following codes to get the desired Fossil.
For Villager codes: Write a letter to them, the first line is the key symbol, next two lines is the code.
For Tom Nook codes: Talk to him, ask for other things, then "Say a code."
Password Effect
4UTG548pQKQZGf 1n#%jNLEqj5ZBf Apato Torso, tell Tom Nook
XJh5rVHlvsVeWi U6ATVrjlec&BFP Dinosaur Egg, tell Tom Nook
4NTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%j6LEqj5ZBf Dinosaur Track, tell Tom Nook
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%jfLEqj5ZBf Mammoth Skull, tell Tom Nook
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%jNdEqj5ZBf Mammoth Torso, tell Tom Nook
4pTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%jFLEqj5ZBf Plesio Neck, tell Tom Nook
I5gTK#HYSv#i6w Qt@fWMjUhoMVgg Plesio Skull, tell Villager
4UFG548QQWQZGF an#%j%L5qj5ZBf Plesio Torso, tell Tom Nook
CashisislandeS YoshisislandeS Ptera Left Wing, tell Tom Nook
StationisrundY LrationisrundY Ptera Right Wing, tell Tom Nook
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%j1LEqj5ZBf Stego Torso, Tell Tom Nook
huTcfAHyCsqmWj ZkyTnDUgCjJ%jb Stego Skull, tell Tom Nook
aDSLHyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tricera Skull, tell Tom Nook
eWoG4aYGDeYiOe SiDXcOAcZuAjsZ Tricera Tail, tell Tom Nook
OadtimersoldtI OldtimersoldtI Tricera Torso, Tell Tom Nook
vuTcfAHyCSqmWm ZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Trilobite, tell Tom Nook
QtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW#PulBc T-Rex Skull, tell Tom Nook
1LhuwvEDA22fmA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU T-Rex Tail, tell Tom Nook
KsCtBedonatioY FsrthedonatioY Apato Tail, tell Tom Nook
CashisislkndeS YoshisislandeS Apato Skull, tell Tom Nook
vuTcfAHyCSqmWj ZkyTnDUgcjJ&jb Amber, tell Tom Nook
vuTcfAHyCSqmWj ZkyTnDUgbjJ&jb T-Rex Torso, tell Tom Nook
Kiddie Set
Go to Tom Nook and tell him the following set of passwords.
Password Effect
aPSLHyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Kiddie Bookcase
MeeCAKafmeatdY LsatloafmeatdY Kiddie Bureau
9#S8UItokM6850 h%LOskwcRCmqi3 Kiddie Chair
IzEiKutsuKiRiY HeCeGtsuBeBiyG Kiddie Clock
SVpermaoiobroS ABImAlCaOssiNG Kiddie Couch
StOpPlAyInGThE WOOmwlCrossing Kiddie Dresser
6LhuwvEDA23fmA dbgnvzbCIBAsyU Kiddie Stereo
2d345csYd12g45 KqJ4r6k89ej3f5 Kiddie Wardrobe
SupermariobroS AnImAlCa0ssiNG Kiddie Bed
Barbecue Theme
Go to Tom Nook and tell him the following set of passwords:
Password Effect
aPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Barbecue
ArTriaAnoSarah Spurlingtre5&2 Bird Feeder
cPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Bug Zapper
IP8cGEhbT0x@En RTkjA3P3nb#GNh Garden Gnome
1mWYg6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNupfij76ts Hammock
ArariaAndSarah SourlingAre5&2 Lawn Chair
fi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKH84 Lawn Mower
ArTriaAndSarah Spurlingtpe5&2 Mr. Flamingo
aPYhDjYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Mrs. Flamingo
ArariaAndrarah S9urlCngwre5&2 Picnic Table
Ai9xES@sTyJsYY shO9cb#9UaKHL4 Sprinkler
ArariaAndSarah Shurliagtre5&2 Tiki Torch
Space Theme
Go to Tom Nook and tell him the following set of passwords:
Password Effect
far45678912345 E2345678912345 Asteroid
2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 n5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Flying Saucer
2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 O5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Lunar Lander
XdBiCiDiEiFipY AiBiCiDiEiFiyG Rocket
linkzPld#B31on ganozPeldClink Satellite
2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Space Shuttle
2%42fhMtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Space Station
Zzic2RB%wwcRMs GX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Spaceman Sam
Exotic Item codes
Go to Tom Nook's store and say these passwords for the entire Exotic Series:
Password Effect
2%Q2fhVtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Exotic Bed
xxxxjxxxxxxxxx S6nY2JIF0GE@iz Get Exotic Bench
IDkteTheNewWay OfPostingCodez Get Exotic Bureau
AliGkAntimesoY AlinkintimesyG Get Exotic Chair
MupersmfshbwoS SupersmashbroS Get Exotic Chest
ZUicrRB%wwcRMs GX1QbaZvOZ7c8x Get Exotic End Table
AlinktothepasT ClinkgothepasT Get Exotic Lamp
AlinktothepasT ClinkrothepasT Get Exotic Screen
znlPfBa6iXoajl ibxCYoH0oW4qrs Get Exotic Table
7vGRXAYsjrhk2q Sq7PSV#e7Va5z5 Get Exotic Wardrobe
Ranch series passwords
Here is most of the Ranch Series passwords. Go to Tom Nook's store and go to say code and type these in.
Password Effect
Grab5aggEsbbag GrabbagGrabbag Get Ranch Armchair
44ad&Mushrooms Toad&Mushrooms Get Ranch Bookcase
UnidersalCOdes UniversalCodes Get Ranch Couch
i5iupw5MaN#Z33 VaK4XsEbrp5WZO Get Ranch Dresser
Psi6ersalClRes Pniversa2Codes Get Ranch Hutch
UniversalCVpes UniversalCodes Get Ranch Table
Toad&MushDooms Toad&Mushrooms Get Ranch Tea Table
x3XMY@7hrjAtoQ zxoASjVuat5Xoq Get Ranch Wardrobe
Regal Series Passwords
Go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and type these in for all of the Regal Series:
Password Effect
5iPiES@sTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Get Regal Armoire
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 O5yYAK9zjHxLo7 Get Regal Bed
NintendoGamecu bearenumberone Get Regal Bookcase
Q6&6KQom9DzR35 DfyDC4%EEpCmiR Get Regal Chair
Grab5aggrsbbag GrabbagGrabbag Get Regal Cupboard
IHkteHheNewWay OCPostingCodez Get Regal Dresser
2%Q3fhMKRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Regal Lamp
2%QYfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Regal Sofa
Mu&x5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Get Regal Table
ZzicrRe%wwcRMs GX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Get Regal Vanity
Western Theme Passwords
Go to Tom Nook's store and go to Say Code and enter these passwords for the entire Western Theme:
Password Effect
ArariaAnfSarah SpurlOageUeo&2 Get Covered Wagon
ArariaAndrarah Swurl5ngtre5&2 Get Cow Skull
8i9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKH76 Get Desert Cactus
ArariaAndSarah SpurlOngereo&2 Get Saddle Fence
ArariaAwQSarah Ssurlingtre5&2 Get Storefront
1mWYR6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNapfij76ts Get Tumbleweed
1i9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39UaKHL4 Get Wagon Wheel
vPdhDyYoei685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Get Watering Trough
vi9GES@sTRJhAA sh09cb@9UaKHL4 Get Well
ArariaAndSarah SourlingApe5&2 Get Western Fence
Apple Set
Go to Tom Nook's store and go to Say Code. Input these passwords to get the 2 items in the Apple Set:
Password Effect
Oa5trmersol4tI OldtW1ersoldtI Get Apple Clock
Mkri4mariomaro Flriomariomaro Get Apple TV
Bonsai Set
Go to Nook's store and go to say code. Enter these passwords:
Password Effect
MupersmaspbnoS SupersmashbroS Get Ponderosa Bonsai
fupersmashbwoS SupersmashbroS Get Pine Bonsai
Construction Theme Passwords
To get most of the Contruction theme items, go to Tom Nook and select Say Code, then enter these passwords:
Password Effect
1mWYR6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNwpfij76ts Get Cement Mixer
cAQifhGeBsyjYc nqBYAKxjeFdjop Get Detour Arrow
hSatHavsVouJot ForMeTqdayNook Get Detour Sign
ArariaAnQSarah Swurlqngtre5&2 Get Flagman Sign
2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Green Drum
2%Q2fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Handcart
ArariaAnUQarah SpurlingHSe5&2 Get Haz-mat barrel
2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Iron Frame
ArariaAnfEarah SpurlOagereo&2 Get Jackhammer
ArariaAndSarah Sourl3ngApe5&2 Get Jersey Barrier
A2345t7u9Ks34z 123456x8912345 Get Manhole Cover
cU3jlm@hdl6Aip zJFAEUjAwbZXim Get Merge Sign
ArTriaAnorarah Spurlingtre5&2 Get Oil Drum
I7345678912345 E234567891234P Get Orange Cone
vP5hDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Get Sawhorse
vPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Get Speed Sign
T234567u912345 f2345678912345 Get Traffic Cone
ThIckitsbecadY ThinkitsbecayG Get Wet Roadway Sign
Mossy Garden Theme
To get all of the Mossy Garden Theme, go to Tom Nook and Say Code. Enter these passwords.
Password Effect
aupersmashbroS SFpersmashbroS Get Deer Scare
2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9z9HxLo7 Get Garden Pond
7kriyma9iom5ro Flrioma9iomaro Get Low Lantern
NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFsn& Get Pond Lantern
Mkri3mariomaro Flriomariomaro Get Shrine Lantern
PlaystationonE PlaystationTwO Get Tall Lantern
Rock Garden Theme
To get most of the items in the Rock Garden Theme, go to Tom Nook's store and Say Code. For the Mossy Stone, send a letter to anyone and type it like this:
(code)(line break)
Password Effect
TwspoGrhumanmY ThRpoNrhCmanyG Get Garden Stone
2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 O5yYAK9znHxLo7 Get Leaning Stone
KetzfiRkZAc3Uj 29E7UdyDwjsrNU Get Mossy Stone(tell villager)
2%QzfhVeRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHyLo7 Get Standing Stone
2%Q2fhVehAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zpHxLo7 Get Stone Couple
Clothing Codes
Go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Choose "Say code" and type in these codes to recieve various shirts
Password Effect
4UTG548uQ5QZGf1n#%eTLEqj5ZBf Botanical Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbehBEttkoH8qld7 Bubble Shirt
vuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Butterfly Shirt
1qWyt6IfB@&q7z8XzSNtwfyq76ts Caterpillar Tee
DontthatseemaYDontthatSeemaY Caveman Tunic
vCTbf%Fy5MYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Checkered Shirt
YoWqy6PfBu&q7z8EzSPtyfot76ts Cherry Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWbOwaTgDLxqjJZBf Chevron Shirt
VuHcfAHyFTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Circus Shirt
HllMazzthemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Citrus Gingham
vuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Club Shirt
QethnfoqGreebYldtineorfreFCY Concierge Shirt
ThqPoliceDogIsCopperHeIsCool Coral Shirt
HlljazzthemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Cow Print
guibfAHyE3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&jb Cozy Sweater
guibfAHlE3qmWPZkrTnDUgljJ&jb Crewel Shirt
RethnfoqGreebYldtineorWreebY Crossing Shirt
vCTbf%Fy5XYmWcZk&TnDUgojJ&jb Daisy Shirt
aMTdTraLVs1mWb6waTgDLxUjJZBf Danger Shirt
QethnfoqGreebYldtineorTreFCY Dapper Shirt
guibfAH1E3qmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Dark Polka Shirt
4UFG548QQdQZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Dawn Shirt
2GiDfAiLrW1mWgZcyTgDLgejJ&jj Deep Blue Tee
vuTbfAHyCFqmWmZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Deer Shirt
guibfDHdENqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Desert Camo
4UTG548QQtQZGfIn#%jIL7qj5ZRf Desert Shirt
guibfAHdExqmWcZkrTnDUgKjJ&jb Diamond Shirt
vCTbFPFQcvYmWCZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Dice Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jGLEqj5ZBf Diner Uniform
aMTdTraLV31mWbOwaTgDLxqjJZBf Eight-Ball Shirt
WzatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Exotic Shirt
HialhyponoticSRealhyponoticS Fall Plaid Shirt
vCTbF%F%5fYmWCZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Fetching Outfit
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBf Fish Bone Shirt
aMiBAsaQas1mWgZcGTgDLxqjJZBf Fish Knit
1qWqr6wfBu&q7z8rzSNrwfyq76ts Five-Ball Shirt
VupDfAH%ATqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Flicker Shirt
guibfAH1ExqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Folk Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmWcZkyTnDUg0jJ&jb Fortune Shirt
YoWqy6PfBu&q7z8EzSPqyfot76ts Fresh Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFhn#%jLL5qj5ZBf Funky Dot Shirt
DennisMillerIsSokDamnAwtsqme Gaudy Sweater
4UFG548QQWQnGfln#%jtLEqj5ZBf Gelato Shirt
guiDfAH%AfqmWiZkyTnDUgQjJ&j% Giraffe Print
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jTLEqj5ZBf Gracie's Top
1qWww6IfB@&q7z8XzSNtwfyq76ts Grape Shirt
guibfAHyEfqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Grass Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFan#%jtLEqj5ZBf Gray Tartan
VuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&wb Green Ring Shirt
aMicJsaQes1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBj Groovy Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbthBEttkoHdqld7 Hot Spring Shirt
gMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Houndstooth Knit
guJbfDHdE2BmWcZklTnDUgkjJ&jb Icy Shirt
HlljazztHemmoYlaljaJzthemmyG Jade Check Print
4UFG548QQ5QZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Jester Shirt
YoWeo6EfBu&q7z8IzSYiwfso76ts Jingle Shirt
aMTdTraLVs1mWb6waTgDLxgjJZBf Kiwi Shirt
2GiDfAiLrh1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj Lavender Robe
QetrnfoqGreebYldtineorHreFCY Leather Jerkin
guibfAH1EuqmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Light Line Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqpfyo76ts Loud Bloom Shirt
aMiBAraLaR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Loud Line Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoHdqld7 Natty Shirt
SyiyypairofsaYSeinypairofsyG Nebula Shirt
VupDfAH%AhqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Neo-Classic Knit
rlljazzthemmoYblljazzthemmyG New Spring Shirt
4UTG548QQtQZGfln#%j5LMqj5ZBf No.1 Shirt
2GiDfAiLrV1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj No.4 Shirt
2GiDfAiLrs1mWiZcyTgDLg0jJ&j% Noble Shirt
vuHcfAH%FgqmW#ZkyTnDUggjJ&jb Noodle Shirt
vCTbf%Fy5XYmWcZk&TnDUg&jJ&jb Oft-Seen Print
guibfDHdECqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Orange Tie-Dye
vCTbf%FykEYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Patched Shirt
2GiDfAiLra1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&jY Patchwork Top
VuHcfAHyFTqmWcZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Paw Shirt
VupDfAH%AhqmW#ZkyTnDUgDjJ&jb Peachy Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxUjJZBf Pink Tartan
YoWqQ6PfBu&q7z8EzSPywfot76ts Polar Fleece
FdImAstringtdYFrCmCstringtyG Pop-Bloom Shirt
FdImAstringtdYFrCmastringtyG Pulse Shirt
2GiDfAiLrV1mWgZcyTgDLgqjJ&jj Puzzling Shirt
guibfAHyEvqmWcZkhTnDUgCjJ&jb Racer Shirt
2uiDfAH%AfqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Racer 6 Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1h#%jtLEqj5ZBf Rally Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqpfyw76ts Red Bar Shirt
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgUjJZBj Red Check Shirt
FdImastringtdYFrCmastringtyG Red-Scale Shirt
4UTG548aQKQZGfln#%jiLEqj5ZBf Red Tie-Dye
2GiDfAiLrV1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&jY Rickrack Shirt
vCTbf%F%5AYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Rose Shirt
4UTG548uQtQZGfln#%jtLEqj5ZBf Rugby Shirt
1qWie6IfB@&q7z8XzSNkwfyq76ts Seven-Ball Shirt
vupcfAHyF3qmWjZkyTnDUgcjJ&jb Sharp Outfit
gCibfAaLEFqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Sherbert Gingham
guibfAHyExqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Shirt Circuit
SyioyyqirousaYSeqnypuirufsyG Silk Bloom Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGfSo#%jtLEqj5ZBf Six-Ball Shirt
ZheLegendOfZeldaWindWalker24 Ski Sweater
2GiDfAiLrV1mWiZcyTgDLgYjJ&jY Skull Shirt
2GiDfAiLrW1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj Snappy Print
guibfAHdExqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Snow Shirt
guibfAH1E3qmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Spade Shirt
2uiDfAH%AhqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Speedway Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Spring Shirt
guibfAHyE3qmWcZkhTnDUgCjJ&jb Star Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Static Shirt
aMiBAsaQas1mWbZwGTgDLxqjJZBf Stormy Shirt
HllMazztHemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Strawberry Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoH8qld7 Striking Outfit
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoH&qld7 Subdued Print
FdImastringtdYHromastringtyG Sunset Top
guibfAHyE3qmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Swell Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Thunder Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNrpfyw76ts Tiger Print
vCTbf%Fy5AYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Tiki Shirt
guibfAHyE3qmWPZkhTnDUgljJ&jb Tin Shirt
2uiDfAH%AsqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Three-Ball Shirt
2GiDfAiLrs1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&j% Toad Print
vCTbf%FyfDYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Two-Ball Shirt
vCTbJRFlXQYmWcZk&TmDUgljJ&jb Twinkle Shirt
aMiBAraLaR1mWb6waTgDLx0jJZBf Waffle Shirt
guibfAH1EFqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Watermelon Shirt
1qWww6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqwfyq76ts Wave Print
VuHcfAHyFgqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Wavy Pink Shirt
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBj Whirly Shirt
4UFG548QQdQZGfln#%jtLEGj5ZBf White Ring Shirt
HllMazztHemmoYBlljazzthemmyG Windsock Shirt
guibfDHdMWqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Winter Sweater
xethtforfreebYldtitforfreebY Work Uniform
aMTdTraLVR1mWb0waTgDLxojJZBf Yellow Bar Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUg0jJ&jb Yellow Bolero
EcatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Yellow Pinstripe
vuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&jb Zebra Print
YoWqA6PfBu&q7z8IzSPrwfot76ts Melon Gingham
aMiBAsaQls1mWgZcGTgDLxqjJZBf Melon Shirt
EzatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Mint Gingham
YoWRA6EfBu&q7z8IzSYqwfoq76ts Misty Shirt
2uiDfAH%AsqmWiZkyTnDUgRjJ&j% Mod Top
guibfAHyEGqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Moldy Shirt
aMTdTraLV31mWbOwaTgDLxCjJZBf Monkey Shirt
vuHcfAH%FgqmW#ZkyTnDUgCjJ&jb Moody Blue Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Mosaic Shirt
guibfDHdcWqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Airy Shirt
RethnfoqGreebYldtineorfreebY Ancient Knit
guibfAH1ENqmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Arctic Camo
1qWrr6ofBu&q7z8rzSNqofyq76ts Aurora Knit
1qWwi6IfBeoq7z8XtSNyufyy76ts Bad Plaid Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoHqqld7 BB Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbthBEttkoHqqld7 Beatnik Shirt
guibfAHyEeqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Berry Gingham
aMiBAraLaM1mWb6waTgDLx0jJZBf Big Bro's Shirt
SyioyyairofsaYSeqnypuirofsyG Big Dot Shirt
4UFG548uQWQZGflnu%jtLEqj5ZBf Big Star Shirt
vuTbfAHyC3qmWmZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Blossom Shirt
4UTG548pQKQZGfln#%jjLEqj5ZBf Blossoming Shirt
vuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgCjJ&jb Blue Check Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFan#%jLL5qj5ZBf Blue Grid Shirt
vuTcfAHyCHqmWjZkyTnDUgcjJ&jb Blue Scale Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jALEqj5ZBf Blue Stripe Knit
VupDfAH%ATqmW#ZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Blue Tie-Dye
aMiBAsaQls1mWgZcGTgDLxsjJZBf Bold Check Shirt
ordtgZiXdw6i&e qKAfgUjCuog5cC Bamboo Robe
8rdteqiflwpi&e ZKFQbaH9Fov5cC Blue Puffy Vest (Fishing Tournament)
oLdtgZi%dbni&x nKTWgUjCuyg5cC Blue Sweatsuit (Sports Fair)
yLdteMNXlbnX&e lKYkgSGCFOvp5m Plum Kimono
yLdteEN%lz2i&x BKCQwS9CFZvp5m Red Puffy Vest (Fishing Tournament)
BLdteZH%lbnilx nKTWgajCuyv5cC Red Sweatsuit (Sports Fair)
8rdtgqiXd#pi&x YKFQw&H3Fyg5cC Somber Robe
A6YoMsynY%NpdA hHlayMyEw8fyqX Summer Robe
Office Set passwords
To get some items in the Office Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
Dwpermariobro3 Sjpermariobro3 Get Office Desk
Wkrioma9iomaro Flriomariomaro Get Office Chair
Tulip Set passwords
To get all of the items in the Tulip Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
7kriVma9iom5ro Flrioma9iomaro Get Tulip Chair
ebucddbkLRgnLg BiMBdbicjCmqi3 Get Tulip Table
String Instrument Set passwords
To get all of the items in the String Instrument Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 Z5yYAK9z@HxLo7 Get the Violin
IVZwszqJdn8hxG En7QnKx@P2Yvb8 Get the Bass
2%QqfhMeRByAY3 OKyYAK9zNHxLo7 Get the Cello
Study Set passwords
To get all of the items in the Study Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
Toad&Mushsooms Hmad&Mushdpoms Get the Globe
Q6&6KQom9DzR35 DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Get the Writing Chair
Dwpermari4bro3 Sjpermariobro3 Get the Writing Desk
Teddy Bear Set passwords
To get all of the items in the Teddy Bear Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
11ACK6I9JE#Jf@ gHCeoBLaa7y%PE Get the Papa Bear
G4YYGDeYiOeSi9 XcOacZuAjszUde Get the Mama Bear
IHkteTheNewWaa OCRogtingCodez Get the Baby Bear
Totem Pole Set passwords
To get some of the items in the Totem Pole Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
Toad&Mushrooms Bnad&Mushrooms Get the Eagle Pole
4u%x5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Get the Frog Woman Pole
Vase Set passwords
To get all of the items in the Vase Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
#SbaUIRmw#gwkY Bh66qeLMscTY%W Get the Blue Vase
BDdYX2jeLs2UoH JBl69tIeOEfAN9 Get the Red Vase
zaI6JzIsJ8HIbT vBGTo9Dk8PVw#L Get the Tea Vase
Vending Machine Set passwords
To get all of the items in the Vending Machine Set, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
aPZhDjYoeR685 bafZBlkwcRCmqi3 Get the Candy Machine
E7M6s123412312 1kp45123412312 Get the Coffee Machine
TwspoGrhumanmY ThRpoorhumanyG Get the Pop Machine
77r45678912345 E2345678912345 Get the Soda Machine
Carpet passwords
To get some free carpets, go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Go to Say Code and input these passwords.
Password Effect
Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqo9cb#3UaKHs3 Get the 8 Mat Tatami
666abcdn66efgH DyGabcd6B6efgH Get the Block Flooring
S2ui@kTheuooH8 RGTU6@F7ld5GX3 Get the Blue Flooring
66zabccn66efgH ayGcbcd6BagfgH Get the Boxing Ring Mat
E7M6IE7M6sE7hY E7M6sE7M6sE7yG Get the Checkered Tile
666abcdn66ef7H DhGabcd6B6efgH Get the Citrus Carpet
xxxAxxxxVZn0W3 ywR%jticqjLZBf Get the Classroom Floor
Ndntendoistheb estgamecompany Get the Closed Road
2Ea4vQLlTUq325 ajQpZfAv9wfYw# Get the Daisy Meadow
EciCCy2YLaOuoA lLcZ&@eyHfTols Get the Exquisite Rug
B66aPcdnE6ef7H DhGabcd6BAefgH Get the Jingle Carpet
whqewavenhbkut whatravenhbkut Get the Kitchen Tile
cddhbcdgnzefgg bydabcdafcefgg Get the Kitschy Tile
wnqfFarJUjE5fz HzvGr4%yn35euz Get the Mossy Carpet
666abcdn66efgH Dy4abcd6B6efgH Get the Office Flooring
666mbcd666efgH DyGabcd6B6efgH Get the Ornate Rug
Nintendoistheb estgamecompany Get the Parquet Floor
ShiyypairofsaY ShinypairofsyG Get the Plush Carpet
666abcd666efgH Dy6abcd6B6efgH Get the Ranch Flooring
xfdaoonfiuhter layuoonfighter Get the Regal Carpet
BovetotraveltY LovetotrabelyG Get the Sahara's Desert
sddhbcdgnzefgg bydabcdafcefgg Get the Shanty Mat
xxxxxxxxVZn0W3 ywR%jticqjLZBf Get the Stone Tile
666abcdn66efgH Dyxabcd6B6efgH Get the Tatami Floor
Stationery passwords.
Go to Tom Nook's store and talk to him. Choose "Say code" and type in these codes to receive various stationery (writing paper for letters.)
Password Effect
Wc3451Ru4K23121ki4a123b123D2 Butterfly Paper
i5eupw5McN#ynsVa&LXsEbrUNQZW Daisy Paper
i5eupw5McN#ynsVaK4XsEbrpNQZW Dragon Paper
MlryintoadtowNZelDbinhyruleS Fantasy Paper
KtkuvbdngktkaeKtkuvbdngktKee Festive Paper
SuPermariogolfsupermareogolf Gingko Paper
KtkuvbdngktkaeKtJuEbBngPtKee Misty Paper
SuPermariogolfsupermariogolf Neat Paper
SptrlingSilveRSpurlingSilveR Orange Paper
n88lzeiRuBnM8Ln88xxxn88xn8yG Panda Paper
MaryintoadtowNZelDbinhyruleS Petal Paper
SuPermariogolfsupermariogOlf Spooky Paper
Cc3451Ru4K23121ki4a123412312 Sparkly Paper
i5eupw5McN#ynsVa&LXsEbXUNQZW Woodcut Paper
Wc3451Ru4K23121ki4a123412312 Woodland Paper
Gyroid Passwords
Go to Tom Nook's store and pick "Say code." Type in these passwords to receive gyroids (the strange robot-like structures.)
Password Effect
GrlB7gVOGo3WtRRHBeCPgForDver Clankoid
SnimalForest64A4imalCrossing Croakoid
ttremeflqtzoneXutemeflatzone Dekkoid
GodIsTheGreatestBeingForever Dingloid
VgvalbcscceexxklmtBoG9dLaSmb Drilloid
dq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqd Gargloid
c1tpbvSIrsPR4cJhsa%yOJEIXXCp Gongoid
Bi9xES@sTRJTAAsq09cb#3UaKHs3 Harmonoid
Ai9xES@sTRMsYYshO9cb#9UaKHL1 Howloid
GodYxTVOGo3WtestBeingForever Lamentoid
HollivrusKonezbivhabcrshonSY Lullaboid
GeorgelucasliAGeorgelucaslwl Mega Alloid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbd Mega Bovoid
QteemeflatzoneWtWemeflatzone Mega Bowtoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEd Mega Buzzoid
3Na1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%Cmqir Mega Croakoid
ArTriaAnoSarahSpurlcngtren&2 Mega Clankoid
GodBxTVOGo3WtRstBeCngFor3ver Mega Dekkoid
GodBxTVOGo3WtestBeZngForever Mega Dingloid
2%Q2fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Mega Dinkoid
Di9GES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39UaKHs1 Mega Drilloid
ArisSrisKcismYArisJrisArisyG Mega Echoid
GrdB77VOGo3WtRsHBeCPgForDver Mega Freakoid
2%42fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Mega Gongoid
Si9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9Vak#I1 Mega Harmanoid
4DTddb48GZ1OWcdgsJjFLeqj5ZBd Mega Howloid
fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHs3 Mega Lullaboid
HollivrusKsdezbivhabcacsAVuY Mega Nebuloid
aPShDyYoeR685bafLOlkwcRCmqi3 Mega Oboid
linkz2ldaBanonganon8eldClink Mega Oombloid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39Vak#83 Mega Percoloid
aPShDyYoeR685bafDOlkwcRCmqi3 Mega Plinkoid
fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb39Vak#I8 Mega Puffoid
GodIxT3eGr3atestBeingForever Mega Rustoid
KtMuvFdngktkaeKtJuEbBngPtKee Mega Sproid
ZzicrRM%wwcRMsGX1QbiZv0Z7c8x Mega Sputnoid
1OTENOY4k3685184L613wcRCmqir Mega Strumboid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39vek#z1 Mega Squelchoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Metatoid
GodIxTQeGr3atestBeingForever Mini Bowtoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqg Mini Buzzoid
Gettoknowem&ThDsallweresayGh Mini Dinkoid
Di9GES@sTRJyAAsq09cb39UaKHs1 Mini Drilloid
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3O5yYAK9z@HxLo7 Mini Echoid
2%Q3EhMtRByAY3n5yYAK9zgHxLo7 Mini Fizzoid
HoTeKoKbCstscYHometoroostsyG Mini Freakoid
AiBiCiDiEiFipYAiBiCiDiEiFiyG Mini Gargloid
ArisSrisKlismYArisJrisAsisyG Mini Gongoid
1FThDOY4k3685184U613wcRCmqir Mini Harmonoid
1CT1DOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqir Mini Howloid
Ai#9ES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9Vak9I8 Mini Lullaboid
ZUic2RA%wwcRMsGX1KbiZv0Z7c8x Mini Oombloid
1CT1DOY4k36851847613wcRCmqir Mini Plinkoid
WoodyolfisherYGoofyolfisherY Mega Lamentoid
YteemeflStzoneXutemeflatzone Mega Poltergoid
Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI3 Mini Rhythmoid
1FThDOY4k3685184s613wcRCmqir Mini Rustoid
aq%iugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Mini Sproid
2%Q2fhMthAyAY3O5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Mini Sputnoid
GrdBQTVOGo3WtRsHBeCngForDver Mini Tootoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%vIL3HUo3QYEd Mini Warbloid
8i9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKH67 Oboid
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3Z5yYAK9zCHxLo7 Oombloid
OwDy3sRsromacYFysausowwosacY Poltergoid
dq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbu Quazoid
Ni9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKHBE Rhythmoid
GodBxTVOGo3Wt7stBeCngForever Rustoid
1FThDOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqir Slim Nebuloid
Vi9xES@sTRMsYAshO9cb39UaKHs3 Slim Quazoid
linkzeldaBanonganonzeldalink Sputnoid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb39vqk#01 Squat Nebuloid
Ni9xES@sTRJhAAshO9cb37UaKHLE Squelchoid
Vi9xES@sTRMsAAshO9cb39UaKHs1 Strumboid
GeDrgelucasliAGeorgelucaslwl Tall Bowtoid
3ea1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%Cmqir Tall Buzzoid
aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEu Tall Clankoid
HoTeKoKbostscYHometoroostsyG Tall Dingloid
2%Q3EhMtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Tall Echoid
MarioteAnis6fYI5X@qSEncEKbOV Tall Gongoid
gfc82NV1Y#zoI4I5X@qSEncEKbOV Tall Lamentoid
Ni9GES@sTRUhYYsh09cb#9UaKHB3 Tall Lullaboid
Ai9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHI3 Tall Nebuloid
1CT1DOY4k3685184I613wcRCmqir Tall Oboid
2%42fhMtRByAY3O5yYAK9zeHxLo7 Tall Oombloid
Fsy74NV1Y#zoI4I5X@qSEdcEKbOV Tall Poltergoid
Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb49UaKHL3 Tall Puffoid
2%Q2fhVtRByAY3O5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Tall Sputnoid
gi9xES@sTRMsYAsAO9cb39UaKHA3 Tall Strumboid
fi9xEa@sTRMsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI1 Tall Timpanoid
QteemeflatzoneWttemeflatzone Tall Warbloid
KhWoksformakdYWttemeflatzone Timpanoid
ArTriaAnoSarahSpurlingtren&2 Tootoid
aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Warbloid
AruriaAnoSarahSpurlingtren&2 Wee Dingloid
Handheld Passwords.
Go to Tom Nook's store and choose the option "other things" and then "enter code." You will receive either balloons, fans, or umbrellas from these passwords.
Password Effect
NmxIGWIeSLYFFCu6iMwbzCGvFsnQ Bluebell Fan
FewprettydaisYLewprettydaisY Bunny B. Balloon
Dbqg2e8EgEuV86iMamp2#LwUOox# Bunny P. Balloon
cAQifhGeBsyjYcvqPYAKGaeFdjop Fan Fan
ZelDbinhyruleS1einkrothepasT Noodle Parasol
BgxxxxxxxxxxdNn66abcdn66efgH Purple Balloon
BgxxxTxxxxxxbN7cdcdcdn66efgH Retro Umbrella
BgexxxxxxxxxdNn66abcdn66efgH Twig Parasol
cAQifhGeBsyjYcEqyYAKxjeFdjop Yellow Pinwheel
Cube Clock
To get the cube clock, tell the following password to Tom Nook:
Password Effect
SVpermaoioBroSAzImAlCrOssiNG Cube Clock
Boxing Theme
Enter these codes at Tom Nooks store to obtain these boxing theme items.
Password Effect
1kT1N0Y4k3685184L613wcRCmqir Sandbag
4i9GES@sTRJsAAsqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Speed Bag
Di9xES@sTRJsYYsqO9cb#3UaKHL5 Neutral Corner
Si9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9Vak#I4 Red Corner
Bi9xES@sTRJTAAsqO9cb#3UaKHs4 Blue Corner
Ai9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHb4 Boxing Barricade
li9xES@sTRJsYYsqO9cb#3UaKHq5 Boxing Mat
Summer Items
Go to Tom Nook and select "Other Things", then "Say Code". Enter the following codes to get the corresponding items.
Password Effect
4i9xES@sTRJhAAshO9cb#9UaKHo4 Kayak
vi9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb&9UaKHI4 Cooler
fi9GES@sTRJsAAsqO9cb#9UaKHL4 Backpack
Ai9xES@sTRJsAAshO9cb#9UaKHI4 Sleeping Bag
Bi9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI4 Propane Stove
fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHb4 Bonfire
Tell Tom Nook these passwords to get the following items:
Password Effect
IHAToyouNook!9IHATEyouNOOK!9 Coral
IDesettresettUIkesettresettU Lions Paw
HopingmadmercYHopingmadmaryG Porceletta
zfCDBBcgAaDAecFaDaCttresettU Venus Comb
IresettresettUIkesettresettU Wentletrap
Get Mouth of Truth
Go to nook's store, talk to him say "other things" than select "say code" then say the code.
Password Effect
A6YoE&yV4%UpdPiHGa5Z6@w4TyqX Get Mouth of Truth
Resetti codes
The following codes give you regular junk, but they will play Mr. Resetti's song. Also, Resetti will be the one who gives you the junk. Just tell these codes to Tom Nook.
Note: these codes may not change the background sound if you used the no background music glitch, or any code which alters the background music.
Password Effect
R%aulwEj9CNTtA xdB3qJG4btPX6L Gives Empty Can
N%L%qi7skeefTY VWRFVC@#QkUdLY Gives Boot
#O4IvC6DLAo2lR GrcxULMMf4&N2@ Gives Old Tire
Animal Crossing Unlockables
Get the Golden Fishing Pole
Unlockable How to Unlock
Golden Fishing Pole Catch one of every kind of fish.
On holidays of by completing special tasks, you can collect models of key places in your town.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Cosmos Models 1, 2, and 3. Watch Mr. Resseti come out of the ground at Groundhog Day.
Dump Model Get at Spring Cleaning.
Igloo Model Get from igloos.
House Model Get 70,000 HRA points.
Manor Model Get 100,000 HRA points.
Katrina's Tent Get at Halloween,
Lighthouse Model Turn on the lighthouse while the mayor is gone.
Police Model Get on Officer's Day.
Post Model Save 999,999,999 bells in the Post Office.
Locomotive Model Get on Father's Day.
Market Model Get on Sale Day.
Museum Model Complete the museum.
Shop Model Get on Labor Day.
Station Models 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, or 15 Get on Your Hometown Day.
Tailor Model Graduation Day present.
Tent Model Get from tents.
Tree Model Nature Day gift.
Well Model Mayor's Day gift.
Holiday Presents
Get these from Tortimer and other characters on certain holidays/events.
Unlockable How to Unlock
A Jingle Furniture Series Item Find Jingle on the day he comes
A Spooky Series Item Find Jack on Halloween
Katrinas Tent Talk to Tortimer on Halloween
Lovely Phone Talk to Tortimer on Mother's Day
Bottled Ship Talk to Tortimer on Explorers Day
Bottle Rocket Talk to Tortimer (at the lake) on the Fourth of July
Tissue Save 999,999,999 Bells in the Post Office (deposit money)
Locomotive Model Talk to Tortimer on Fathers Day
Pink Tree Model Talk to Tortimer at the Cherry Blossom Festival ( you only get this once!)
Shop Model (Nooks Cranny only!) Talk to Tortimer on Labor Day
Tree Model (just a plain green tree!) Talk to Tortimer on Nature Day
Any Summer Item Talk to Summer Campers (in the yellow tents)
Any Rare Carpet Talk to Saharah, trade her a carpet and give 3,000 Bells
Any Rare Wallpaper Talk to Wendell, give him a fish to eat
Moon Talk to Tortimer at the Meteor Shower
Lady Liberty Rescue Gulliver
Tiger Bobblehead Rescue Gulliver
Tower of Pisa Rescue Gulliver
Tribal Mask Rescue Gulliver
Tokyo Tower Rescue Gulliver
Birthday Cake On your B-Day your mom will mail you a B-Day cake
Animal Crossing Easter Eggs
Make your character jump in shock!
Note: You must have the Mouth of Truth.
Place the Mouth of Truth inside your house. Go up to it and press the A Button. The reaction will cause your characters face to be in shock, and he will jump in fright!
Animal Crossing Secrets
Golden Shovel
To get the Golden Shovel find a ''glowing spot'' and bury a normal shovel in the hole you dig. A golden sapling will appear. After it has matured you will have a Golden Shovel. When using this shovel you become more likely to dig up better items and larger sums of money from the ''glowing spots''.
Money Tree
Find a glowing spot, and bury the money bag found from it in that hole. A sapling will appear there now, and within a few days, you'll have a tree you'll be able to shake money out of (money tree).
Getting the Golden Axe
To get a golden axe in animal crossing. You will need to have the village in perfect condition for the any 2 weeks you are there. After the perfect 2 weeks are done you will get the golden axe as a present.
The Golden Axe Can not be broken. can chop down all trees, etc.
Golden bug net
To get the golden bug net, catch one of every kind of bug.
Change Background
Grab a shirt on your inventory and drag it to the bottom right corner on the items list(not the mail list). then go down one space and your shirt should be on an invisible space... press L and the shirt design is now your background!
Get a tan
If you can go to your island, then go during the middle of the day or when it's most sunny. Then stand somewhere that has no shade and DO NOT move for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes or more go inside your island house then go back out and you should have a bronze tan. This doesn't work when it's raining. Also if you don't do this again for about a week you'll become pale again.
Secret K.K. songs
You need to request these Songs to K.K to hear them.
Two Days Ago
I Love You
K.K. Song
Get a gyroid-like face!
NOTE: Before doing this cheat, make sure there is ABSOLUTELY nothing in your inventory(this includes furniture, wallpaper, carpet, fish, bugs, signs, money, cards, ect.). You will also need to have either two separate memory cards, or your memory card and a friend's.
1. Put your memory card in slot A, and your other/friend's card in slot B.
2. Go to the train station and tell the monkey that you will like to travel to your friend's village.
3. When you are in your friend's village, reset the game.(Make sure that you have NOTHING in your inventory, because all will be lost.)
4. After the game reloads itself, you will notice that your face looks like a gyroid! This is not a glitch, Nintendo programmed it that way.
5. To return your face to the normal state, either reset the game again, or you can go to your gyroid, save, quit, and turn the game back on!
A Special Rock
Note:You must have a shovel to perform this!
Every day in your town, there will be one rock that is special. To find it, have your shovel in your hands. Go to every rock in every acre, and hit it with your shovel. One of the rocks will turn red and money will fly out. When you see this, repeatedly hit the the rock with your shovel until it turns back to its normal color. This is an easy way to make over 10,000 bells!
-The first three times you hit the rock, 100 bells will fly out.
-The next three times you hit the rock, 1,000 bells will fly out.
-If you are able to hit the rock more then six times, then 10,000 bells will fly out for every time you hit it.
"Feng Shui"
In this game, you can participate in ''Feng Shui''. To do this, place all of your red items on the east side of your house, place all of your yellow items on the west side, place all the green items on the north side, and all the orange items on the south side.
Orange in North= better luck in money and items
Green in South= better luck in money and items
Yellow in West= better luck in money
Red in East= better luck in items
this trick is used to get very easily obtained money.
1. plug in your gameboy advanced and go to your island with nothing in your inventory but fruit(as much as possible)
2. once you get there, drop ALL of that fruit on the ground(make sure your gameboy is on)
3. when cappn asks if you want to save your island, say yes
4. on your gameboy(as you return to your town) knock on your islander's door(press "a") and pick up/drop all the fruit in front of him/her. this will cause them to eat it, and after eating the first 2, he/she will drop bags of money, which can contain up to 30,000 bells!
5. on the gamecube, go back to your island and pick up all the bags.
Get items by mailing villagers
What you have to do is say the little footnote that villager says in the letter. You should get a response with them telling you that they understand your letter, along with a gift.
Animal Crossing Glitches
Double Your Money
In order to do this you must first have 2 Memory cards the available space for travel data.
Put ALL your money into the bank and go on a ''trip''.
Put the travel data on the memory card without your game on it!
Take it out and start the game with the memory card that has your town on it.
It will start as normal but when it gets to the menu where you chose your name you chose yours and then s/he will ask you about using a default character.
Say yes and then go to the bank.
Take out all of your money and drop it infront of your house.
Save and exit.
Put the memory card with the travel data and s/he will welcome you back from your trip.
Then they will ask you a question like, ''Do you want to use data from your vistor'' you say NO.
When you get into the game all your money should be in the bank and the money that your double dropped on the floor will still be there!
Duplicate money and items
To do this you need 2 Gameboy advances and a GC GBA link cable. First connect the first Gameboy to the link than the link to the Gamecube. Next turn on the Gameboy and go to the island when you get there drop off the money and itemes that you want to duplicate. Leave the island. when Kapp'n asks if you want to save the island to the gameboy say yes. After it saves just put the gameboy off to the side in sleep mode. When you get to the town go up one acer and plug gameboy two in to the link and turn it on. next go back down an acer. Go back to the island and pick up the stuff you droped off. Get back into the boat and tell Kapp'n that you don't want to save the island on your gameboy. Next unplug the gameboy from the link. Then Take gameboy one out of sleep mode. Plug it back in to the link. go up an acer then down again. Talk to Kapp'n again and go back to the island. You should see the money and items.
Get as many
Note: This only works on October 31st at 6:00p.m. to November 1st at around 1:00a.m. in the morning.
On Halloween night, before 6:00p.m., clear out your inventory so absolutely NOTHING is in it. When all of that is done, take 10 sheets of letters and write stuff on them(Note: no one will ever see these letters and you will most likely delete them after your done with this cheat).
After 6:00 p.m., your villagers should start ''trick-or-treating''. Walk throughout the acres and when the villagers run up to you screaming ''trick-or-treat!'', tell them you have no candy for them. They will get mad and play a trick on you. Since you don't have any items in your inventory, the only trick they can do to you is to change your shirt into the patched shirt! After they do this, go to your design patterns and wear one of the designs as a shirt. Then take the Patched Shirt and put it in one of the letters(Note: You MUST put the patched shirt into a letter, because the villagers will change it into a jack-o-lantern or jack-in-the-box). Keep going throughout the acres and find your villagers. Repeat the above steps. When you get the max amount of patched shirts in the letters, go to your house and drop them off. You can do this as much as you like.
The "Dummy" Item
During Winter, (Around December 10th - Feburary 25th), Villagers from your town will set up an Igloo. When you go into the Igloo, you can play games with them, and sometimes win a prize. Sometimes, an animal will tell you that you have won a ''Dummy''. This item was a glitch that was left in the game. It is a white, floating triangle with Red Japanese writing on it. It serves no purpose, and doesn't appear in your catalog.
Hear The Full Version Of The OpeningTheme Song!
Turn on your Gamecube and wait. Right when Porter the monkey appears on the screen (with the game title above his head) open your disc cover. If you opened it at the right time a message will say to close the disc cover to resume the game. Don't close it. Instead, just wait for the ''main part'' of the theme song to play and listen to the ''new'' extended version!
Transfer items
Store all the items you want to keep in letters and put them in the post office. Delete your town and start a new game and all the letters should still be in the post office.
infinite work uniforms
When your still working for Tom Nook he gives you a uniform to wear, instead of putting it on take it outside and drop it on the ground, go back inside and talk to Tom Nook and he will give you another one repaet until you have the number of uniforms you want.
Turnips that don't spoil
Normally...turnips spoil by the time Sunday comes...but what you don't know, is that turnips don't spoil in the station. If you have any turnips that get shipped to lost and found...they will never spoil. Trick is...getting them there before Sunday. Well, turnips appear in the lost in found when you place them in spots that are dedicated to events and houses. Notice the various signposts in the town? 8 down, surrounding the sign post, cause that is the center of the house or event (Gracie, Red, and Katrina). If you know if any of those visitors are due for a visit, surround each and every signpost with 8 turnip bundles (10, 50 or 100) and on the day they arrive (It has to be from Monday to Saturday...any turnips shipped off to the station on a Sunday will be spoiled) The spot they chose, will send the turnips to the station...and as long as you leave them there...they will always remain unspoiled..this could be useful if you bought them really low (say in the 70s) and instead of selling them for the max cost of 560, you could hold off til a week that sells them for 126 (max of 1008/turnip) Be warned...the station holds up to 20 items only.
As many Jingle items as you can hold without the trouble of repeatedly finding him!
On Christmas Eve, when Jingle comes around there is a way to get as many presents from him as you have room for. 1) Get quite a few shirts and have letters ready to put items in. 2) Find Jingle 5 times so he gives you an item, then, change your shirt and search town again. 3) When you find Jingle, talk to him, and then push him as close to the edge of the acre as he will go. 4) Then, walk into the acre you just pushed Jingle close to, but stay right on the edge of the acre. 5) Now, walk back into the acre with Jingle and if you were quick enough, he will still be right there, so you won't have to go through the trouble of finding him again! 6) Now, push Jingle back towards the edge of the acre if needed and run back out to the adjacent acre. 7) While in the adjacent acre, stay close to the edge again. 8) Now, quickly pause the game and change your shirt to something totally different. 9) Now, run back to the acre with Jingle and talk again. Repeat steps 3 through 9 until you receive the desired item(s).
Trees will grow no matter what.
If you grow a tree where there was a weed, your tree will definitely grow
Animal Crossing FAQs & Walk-Throughs
Other Item List by Liquefy 181K
FAQ FAQ by Liquefy 176K
FAQ/Walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough by Etherel15 272K
FAQ FAQ by 0_zerocool_0 135K
Other Money-Making Guide by Gingercat 25K
FAQ FAQ by B.lu4R and Pikachu 4 President 183K
Other Storage FAQ by metal_conker 26K
FAQ FAQ by Pikachu 4 President 284K
Other Pitfall FAQ by PinKirby 13K
Other Neighbor List by PinKirby 31K
FAQ FAQ by thekingofthisgame 326K
Other K.K. Slider Song FAQ by C
Super Mario Kart Double Dash
Racing Rewards
To unlock everything, just win Gold on every Cup in every difficulty.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Waluigi Racer (Waluigi's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 100CC
Special Cup (Wario Colosseum/Dino Dino Jungle/Bowser's Castle/Rainbow Road) Finish the Star Cup in 100CC
Toad, Toadette, Toad Kart (Toad's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 100CC
Luigi's Mansion (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 150CC
Turbo Birdo (Birdo's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 150CC
Barrel Train (Diddy Kong's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 150CC
All Cup Tour (All 4 Cups in one) Finish the Special Cup in 150CC
Mirror Mode (Selectable at the CC selection) Finish the All Cup Tour in 150CC
Toadette Kart (Toadette's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in Mirror Mode
Tilt-A-Kart (Battle Mode Arena) Finish the Flower Cup in Mirror Mode
King Boo, Petey Piranha, Piranha Pipes (Petey Piranha's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in Mirror Mode
Boo Pipes (King Boo's Kart) Finish the Special Cup in Mirror Mode
Parade Kart (Belongs to Toadsworth, but he doesn't race) Finish the All Cup Tour in Mirror Mode
Alternative Start Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Rattle Buggy (Baby Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 100CC
Bullet Blaster (Bowser Jr.'s Kart) Finish the Special Cup in 50CC
Bloom Coach (Daisy's Kart) Finish the Flower Cup in 50CC
Para Wing (Koopa Paratroopa's Kart) Finish the Star Cup in 50CC
Green Fire (Luigi's Kart) Finish the Mushroom Cup in 50CC
Alternative "Thanks for Playing" Screen Earn Gold trophies for all cups in all race classes
Staff Ghosts
To unlock the staff ghost for each time trial track, beat the following times. Be sure that the "Time Trial Ghost" option in the options is turned on at the time of completion.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Wario Colloseum Ghost Beat a time of 2:24.000
DK Mountain Ghost Beat a time of 2:15.000
Yoshi's Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
Mushroom City Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Sherbet Land Ghost Beat a time of 1:28.000
Waluigi Stadium Ghost Beat a time of 2:02.000
Daisy Cruiser Ghost Beat a time of 1:55.000
Mario Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:44.000
Mushroom Bridge Ghost Beat a time of 1:34.000
Dry Dry Desert Ghost Beat a time of 1:53.000
Baby Park Ghost Beat a time of 1:14.000
Peach Beach Ghost Beat a time of 1:23.000
Luigi Circuit Ghost Beat a time of 1:29.000
Dino Dino Jungle Ghost Beat a time of 2:03.000
Bowser's Castle Ghost Beat a time of 2:47.000
Rainbow Road Ghost Beat a time of 3:19.000
New start and "Thanks for playing screen"
To get a new start and Thanks for playing screen you have to beat All cup tour on every difficulty.(50cc,100cc,150cc, and mirror mode.)
Mario Kart: Double Dash Easter Eggs
Japanese Contest code
After completing a Time Trial race (When it says Retry, Change Track, etc,), press L,R,L,R,X,Y,X,Y,Z. The code that pops up was for a Japanese contest. Totally useless, but it's interesting that they forgot to take that out.
Mario Kart: Double Dash Secrets
Turbo Boost after Lakitu Retrieval
If you fall off the track or get stuck underwater for more than a couple moments, Lakitu comes to pull you out and place you on the track again. When he picks you up, wait until just before you touch the track again, then press the acceleration and you'll get a turbo boost if you timed it correctly.
Mushroom City Quick Boosts
As you may have noticed on the Mushroom City course, among the traffic are vehicles shaped/colored like the Mushroom items. If you run into them, you don't spin out like you would against other cars; rather a Mushroom is thrown from the back for you to collect/use for a quick boost!
Mario Circuit Goomba Boosts
If the Goombas on Mario Circuit are hit with a turtle shell, they will be squished into the ground and a boost will fly off them. If a thunderbolt is used on the course, it will squish them all and there will be several boosts lying in that area. It doesn't work the same as the mushroom cars; if you hit a goomba they stay solid and you spin around a bit. Turtle shells are you're best bet.
Rainbow Road Falling Stars
You may have noticed there are a lot of stars on Rainbow Road. And many of them fall. And some of those that fall fall on the track. Where those stars fall, they turn into star items, just sitting there. Some of these are dangerously close to the edge, but if you can get one (esspecially when you're already near the front and there's no other way to get one) it's a nice bonus. Only problem is that they're the same color as banana peels, so be sure before you run over something yellow!
Mario Kart: Double Dash Glitches
Pipe Plaza Glitch
In the balloon battle mode on the Pipe Plaza map. if an enemy hits you into a pipe with their weapon, and you are thrown through the pipe then you will not lose a balloon. Instead, you will come out of the pipe with stars around you and it will appear as though you just drove through the pipe.
Tony Hawk American Wasteland
the_condor Mat Hoffman
grindxpert Perfect Grind
2wheels! Perfect manual balance
h!tchar!de Perfect skitch balance
2them00n Moon gravity
hip2Dhop Unlock Lil Jon to skate with.
uronfire Special meter always full.
Tony Hawk's Wasteland Unlockables
Unlockable Skaters
Complete the following objectives to unlock the new skaters.
Unlockable How to Unlock
American Wasteland Beat Story on any difficulty
Jimbo, Murphy, Mega Beat Story mode on Sick
Lil' John, Iggy, Jason Ellis Beat Story on Normal
Billie Joe, Boone Beat Classic on Normal
Matt Hoffman, Useless Dave Beat Classic on Sick
Neversoft Skaters Beat Classic 100%
Ped. Group A: Baller, Welder, Camera Guy, Cholo Beat Story 100%
Ped. Group B:Ped Group B: Carnival Worker, Dogtown Guy, French Man Get all 43 Skate ranch pieces and complete all the Skate Ranch missions
Ped. Group C: Master Zen, Hard Hat Worker, Dogtown Guy 2, Graffiti Dude Beat Classic 100%
Ped Group D: Oil Rig Worker, Police Man, Performer, Boone in Briefs Complete ALL Gaps
Robo-Tony, Mindy Beat Story on Easy
Pro Bails 1 Beat Classic on any difficulty
Pro Bails 2 Complete Story 100%
"Perfect" Cheats
Unlockable How to Unlock
Always Special Complete all gaps in every level
Moon Gravity Complete all gaps in every level
Perfect Manual Complete all gaps in every level
Perfect Rail Complete all gaps in every level
Perfect Skitch Complete all gaps in every level