runescape lovers look at this question!?
2007-12-14 15:00:18 UTC
guys i got sum suprises and items and all the things u can think of email me anythign about runescape and i'll hook u up with watever u will need!
Four answers:
2007-12-17 23:16:45 UTC
the best way to find out more information is to access the knowledge base. There you will find most information. MAX tried to hard.
2007-12-14 15:09:31 UTC
Are you giving away free items? If yes, hook me in.
2007-12-14 15:07:25 UTC not a runescape player, I used to be one, but....whats your question?
2007-12-14 20:26:57 UTC
I will post tons of runescape info for free.

Even though this week has been one of the toughest ever for everyone involved with RuneScape, it has been tough for so much longer than one week. Bots, gold sellers, scammers: these are all problems that both us and you - the players - have had to put up with together in recent months.

As your wealth in RuneScape increases, you will soon run out of space in your inventory to carry it all around with you. It is quite risky to have all of your items on you because, when you die, you will drop the majority of them.

To prevent such a devastating loss, your character has been provided with a bank account. You can place any item in your bank account and retrieve it at any time from any bank.

The Bank of RuneScape has branches all over the world. Branches of this bank can be found in Varrock, Falador, Edgeville, Draynor Village, and many other populated areas.

When you arrive at a bank, simply click on the bank booth to perform the default action, Use Bank booth. By doing this, you will start a conversation with one of the bankers. Talking to a banker is very important as this allows you to set your bank account PIN.

If you are using a multiple button mouse, if you right click on the booth the following options will be displayed - Use Bank booth, Use-quickly Bank booth, Collect Bank booth and Examine Bank booth. These options are always displayed for a player using a single button mouse.

By selecting Use Bank booth, you will start a conversation with a banker. To bypass the conversation screens and access your account immediately, select the Use-quickly Bank booth option.

To check up on any offers you have made at the Grand Exchange, select Collect Bank booth. This will bring up a small window to inform you whether any trades have been completed. You can collect any cash or items you have won by clicking on the trade.

If you click on a banker behind one of the booths, you will start a conversation with that banker. This is the same as clicking on the booth or right-clicking on a booth and selecting the Use Bank booth option.

If you are using a multiple button mouse, right click on a banker to get the following extra options - Talk-to Banker, Bank Banker, Collect Banker and Examine Banker. Talk-to Banker is the default option, Bank Banker will take you directly into your account without you having to talk to the banker. Collect Banker will give you access to a summary of your Grand Exchange trades. These options are always displayed for a player using a single button mouse.

Once you have decided to use the bank, your bank account will be displayed. Here you will see all of the items that you have gathered and saved.

Storage space in bank accounts are different for members and non-members. Members have hundreds of spaces in their bank, while non-members have less than one hundred.

If you have multiple items of the same type in the bank, a number will appear next to it to indicate how many you have. The bankers aren't fussy and will safely store anything from runes to big piles of coal!

Some items will not stack in your bank, as the bankers find them too confusing. These items are usually used to hold other items, like the satchels from Tower of Life.

To deposit or withdraw an item, simply click on it. Players with multiple button mice will withdraw or deposit a single piece of that item. Players using a single button mouse will get a menu of options.

To deposit more than a single piece of an item at a time, players using a multiple button mouse should right-click on the item to deposit or withdraw, and select the number you wish to deposit or withdraw from the list. The banks are free to use, so making use of them to safely store your extra items is a very good idea!

Rearrange Modes

There are two ways for you to rearrange your bank account: Swap and Insert. If you have selected the 'Swap' option, you can drag and drop items in your bank on top of other items, and the two items will swap positions in your bank.

If you have selected the 'Insert' option, dragging an item on top of an existing item will cause everything lower down in your bank to shuffle one space further to make space for the inserted item.

Using Notes

Any items which don't normally stack in your inventory and that are tradable (such as ore and food) can be withdrawn in the form of a note. If an item cannot be traded, you will not be able to withdraw it as a note. This allows large trades without taking up lots of inventory slots. To choose to withdraw the items as a note, click the ' Withdraw as Note' button at the bottom of the screen, otherwise choose ' Withdraw as Item'.

Items stored in note form cannot be wielded or equipped, and cannot be used in most skills. They can be sold as notes to any shop that would buy the un-noted item, and they can also have the low and high alchemy spells cast upon them.

Bank PINs

There is a need to keep our riches safe and sound, therefore the Bank of RuneScape has given each bank account the option of a PIN system.

You will have to create one for yourself, preferably the first time you access your bank account.

To get to this screen, simply talk to the banker and select 'Check your PIN setting'. This bank PIN setting will provide you with information on the status of your pin.

You can click on 'Set a PIN' to set your PIN for the first time or change it later.

If you want to change how long a PIN recovery takes, click on 'Change your recovery delay'.

These occurrences were becoming so frequent that they seriously threatened RuneScape. A solution was needed as soon as possible, so we had to come up with the one thing that would successfully stop real-world traders – stopping unbalanced trade. It will be tough for law-abiding players, but it will also be tough for us, as we will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you.

Soon, the hard part will be over and done with. The unbalanced trade changes will be made in January and we certainly don’t plan any more hard changes in the foreseeable future. Together, we will deliver an enormous blow to real-world trading, and the game has already seen a dramatic reduction in their numbers.

We have always planned to release the real-world trading updates and then improve them further by listening to your feedback. We were also aware that the updates may not have been perfect the first time around, or that they may not have functioned as an ideal replacement for what we have changed or taken away. This is not a reason to roll them back or remove them, but it IS a reason to keep improving them until they DO work as a full replacement.

The hard choices we have made are the best ones for the game, and we must not do anything that allow bots, gold sellers or scammers back into the game. What we need to do is build on these first, large steps and use your feedback to make improvements, so that they better fit your needs and activities.

We would really like you to make your feelings known, not in a negative manner that offers no potential solutions, but with constructive criticism and suggestions that we can draw ideas from. For example, if something is broken, don't just demand that we put it back to what it was - instead, tell us your ideas to make the new system work. In summary: we would like you to think about how we can make life in RuneScape more enjoyable for you, while ALSO keeping out real-world traders and bots.

It’s going to take a lot of patience and effort from all of us. Saying that, we have not been sitting around hoping for you all to come up with ideas. We have been putting together a plan. This is a schedule of ideas for improvements that will build on a number of our changes: the Grand Exchange, new player-killing games (including other dangerous ones), LootShare, Assist System, trades and so many other things that we have introduced to combat real-world trading. We aim to have the most important improvements ready in time for the unbalanced trade removal in January, and to continue adding more throughout the start of next year.

We are currently assembling the best ideas from the Forums and our own staff. We will release another newspost early next week, listing the improvements we plan to make to address your concerns.

As you may have read in the Development Diaries, we promised a new Summoning wallpaper this week. We hope you'll find this one just as intriguing as the last. What can it all mean? January has a lot of questions to answer!

10 December 2007 - RuneScape vs Real-world Trading

This week sees the release of a unique Development Diary. Our previous diaries have either been based on a single update (Impetuous Impulses, Summoning) or a team that works on RuneScape (Content, Graphics, Audio). Now, we are looking in-depth at a serious challenge that we have been faced with, and that challenge is real-world trading.

You may have heard us talking about real-world trading and its related parts - bots, auto-shoppers, gold farmers, gold sellers - in previous newsposts and even Forum threads. You may not know, however, what these terms mean, how they threaten the evolution of RuneScape and why we must remove them. In this Diary, we explain why real-world trading is an issue that must be solved, what we have done about it in the past, and what we aim to do in the future.

Head to the Development Diary: RuneScape vs Real-World Trading to read more.

Controls - Trading

Trading items with other players is an important part of the RuneScape experience.

Many items cannot be purchased in shops and can only be obtained by finding them, making them yourself, or by purchasing them from other players.

How to start trading

An effective means of buying and selling items and services is to use the Grand Exchange. You can trade with players on any world, without needing to be present while the Grand Exchange clerks find someone willing to buy or sell within the price range you specify. It's an incredibly convenient system that you can even check up on from any bank in RuneScape!

Alternatively, for a more personal touch, you can use our Marketplace Forums. You can post a message in the right section, stating what you want to buy or sell and how much you are willing to pay. If you cannot post a message, you can still read other players' messages. You can access our forums at the following Marketplace Forums link.

The 'Trade/Compete' button at the bottom of your game window controls whether players can send you trade requests or challenge you for duels and other games. The options are On, Friends Only or Off.

Turn this to On if you are happy to receive trade requests from anyone or Friends Only to trade only with your friends.

If you choose to trade on a personal level, rather than using the Grand Exchange, you will first need to find a buyer (or seller). For instance, if you have mined some coal and you want to sell it, you could try standing in a busy area and saying "Coal for sale!"

Unbalanced trade

From the 10th of December, anyone creating a new account will find themselves unable to make unbalanced trades. From the first week of January, this will apply to everyone - so it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the following process!

Because all trades must be 'balanced', you may be unable to complete a trade unless the value of the items you are exchanging is approximately equal. The bar at the bottom of the trade window will show you how balanced the trade is. The closer the arrow is to either end of the bar, the greater the wealth one of you will earn from the trade.

When unbalanced trade is removed (on one of the dates above), you will be able to earn or lose up to 3,000 coins' worth of wealth from trading in a fifteen minute period. If you have already earned or lost items or money in this time, you will only be able to earn or lose a reduced amount. The amount you can earn or lose is recalculated every minute to add 200 coins to the total, up to the maximum of 3,000 coins. Your trade partner's previous earnings or losses may reduce the amount you can trade with each other. The amount you can earn is connected to the amount you can lose, so you can complete a number of trades in quick succession.

For example, if Player A earned 1,500 coins from a trade, they could then complete another trade that lost them 3,000 coins. If they did so, they might immediately trade again to gain 2,000 coins. In this example, Player A has gained 500 coins overall and can trade again to earn another 2,500 coins.

Note that staked duelling and the Rat Pits affect the amount that you can trade.

You can find out more about why we regulate trades in this way by reading the RuneScape vs Real-world Trading Development Diary.

The trade window

Once you have found someone to trade with, click on their character with the right mouse button, and select the 'Trade' option. The other player will be informed of your request. To accept your trade they may click on your character and also select the 'Trade' option.

At this point, a screen similar to the one shown above will appear. All the items on the left-hand side of the screen are what you are offering in the trade, the items on the right-hand side are what your trading partner is offering you.

To add an item to your offer click on it in your inventory box. If you wish to add multiple items (e.g. a stack of coins) right-click the object to see the 'Offer 5', 'Offer 10', 'Offer x' and 'Offer all' options. Select the 'offer x' option to manually enter the number you wish to offer. To remove an item from your offer, just click on it in the offer window and it will be removed. Note that if you remove an item, your trading partner will see a large red exclamation mark telling them that you have changed the trade.

Once you are happy with the proposed exchange, press the green 'Accept' button. If you aren't happy for any reason, press the red 'Decline' button to cancel the trade.

Once you have clicked 'Accept' you will have to wait for the other person to also accept the trade. If they remove anything from the trade, the slot that has changed will gain a flashing exclamation mark, as you can see in the image below:

When the other person has accepted the trade - assuming all goes well and the item is returned - a final confirmation screen will appear (see image below). This clearly lists everything which is being swapped and gives you one last chance to check you are getting the trade you expected. You should read this information carefully, and then, when you are sure you are happy with the trade, press the green 'Accept' button.

Remember that there is no way to reverse a trade if you later change your mind, so be careful! Giving items in return for information, or with the promise of getting them back is very risky: please remember that not all RuneScape players are honest, and you could end up losing your items for nothing if you do this! If you want to remove the chance of being scammed in this way, or want a simpler way to offload lots of loot, you may prefer to use the Grand Exchange.

Controls - Inventory

Your inventory is split into two to make managing your items simpler.

They are:

Backpack inventory

Equipped inventory

The backpack inventory section has 28 slots available for items; the equipped inventory section has 11 separate spaces for clothes and weapons and other adornments.

All together this gives you a grand total of 39 slots to use.

Backpack Inventory

Whenever you pick up or purchase an item, it will be added to your inventory, into the backpack.

In the game window, your inventory is represented by the backpack icon Left-click on it to access your inventory.

The backpack section of your inventory displays all of the items that you are carrying at the time.

Large items will take up one inventory slot each. Small items such as money can all be stored in just one slot, in which case a number at the top left of the slot indicates how many of that item are currently grouped together.

You can arrange the items in the inventory by clicking and holding down the "action" button over the item and dragging it to the spot in your inventory you want to move it to. The action button is the left mouse button on a multiple button mouse and the single button on a mouse with only one button.

When you want to interact with the items in your inventory, move the mouse pointer over the item, then click on the left mouse button if you are using a multiple button mouse or click the single button on a mouse with one button, to perform the default action associated with the item. Most of the time the default action will be the 'Use' command.

Once you have done this, you then need to click on the target item, either in your inventory or in the game window.

To view other actions that can be performed with an item, move the mouse pointer over the item and click on the right mouse button. This will display a menu with all the actions you can perform with that item. The default action is the first one in the menu.

Once the menu is displayed, you can then select other commands such as “Drop”, “Examine" etc.

If you choose to drop an item, it will appear at your feet. If the item's market value is 3,000 coins or less, other players will be able to see it and pick it up after one minute. You may only leave drops for other players to pick up with a total value of 3,000 coins or less in any fifteen-minute period, any other items you drop will not become visible to other players. Note that a stack of items (30 rune arrows, for example) worth more than 3,000 coins will never appear for other players. The amount you drop that becomes visible to other players is constantly recalculated, but will never exceed 3,000 coins.

Equipped Inventory

Your character has separate slots for each type of weapon or clothing. To view what you have equipped, click the 'human' icon

Armour and weapons are an important aspect of the game. The weaponry you are wielding can often make the difference between winning and losing a battle. To wield a weapon, go to your inventory screen and click on the item that you wish to wield. If the item can be worn it will then move to your equipment screen.

Separate slots show what you are carrying on your person at any time. To remove an item, left click on it or right-click on the slot you wish to change, and select 'Remove' from the list.

The 'Show Equipment Stats' button at the bottom of this interface will bring up a screen showing what you are wearing and all of the bonuses and modifiers to your combat statistics. In the 'Attack' section, you are shown what bonuses are applied to each attack style.

The 'Show Items Kept on Death' button will bring up an interface showing how many items you will keep when you die under your current circumstances, as well as which ones will be protected.

In the 'Defence' section, the bonus refers to how effective your equipped armour/weapon is against a particular style of attack. This also displays any other relevant bonuses your equipment may give you, such as Prayer bonuses. You will find that different combinations of equipment will give you different bonuses up and down, dependent on that particular item's strengths or weaknesses.

For example, you may see that your metal plate armour offers you good protection against stab and slash attacks, but will be less useful against crushing attacks, and will actually impede your spell-casting if you attempt to fight with Magic.

This interface is split into two sections. On the right you will see how many items you will keep when you die, as well as the reason why this is the case. If, for instance, you are 'skulled' (and thus will normally keep no items) this will be mentioned here.

On the left side will be a list of all of the items you are wearing, wielding or carrying in your inventory. Those listed above the line are your most valuable and will not be dropped when you die. These items are chosen based on their alchemy value (i.e. the number of coins you get for casting an alchemy spell on them), not the market value.

This is to ensure that players will always have a good idea of what they will keep, instead of discovering that changes in the market mean that they will drop their favourite piece of equipment.

Exploring the glorious lands of RuneScape is simple. To travel around, move the mouse to where you want to go and click the "action" mouse button. This is the left mouse button on a multiple button mouse and the single button on a mouse with only one button.

If this is done correctly, your character will start moving and a small yellow 'X' will flash briefly on the spot where your character will stop.

If the yellow cross appears, but your character doesn't start walking immediately, wait a few seconds, as it may take a few moments before anything happens.

You can make your character run to a spot by holding the 'CTRL' key on your keyboard before clicking where you wish them to move.

If you wish to move around quickly, you can set your character to run for as long as there is some running energy available. This feature can be turned on through the option screen. Read the Options section for more information.

You can also move around by clicking in the compass view at the top right-hand corner of the game window. When you click on a location in the compass view where movement is allowed, a red flag will appear, indicating where your character will stop.

As you walk about RuneScape you will eventually come across some dangerous areas. These will be marked by the warnings that pop up as you try to enter them, like the warning above. Once you become familiar with these by visiting those locations several times you will be able to turn them off. Click here to read more about the warning system and the Doomsayer.

The camera determines your viewing angle into the game. You can adjust it using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

The left arrow key rotates the camera view clockwise, while the right arrow key rotates the camera view anti-clockwise.

You will have to adjust the camera to get a good view of your surroundings and all the possible objects you can interact with. Using the camera properly will ensure you do not overlook important items. In the images above, the player has used the left or right arrow key to rotate the camera in order to see the fountain and areas behind, in front and below their character.

To adjust the viewing height of the camera, press the up arrow key to tilt the camera downwards or the down arrow key to tilt the camera upwards.

The image on the right hand side shows how tilting the camera upwards allows for a much wider viewing area.

Almost all items and objects have some form of action associated with them, so make sure you are thorough when examining your surrounding environment.

access your character's current statistics, click on the statistics icon

A display window with icons for every single statistic for your character will be displayed.

Bottom panel

The bottom black panel displays your total skill level. Your Quest points are displayed under the quest tab, and your combat level is displayed under the combat tab.

Below is a table of all the icons, their meaning and related guides. The table lists the icons in the order they appear in the window, starting from top row, moving left to right and downwards.



Skill Guide

Attack Melee Combat

Hitpoints Combat basics

Mining Mining Skill

Strength Melee Combat

Agility Agility Information

Smithing Smithing Skill

Defence Melee Combat

Herblore Herblore Skill

Fishing Fishing Skill

Ranged Ranged Skill

Thieving Thieving Skill

Cooking Cooking Skill

Prayer Prayer Skill

Crafting Crafting Skill

Firemaking Firemaking Skill

Magic Magic Skill

Fletching Fletching Skill

Woodcutting Woodcutting Skill

Runecrafting Runecrafting Skill

Slayer Slayer Skill

Farming Farming Skill

Construction Construction Skill

Hunter Hunter Skill

To determine your current experience points in a specific skill and how many experience points mark the beginning of the next level, move your mouse pointer over the icon for that skill. A small pop-up will appear, showing the current state of that skill. The number of experience points you have earned is displayed at the top of the pop-up window, while the number of experience points for the next level is displayed at the bottom.

In this image, the mouse pointer is over the Runecrafting skill. At the moment, the character has earned 101,333 experience points in Runecrafting and will get to the next level in Runecrafting when they gain or pass 111,945 experience points. The text also explains that the character needs a further 10,612 experience points to get to level 51.

If you want to know what activities related to that skill you can perform, click on the icon for the skill.

The interface shows things that can be done within that skill, as well as the level required to perform them. Items that are for members only will have Members: written before their names.

Click the text on the right-hand side to see what aspects of that skill you can or cannot perform. In the image above, clicking on "Axes" will display a list of all the axes and the level required to use them.

Clan Wars is available to all players, both free and Members.

Please note that although this is a 'Safe' minigame, it is located in the Wilderness. Be aware that you may have to face some vicious beasts (including revenants!) in order to reach Clan Wars. For more information about the dangers of the Wilderness, please read the Wilderness Area Guide.

If you die during this minigame, you will not lose your items.


Have you ever wanted to march into glorious battle with the entirety of your clan chat channel? To hold the line as the enemy charge in and try to flank you? To fight back-to-back with your friends against superior numbers and prevail?

Clan Wars is the answer to your desires, giving your clan the chance to prove its superiority over others in epic battles.


The Clan Wars arena is located in the eastern Wilderness, north-east of the Chaos Temple and east of the Bounty Hunter volcano.

To get to the Clan Wars challenge hall, you will need to walk north from Varrock and around the fiery lava that surrounds the Chaos Temple. Walk north-east from there and you should find it quickly.

If you have access to Ancient Magicks, you will find that the Carrallangar teleport drops you conveniently at the Bounty Hunter volcano. It's a fairly short run across a stretch of the Wilderness to then get to the Clan Wars challenge hall. Be aware, though, that you might just run into some nasty creatures while you do so.

The challenge hall itself does not count as part of the Wilderness, so the easiest way to leave is to simply teleport out to some safer location. For this reason, it's probably a good idea to bring some method of teleporting.


You must be a member of an active clan chat channel.

If you wish to initiate a clan war or accept a clan war challenge, you must be ranked as a captain or higher in your clan chat channel.

Recommended Items

Probably the most useful piece of equipment will be a wilderness cape so you will know your friends from your enemies with ease. You should try to make sure everyone in your clan has the same cape to make identification simpler.

Since you are representing the pride and power of your clan, and to give yourself and your clan the best chance of winning, it is useful to field the best arms and armour that you can.

You should try to pick out a role for yourself, where you can perform useful functions for your clan. What works best for you and your clan is something you'll find out as you fight in more clan wars.

If you need to swap some equipment over or make other preparations for the imminent battle, the closest banker is at the Bounty Hunter volcano, just to the west. This does require a trip across a stretch of the Wilderness, however, so be prepared!


Set-up phase

To begin a clan war

If you are inside the challenge hall and have a clan rank of at least Captain in an active clan chat channel, you will have a new "Challenge" option when right-clicking on a member of another clan. You are able to select "Challenge" in order to declare your intention of starting a clan war, in the same way as challenging when duelling. If the person you challenge is also a Captain (or higher) in an active clan chat channel, they will have the option to accept.

To accept the clan war

If you are a Captain (or higher) in an active clan chat channel and, while standing in the challenge hall, another Captain (or higher) challenges you to a clan war you will receive a message stating this in your message window.

At this point, you can click on the challenge in your chat or right-click on the other player and select 'Challenge' to accept, or simply ignore it and wait for another challenge.

Upon accepting a challenge, both yourself and the challenger will be teleported into the arena, on the side assigned to your clan.

Preparation phase

To take part in a clan war

If you're in an active clan chat channel, when one of your clan officers initiates a clan war on the same world as you, you will receive a message in your clan chat telling you that a war has been declared.

You will then have two minutes to arm yourself and enter a portal in the Clan Wars challenge hall in order to take part in the war.

During this time, the Clan Wars arena is divided into two separate areas by a huge wall of spikes from east to west. This wall keeps the clans apart until preparation is finished; you can use your Clan Chat channels to plan your team strategies and tactics and get into positions ready for the outbreak of the war phase.

Note that there is no minimum number of players required to fight in a clan war, and everyone in your clan chat channel can join in. Your battle could be just between you and a private nemesis, or between two armies!

It is possible for a clan to be taking part in multiple and simultaneous clan wars on different worlds.

War phase

Once the timer has reached zero, the magical wall dividing the arena will gradually sink into the earth allowing the clan war to begin.

The arena will be sealed when the fighting commences. Anyone entering after the battle has begun will be placed in the viewing area to watch the fight.

If you are not in a clan when you enter the portal, you will be asked to type in the name of one of your friends who is currently in a clan war. You will then be teleported into the viewing area and allowed to view the war.

At this point, it is a fight to the death for each clan, the idea being to eliminate all of the opposing clan's fighters before all of your clan's soldiers are slain. Superior equipment, tactics and good teamwork may allow a smaller clan to overcome a larger, less organised one, so it's not merely numbers that count.

You can keep track of how many foes your clan must defeat by looking at the interface in the top-right corner of your screen.

Upon death, players will retain all of their items and be teleported to a viewing area. Here, you can chat to discuss teamwork, revise and improve tactics, or use viewing orbs to watch your remaining teammates fight.

Post-war phase

When one clan is finally defeated, the surviving clan is declared the victor and all players will be returned to the challenge hall.


The glory of victory in a clan war is its own reward!


Please note this is a 'Dangerous' minigame. If you die during this minigame, you will lose your items. You are 'skulled' as soon as you enter the crater, and so you will not retain your three most valuable items if you are slain. You cannot teleport out of the minigame, and you can be denied the ability to exit or use the 'Protect item' prayer - and with the deadliest players in RuneScape hunting you, be sure that you take only items you don't mind losing.

Bounty Hunter can only be played on certain worlds, please refer to the Themed Worlds list to find somewhere you can play this minigame.


In the centre of the Wilderness, bounded on all sides by the desolation of the god wars, crouches a volcano. Not quite dormant, the massive crater that bears witness to the violence of its birth is home to Mandrith, Guardian of the Crater. In the earliest days of man's existence on RuneScape, this volcano was the site of the first murder, and for this reason an unnamed god cracked and split the earth to give the volcano life.

Since those first, horrific days, Mandrith's ancestors have supplied a guardian to watch over the crater, where adventurers can go to slaughter each other.

In the Bounty Hunter minigame, you are tasked to hunt down a specific player and slay them, all the while being hunted by other players and avoiding the attentions of anyone else that might try to slay you and claim your property. Of course, you don't have to hunt your specified target, and can instead slay anyone you please...


The Bounty Hunter minigame can be found in the centre of the Wilderness by walking up the palatial steps in the south-east of the volcano's base. At the top of these steps you will find Mandrith, the mighty guardian of the crater.

Be aware that you may have to face some of the vicious beasts of the Wilderness in order to reach this location, and that you may encounter revenants on the way. For more information about the dangers of the Wilderness, please read the Wilderness Area Guide.


There are no specific requirements to play Bounty Hunter, but you should be aware of the restrictions on what you can take into the minigame.

You can only take one piece of armour for each part of your body at each point of the combat triangle. For example, you could take in Verac's brassard (melee torso armour), a black dragonhide body (Ranged torso armour) and a splitbark body (Magic torso armour), but no more torso armour.

You can bring in a maximum of 4 wieldable weapons, and up to 1,000 of each type of stackable ammunition (runes, arrows, bolts, etc.). If you need to restock your ammunition, it is a quick trip to the banker north of Mandrith.

You must be able to wield or wear any combat item in your inventory.

You cannot take in any items that are unrelated to combat, so you're fine to take food, potions, etc. in, but cannot bring logs, spades and so on.

You cannot bring any coins into the Bounty Hunter crater.

You can bank any items you please by using the wandering banker just north of Mandrith.

Also note that you cannot deliberately drop any items or stacks of items worth more than 1,000 coins (based on the market value at the Grand Exchange) in the Bounty Hunter crater.

Entering the Crater

To begin playing Bounty Hunter, you will first have to speak with Mandrith, who will explain how the minigame works.

When you are ready to begin tracking your foes through the Bounty Hunter crater, you will have the option to enter one of three caves. These caves - which look increasingly ominous for quick identification - are arranged by combat level requirements, as follows:

Level 3 - 55: western cave

Level 50 - 100: central cave

Level 95+: east cave

Entering one of these caves will transport you to a crater populated by other players in your combat range. In the unlikely event that there aren't enough players to begin the slaughter, you will be transported to a waiting room. There, you will have some time to prepare yourself before you are teleported into the crater. Provided there are at least 10 people in the waiting room, you will have 30 seconds to prepare yourself. If there are not enough people playing Bounty Hunter in your combat range, you will have to wait for more players to join.

When there are enough players, you will be able to see how long you have left to wait by looking at the box in the top-right corner of the game window. In the meantime, you might like to have a quick chat with the cleaners that walk about sweeping up the dust and grit that bounty hunters inevitably leave behind.

When you are teleported into the crater, you will notice that the countdown timer box changes slightly. The box in the top-right corner will display the name of the player you have been assigned to hunt down and defeat.

Above everyone's head will be a skull and a pile of coins. This indicates the market value of the items that each person is carrying.

The colour of the skull and the size of the pile of coins corresponds to the market value of items a player is carrying, so it should be a simple matter to judge how much wealth someone has at a glance.

The greater the value of the items someone is carrying, the higher the skull level (colour and size of coin pile) they will have. As you can imagine, the more items you accumulate from killing your enemies, the more attractive a target you will become!

You will arrive at a random entrance to the crater, and will have 6 seconds to compose yourself, during which time you cannot be attacked or attack anyone else. After this, you can be attacked by anyone and, if you are slain, you will lose all the items you are carrying.

Hunting your Prey

Although each player is assigned a random opponent to hunt down, you will find that there is no restriction on who you can attack - but there are risks involved in slaying other players without regard to who your target should be! You should also keep in mind that you may have several players assigned to hunt you through the crater.

To find your target, you will notice that a flashing arrow will appear over them on the minimap (see right) if they are in range. As it is unlikely that they are assigned to kill you, you can use this to follow your target around the crater until you are in range to attack them.

When you are in visual range, you will also see an arrow appear above your target's head. Now is the time to attack!

If you're having difficulty finding your opponent, and your Magic level is high enough (level 85), you can use the Bounty Locate spell to teleport directly to your enemy.

If you kill your target

Assuming you are victorious, you will see all of your foe's equipment drop on the ground for you to collect. No one else will be able to see this, but you only have two minutes to pick it up, so it's a good idea to start choosing what you want to keep as soon as possible - not least because someone hunting you might just track you down!

If you kill someone other than your target

If the person you killed wasn't your target, you will receive a 'pick-up penalty' for not following Mandrith's rules and you will notice a countdown has started, displayed in the top right of your screen. This countdown has no effect on you unless you pick up items during this time. If you do so, Mandrith will change it to a harsher, 'leave penalty' - one that prevents you from leaving, so you are stuck in the area for a few minutes and become an easier target!

While you are trapped in the crater you will find that even logging out won't help you: you won't be able to! Even if you close your browser window, you will still be in the crater and vulnerable to attack.

The only way to appease Mandrith is to hunt down and slay your correct target. The guardian of the crater will be pleased by this and remove any countdowns you have been penalised by.

If either of these countdowns are active, the Protect Item prayer will not work - so be careful!


Aside from the loot you might collect by defeating your foes, your reputation will improve if you hunt down your assigned targets . Equally, you become infamous for dispatching hapless chumps (people you are not assigned to hunt). To record all of this, Mandrith has erected two massive stone slabs at the entrance to the crater, where he notes the Hunters and the Rogues:

The points you receive for killing other players is based on their past performances in the Bounty Hunter minigame. Hence, if you want to get lots of points, you should go after people who have attained a high bounty hunter/rogue score!

These ranking boards record each player's scores until they are no longer in the top 10 or there is a game update, at which time Mandrith clears the score temporarily. Your performance and ratings are remembered, and will be put back on the scoreboard the next time you leave the crater.

You can also check out your rating on the Hiscores table, provided you have a Hunter or Rogue score of at least 500.

Brimhaven Agility Arena

The Agility Arena is only accessible to RuneScape Members. Please subscribe to get this feature.

Please note this is a 'Dangerous' minigame. If you die during this minigame, you will lose your items.


The enterprising Cap'n Izzy No-Beard invites you to the Brimhaven Agility Arena. He has discovered an ancient cavern under Brimhaven and developed it into a fun place to train your Agility. His services are not free, however, and you will have to pay him 200 gold pieces if you wish to enter.


This ancient Agility Arena is located on the island of Karamja. You can find it just north-east of Brimhaven, under the ground. This is marked with a minigame key icon on your mini map.

Cap'n Izzy No-Beard can be found in a bamboo hut; you may ask him for information about the arena before you enter.


The arena is a huge cavern of platforms connected by traps and obstacles. There are many different routes to get around the Agility Arena and you are much more likely to fail the obstacles on some routes than on others. Some ways cannot be taken until you reach a certain Agility level (please refer to the trap levels below), so it is recommended that you are at least of level 40 Agility. Be warned: it is possible to hurt yourself while attempting this obstacle course.

Recommended Items

You cannot enter the arena without paying your 200 gold pieces entrance fee, so remember to have this amount in your inventory. You must also remember that it is likely that you will lose Hitpoints from failing some obstacles, so take some food. In addition to this, it is wise to take a method of teleportation, such as runes or an amulet of glory if you are in need of a swift escape.

Try not to take much and wear Boots of Lightness to help you run for longer: this will increase your chance of getting that extra ticket. Boots of Lightness are obtained during the Temple of Ikov quest and reduce your weight by 4kg.

Also, it may be wise to take super restore or Agility potions, should your Agility level be lowered by failing the dart obstacles.


Upon entering the arena, one platform is marked by a flashing arrow. You will see this on your mini map: try to make your way to it. After one minute the flashing arrow will move to a new pillar which you will need to get to. If you tag more than one active pillar in a row then you will receive a ticket. You won't get a ticket for tagging the first pillar, but you will for every following pillar. If you miss a pillar you will miss out on the next ticket, so try to get as many as you can!

While in the arena, you can check your progress by using the indicator in the top-right of the game screen. This shows whether you were successful in tagging the last pillar as the indicator will turn green when successful and red when you have failed to reach the active dispenser before the arrow moved on. This is very useful when you are not sure whether you made it in time!

Each obstacle has a level requirement and gives a different amount of experience, which is shown in the table below.


Required Level

Experience Gained

Rope swing






Low wall



Log balance






Monkey bars



Balancing rope






Floor spikes



Pressure pads



Hand holds






Spinning blade



It is also worth mentioning that if you fail the darts obstacle you will temporarily lose Agility levels, which only a super restore or Agility potion can return.

Pirate Jackie the Fruit, who works in the reception hut of the Arena, will exchange the tickets for items or additional Agility experience.

Number of Tickets



240 experience (per ticket)


1 x Toadflax

(Please refer to our Herblore guide)


1 x Snapdragon

(Please refer to our Herblore guide)


248 experience (per ticket)


260 experience (per ticket)

The Dorgesh-Kaan Agility course requires level 70 Agility, and can only be used by those who have completed Death to the Dorgeshuun. To use the grapple routes, you will also need a Strength level of 70 and a Ranged level of 70.

Note that you will need a crossbow and a complete mithril grapple to make the most of this course. Click here to read about crossbows and grapples.

As the cavern lacks any natural light, and the cave goblins have not set up magical lamps, you will need to bring a light source.

South of Dorgesh-Kaan is the cavern that the cave goblins use to generate magical energy to power their lights and myriad other conveniences in their underground city. The presence of a great number of dangerous creatures on the cavern floor has forced the cave goblins to think about ways to bring spare parts from the old generator. Thankfully, the remnants of the cables and pylons that originally brought the magical energy to the city are still intact, and can be used by particularly agile explorers.

You can reach the course by heading up the stairs in the south of Dorgesh-Kaan.

To make the most of the Agility course, you should talk to Turgall in the north-east magic generator. He will ask you to fetch some spare parts from the old generator in the south-west. When you bring him these items, you will receive a sizeable bonus to your skills, depending on which routes you used to fetch the items.

A list of the items you may be asked fetch is below:

Item Location Course restrictions

Capacitor Console Delicate - cannot be taken through the tunnel

Fuse Console Delicate - cannot be taken through the tunnel

Meter Console Delicate - cannot be taken through the tunnel

Powerbox Boiler Heavy - cannot be carried when grappling

Lever Boiler Heavy - cannot be carried when grappling

Cog Boiler Heavy - cannot be carried when grappling

Obstacle Agility Experience Other Experience

Tight rope 25

Swing cable 22

Swing ladder 25

Squeeze through gap 7.5

Tunnel crawl 7.5

Grapple 18 18 Strength; 18 Ranged

Completed route

(non-grapple) 159

Completed route

(grapple) 54 54 Strength; 54 Ranged


Non-grapple path 1216


Grapple path 571 Ranged

* You will receive these bonuses based on your route to and from the old generator. If you used the grapple route both ways, for instance, you will receive 2 x 571 Ranged experience; if you used the non-grapple route both ways you will receive 2 x 1216 Agility experience; if you use both routes you will receive 1216 Agility experience and 571 Ranged experience.

Agility - Barbarian Outpost

The Barbarian Outpost is situated south of the Lighthouse, which is north of the Kingdom of Kandarin.

To enter this course you will need level 35 Agility to squeeze through the pipe and access the course.

Beware! This course is slightly hazardous; you may fail obstacles, causing damage to yourself. It is recommended you take some food to recover any lost hitpoints.


Experience Gained

Entrance tunnel


Rope swing


Balance log




Balance ledge


Wall climb


Agility Bonus


Completed Lap



280 experience (per ticket)


Pirate's hook

(Provides slightly better protection than leather gloves. Its function is mostly decorative)


320 experience (per ticket)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.