2012-08-25 13:46:11 UTC
These are the games that I already own:
Little Big Planet
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Mass Effect 2
LEGO Batman: The Video Game
These are the games I'm considering buying next:
L.A. Noire
Heavy Rain
Batman: Arkham City
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Final Fantasy XIII
Please don't just say "All of them" because while I am going to buy all of them eventually, I can only afford to buy one game a month since I'm saving up for a trip to Phoenix.
Basically, I'm having trouble figuring out whether I should buy Arkham City, a game I know I will love and have been wanting since before I even bought a Playstation, but is pretty much just more of the same stuff you get in Arkham Asylum. Or if I should buy something else since I've been trying to try out a bunch of different kind of games so I can see what I like and also have a vast variety to choose from if I'm not in the mood for a certain type of game. And even then, I don't know which of the above games I would get, so that's why I'm asking you. Here are the qualities I'm looking for in a game:
-Long OR has replay value (or both)
-Interesting storyline
-Not too similar to the games I already have
They don't have the have all these qualities. If a game is different from the games I have and has an amazing storyline, I'll still consider buying it next, even if it's the sort of thing you can really only enjoy playing once.