If you were a pokemon gym leader what pokemon would you use.?
2008-09-03 19:20:47 UTC
This is one of my favorite questions to ask because the answers are always so varied. Please be sure to list moveset and general theme of your team. Only questions that follow this guideline will be considered for best answer.

For my gym leader team check this link.;_ylt=Aq5dDma9gO25qsEkIAEq6bvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080824165640AAA671v
Six answers:
2008-09-03 20:21:46 UTC
Once I started working on a Ice/Hail Team. At first, I thought it was more of a novelty team to use, since I used very "weak" Pokémon, but then, it wasn't that bad after all. A little luck hax here and there were great, especially. Still, my ice team evolved very much since its beginnings, and now its even harder to take down.

♦ Abomasnow (Yeti) @Focus Sash

• Protect

• Leech Seed

• Earthquake

• Blizzard

Since Abomasnow is my lead, it does great with Focus Sash. Protect is there for scouting choice item users or something that looks fishy. Leech Seed is obviously there for the pseudo-hazing and Earthquake provides great type coverage along with the 100% accurate-STABed Blizzard.

♦ Mamoswine (Snoinker) @Lum Berry

Ability: Snow Cloak

• Stealth Rock

• Blizzard

• Ice Shard

• Earthquake

Stealth Rock is a very handy move. Not suitable for a Mamoswine, but Mamoswine does force out a lot of switches, so there's were I typlically use it. Blizzard is only for those physical walls with low special defense. Skarmory gets 2KOed with the right EVs, which I provided. Hippowdon, Donphan and Gliscor get heavilly beaten when they try to switch-in. Ice Shard is for Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence and other weakened Pokés. A Mamoswine's Earthquake is one of the most powerful in the game. Second to Rhyperior's and tied with Garchomp's, so that move is a must on the moveset.

♦ Dewgong (Frostbite) @Chople Berry

Ability: Thick Fat

• Disable

• Encore

• Perish Song

• Aqua Jet

This Dewgong is supposed to be my physical and special wall (mostly special). Since my team is a Hail-based team, it has a great weakness to fire attacks. A special mention goes to Typhlosion, who has a STABed Eruption that is usually coupled with a Choice Scarf. I've lost to him one time, but with Dewgong, that is no longer the problem. Dewgong has Thick Fat, so he comes in easly on him. Then, Aqua Jet weakens Typlosion's Eruptions which is the priority on this set. Chople Berry just gives him life insurance so that he can Encore a Fighting attack (if that happens, I'll switch-in Froslass), or just survive your typical Close Combat to which I'll take advantage and Aqua Jet. Perish Song is meant for the pseudo-hazing since my team does have Spikers.

♦ Froslass (Arctica) @Life Orb

• Taunt

• Spikes

• Shadow Ball

• Blizzard

Froslass has much potential with this set. The idea is to get a Blissey in, in which I will Taunt. Blissey, having nothing to do, switches out and I set up Spikes. Froslass is weak without Life Orb, so it had to be included in this set. Shadow Ball and Blizzard both get STAB and Life Orb powers its offense power even more.

♦ Walrein (Icebreaker) @Leftovers

Ability: Icy Body

• Protect

• Roar

• Toxic/ Surf

• Blizzard

Walrein, in the past, had Cloyster to set up Toxic Spikes. Toxic Spikes worked well with Protect, Icy Body and Hail, but Cloyster's awful HP kept it from being on my team. The purpose of this set is to shuffle Toxic/Toxic Spikes as well as heal Walrein. Its my physical wall on this team, so it can shuffle really well. However, I'm currently switching back and forth from Toxic to Surf, seeing which one proves more useful. Toxic is my first choice though. Blizzard just gets STAB. I also just use one Leftovers, so I don't see why your typical "Stallrein" is bad on this team.

♦ Weavile (Icee) @Life Orb

• Taunt

• Pursuit

• Brick Break

• Ice Punch

Taunt nullifies Skarmory's purpose, as well as Blissey's so I thought it can do well on Weavile. Since most Ghosts and slower Psychics switch out when Weavile comes in, Pursuit tells them otherwise. Brick Break had to be included for the fear of Heatran, Blissey, Lucario, etc. Ice Punch gets STAB, but has rather weak base power, so Life Orb is a must on a Jolly Weavile.

So if I had a chance to become a gym leader online, I would choose an Ice team that has support from Hail. :-)
2008-09-03 19:31:55 UTC
Your team is a very good normal-type team, but what bugs me is that the best answer and the answers that other people gave you were irrelevant to your question.

I don't think a Gym Leader would actually be fighting against the Elite Four. Also, the person that got the best answer gave good reasons for his Pokemon choices, but they were all different types, as opposed to the gym leaders following a single-type Pokemon.

I cannot, however, give a very good team, as I wouldn't know which movesets would be right or which Pokemon to choose.
2008-09-05 12:57:15 UTC
Well it seems everyone has a team of six here are my preferred pokemon. My gym would actually be dual themed in that I have two preferred types, bear in mind I haven't gotten the chance to play through any of the third or fourth gen games (Ruby, Saphire, emerald, fire red, leaf green, diamon, pearl).

So my gym badge would be the Burning Ice badge (Fire and Ice types FTW!!!). it would look like a partially melted ice cube with flames growing out of the ice cube.

My team would consist of all out offensive attacks here it goes

Charizard - Fire Blast - it's a very powerful fire attack

Fire Wheel - prevents enemy from attacking 2-5 turns while burning them

Heat Wave - It can cause burn to enemies

Fire Fang - Can cause possible burns and flinching

Moltres - Sunny Day - To give me a fire boost for 2-5 turns

Roost - to restore half of it's max hp without wasting an item

fire blast - to cause burning

Heat Wave - possible burning of enemies

Entei - Lava Plume - cause burning

Fire Blast - massive fire damage

Swagger - Confuse enemies while raising my attack

Calm Mind - Boosts several stats at once

Lapras - Ice Beam - possibly freeze my opponents

- Brine - Power doubles if enemy HP is less than half

- Sheer Cold - can cause fainting

- safe guard - prevent status ailments

Articuno - Roost - restores half of max hp

- sheer cold - can cause fainting

- blizzard - possibility of freezing opponent

- Hail - it hits every turn without my input

Glaceon - Ice Fang - May cause enemy to flinch

- Mirror Coat - Counters SPC ATT at 2x the power

- Hail - it hits enemy every turn

- Blizzard - again may cause enemies to freeze

My strategy would to always alternate between fire and ice such as starting off with Charizard then switching to Glaceon, then Entei, so on and so forth, but it would also rely on an as needed basis. all my moveset I pulled from the list of moves each of those pokemon can learn from serebii.
2008-09-03 19:44:56 UTC
I'd probably use fighting type. Fighting got really good in Diamond/Pearl with the special attack/physical attack split.

Heracross - scarfcross

Breloom - lol Spore

Machamp - no guard + dynamic punch. mad dizzies

Lucario - vaccum wave is cool

Gallade - just for variety

Poliwrath - subpunch

maybe i'd do something cool and give Poliwrath Rain dance and swap someone out for Toxicroak so i can abuse dry skin. Or maybe I'd throw in a Dusknoir for kicks.
2008-09-03 20:00:21 UTC
i`d use dragons and be the last gym leader and my badge would be the

fang badge

team: garchomp lv48

dragon rush,earthquake,thunder and ice fang. item yache berry

dragonite lv50

wing attk,hyper beam.thunderbolt,dragon claw

kingdra lv46

surf,twister,dragon dance,hydro pump

altaria lv42

dragon dance,dragonbreath,take down,sing

salamence lv45

dragon claw,fly,crunch,zen head butt. item sitrus berry

remember the gym leader pokemon dont have to be on the lv they evolve on
2008-09-03 19:29:31 UTC
I would use any legendary Pokemons, Then i would be the Legendary Gym Leader :D

I dont play pokemon anymore

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