Zelda wind waker triforce chart and ghost charts?
2010-02-12 13:52:43 UTC
Can you tell me where the trifore charts are? something like this...(tell me were all of them are)

Triforce chart #1
how to get the chart:
And tell me were the ghost ship chart is.And how to get it. Thanks!
Five answers:
2010-02-16 06:30:56 UTC
Here’s a list of the Triforce Charts and how to get them. I’ve put the directions to the Ghost Ship Chart under Triforce Chart #4.

Triforce Chart #1

Warp to Greatfish Isle. Sail south to the Islet of Steel. This is the island protected by lots of warships. Destroy the main warship which is actually inside the islet, shooting at you. Go up to the entrance and swim in. You are in cave with a Triforce Symbol and a Wind Symbol. Step onto the Wind Symbol on the floor and play the Wind's Requiem. This will reveal a Treasure Chest with the Triforce Chart inside. Now, you have to go show it to Tingle.

Warp to Tingle Island. On Tingle Island, climb up the ladder. Approach Tingle and talk to him. He'll decipher the Triforce Chart for you for 398 Rupees. In your Chart area of your sub-menu, you will see that you have Triforce Chart #1.

Here is where your In-Credible Chart comes in handy. Open it up and you'll see a flashing Triforce symbol on it. It is on Greatfish Isle. You'll also notice that the Triforce Chart you got on the Islet of Steel is crossed out. Head to the Triforce symbol on the map.

Once you are near Greatfish Isle, still in your boat, head to the NW side of the Isle. You'll see a beam of light shooting down into the ocean. Approach it and use your Grapple to get it from the bottom of the water. You have received a Triforce Shard.

Triforce Chart #2

Open up your In-Credible Chart and look for the Triforce Chart on Private Oasis, near Forest Haven. Disembark on Private Oasis and you'll find that you can't enter the Cabana. Grr! Ahh, but the Teacher on Windfall Island owns the Cabana and she likes Joy Pendants. Warp to Windfall Island and give the Teacher 20 Joy Pendants. She'll give you the Cabana Deed. (Note: if you haven't done the Killer Bees’ hide-and-seek yet, you’ll need to.) Go back to the Private Oasis. Go up to the Cabana door. Take out your Cabana Deed in front of the door. You'll be let in. There is a Grapple Point on the ceiling. Grapple to it and it'll put out the fire in the fireplace. Go into the fireplace.

Work your way to the ladder going down. Go through the little hole next to the ladder. Work your way through. Sometimes you'll pop out in a room with jars with lots of Rupees in them. Work your way to the room with the ladder going up. You'll see 2 switches. Hit them with your Skull Hammer. This will raise the 2 barred doors. Facing the swithces, go down through the door on your left. Take the ladder down. Enter one of the 2 crawl holes and work your way to a ladder up. You'll see another switch. Hit it. Don't go through the door yet, instead, drop down the hole next to the ladder. There are 2 ReDeads here. Kill them. Crawl through the hole and make your way to a ladder up. You have found the Wind and Triforce Symbol. Play the Wind's Requiem on the Wind Symbol. Open the Treasure Chest to reveal a Triforce Chart. Hit the switch and go through the door it opens. Find your way back to the beam of light that will take you back up to the Cabana. Exit and bring the chart to Tingle to be deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Shard #3

Open up your In-Credible Chart and look for the Triforce Chart at Bird's Peak Rock, near Forest Haven. If you don't have Hyoi Pears, find a Beedle Shop Ship and stock up. Once on the island, use a Hyoi Pear to turn into a Seagull. You'll notice that at the top of each of the several rock spires there is a nest with a white switch in each one. There are several Kargorocs protecting the nests. As the Seagull, you need to run into each of the 6 switches while avoiding the Kargorocs. If you like, you can make it easier by killing some Kargorocs with arrows before you turn into the Seagull. Once all the switches turn from white to yellow the gated door will open.

Go into the hole opened by the gate and drop down. Step onto the Wind Symbol and play the Wind's Requiem. You'll be given a Triforce Chart. Warp to Tingle's Island to have it deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Chart #4

This is the Triforce Chart on the Ghost Ship, but, you need the Ghost Ship Chart in order to get near the Ghost Ship. Warp to Outset Island and go to Diamond Steppe Island. In order to get up to the island, use your Hookshot from the boat onto one of the trees. Step onto the tree stump next to the waterfall and Hookshot up again, and then, again, until you get to the top. Drop down the hole.

Climb into the Warp Cauldron. Go into the one right in front of you, by the torch. Kill the Floor Masters. Facing the two Cauldrons by the wall (opposite the one you came through), go through the right one. You are now up above on a ship's deck. Go right and you'll see 2 Cauldrons by the railing. Go into the left one. Kill the Floor Master. Go up to the Treasure Chest to reveal the Ghost Ship Chart. Hop down and step into the light to go back up.

Take a look at your new chart. It tells you the moon phases and the corresponding islands you can find the Ghost Ship near. Since you are already on Diamond Steppe Island (the Diamond shaped island on the Ghost Ship Chart) notice that the moon has to be an oval shape. Look at the moon. If it's not in that shape, play the Song of Passing until you get it to be an oval. When it is, open up your Chart again and notice the flashing Ghost Ship near you. Hop into your boat and look around for the blue glowing lights. As you approach the lights, you'll see the Ghost Ship take shape. Sail directly into it.

You are now inside. Drop down and fight the Poe, Wizzrobe, etc. This will drop the ladder. Go to the Treasure Chest and get the Triforce Chart. You'll be put back on your boat. Warp to Tingle's Island to have it deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Shard #5

Open up your In-Credible Chart and notice the Triforce Chart on the warship, near Needlerock Isle. Sail there. To the NW of Needlerock Isle, there are 3 warships, destroy them. One of them will leave a treasure and you'll get confirmation by hearing the music play. Use your Grapple to retrieve the Treasure Chest and you'll have received a Triforce Chart. On your In-Credible Chart you'll notice that there is an "X" through the warship Triforce Chart. Warp to Tingle Island and get the chart deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Shard #6

Open up your In-Credible Chart and look for the Triforce Chart on Outset Island. Warp there. Go to Gradma's House and get some Elixir Soup.

Now, work your way back up to the broken suspension bridge. Find the guy with the Telescope. He's looking at the stone statue head on the right side of the cliff wall across from you. Change the wind direction so that it is behind you...make it point West, and use your Deku Leaf glider to get all the way over there. Make sure that you have enough magic to make it. Land and approach the stone statue head.

Lift it and drop in. Between the 2 torches is another hole. Drop down. At this point, you have to endure a seemingly neverending series of fighting enemies and dropping down holes. None of the enemies are too difficult, but, this does test your patience. There are a whopping 29 levels you have to fight through here. On the 30th floor, stand on the wind symbol and play the Wind's Requiem. This will make a Treasure Chest appear with Treasure Chart #6 inside. If you want to keep going, you can stand it the ray of light that isn't sparkling, then reflect it onto the large statue, a hole will be revealed and you can keep dropping down. You'll get a bunch of Rupees and a Piece of Heart. Warp to Tingle's Island to have the chart deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Shard #7

Open up your In-Credible Chart and look for the Triforce Chart on Stone Watcher Island, near Tingle's place. Lift the large stone head and toss it. Drop down. Go through the door. Go into each open room and fight the enemies inside. Doing so will light a torch above that door. Once you have gone into all of the open doors, cleared each room and lit all of the torches above the doors, you'll have to go back into the central room and take on the two Darknuts. Once you kill them, then bars on the door will rise. Enter this room. Stand on the wind symbol and play the Wind's Requiem. This will make a Treasure Chest appear with Treasure Chart #7 inside. Warp to Tingle's Island to have it deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce Shard.

Triforce Shard #8

Open up your In-Credible Chart and look for the Triforce Chart in the NE corner of your map, near Dragon Roost. This is where Overlook Island is located. Sail there.

Overlook Island is made up of cliffs. Land on the island and use your Hookshot on the tree on the detached section of the island. Continue using your Hookshot and working your way up. Drop down into the hole.

Go through the door. Go into each open room and fight the enemies inside. Doing so will light a torch above that door. Once you have gone into all of the open doors, cleared each room and lit all of the torches above the doors, you'll have to go back into the central room and take on the three Darknuts. Once you kill them, then bars on the door will rise. Enter this room. Stand on the wind symbol and play the Wind's Requiem. This will make a Treasure Chest appear with Treasure Chart #8 inside. Warp to Tingle's Island to have it deciphered, then follow the flashing symbol on your In-Credible Chart to get the Triforce
2016-12-17 14:11:34 UTC
Triforce Chart 3
2016-10-04 17:49:42 UTC
Triforce Chart 2
2016-04-15 01:11:38 UTC
You need to have the ghost ship chart (not the chart in the ship, one that shows the ship's location). Go to Diamond Steppe Island and keep hookshotting from tree to tree until you find a hole. Fall into the hole and you will see the remains of a pirate ship. Burn the wooden lids off pot and navigate until you find a treasure chest. The chart will be in that chest. Then, go to Bomb Island on the correct night, sail into the ship, and defeat the poes/redead/wizrobes. You will get the sharp and the ship will disappear permanently
2016-02-15 21:08:05 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.