2013-05-02 10:37:28 UTC
I have been playing lots of LoL recently and perfecting my skills day by day. However,i feel a routine going on every day,so i felt like i have to get a new champ to work on. I like jungling and solo top, so i normally buy champs which can do both(hecarim,voli,lee sin,kha zix,etc..)
I wanted to buy a new champion,but i have no idea which one. I like a mix of durability and tankiness,not relying heavily on neither damage nor tankiness to be useful for the team. I found quite some choices, but idk about the future of the champs.
Jarvan IV
Which one feels best? I like rengar very much,but they nerfed him to dust and i have no record of patch notes,whether they buffed him or not. He feels as good as any other assassin.
So if anyone could suggest a champion which i should get,id be grateful. Doesnt necessarily have to be from the list mentioned above.. just to give u an idea of my playstyle. And any patch records of rengar would be great too. Thanks! 10 points for the answer which involves info and explanations,sustaining their point of view,and the patch notes :3 thanks again!