Is powerbot and arbibots down?
Mr Histerical
2011-02-04 10:39:11 UTC
Every time i try to enter powerbot and arbibots both refuses access to me, im very confident that i havent been i.p banned and my brother cant access it either.

Whats happening?

P.S dont give me a lecture about how botting is wrong.
24 answers:
2011-02-05 06:52:29 UTC
powerbot was hacked all info about it you can find here:
2011-02-04 23:43:34 UTC
I actually know the Gh0st that hacked all the account. I've talked to him, and know how he probably did it. I haven't talked to him about this, because I haven't been in contact with him since the forums I talked to him on have been taken down. Here is what I believe happened:

Gh0st is a very good hacker. He has a very good, multiplatform, java based virus called "Stealth Bot". He is all about making $$$, and I don't know if he even plays Runescape. I believe that he got in contact with the owner of Powerbot (or at least some high up admin), and pitched the idea of including his undetectable program in the powerbot client. He and the owner would hack all the accounts they got, transfer the gold, sell it, and split the profits. Why? Because the world is driven by money, and with free trade coming out, it wasn't a problem to transfer it.

Now, you might be asking where Arbiter/ArbiBots comes into this. I think some of the admins/moderators knew this was coming, and either left or were in on it. I've heard multiple moderators saying they resigned when this powerbot incident happens. Arbiter might have tried to stop this, or he might have just left and said he didn't want to be involved. Gh0st and the owner knew that they could pass the blame off on him, and continue hacking more accounts, so they pretended that the Arbibots were infected and that they were getting DDoSed

I personally trust Arbi more than powerbot currently, but I'm not going to use either until things settle.
2011-02-05 18:17:12 UTC
Okay, For anyone that's saying Arbi and Jacmob infected their scripts, you're wrong. Arbi's scripts have NOT been infected, and I know that for sure as I'm currently using them and have been using them and RSBuddy for the last few days. Powerbot itself is infected and if you've been following their Twitter, you will see that they actually admitted it. Not enough proof for you? Here's a link explaining it:

And here's photographic proof:

Also - an Admin of Powerbot posted this on Twitter before Paris went on and deleted it - Covering up.

Paris (Owner of Powerbot) Is just getting angry because he knows RSBuddy is taking over the botting community.. Ever heard if Jacmob? He's pretty much the main coder for Powerbot- or was. He has since moved to RSBuddy with Arbiter - I no longer trust anything Powerbot/RSbot/Paris says, and neither should you.
2011-02-05 11:13:39 UTC
Both sites are in what I can only see as a "Turf war", basically two groups just hate each other, and since Arbiter and Jacmob split off and made their own site, their site has constantly been DDoS'd. Now most users believe that Arbiter and Jacmob are fighting back via DDoS'ing in retaliation. The story about Arbiter and Jacmob hacking all those people is debatable, but I personally, have no idea which is true. All I know I got hacked for 150mill worth and now I'm botting every 99 on the planet on 5 seperate accounts, I'm also not paying for mem. Gf jublex.
2011-02-06 23:39:33 UTC
Powerbot is back up, but the story Paris has on there about Arbi hacking and all that is a lie... Paris is mad because Arbi left and took pretty much every good paid script Powerbot had with him

tl;dr Paris is a liar, Arbiter is good, don't chargeback Arbi.
2011-02-04 15:54:16 UTC
Yes powerbot and arbibots are down due to a ddos attack on both the sites from a 3RD PARTY for you idiots believing the **** paris is saying about arbibots being a scam site your all ******* idiot

Powerbot was hacked by a person called ghost because off the FACT the bot on powerbot sends you log in + pass to a online SERVER. paris is just trying to point the blame on someone else like the greedy little fucker he is.

Also Powerbot is dead When jacmob left all the good scripters left with him to his new bot site rsbuddy currently being developed the bot alone is already better than his previous bot on powerbot.

To sum up

powerbot = no longer many good scripters **** comunity money hungry developer POWERBOT IS DEAD

Arbibots = Shutting down to be moved to there new home rsbuddy were the bot is just win and 1000x better designed.

rsbuddy = new best botting site newfags stay the **** out
2011-02-04 12:25:57 UTC
ArbiBots has been DDoSing Powerbot for the past 6 hours, and PowerBot is making there website DDoS Protected. I believe that PowerBot is taking action against ArbiBots and taking them down.

Google search "DDoS Attack" for more information on what it is.

I don't have time to explain it.
vitaliy s
2011-02-06 13:11:53 UTC
ghost has been paid b arbibot to hack accouunts and take blame now theyre trying to bring powerbot down by ddsos attacking it and powerbot is doing the same this will probably go on for ever till either side gives up or gets taken down. i call it nerd wars
2011-02-06 22:30:33 UTC
ok since no one seems to understand whats really happening all explain it for you so u dont have to listen to any of theese other dumbasses... Power bot was programmed 80% by jacmob. Jacmob asked for the rights of powerbot so he could have the money that he deserves. However they told him no and so Jacmob left and took arbiter with him to create a new website rsbuddy.

They were able to use the 80% of the code he programmed b4 and he and arbiter finished off the remaining 20%. They now have a finished program and will be available to the public as soon as JAGEX stops the ddos attack.

Yes jagex, jagex is the one ddos attacking all threee websites. However, ddos attacking is illegal and jagex is in the middle of a law suit from powerbot, rsbuddy, and arbibots. Yes thats right the botting companys are suing jagex, kinda ironic but its legal because jagex has no right to legally say that botting websites are illegal. Thats why they were able to go through with the lawsuit because ddos'ing is illegal. So this means after the case is setteled (in 2 weeks or so) the websites will reopen. however im not sure what will happen with powerbot seeing as all of their scripters that arent half retarded moved over to rsbuddy. If i were u and i wanted to still bot i would start to use RsBuddy.

Now for everyone that is being hacked, the reason for this is Ghost. When rsbot was first starting up they were in the process of programming things. A person named ghost talked to the developers and told them hey i have this godd antirandom script can i add it to the program? Rsbot didnt think twice about it and told him yes. However ghost added this antirandom with a glitch that he accidentely stumblled upon. Ghost has claimed himself that he is not a hacker and that he accidentely found this glitch. When he added the glitch it made it so everysingle account name and password saved onto rsbot would be sent to a seperate file that he had control of. When jacmob left and rsbot started to die, ghost opened up this folder and realised he had over 14,000 accounts and passwords. Knowing that there was know way he could go through this all, he imeddiately posted 3000 accounts and passwords pubblically so that anyone could take them. He then took the remaing accounts and divided them up amonst his realife friends. They then proceeded to log on to theese accounts and transfer everybit of rare item cash and anything worth more then 3k to a seperate account. at last check ghosts personal account had over 6b networth from other players. It was reported out that two of his freinds were banned with over 5b each of stolen items. SO IF YOUR NIOT HALF RETARDED YOU SHOULD CHANGE EVERY PASSWORD ON EVERY ACCOUNT U EVER USED ON POWERBOT IF NOT ITS UR OWN FAULT SO DONT GO AROUND COMPLAINING AND BLAMING IT ON PEOPLE WHOS FAULT IT ISNT LIKE JACMOBS AND ARBITER WHO HAVE NO FAULT IN ANY OF THIS. Theres still time at last check ghost was only through 12% of the accounts so theres still time to change your stuff. Thats right you heard the thruth first from me, not any of theese other 4year olds who dont know wth there talking about.
2011-02-04 12:25:57 UTC
Arbibots ddosed powerbot so the site is down. Arbi tried to mass hack a load of accounts so now powerbot is going to sue them for ddosing which is illegal
2011-02-04 10:42:41 UTC
I'm personally a big fan of powerbot, its really helpful.. (but has its occasional flaws). And i know that powerbot is up right now, arbibots though.. im not sure
2011-02-05 06:02:09 UTC
Arbiter has infected all of his scripts with a key logger, after he resigned from powerbot. Powerbot is now going under a heavy DDOS. I am not sure when they are going to be back up, they have said nothing on their twitter. Please check their twitter for more updates on this issue.

EDIT: The site is now up. The forums are still down, but you still may download the bot from the site. Please keep updated on their twitter for more information on this issue.
2011-02-04 20:23:23 UTC
I believe that arbiter went rouge and ddosed the site. Atleast thats what the powerbot twitter account seemed to say. I wouldnt recomend using arbibots anymore, keyloggers and stuff. Good luck botting eventhough i am againast it :P
2011-02-06 13:35:49 UTC
Powerbot is still up.

ArbiBots is NOT up and has basically been replaced by RSBuddy. If you even go to it redirects you to
2011-02-05 13:18:35 UTC
Well the guy who made the arbibots hacked a ton of users who used arbibots. he was trading over millions since its free trade he had no limit to what he could get. So RSbot shut down, and is getting new programs and updating itself. and fixing what he did wrong. right now apparently they are on the last stage in their update. so they should be up to within a few hours to a few days at worse. Hope this helps
Maple T
2011-02-05 11:57:14 UTC
Arbi DDOSed powerbot, so powerbot is down. Idk why arbi is down. Dont use their bots though, they have viruses. Stay with powerbot, NOT ARBIBOTS. They may be alright but powerbot and arbibots have a bad relationship now.
2017-01-09 18:41:45 UTC
Jagex won't be able to sue them. If Jagex tries to sue them, Paris and Gold4RS can sue them back for hundreds of hundreds of greenbacks for violating the ToS of their web page. So no, they do no longer seem to be being sued, a minimum of with the help of Jagex. My wager is that the DDoSers have been given bored. My shopper nevertheless works advantageous, alongside with the neXus one. Paid bots ftw.
2011-02-04 20:08:12 UTC

Nmp Clan




ADV. on a diff site and stop spreading lies....

Everyone supporting arbi bots is just trying to get you guys to pay for bots. This is the real article dont belive peoples lies about jacmob who is the real villian here. Keep runescapes bots free. Im tired of hearing people spread their lies about arbi bots they are the ones who messed up not powerbot. Go pay for your bots and get hacked then.

And the so called proff you posted dosnt exist retards...POWER TO THE PLAYERS

The Free Trade Hacking Massacre

In late December 2010 Jacmob and Arbiter decided to acquire by force. Not content with the modest profits from selling scripts, their intention was to close the RSBot source code and make it pay-only with prohibitively expensive prices similar to the Nexus business model. I disagreed with their plans and shortly afterwards they left.

Before leaving, Jacmob deviously switched the download link on the site to a version of RSBot that was infected with a password stealer. Having conspired with Arbiter to ruin the reputation of the site they intended to mass-hack accounts when RuneScape reintroduced free-trade.

Since many of our users still compile their own RSBot with SVN, Arbiter infected all his paid scripts with the same password stealer effectively conning his own customers. Arbiter has been using the aliases Gh0$t, NoEffex, Blackbone and others with a group of friends to coordinate this criminal operation.

To make matters worse, Arbiter created a closed-source fork of RSBot which was infected with a botnet. Anyone who innocently ran his bot would have been part of a large network of compromised computers which he used to launch a DDoS attack on

We deeply regret not being able to detect the breach of our systems sooner. We will make every endeavour to tighten our security to prevent similar incidents. We have also upgraded our infrastructure with state of the art equipment and hardware firewalls to prevent DDoS attacks from causing too much downtime.

Arbiter has vowed to hack us again and will make every attempt to do so. Please be weary of his lies and threats. To date he has made thousands of dollars from his hacking activity.

Please make sure you continue to dispute all payments ever made to Arbiter or ArbiBots on PayPal.

Arbiters personal details have been obtained and are being passed onto lawyers representing Jagex. When they have confirmed to us that they have begun their legal proceedings, we will make a full disclosure on this information which includes tax registration documents, home address, telephone number, IP addresses, screenshots, pictures and more.

We thank you for staying with the largest RuneScape cheating community in existence and helping us to achieve unprecedented growth every month.
2011-02-04 11:36:58 UTC
Same thing to me I believe they got bought out but if you were lucky enough to download the new version a few days ago you are ok... if not then sorry....
2011-02-06 13:06:58 UTC
Okay. Listen. Go to this link to read everything. One person is to blame.
2011-02-05 11:52:51 UTC

Straight from the horse's mouth.
2011-02-05 18:47:25 UTC
yes will not load for me ether. im not sure what the problem is but im just gonna wait it out. if you figure it out please email me. thx
2011-02-06 18:45:22 UTC
2011-02-04 17:10:20 UTC
Agree @ nmp clan.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.