ill give u a couple :D
gun rlly doesnt matter cept with runner classes
any sub machine gun (dot or slincer)
pp2000/mp (for long shots submachine guns r amazing at close rng)
sit rep (helps u find people)
ak47/scar(extended mags / dot)fmj not needed as they both penetrate
aa12/tmp (for faster indoors clean outs)
coldblooded/light weight (stopping power isnt needed for both those guns)
sit rep or ninja
heres one ull underestimate (glitched)
f2000(grenade launcher is a must it steadys the guns aim)
stopping power
sit rep or ninja
m4a1 (silenced acctually makes the gun stronger)
stopping power
ninja/ sit rep (sorry only 2 perk 3s i like others r cheap or pointless)
ump45 (dot or holographic steadys gun aim)
slight of hand pro/scavenger
cold blooded
also if you dont get 7+streaks on a normal u can replace scavenger for slight of hand
also im assuming all perks r pro
and even though u said ur tired of it :D
m21 ebr (fmj)(if u take half a second and aim for chest neck or head its 1 shot)
duel pp2000
slight of hand
stopping power
steady aim .........u aim faster with slight and u can steady scope longer with steady
gl hope to see you on the battle field