2011-12-24 07:25:38 UTC
I have updated my graphic card from nvidia 9400 gt to Asus GTX560Ti DCII.. and now i want to play Battlefield 3 at nearly ultra settings..
I have also searched Systemrequirementslab.com and it said that my pc could run the game.. but i am not sure that it will or not at ultra or high please suggest.. My Specs are below:
Motherboard: Foxconn H55MXV
Processor: 2.93 gigahertz Intel Core i3 530 (first generation)
RAM: 6 GB 1333 MHz
HDD: 1.5 TB
Graphic card: Asus ENGTX 560Ti DCII
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 BIT.
Plz also tell me what FPS i will get..
thanx everyone for ur kindness!!!