This is the best of the best ad-on
It's not a memory hog like quest helper
Click on "Downloads" in the website navigation bar. Click on a file link to start the zip file download. You would "open" the downloaded file or you can double click zip files to open them on Windows.
You unzip the downloaded zip file to the Game's Interface\Addons folder and you are done.
Look at the shortcut (right click the Warcraft icon and select properties) you use to start Warcraft to get the path to where the game is installed.
Typical locations for the AddOns folder:
Windows XP: "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Windows Vista: "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Mac: "Machintosh HD/Applications/World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns"
Warcraft only finds addons when it starts. Close Warcraft before you install an addon.
Vista installation:
When you click a file link a dialog box should ask to "Open" or "Save". If you click "Open", then it will download the file and then show the contents. Near the top of the window that shows the file contents is a "Extract all files" button. Left click that and then click "Browse..." in the new window that opens. If you don't know the addon folder location, then look at the shortcut (right click and select properties) you use to launch Warcraft to get the path to where it is installed. Use the "Select a destination" window that opened to left click on "Computer" then (C:) or whatever drive it is installed on. Continue to click until you are at the game's "Interface\AddOns" folder.
The Vista default path is
"C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Now left click "OK" at the bottom of the window and you should see "(the game path)\Interface\AddOns" in the "Files will be extracted to this folder:" line. Now click the "Extract" button at the bottom of the window. If it asks to overwrite files, which it will the next time you install another version of Carbonite and you did not delete the existing folder, then click "Yes".
You would then have 3 folders:
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Carbonite
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\CarboniteNodes
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\CarboniteTransfer
Macintosh installation:
1 Go to the Carbonite website.
2 Click on "Downloads" in the website navigation bar.
3 Click on the newest file link in the download list.
4 When the download is finished you would "open" the downloaded file by right clicking the name and selecting "Open".
5 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Select All".
6 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Copy 5 Items".
7 On the left side of the Finder. Left click "Applications".
8 On the right side of the Finder. Double left click "World of Warcraft", then "Interface" and "Addons".
9 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Paste Items".Click on "Downloads" in the website navigation bar. Click on a file link to start the zip file download. You would "open" the downloaded file or you can double click zip files to open them on Windows.
You unzip the downloaded zip file to the Game's Interface\Addons folder and you are done.
Look at the shortcut (right click the Warcraft icon and select properties) you use to start Warcraft to get the path to where the game is installed.
Typical locations for the AddOns folder:
Windows XP: "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Windows Vista: "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Mac: "Machintosh HD/Applications/World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns"
Warcraft only finds addons when it starts. Close Warcraft before you install an addon.
Vista installation:
When you click a file link a dialog box should ask to "Open" or "Save". If you click "Open", then it will download the file and then show the contents. Near the top of the window that shows the file contents is a "Extract all files" button. Left click that and then click "Browse..." in the new window that opens. If you don't know the addon folder location, then look at the shortcut (right click and select properties) you use to launch Warcraft to get the path to where it is installed. Use the "Select a destination" window that opened to left click on "Computer" then (C:) or whatever drive it is installed on. Continue to click until you are at the game's "Interface\AddOns" folder.
The Vista default path is
"C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
Now left click "OK" at the bottom of the window and you should see "(the game path)\Interface\AddOns" in the "Files will be extracted to this folder:" line. Now click the "Extract" button at the bottom of the window. If it asks to overwrite files, which it will the next time you install another version of Carbonite and you did not delete the existing folder, then click "Yes".
You would then have 3 folders:
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Carbonite
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\CarboniteNodes
World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\CarboniteTransfer
Macintosh installation:
1 Go to the Carbonite website.
2 Click on "Downloads" in the website navigation bar.
3 Click on the newest file link in the download list.
4 When the download is finished you would "open" the downloaded file by right clicking the name and selecting "Open".
5 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Select All".
6 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Copy 5 Items".
7 On the left side of the Finder. Left click "Applications".
8 On the right side of the Finder. Double left click "World of Warcraft", then "Interface" and "Addons".
9 Select "Edit" from the Finder menu bar and then "Paste Items".