2009-05-18 07:46:23 UTC
I have the sims 2, with nightlife, university, bon voyage, seasons, pets and free time and have been having trouble lately.
An error message appears saying something along the lines of. "Sims 2 has crashed and needs to terminate."
My disks are in near perfect condition, and all installing went fine. I've has these games installed for around 3 months and only just got problems.
The games crash at around half an hour of use age.
I have occasionally used cheats, like motherlode, move_objects on and the boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true cheat.
I also have quite a lot of custom content, downloaded from various sites.
I have all the latests patches.
I'm trying to avoid having to reinstall as lately I'm low on free time and don't wish to loose my custom content if at all. But, if all you can think of is to reinstall, are there any recommendations to avoid this problem I'm having later?
Also, I have plenty of memory, and I do mean plenty. And as far as I know my computer is up to the sim playing standards.
I hope someone can help.