2011-08-09 22:39:11 UTC
Also, there are no Sun Crushers!
With all of this taken into consideration who would win in a fight Galactic Empire or Covenant. My friend also argues that the Arbiter is stronger than Darth Vader, and that Covenant glassing beams would wreck the Death Star, which I doubt since Death Star 2 withstood the Executor crashing into it. Also, the Covenant have their Supercarriers and all that stuff. Supercarriers are actually longer than Super Star Destroyers.
So who would win Empire or Covenant. Please back up your answers with facts to support your decision don't just say Empire or Covenant, support your decision.
And no Raptor Jesus is not in this fight so keep him out of it.
Also, keep in mind the deciding factor is space combat, not land combat, plus Star Wars: Empire at War shows that Stormtroopers are more than capable of hitting someone, they just had to look bad for the movies even though in "reality" they are as competent as the clones from the prequel if not more so.
Don't say that stormtroopers never hit anything because I'm not talking about the way things looked in the movies, but instead about how the stormtroopers acted in Empire at War and in other video games, since HALO is also a video game. Stormtroopers were a competent fighting force that struck terror into civilians across the galaxy and keep in my mind that there were BILLIONS of them. Also, the Covenant in HALO had around a total fleet of, at the most, 50,000 ships in total, whereas the Empire had 25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers alone which are the size of Covenant carriers. Then you also have the fact that this is not a single battle, but a war between two factions that would probably last decades. So who would win? Keep in mind the deciding factor is space combat not land combat.