Ok before MoP i used to download wow and play while the game data was downloading becasue i did not have enough space to play otherwise. when it said you do not have enough data space to download i used to uninstall it and repeat. but now when i try and download world of wrcraft it is saying you need 22GB of space to start the download, it never did this in Cata just went right to the doanloading page and i could play after 700mb had downloaded or something. I have 19GB free space on my laptop, is there anyway i can play or get the downloading started without having to have 22GB free space ( i have deleted everything off this laptop and 19BG is all the free room there is even tho its ment to be a 60GB harddrive any idea how i cna clear some space with out going onto add/remove programs becasue i have aleady cleaned everything off this page) thanks hope someone can help.