QuinnL, actually, you're wrong, the game does exist.
Allow me to explain:
The game known solely as "The Theater" was a game that was going to be released for the Sony Playstation, and Windows 95. Most of the photos you've seen of the game are of it's only demo\prototype in existence, showing the "Ticket Taker" . Nobody knows what genre the game was going for, but in my opinion, observing and analyzing the atmosphere of the game's only map, not to mention it's only enemy, the so-called "Swirly Head Man" (I'll get to him after this), it looks like the developers of the game wanted it to be a horror-survival game. The "Ticket Taker" is the only entity you can sort of talk to in the game, when you approach him, he will say, "Thank you, please enjoy the movie." in a very flat, monotone way. Now, about that "Swirly Head Man" I mentioned earlier, he's a warped version of the "Ticket Taker", the differences (and believe me, there aren't a lot) between the "Ticket Taker" and the "Swirly Head Man" are small, but the most noticeable is the face of the "Swirly Head Man" compared to the "Ticket Taker", it's... well swirly of course, where as the "Ticket Taker" is basically faceless. Another difference most people seem to overlook is the physical SHAPE of the "Swirly Head Man" 's head, compared to the "Ticket Taker" 's more light bulb shaped head, the "Swirly Head Man" 's head is like a misshapen Egg or Oval.
"So it exists, what's the Gameplay like?", I'll explain that too:
The main menu has three options, "New Game", "Load Game", and "Options". Attempting to select "Options" or "Load Game" will make the game crash. Reasons as to why this occur are unknown, but because it's a prototype, I think it's safe to say that they actually put in physical menus for "Load Game" or "Options". Anyways, selecting "New Game" will... well, you know. You start in a dimly lit Theater lobby, and standing at the far end of it, is the "Ticket Taker" of course, and to the right of him is a pitch black hallway, and like I mentioned much earlier, upon approaching the "Ticket Taker", he will say, "Thank you, please enjoy the movie." in a flat, monotone, voice, almost robotic in nature. You walk down the dark hallway and will be teleported back to the Lobby of the level, this will occur as long as you can see the "Ticket Taker". BUT, in the event that you get teleported back to the start, and the "Ticket Taker" ISN'T there, you can continue down the hallway, until you come across, yup, you guessed it, the "Swirly Head Man". He will be "looking" right at YOU. Following his appearance, a quick-repeated low pitch sound will play, kinda like a glitchy sound or something. Anyways, after that, you will be teleported back to the Lobby, and the "Ticket Taker" will mysteriously be back where he used to be. While starting to walk around again, you will see the "Swirly Head" appear in the bottom right corner of the screen along with a flat, monotone screech. You repeat the "Walk down the hallway" thing over and over again, until eventually, the "Ticket Taker" will be gone (AGAIN), and the "Swirly Head Man" will be standing right in the middle of the dark hallway walking towards you. Looking around, you'll notice that, by this point, the movie posters are gone, and in their place are posters of the "Swirly Head Man". If you approach the "Swirly Head Man", you will be stopped dead in your tracks, and he will say some crazy gibberish in the same flat, monotone voice of the "Ticket Taker". After this, you will notice that the dark hallway after the lobby is gone, and in it's place is a brick wall from ceiling to floor. There is a barely audible noise coming from the direction of the brick wall, it sounds kinda like the "sound" that the ghost girl from the popular indie game "Imscared" makes. Anyhoo, you'll notice that walking closer to the brick wall makes the noise louder and louder. When you come into contact (touch) the wall, the game will crash. Again, because the game is an incomplete prototype, it's safe to say that something WAS supposed to happen, but was never implemented.