Is there really a game called "The Theater"?
Dan Man
2011-05-10 11:45:45 UTC
Some say this game doesn't exist. Some say it does. Apparently, it has trouble installing, and it gives lots of glitches. There is no copies of the game left, apparently. The cover has no publishers name on it. Nothing. Just a Caucasian man on the cover, with no emotions at all. They say if you break the cover, you see anger in his face next time you look at it.

Anyway. When u go into the game, it gives you 3 options. New Game, Load Game, Setting. If you click on setting the game glitches and exists. If you click Load Game nothing happends, even if you have a saved game. So the only working option is New Game. Clicking on this takes you to a 1st Person View. You are alone in a Theater Lobby. You go to the theater, and the ticket man says in very bad sound quality "Enjoy the movie" or something. You walk down the dark hallway and as you approach the movie, your screen fades out and you are back in the theater lobby. This cycle repeats over and over and over. At one point, something irregular will happen. The ticket man will be gone yet he speaks. You hear your own footsteps but you don't walk. When you approach the theater screen, it doesn't fade out. It goes to pitch black. You walk down the hallway again or something, and you are approached by the "Swirly Head Man". He does nothing. He dissapears and the ticket man says something in such bad quality you can't make out what he says, most people agree he says "You won't see the other levels." The pictures in the hallway is now "The Swirly Head Man". When you go to the theater now, it fades out, and the entrance to the hallway, is covered by bricks. If you touch them, the game glitches out. Will you ever see the other levels? Some people who played it say that they occasionally see the Swirly Head Man in the corner of their eye. Apparently he is so disturbing and no one knows why.

You must have heard this story before, is it a myth? Can someone give me some clarity whether its real or a myth?
Eight answers:
2011-05-10 12:15:37 UTC
I suppose that it is impossible to say no with 100 percent certainty, but in my opinion no, it is not real. To see why, we need look no farther than how the video game industry and communities work. First, the industry. The goal of the video game industry, just like any other industry, is to make money. This being the case, even in the earlier days of games (which is when this game was supposedly released), developers and publishers plastered their names all over the boxes for their products. If a company made a game that was this interesting, someone would want to take credit for it.

Secondly, the community. There are no games that do not exist and have no proof of ever existing. The internet has been around as long as most games, meaning that everything is documented somewhere. Also, fans of games are pretty crazy. Their like comic book collectors: no matter how rare a comic may be, there is always someone that has it. The same is true with games. If it existed, someone owns it. And if someone owns it, you can be sure that they would be flaunting it all over being how rare it is.

Combining these two factors, I can be fairly confident in saying that this game is simply the work of someone trying to creep some people out (and they did an admittedly good job of it, the descriptions are pretty creepy). I'm guessing this game is similar to the Slender Man, has also evolved to the point where some people claim him to be real.
2014-01-27 09:43:07 UTC
I'm a little late but yes, the game is real, and MOST of the things said in the creeptpasta actual do happen in the game. The game was made by Salida Software and was very glitch (probably because of low budgets). But the main object of the game was to select a "movie" from the posters on the wall and walk past the ticket-taker to play a mini game.If you don't select a game and walk past the ticket-taker the game sends you back to the lobby. If you keep doing this then many in game variables change. You can spawn in different areas,(suggesting the game could have been bigger than just minigames) the audio clips can be distorted or messed with, and yes the Swirly headed man is indeed in the game, but he doesn't stalk you or whatever the creepypast says. He is just a messed up sprite for the ticket-taker.

The other areas you could spawn I forgot, I think that you could be placed in the street outside the theater, a room with a concession stand and maybe a few more. Finding a legit copy of the game so you can actually reach these areas is next to impossible now because of all the fan made versions that are only programmed to do whats in the story.

But yes, The game is real, it is just a glitchy game that should have died but somebody played it and found the swirly headed man glitch.

Then the internet took over and the facts of the game are clouded in mystery.
2016-10-28 10:15:11 UTC
The Theater Game
2015-08-06 14:08:58 UTC
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Is there really a game called "The Theater"?

Some say this game doesn't exist. Some say it does. Apparently, it has trouble installing, and it gives lots of glitches. There is no copies of the game left, apparently. The cover has no publishers name on it. Nothing. Just a Caucasian man on the cover, with no emotions at all. They say if you...
2014-02-24 11:10:34 UTC
Yes, and no. The reason of it is because there is games out there, (2 to be exact). The first one is made in Unity, and is probably not that great. The reason is because it wasn't that scary. Anyways, this isn't the real game, because a person made it in Unity, and Unity wasn't made until 2005. The second was made in an unknown engine, (I believe it was made in Game Maker) and is probably scarier than the first one. It looks legit, like the bad graphics, and the level design. The creepy atmosphere makes it more scarier. But alas, it's fake, because when you see him in the corner of your eye, that is in your mind, an illusion. It happens to me all the time due to creepypastas or urban legends, it goes away eventually. It's kinda creepy sometimes, but it's in your imagination. So proof is proof. I'm not saying it's fake, this is my belief. If you think different, I'm totally fine with that.
2013-11-04 07:20:09 UTC
QuinnL, actually, you're wrong, the game does exist.

Allow me to explain:

The game known solely as "The Theater" was a game that was going to be released for the Sony Playstation, and Windows 95. Most of the photos you've seen of the game are of it's only demo\prototype in existence, showing the "Ticket Taker" . Nobody knows what genre the game was going for, but in my opinion, observing and analyzing the atmosphere of the game's only map, not to mention it's only enemy, the so-called "Swirly Head Man" (I'll get to him after this), it looks like the developers of the game wanted it to be a horror-survival game. The "Ticket Taker" is the only entity you can sort of talk to in the game, when you approach him, he will say, "Thank you, please enjoy the movie." in a very flat, monotone way. Now, about that "Swirly Head Man" I mentioned earlier, he's a warped version of the "Ticket Taker", the differences (and believe me, there aren't a lot) between the "Ticket Taker" and the "Swirly Head Man" are small, but the most noticeable is the face of the "Swirly Head Man" compared to the "Ticket Taker", it's... well swirly of course, where as the "Ticket Taker" is basically faceless. Another difference most people seem to overlook is the physical SHAPE of the "Swirly Head Man" 's head, compared to the "Ticket Taker" 's more light bulb shaped head, the "Swirly Head Man" 's head is like a misshapen Egg or Oval.

"So it exists, what's the Gameplay like?", I'll explain that too:

The main menu has three options, "New Game", "Load Game", and "Options". Attempting to select "Options" or "Load Game" will make the game crash. Reasons as to why this occur are unknown, but because it's a prototype, I think it's safe to say that they actually put in physical menus for "Load Game" or "Options". Anyways, selecting "New Game" will... well, you know. You start in a dimly lit Theater lobby, and standing at the far end of it, is the "Ticket Taker" of course, and to the right of him is a pitch black hallway, and like I mentioned much earlier, upon approaching the "Ticket Taker", he will say, "Thank you, please enjoy the movie." in a flat, monotone, voice, almost robotic in nature. You walk down the dark hallway and will be teleported back to the Lobby of the level, this will occur as long as you can see the "Ticket Taker". BUT, in the event that you get teleported back to the start, and the "Ticket Taker" ISN'T there, you can continue down the hallway, until you come across, yup, you guessed it, the "Swirly Head Man". He will be "looking" right at YOU. Following his appearance, a quick-repeated low pitch sound will play, kinda like a glitchy sound or something. Anyways, after that, you will be teleported back to the Lobby, and the "Ticket Taker" will mysteriously be back where he used to be. While starting to walk around again, you will see the "Swirly Head" appear in the bottom right corner of the screen along with a flat, monotone screech. You repeat the "Walk down the hallway" thing over and over again, until eventually, the "Ticket Taker" will be gone (AGAIN), and the "Swirly Head Man" will be standing right in the middle of the dark hallway walking towards you. Looking around, you'll notice that, by this point, the movie posters are gone, and in their place are posters of the "Swirly Head Man". If you approach the "Swirly Head Man", you will be stopped dead in your tracks, and he will say some crazy gibberish in the same flat, monotone voice of the "Ticket Taker". After this, you will notice that the dark hallway after the lobby is gone, and in it's place is a brick wall from ceiling to floor. There is a barely audible noise coming from the direction of the brick wall, it sounds kinda like the "sound" that the ghost girl from the popular indie game "Imscared" makes. Anyhoo, you'll notice that walking closer to the brick wall makes the noise louder and louder. When you come into contact (touch) the wall, the game will crash. Again, because the game is an incomplete prototype, it's safe to say that something WAS supposed to happen, but was never implemented.
Jake Lloyd
2011-05-10 12:03:46 UTC
So how do you get this game also try YouTube to see
2014-01-04 07:18:55 UTC
its cool

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