To download Zero Dark Thirty/The Hunt Map pack follow these steps
If you have a Limited Edition (Your box says Limited Edition on the front and you didn't buy an Online Pass through the Xbox Live Marketplace or a rental of the game)
Load Medal of Honor Warfighter
When you load into Multiplayer you should see the EA News on the right
Cycle the News until you see the article named "Zero Dark Thirty Map Pack Now Available!" or "The Hunt Map Pack Now Available!" (depending on your Xbox Live account region
Highlight it and select "MORE"
It will load the Xbox Marketplace blade giving you access to your download at not extra charge to you
If you have a used copy or did purchase an Online Pass from the Xbox Live Marketplace
In the Xbox Live Dashboard select GAMES
Select SEARCH and enter MED and you should see Medal of Honor Warfighter, select this option
Scroll through the addons until you see Zero Dark Thirty or The Hunt (depending on your Xbox Live account region
Select this option
Select PURCHASE - This download will cost you 800 MS Points
DO NOT use this option if you have a Limited Edition copy of Medal of Honor Warfighter and instead use the in game EA News method explained at the top of this post.