i know every cheat there is to know.
Call Of Duty
# Hidden comment
In Burnville (the second map), when you have to go into the church to knock out the two machine gunners and the antiaircraft fire, do not go to the church. Instead, stay behind the big tomb with a cross on it and throw grenades over the wall to where the two machine gunners and antiaircraft guns would be (the corner of where the walls meet above it). Keep throwing them until someone says "Way to chuck, Private".
# Cheat Codes
Start the game with the "+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv\_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0" command line parameter. While playing a game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect. Note: If the game responds "sv\_cheats are read only", then type "setrandom sv\_cheats 1" in the console before activating the codes. If the game responds that "cheats are not enabled on this server" then type "spdevmap [map name]" (for example, "burnville" or "dawnville") in the console before activating the codes.
Result Cheat Code
Full healthgive health
Get all itemsgive all
Extra ammunitiongive ammo
Ignored by enemynotarget
No clipping modenoclip
Fly modeufo
Toggle debug modedebug [0-1]
Toggle developer modedeveloper [0-1]
Teleport to a specific map nodejumptonode
Play indicated mapmap [map name]
Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
List all cvarscvarlist
Dump all cvars to consolecvardump
Reset all cvarscvar\_restart
List all console commandscmdlist
List all shaders of current mapshaderlist
List all images of current mapimagelist
List all sounds currently usedsnd\_list
List all entities currently usedentitylist
List all currently bound keysbindlist
View graphics informationgfxinfo
Commit suicidekill
Save gamesavegame
Load saved gameloadgame
Reset variable to default valuereset [variable name]
Play a cinematic filecinematic
Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0cg\_crosshairAlpha [number]
Set gravity value; default is 800g\_gravity [number]
Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0cg\_hudAlpha [number]
Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screenai\_corpsecount [number]
Set shellshock durationcg\_shellshock [number]
Set skill levelg\_gameSkill [number]
Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000g\_knockback [number]
Set game speed; 0.5 is half speed, 1 is defaulttimescale [number]
Show miss distance when hitting NPCscg\_showMiss [0-1]
Spawn indicated modeltestmodel [model name]
Free movement while pausedcl\_paused 2
Return to normal paused screencl\_paused 0
Toggle AIg\_ai [0 or 1]
Toggle bullet debug modeg\_debugBullets [0 or 1]
Toggle bullet markscg\_marks [0 or 1]
Toggle console debugging.con\_debug [0 or 1]
Toggle crosshaircg\_drawCrosshair [0 or 1]
Toggle ejecting shellscg\_brass [0 or 1]
Toggle entity bounding boxesg\_drawEntBBoxes v
Toggle fogr\_fog [0 or 1]
Toggle framerate displaecg\_drawFPS [0 or 1]
Toggle FXfx\_draw [0 or 1]
Toggle FX debugging.fx\_debug [0 or 1]
Toggle FX freezingfx\_freeze [0 or 1]
Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabledfx\_enable [0 or 1]
Toggle game timercg\_drawTimer [0 or 1]
Toggle hit debug modeg\_debugShowHit [0 or 1]
Toggle HUDcg\_drawStatus [0 or 1]
Toggle HUD and crosshaircg\_draw2D [0 or 1]
Toggle letterbox formatcg\_letterbox [0 or 1]
Toggle NPC health display g\_debugDamage [0 or 1]
Toggle objects and backgroundsr\_drawWorld [0 or 1]
Toggle objects and NPCsr\_drawEntities [0 or 1]
Toggle player and AI movement debug modeg\_debugMove [0 or 1]
Toggle player and AI movement debuggingcl\_debugMove [0 or 1]
Toggle rendringcg\_noRender [0 or 1]
Toggle shadows.cg\_shadows [0 or 1]
Toggle spawningg\_spawnai [0 or 1]
Toggle subtitlescg\_subtitles [0 or 1]
Toggle third person viewcg\_thirdPerson [0 or 1]
Toggle vehicle debug modeg\_vehicleDebug [0 or 1]
Toggle wireframe moder\_showtris [0 or 1]
Unknowndebug\_tankall [0 or 1]
Unknownchain [0 or 1]
Unknownai\_nocriticalsections [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_skybox [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_stats [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_noPredict [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_ignore [0 or 1]
Unknowncl\_run [0 or 1]
Unknowncl\_running [0 or 1]
Unknowndmflags [0 or 1]
# Map names
Use one of the following values with the "map [map name]" code:
Call Of Duty 2
# Completing Veteran mode
In Veteran mode, your life expectancy is cut to three or four shots until you die. However, Veteran mode does not improve the enemy's aim or strategy. Use small blocks or small bulges of hills as cover and crawl, because you do not get points for kills, so do not take the Nazis head on. Let your allies lay some fire, if there are any. If not, throw a smoke grenade and shift between crouch and crawl positions, laying cover fire and stall some time for the smoke grenade to spread before the Nazis rush in. Use this smoke cover to fall back to the nearest safe position where you can regroup or hide and pick the Nazis off from afar.
# Determining if enemies are still alive
Even after you shoot the enemy, he may still be alive. Make sure to aim your crosshairs at him and see if it turns red. If it does, it indicates that the enemy is still alive, and you must shoot him again. Do not give the enemy the chance to shoot you from behind while he regains consciousness.
# Determining grenade danger
The grenade indicator is useful, however, you do not have to run away from it every time. If the indicator points that a grenade has landed near you, but you are taking cover behind a wall, you do not need to run away. Instead, the grenade will explode and not damage you at all.
# Kill requirements
Head shots are instant kills. Body shots require two or more shots for a kill.
# Recommended weapons
When you find a Kak 98, pick it up. It is one of the most powerful guns in the game. There is a scoped-Kak 98 in the last level (Dragon's Teeth) in the second bunker in the building.
# Cheat Codes
At the main menu, select "Game Options", then choose the option to enable the console. Press ~ to display the console window, then enter "developer 1" as a command to enable cheat mode. The "Load" button will now appear. Click it and select the desired level. After the level loads, press ~ to display the console window again, then enter "devmap" as a command. While playing a game, press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God modegod
All weapons, full ammo, health and armorgive all
Refill ammunition and grenadesgive ammo
Flight modeufo
No clipping modenoclip
Ignored by enemiesnotarget
Teleport to a nodejumptonode
Level selectmap [level name]
Mission set select/seta [mission set name]
Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
Commit suicidekill
# Cheat Codes (demo version)
At the main menu, select "Game Options", then choose the option to enable the console. Press ~ to display the console window, then enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a command. Then, enter spdevmap eldaba as a command to begin the demo with cheats enabled. While playing a game, press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God modegod
Refill ammunition and grenadesgive ammo
Cycle through weaponsgive all
No clipping modenoclip
Ignored by enemiesnotarget
Set jump height; 39 is defaultjump\_height [number]
Slow motion; 1 is defaulttimescale [.01-1.00]
# Level names
Use one of the following values with the "map [level name]" code to advance to the indicated level:
88 Ridge: 88ridge
Armored Car Escape: toujane\_ride
Assault On Matmata: matmata
Bergstein: bergstein
Comrade Sniper: downtown\_sniper
Crusader Charge: libya
Defending The Pointe: duhoc\_defend
Demolition: demolition
Downtown Assault: downtown\_assault
El Alamein: elalamein
Holding The Line: decoytown
Prisoners Of War: beltot
Railroad Station No. 1: trainyard
Rangers Lead The Way: hill400\_assault
Red Army Training: moscow
Repairing The Wire: tankhunt
Retaking Toujane: toujane
Stalingrad City Hall: cityhall
The Battle For Hill 400: hill400\_defend
The Battle Of Pointe Du Hoc: duhoc
The Brigade Box: breakout
The Crossing Point: rhine
The Crossroads: crossroads
The Diversionary Raid: decoytrenches
The End Of The Beginning: eldaba
The Silo: silotown
The Tiger: newvillers
# Mission set names
Use one of the following values with the "/seta [mission set name]" code to unlock the corresponding set of missions:
Crossing The Rhine: mis\_10 9
D-Day: mis\_07 9
Fortress Stalingrad: mis\_04 9
Hill 400: mis\_09 9
Not One Step Backwards!: mis\_03 9
Rommel's Last Stand: mis\_06 9
The Battle For Caen: mis\_08 9
The Battle Of El Alamein: mis\_02 9
The Tank Squadrons: mis\_05 9
The Winter War: mis\_01 9
Call Of Duty: United Offensive
# Cheat Codes
Start the game with the "+set developer 1 +set sv\_cheats 1" command line paramenter. Then while playing a game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect.
Result Cheat Code
Full healthgive health
Get all itemsgive all
Extra ammunitiongive ammo
Ignored by enemynotarget
No clipping modenoclip
Fly modeufo
Toggle debug modedebug [0-1]
Toggle developer modedeveloper [0-1]
Teleport to a specific map nodejumptonode
Play indicated mapmap [map name]
Spawn indicated itemgive [item name]
List all cvarscvarlist
Dump all cvars to consolecvardump
Reset all cvarscvar\_restart
List all console commandscmdlist
List all shaders of current mapshaderlist
List all images of current mapimagelist
List all sounds currently usedsnd\_list
List all entities currently usedentitylist
List all currently bound keysbindlist
View graphics informationgfxinfo
Commit suicidekill
Save gamesavegame
Load saved gameloadgame
Reset variable to default valuereset [variable name]
Play a cinematic filecinematic
Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0cg\_crosshairAlpha [number]
Set gravity value; default is 800g\_gravity [number]
Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0cg\_hudAlpha [number]
Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screenai\_corpsecount [number]
Set shellshock durationcg\_shellshock [number]
Set skill levelg\_gameSkill [number]
Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000g\_knockback [number]
Set game speed; 0.5 is half speed, 1 is defaulttimescale [number]
Show miss distance when hitting NPCscg\_showMiss [0-1]
Spawn indicated modeltestmodel [model name]
Free movement while pausedcl\_paused 2
Return to normal paused screencl\_paused 0
Toggle AIg\_ai [0 or 1]
Toggle bullet debug modeg\_debugBullets [0 or 1]
Toggle bullet markscg\_marks [0 or 1]
Toggle console debugging.con\_debug [0 or 1]
Toggle crosshaircg\_drawCrosshair [0 or 1]
Toggle ejecting shellscg\_brass [0 or 1]
Toggle entity bounding boxesg\_drawEntBBoxes v
Toggle fogr\_fog [0 or 1]
Toggle framerate displaecg\_drawFPS [0 or 1]
Toggle FXfx\_draw [0 or 1]
Toggle FX debugging.fx\_debug [0 or 1]
Toggle FX freezingfx\_freeze [0 or 1]
Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabledfx\_enable [0 or 1]
Toggle game timercg\_drawTimer [0 or 1]
Toggle hit debug modeg\_debugShowHit [0 or 1]
Toggle HUDcg\_drawStatus [0 or 1]
Toggle HUD and crosshaircg\_draw2D [0 or 1]
Toggle letterbox formatcg\_letterbox [0 or 1]
Toggle NPC health display g\_debugDamage [0 or 1]
Toggle objects and backgroundsr\_drawWorld [0 or 1]
Toggle objects and NPCsr\_drawEntities [0 or 1]
Toggle player and AI movement debug modeg\_debugMove [0 or 1]
Toggle player and AI movement debuggingcl\_debugMove [0 or 1]
Toggle rendringcg\_noRender [0 or 1]
Toggle shadows.cg\_shadows [0 or 1]
Toggle spawningg\_spawnai [0 or 1]
Toggle subtitlescg\_subtitles [0 or 1]
Toggle third person viewcg\_thirdPerson [0 or 1]
Toggle vehicle debug modeg\_vehicleDebug [0 or 1]
Toggle wireframe moder\_showtris [0 or 1]
Unknowndebug\_tankall [0 or 1]
Unknownchain [0 or 1]
Unknownai\_nocriticalsections [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_skybox [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_stats [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_noPredict [0 or 1]
Unknowncg\_ignore [0 or 1]
Unknowncl\_run [0 or 1]
Unknowncl\_running [0 or 1]
Unknowndmflags [0 or 1]