how do i get rid of ps3 error code 8001050F?
2010-02-28 19:07:04 UTC
i wont let me sign in. i click sign in and this error comes up. when i try to play mw2 it wont let me play online. Please can someone help me get rid of this.
47 answers:
2010-03-01 14:13:26 UTC
Hey there incidentally this error is being faced by a million of people .And know one knows how to solve it.Of course Sony will take its time to awake from its sleep ,have some tea,biscuits and then look into the matter.BUT........ Its only you who can get rid of it
All PS3s will be OK
2010-02-28 23:31:16 UTC

How the PS3 works is:

If you have an internet connection (that is actively on and profile is stored on your PS3), your PS3 will try to automatically try to authenticate (verify) all information possible on your PS3 (downloaded games, themes, etc.) because it expects the PSN servers to always been on.

The problem is that the entire PS network went down, so this isn't possible. Your data cannot be authenticated, and because the PSN network has never had this problem before, your PS3 will display the data trying to be authenticated as "Corrupt Data", even though your data is perfectly fine. Some games will also not work because they use authentication prior to loading.

Just wait out the storm and relax... in time the network will be up again, and hopefully the PS3 programming was sufficient enough to only display "Corrupt Data"... not actually corrupt the data!

If anyone has anything additional to add, please post here.

2010-02-28 22:08:08 UTC
It seems to be a major bug related to the date and time. My date and time were reset to 12/31, and I've seen it posted that if you reset it to 3/1/2010 that it would fix it. It didn't work for mine. My browser and everything still works, but it wont let me play MW2 or FIFA10 offline, or sign onto the PSN. I can't see this being a long term issue, because its apparently only on older "Phat" PS3's, and because im still connected to the internet, a firmware patch is probably already in the works. I hope so anyway. I just wanted to play FIFA offline too. Bummer.
2010-02-28 19:32:12 UTC
it's happening to me right now!!! i cant even play dante's inferno, THAT'S NOT EVEN AN ONLINE GAME! sony's gotta fix this crap!
2010-02-28 19:28:26 UTC
dude same here wtf's with this! sony is realy making me think about getting an xbox360
-= Alex Mason =-
2010-02-28 19:23:08 UTC
i ave the same problem hours ago.

when i try to open modern warfare 2 the thing pops up saying unable to sync trophy information the game will now close.

plus i worried about my rank.. (1st prestige level 58)
2010-02-28 19:22:17 UTC
I just got this problem this morning, but I didn't think much of it until just now when I came home from work, and found out that I couldn't play Dragon Age, that I JUST GOT, because it can't play without the trophies synced or something.

I hope they solve this soon; I want to play my game >_<
2010-02-28 19:12:57 UTC
Still getting error here also on my Fat PS3 80GB Started at like 7pm EST hoping the network will be back up soon.
2010-03-01 14:01:04 UTC
The bad news for me and you is that the problem only effects people like us with the original PS3 and not those with the new slim design. The good news is that as of this morning Sony has stated that they are addressing the issue and have apologized for the inconvenience, they are also suppose to keep CNN informed on any progress.
2010-02-28 20:18:32 UTC
OMfg no...... it better not lose my saves.....trophies.....demos.....themes....... and online profile.........OMFG EVEN WORSE......not screw up my playstation......btw my themes are still ok atm

is it lyk a big virus?if they dont give me a new one for this ill sue! or get someone thats quite rich as a representative off all the ppl who lost their
2010-02-28 19:45:59 UTC
they updated the playstation network site....i would think that had to do with this bullshit
2010-03-01 14:26:08 UTC
Basically, everyone needs to calm down. Now I don't know to much but I've been researching the possible reasons for this Global meltdown of the PSN for original PS3 systems and the most likely reason and is confirmed by Sony here ( that there is a bug in the Systems internal clock and that your PS3 clock may have been returned to it's original preset time of 01/01/2000. Sony claim they are working on the bug and that all owners of the PS3 original should't touch there system for over 24 hours. There should be a patch out soon and don't I repeat don't go on a game with trophies as Sony are unaware of the technical corruption this may cause to your hardrive. I tried to go on FIFA 10 at 7:00am this morning and it said something on the lines of "The trophies could not be loaded and the game will quit" then when I checked my trophie I had no FIFA 10 trophies! As for you Call of Duty addicts just try and be patient yes this shouldn't of happened but complaining to Sony won't speed up the engineers work so find something else to do. It could literally be fixed in 5 hours or 5 days but it is likely that the bug will be fixed in 24 hours due to how good Sony is. If you want to read Sony's speech here it is.


As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:

* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.

* When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following

message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been

signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.

* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears

on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install

trophies. Please exit your game.”

* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the

Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date

and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”

* Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the

PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2010-03-01 01:05:20 UTC
what i dont understand is this:

A) it seems to be a global problem with fat ps3's

B) its happening to people that arent connected to the internet and havent been connected to the internet for x amount of time

this being said i dont understand how a system error can occur globally at the same time to people that are and arent connected to the internet. this makes absolutely no sense. not to sound like a paranoid conspiracy freak but the only way that i could see this happening is that in an update from sony they put something in the update to infect all ps3s at the same time to try and get people to convert to slim ps3s after going to hell and back trying to get it fixed. but even if that were somehow true they would have had to plan in advance to make something different in the slim and fat ps3s so that whatever was done would only infect fat ps3s.

whats really annoying is the fact that im not connected to the internet and havent been for about a week at least and i cant play any games at all, whether they were downloaded on the psn or store bought and dont require internet access to play. if this issue was only affecting ps3s connected to the internet then that would be understandable but at the same time freakin rediculous.

2010-02-28 20:13:41 UTC
Do not re-image PS3. This is a system problem no matter what you may hear. I have seen on a couple of forums where people have redone their PS-3 and still got the error. It can not be fixed on our end.

I have seen a couple of posts where Sony techs have told users who called in that a Trojan was unleashed on some of the servers. Do not know why slims are working unless they have another server added to their list that the fats can not see.

DO NOT waste your time trying to re-image your PS3. It is a waste of time and you will not get online.
2010-02-28 20:56:45 UTC
Man.. I came home from work earlier today to play Dante's Inferno Which indeed ive been DEEP into... and now i cant even get past the title screen because of the PSN!!! but other games like Uncharted 2 i can Play, just not online... Playstation needs to figure out a ****** solution soon or they are gonna have alot of problems with people complaining about faulty systems.. i wonder if they saw this coming for the bulky systems... Thats what we get for getting the early systems right? this happens everytime something new comes out.
2010-03-01 23:08:54 UTC
On monday at around 5pm my ps3 got the 8001050f error, i then did some research and left it for 24 hours, its now back to normal, i can sign in on psn and my themes are back, but my trophies for Bioshock 2 and MW2 are gone, i will try and get them back but still, daim, so any one who has got this, if u wait 24 hours till the day is over it should be back to normal.
2010-03-01 12:43:18 UTC
It is up to PSN to fix it. Every one who has the thicker version of the PS3 has that problem. if you have a slim version then you are safe. it is a Y2K bug, it sets the time back to January 1, 2000. the same problem happened with Zune from Microsoft, at the end of 2008. PSN says that they hope to fix this problem within 24 hours. But for now you should save all of your trophies to an external drive like a USB memory card.
2010-02-28 23:53:23 UTC
im in Australia, and i get the message "unable to register trophies ....the game will now exit....(8001050F error)'.....i haven't been online with my ps3 in about 8-7months, so i dont believe its an online issue....cause since this time i only play street fighter V, NBA 2K9 and console for what ever reason today will not allow me to load Pro Evolution 2010, it does let me load some other games.....and from all accounts that im reading, it looks to only happen with older systems..... this seems to be a global issue and the only thing anyone can do is wait for SONY's response .....the weirdest thing of all is that it all seemed to simultaneously happen around the same time, thousands of posts in the last 2-3days......IF ANYONE FROM SONY IS LISTENING, BE WARNED THAT IF THIS AINT SOLVED SOON .....YOU WILL BE HEARING FROM ALOT PI55ED OF CUSTOMERS!!!!!.....INCLUDING ME....and i never quit !!!!! .....fix it or else ...... learn from your stupid mistakes the IPOD destroyed the WALKMAN and DISCMAN....SONY the once mighty label will fall should you not hold on to your gaming fan base.....
2016-05-31 02:28:39 UTC
Its Something To Do With PSN Lots Of People Are Having This Issue Just Wait It Will Probably Fix Itself It Just Happen To Me.
2010-03-01 07:39:41 UTC
Yeah, it's a world wide issue anyone wno the the fat PS3. Eventually, they claim the Sony team is on it which might be true, but the answer is when will it be resolved. There are a lot of angry PS3 owners and doing vids in youtube check them out and hang in there. PS. Sucks you can't backup your trophies :(
2010-02-28 20:56:55 UTC
Many people are saying check your date on your ps3. if it say 12/31/1999 just manually change the date to todays date and it will fix everything. WRONG!!, **** don't work either!! Playstation has just ****** up something and we all are paying the price. some are still able to play dvds and ps2 games, lol like someone said in another thread I read, all we did was buy a really expensive ps2/dvd player. lol
Justin J
2010-03-01 08:55:49 UTC
PS3 network was down. PS3 Slim users should have continued to operate with no problems. If it continues to persist contact Sony for further information
★☆★☆★ SuperCool ☆★☆★☆
2010-02-28 19:32:13 UTC
Mine too. Mostly everyone with the original issued (fat) PS3 is experiencing the issue. I went to the PSN website, and all they said was Sony was aware of the issue and the developers are looking into it. My themes are now showing as corrupted files and I can't play any of my games that I downloaded.
Peter P
2010-03-01 07:35:54 UTC
The only thing I could add to this is that I am having the very same problem. I´m connected from Sweden and I am not able to play Fifa 10, nor am I able to login to my PS3 account...
2010-02-28 19:15:27 UTC
Yep the same thing has happened to me and 3 of my buddies but 2 of my other friends have the slim and they have no problem at all.
2010-02-28 19:26:31 UTC
Sony says its no bueno. Not a server issue but a hardware issue.

From PS3 support Error Code 8001050F

Description - Playstation 3 fails when trying to read a disc,create a game save, create a trophy or when accessing the playstation network

Solution - Clean the disk, make sure not scratched. If badly scratched you may need to replace the disc.

For all other issues: The ps3 will need to be sent in for service.
2010-03-01 03:56:46 UTC
Pay attention. Most people figure this out now. No reason to punch your brother and knock his eyeball out of the socket. This stinks, but obviously some engineer in Sony thought that the Trophy process was a great idea without thinking of the repercussions. There is likely more to it than just the trophy issue (which a lot of people could not care less about). I checked around 6:30a.m. and I couldn't log in. The moment that I select and id it throws the error. From Matt Peckham's blog:

What could simultaneously bring down Sony's PlayStation Network worldwide and make it impossible for millions of gamers to play single-player games like Heavy Rain, Bayonetta, and BioShock 2?

Hackers? A terrorist attack? CIA black ops? Full-scale alien invasion?

Think stupider. Like: A requirement that players synchronize trophy information with Sony's online servers in order to play trophy-based games.

Late Sunday night, Sony's PlayStation Network experienced a problem that garbled its trophy sync process, which sounds harmless at first blush. You don't need trophies synchronized to actually play a game, right? After all, Microsoft's Xbox 360 doesn't require achievement synchronization to play games.

Well it seems Sony's PlayStation Network suddenly does, because last night's glitch prevents you from playing trophy-using games whether you're offline or online.

I had a taste firsthand this morning. I slipped a review copy of Final Fantasy XIII into my debug PS3 and, after the Square Enix logo flashed, received the following error message:

Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit. (8001050F)

Cue drop to PS3 XMB menu and a few repeat attempts with other games like Heavy Rain and White Knight Chronicles to verify the issue had to be something bigger than a local ISP glitch.

A quick scan for the error code online turned up a rash of users complaining about the same error, including this story by our own Japan-based Martyn Williams confirming that yes, indeed, there's Big Trouble in Not-So-Little Sony-land.

For the record, the problem only affects original pre-"slim" model PS3s, including "fat" debug units.

Games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and the recent God of War duology reissue work fine, presumably because they don't use trophies (MGS4) or don't require the preliminary trophy sync (God of War).

About eight hours ago, Sony posted this to its PlayStation Twitter feed:

"We're aware that many of you are having problems connecting to PSN, and yes, we're looking into it. Stay tuned for updates."

That was followed about five hours ago with this:

"PSN status update: We're narrowing down the issue and continue to work to restore service to all. Updates as soon as we have them."

And shortly after that, this:

"PSN status update (part 2): Readers/followers are confirming that "slim" units (120/250 GB models) are connecting normally."

Stand by for further updates. Presumably the trophy-sync "requirement" isn't really (required) and Sony will have things back to normal shortly, allowing you to play offline (Ethernet unplugged, wireless disabled) at leisure.

UPDATE: It seems the issue has something to do with a hardware date reset to 12/31/99 (per my own "fat" retail and debug units) that occurred with the February 28 to March 1 turnover, even though this wasn't a leap year. I say 'hardware', because it reportedly occurs whether you've gone online with your PS3 or not.

It's not the first time the error's occurred. Run a date-filtered Google search on error code '8001050F' and you'll see it popping up time and again. Sounds like we'll either need a 24 hour cycle or a firmware update to see this fixed (and no, manually setting the correct time and date doesn't fix the issue).

UPDATE 2: Wondering whether Sony could remotely patch an issue that prevents connecting to the PlayStation Network? I assume the firmware update process works discretely, since clicking 'System Update' generates a standard "There is no need to update" message and not an error.

UPDATE 3: According to The Examiner, Sony tech support says both trophy and savegame data should be fine, and that a fix should be up 'by morning' (US time zones).

Connect with Matt on Twitter (@game_on)

For more info and updates - seach Matt Peckham and 8001050F.
2010-02-28 19:37:47 UTC
Its because they want everyone to get the new ps3 slims... I called sony if they cant fix it through the server they will REPLACE your "fat" ps3 with a new slim one ..HOWEVER this is where they have ya ... they will ONLY replace it if it is under warranty ... if not ya gotta BUY A NEW 1 YOURSELF
Vulcan Snake
2010-02-28 19:10:11 UTC
Yeah this is happening to EVERYONE (including me) and only to people who have the fat PS3's. Some people are even having their themes corrupted,trophies erased, and data gone. Everyone with the PS3 Slim is unaffected. This is too weird
2010-03-01 15:39:27 UTC
I figured out HOW TO FIX IT!!!!!! go in and just change the date and time to the current and it works. I was just online playing. Thats all you have to do!
2010-03-01 13:05:24 UTC
Here is some information that could help :
2010-02-28 22:06:24 UTC
im having the same problem as u . im thinking about calling sonny tomm. im not shure hm it would cost to get my ps3 repaired. i hope sonny can fix this **** now. i think sonny is losing ps3 fans because of this error. i hope sonny can fix it
2010-02-28 19:13:50 UTC
I got that today too. it work fine in the morning but around 6 pm it came up with that
2010-02-28 19:09:20 UTC
I am getting the same thing... Hopefully its just server error and will be fixed by tomorrow.
2010-02-28 22:10:57 UTC
No, no one can help except for someone who works with PSN at home on his computer out of the blue stumble across all gezilion of these duplicated questions and merely answer them all at once.. but unfortunetly that's not going to happen, so there is nothing you can do, but i think sony should retire if this COCK SUCKING crap will continue. ******* sony pretty big with the name and all yet they can't control some little PSN Network? WTF? is sony falling behind in technology instead of being sony. matter fact i take that back **** sony!!! PSN U **** MUSCLE DO SOMETHING IM GOING INSAINE HERE!!!!!! MY BROTHER AND I JUST GOT INTO A BIG FIGHT BECAUSE OF ALL THIS MESS, **** **** **** ****............ I KNOCKED HIS EYE BALL OUT OF HIS SOCKET, ************ SONYY MAN I KNOW ITS JUST A BUTTON AWAY FOR THESE PEOPLE, SO HIT THAT *** COATED BUTTON SO WE CAN GET BACK TO WHAT WE WERE DOING, ****!!!....... ALL I CAN SAY AFTER ALL THIS IS SONY SWALLOWS!!!!!!!!! NO REALLY ******** MOTHERFUCKERS IM GOING TO FEEDBACK NEGATIVE ON EVERY FORUM OF SONY EVERY SURVEY THEY EMAIL ME AND TELL ALL OF MY FRIENDS TO DO THE SAME THIS IS REDICULOUS **** U SONY.. YOMA LING LLOWE AYNA SEYO, TOSHIBA AYNA SEYO, SAMSUNG ANYA SEYO, HP ANYA SEYO **** SONY BYE
2010-02-28 21:46:40 UTC
You can follow playstation network on twitter and it seems they are aware of the problem.
2010-02-28 19:21:58 UTC
Read the article:

All PS3's (fat ones) are ******* up.
2010-03-01 03:35:40 UTC
*** i cant sleep and i want to play fifa GR :@

going to be a great day -sigh-
2010-02-28 19:11:06 UTC
I'm about to ask the same
2010-02-28 19:15:02 UTC
same problem. I say once eveything is fixed, you add me on psn, i_Got_Game_95 and we put our clan tag as [KOBE]
2010-02-28 19:15:07 UTC
I dont think you can... im pretty sure the network is down
2010-02-28 22:00:56 UTC
just wait until problem is fixed
2010-03-01 10:59:30 UTC
sony sucks they did this so you spend more money for the fix. just fix it yourself
Kobe BestGamer
2010-02-28 19:09:35 UTC
i been have this problem 3hours ago and i still have it O MY GOSH!
2010-02-28 19:08:32 UTC
It could take a couple weeks to fix it, and you may lost all your trophies
∞ღʂiмρlε ɠìяlღ∞
2010-03-04 13:59:37 UTC
o.O am about to ask that question too!!>.<

What's happening?!?!
2010-02-28 19:21:47 UTC
im having the same prob but i havea slim n it still isnt working right idk but its getting on my nerves

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