download it.
extract the file.
In the folder you will see 3 files, extract ind-gtafix.
then you will get xpa-gtac MS-DOS batch file.
After that put the nds.file of GTA chinatown wars xpa to the folder.
Then click on the xpa-gtac MS-DOS batch file.
You will have a new file name xpa-gtac-Patched it's an nds file.
Put the newly patch one to your r4 then play it.
It will work.
If you have problems tell me.
I will help you.
Use "add Details" since I don't show my email address.
Hope it works. :)
type grand theft auto chinatown wars
download the usa version "DL3"
then extract the file.
Inside the file you have to extract again.
then you will get xpa-gtac nds file.
Go back to step 1.
You have to put xpa-gtac nds file to the folder that has the xpa-gtac MS-DOS batch file.
then click on the xpa-gtac MS-DOS batch file
it will create a new nds file.
the file is called "xpa-gtac patched"
You only have to put that one in your r4.
Only that one.
the patched one.
Don't put other things.
I hope this helps.
This is where I found it.
or I will give you the nds file through email.
I can't send...
Ok... heres a summary of what to do...
1.Go to
2.type grand theft auto chinatown wars
3. download DL3 USA version.
4. Extract the file.
6.extract the file.
7. Put the Grand theft auto chinatown wars nds file to the folder. xpa-gtac MS-DOS.
9. A new nds file will be created.
10.Put the newly file in your r4. (only the newly file nothing esle.) newly file = patch file.
12. If it doesn't work you either buy the game or wait till they release a new file on the site.
Grand theft auto chinatown wars is 128 mb.
the newly patch one is only 119 mb.
I told you to put the 128 mb grand deft auto nds file to the folder. the one that has the ms-dos.
then you click on the ms-dos.
It will create a 119mb one.
it can't be 0 bytes.
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