The solution above worked best for me...
I found taking the extra step of copying the disc onto your hard drive speeds up the "fake downloading" stage which Origin takes you through. Origin was gonna take 300hrs to "download" (ie: copy from dvd disc to my hdd), but Windows Explorer only took about 15mins to copy from my dvd (as it should). Next, Origin decided it needed to take another 15min to "download" (which it didn't need to) it from my HDD, and even then the d/l speed slowed right down to a trickle as if it actually was downloading from the net (modem unplugged whole time). A quick pause - unpause of the "d/l" fixed that and it continued at high speed. It still baffles me why this stage was necessary... This is the first game i've ever come across where you need 3rd party software, and an account, AND requires you to "download" your game from DVD (or ur HDD) even before it gets to the "install" stage. I know all about Steam etc... but at least its much easier to work around the whole download thingy and you can install your games straight off your disc at a descent speed.... The only gripe i have with steam is their piss poor attempt at "offline mode" which still prevents you from playing games when your offline. ie: "game isn't updated" when it is, or BOPs zombies solo can only be played when online etc....
WHY CANT ORIGIN GIVE US 2 BUTTONS ?? then all this confusion could be solved.
Button 1- Purchase, Download, and Install Battlefield 3
Button 2- Install Battlefied 3 from disc or HDD
Anyways I finally got BF3 installed... It stuffed me around on the update, saying the game wasn't installed when it just had been. A quick "repair install" from within Origin fixed this and was then able to play the game....
((no comment on the sp campaign except... more bugs than me mother's undies...
p.s i found a little fix for all the audio and sound effects that were missing from the game))