Sims 2 pets cheats?
2008-03-22 22:49:21 UTC
Well i have the sims pets on my other computer cuz it doesn't work on my computer, and i am used to playing sims 2 open for business and i always used boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat to make all my people happy, well that cheat doesn't work on sims pets, so is there another cheat?
Three answers:
2008-03-22 22:59:07 UTC
seriosly read this


EEGJ2YRQZQARQ9QHA64 or ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A - Bandit Mask for dogs.

EEGJ2YRQZZ1IQ9QHA64 - Black Dot Collar

ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A - Black Smiley Collar

ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A - Blue Bones Collar

ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A or ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A - Blue Camouflage Collar



ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1IQ9QHA64 - Blue Star Collar

ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A - Cat Collar Black Dot

EEGJ2YRQQZ1RQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Black Smiley

EEGJ2YRQZZARQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Blue Bones

ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A - Cat Collar Blue Camo

EEGJ2YRQQZ1IZ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Blue Star

EEGJ2YRZQZAIQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Green Flower

EEGJ2YRZQZ1IQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Navy Hearts

EEGJ2YRQQZAIQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Orange Diagonal

EEGJ2YRQQQARQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar Pink Vertical Stripes

EEGJ2YRQQQ1RQ9QHA64 - Cat Collar White Paws

EEGJ2YRZZQ1IZ9QHA64 - Cat Collar White Zebra Stripe



TB6IPB1R1FDMRIQT6DG - Get Star the Dalmaton

EEGJ2YRQZQ1IZ9QHA64 - Goofy Cats


ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A - Green Cats

EEGJ2YRQZZ1RQ9QHA64 - Green Flower Collar


EEGJ2YRZZQ1RQ9QHA64 - Light Green Cats

ZZZ11ZZZ9Q1AQ91ZB1A - Light Green Fur

EEGJ2YRQQZ1IQ9QHA64 - Navy Hearts Collar

ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Q91ZB1A - Neon Green Cats

ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Q91ZB1A - Neon Green Fur


EEGJ2YRZZQARQ9QHA64 - Neon Yellow Cats

EEGJ2YRZQZ1IZ9QHA64 - Orange Diagonal Stripes Collar



ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A - Pink Vertical Stripes Collar



EEGJ2YRZQZAIZ9QHA64 - Star Coat Markings

ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A - White Paws Collar

ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Q91ZB1A - White Zebra Collar

EEGJ2YRZZQAIZ9QHA64 - Zebra Stripes.

Console Cheats

Entry Location:

Use ctrl-shift-c to open the console, and enter any of the following cheats.

boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] - Turn off pet free will

boolprop ControlPets [on/off] - Make pets fully controllable, but actions in the queue can't be cancelled.

boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] - Turn off aging for kittens and puppies

boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] - Activate labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects - shows which product they came from (EP or SP)

DeleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] - Deletes all Doors, Windows or Stairs on lot

DeleteAllFences - Removes all fences on lot

DeleteAllHalfWalls - Removes all half walls on lot

DeleteAllWalls - Removes all walls on lot
2016-10-08 05:11:52 UTC
carry left shoulder + precise shoulder + sq. and cheat perk will seem exhibiting a loose Woo-Hoo icon, purchase it to get a funds advance, greater skills, clean your desires and fill your sanity
2008-03-22 22:54:14 UTC
List most cheat codes help

Display information about indicated cheat help

Close console window exit

Expand or contract console window expand

Activate tool to change the roof slopes of individual roofs IndividualRoofSlopeAngle <15-75>

Activate labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects to show which product they came from (EP or SP) boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags

Deletes all indicated object on lot DeleteAllObjects

Deletes all fences on lot DeleteAllFences

Deletes all half walls on lot DeleteAllHalfWalls

Deletes all walls on lot DeleteAllWalls

Pets fully controllable, but cannot cancel actions from their queue boolprop ControlPets

Actions in a pet's queue accessible boolprop PetActionCancel

Disable aging for kittens and puppies boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging

Disable pet free will boolprop PetsFreeWill

1,000 more Simoleons Kaching

50,000 more Simoleons motherlode

Have twins when baby is born twinzr2cute or twinsr2cute

Remove all Sims; use in neighborhood view deleteAllCharacters

Toggle terrain types; use in neighborhood view TerrainType

Objects can be placed anywhere in buy and build modes; hand tool can move any object moveObjects

Make Sims larger or smaller; 1.0 is normal StretchSkeleton

Turn off facial DNA blending in Create A Sim faceBlendLimits

Prevent Sims from aging aging

Toggle automatic game updates autoPatch

Slow motion; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest slowMotion <0-8>

No censor; set to 8 to return to normal intprop censorgridsize 0

Increase game performance with some graphics glitches Vsync

Use in neighborhood screen to invite more guests with a party intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims

Set to false to place objects out of grid boolProp snapObjectsToGrid

Enable postprocessing cheats; requires video card that supports pixel shaders boolProp enablePostProcessing

Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps

Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads

Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora

Set to false to remove water from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater

Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood boolprop displayLotImposters

Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel

Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood boolprop lotTerrainLighting

Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots boolprop lotWater

Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot boolprop lotTerrainPaints

Unknown boolprop lotTerrainCanvas

Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood boolprop carsCompact

Toggle grid in build or buy mode boolprop showFloorGrid

Set to trueto show lot information boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode

Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house boolprop objectShadows

Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house boolProp guob

Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel

Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to boolProp displayPaths

Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at boolprop displayLookAtBoxes

Toggle shadows for Sims boolProp simShadows

In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename

Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot boolprop locktiles

Set to false to raise and lower floor even when covered with objects boolprop constrainFloorElevation

Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used boolprop allObjectLightsOn

Allow diagonal object placement boolProp allowObjects45degrees

Change television volume; default is 0.5 floatProp tvVolume <0.0-1.0>

After typing expand, will you see the game version in the cheat box gameVersion

Assign money value to a family from the neighborhood level familyfunds

Adjust angle of all roofs on the lot roofslopeangle <15-75>

Makes all thought balloons, speech balloons, and ++/-- type headlines hidden or visible showHeadlines

Currently selected Sim gains access to all career reward objects in the catalog unlockCareerRewards

Maximum motive bars of all Sims on lot maxMotives

Stops or starts motive decay for all Sims on lot motiveDecay

Set aspiration level for currently selected Sim aspirationPoints

Stops aspiration decay or gain for all Sims on lot lockAspiration

Give aspiration reward points to currently selected Sim aspirationLevel <0-5>

Enables aging cheat when shift clicking on other Sims agesimscheat on

Create a new lighting file with specific lot lighting values setLotLightingFile

Clear console window clear

eliza herring.


Postprocessing cheats:

Use the following case-sensitive codes after enabling the Postprocessing cheats with the boolProp enablePostProcessing true code. Note: Do not enable or use the Postprocessing cheats unless your video card supports pixel shaders.

Effect Code

Blur effect; red, green, blue value must be between 0 and 255, and x (bloom) between 0.0 and 1.0 bloom

Centered blur effect; centerX and centerY are screen coordinates; x (vignette) must be between 0.0 and 1.0 vignette

Grainy screen effect filmGrain <0.0-1.0>

Letterbox screen effect letterBox <0.0-0.4>


Testing cheats mode:

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true to activate testing cheats mode. This is a very powerful cheat that enables many new things. In Create A Sim, after enabling this code, go into debugmode by pressing [Shift] + N before making a Sim. You now have the following new things in Create A Sim: skin tones, clothing, and some other options such as viewing the skinfilenames. In the game itself, after enabling this code, hold [Shift] and left click on a Sim to have lots of options, such as changing clothes, make your Sim fat or thin, set their aspiration level, etc. This code also can spawn some interesting items, such as the tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath), and family members.

pryia ghd tinrtipnertf ovgmucne.

Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then go onto a different family. A strange code will appear at the top right hand corner. If you go onto the Sims' needs, you can click on each one and drag it up or down, whichever desired. You can also increase the skill points of your Sims in the same way. This is useful if you want a promotion, if your Sim is depressed, if you are teaching a toddler to walk, etc. You can also hold [Shift] and click on a Sim. Click on "More", then "Spawn" and create the Tombstone of L and D. You can click on this, then "More" then "Make everyone here friends with me", which helps if you need friends to get promoted, or to complete an aspiration task.

Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then hold [Shift] and click on a mailbox. You will have new options, such as forcing a burglar to rob, know all Sims in the neighborhood (including NPCs and special Sims), force everyone you know to be friends, force pregnancy relations, invite all neighbors over, and more.

Be careful when using the "Testing cheats mode". Many glitches can occur, such as blocky/scattered picture, being unable to save, return to neighborhood, or quit. In rare cases if you use the code too much, you can lose the ability to travel to community lots. The car/taxi will drive offscreen, then immediately drive back.



Cheat mode (command line):

Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Command line parameter

Disable sound -nosound

Full screen -f

Set screen resolution -rx

Windowed screen -w


Display frame rate:

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + S during game play to toggle the display of the current frame rate.

Hint: Terrain types:

The following terrain types can be used in Neighborhood creation with the terraintype and nhdregiontype codes.

terraintype desert

terraintype concrete

nhdregiontype desert

nhdregiontype concrete


Enter a neighborhood, click the "Families" button, then click "Create A New Family". Click the "Options" icon ("…")

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.