PS3 update 3.56 is out. Does it banned Jail broken PS3s?
2011-01-26 18:21:08 UTC
The new update is out right now and i heard that it has an editing button and such but does it ban jail broken PS3s?
57 answers:
2011-01-26 18:25:35 UTC
Probably. From the Playstation blog:
"A new PS3 system software update, v3.56, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch."
2011-01-27 08:54:13 UTC
Anyone who calls someone a fag for jailbreaking their ps3 is obviously a pussy because he can't do it. All were doing is making more fun out of the game and system we paid for. If you have a problem, find something else to do. All I did was delete the files (Comgenie, blackbox etc) and then perform the update. What ever patch you had on at the time will stay on after the update. So pick your best patch and update the system. Should be a new jailbreak coming out tonight.
2011-01-26 21:19:06 UTC
Actually, the PlayStation 3 update 3.56 update does not ban jail-broken PlayStation 3s. I jail broke mine only a couple of hours before the 3.56 update. I successfully upgraded the ps3, but my ps3 is no longer jail-broken... The good thing is, the system is still fully operational. I haven't seen any problems. I guess I'm going to wait until the jail broken 3.56 is out.
Jake T
2011-01-26 19:57:25 UTC
According to VP of Network Operations Americas Eric Lempel via Sony's official blog on the update, to quote: "A new PS3 system software update, v3.56, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch."
Needless to say, if you value PS3 homebrew, Jailbreaking downgrading or accessing PSN on a hacked PS3 it would probably be wise to hold off updating until PlayStation 3 developers can examine the 3.56 update.
The new 3.56 firmware does not block or ban any jailbroken ps3's. I have 2 jailbroken ps3's and they all still work, just not jailbroken anymore. U can get a new .pup file when its released, should be a week or two til its public. i have a patch stuck on my hdd, for mw2 it should still b there unless u erased mw2 data off hdd right after firmware update. Congenie and blackbox ftp dont work either, and will not load. Keep a look out it will be fixed very soon
2011-01-27 16:59:50 UTC
Here is a pretty logical explanation of what will happen. The 3.56 is basically a system security scan to look at your files and your previous software version. If your system was jailbroken then don't update it because most likely in the next update Sony will know that you jailbroke it previously because they kept track of it from the security scan. Therefore, in the next update they will more than likely ban you.
Robert Marx
2011-01-26 19:01:04 UTC
No! Does NOT BAN your console!
Your console will not be banned because you was playing using a custom firmware. But know that if you update you will not be able to run homebrew or any other software that was meant to use with a Jailbroken console.
Sony does not have a system running a log on your Hardware like Microsoft has on Xbox360, so they are not checking if yours is jailbroken, they are just updating and people that doesnt' want to update can use the console but not online.
2011-01-27 01:31:38 UTC
Yes the 3.56 firmware update has blocked all jail-broken PS3's with sony's new security patch.Luckily they are only days away from getting the the encryption codes and jail-breaking this firmware so you shouldn't have to wait to long to get a 3.56 jailbreak
Hope i helped.
dj mitch
2011-01-27 10:02:00 UTC
No it will not ban your console
3.56 disables the use of homebrew
If you have a jailbroken ps3 and want to update make sure you return to OFW
People are already working on 3.56 jailbreak and then extra keys sony added have already been found.
To all the haters **** off and stop complaining its our console and we have the right to do what we want with it
2011-01-26 20:58:16 UTC
Do this. find the 3.55 original update. put in a folder called update then put update folder in folder called ps3, then put ps3 folder on a flash drive. Turn ps3 off. hold power button until you hear 2 beeps. one right after another, then let go. u should be at a menu with 6 options. go to system update. and it will try to find ur update in the usb flash drive. then just follow the directions to download the 3.55 update. then download 3.56
2011-01-27 06:03:33 UTC
As of now, you should be fine. I'm was running KMEAW 3.55 CFW but updated to Sony's 3.56 OFW just minutes after it was released. My patches still work, as does hosting a lobby with it running. If you were unaware, KaKaRoTo had the new keys within the first hour of Sony's OFW release. So, I wouldn't worry, the fix will be available soon enough.
2011-01-26 20:32:07 UTC
it doesn't ban jailbroken ps3s. It just makes it where u cant access blackb0x. i would recommend jailbreaking ur ps3 and gettin the patch before u update it or u will hav to wait until some1 comes out with a way to jailbreak 3.56 ps3s.
2011-01-30 17:41:03 UTC
Your PS3 MAC address will be banned. Jailbreak that. You'll need to pay 299 for a new ps3 to log in on PSN. I hate with all my heart people who jailbreak the ps3. Unless u are missing a hand or some fingers dont do it, games are fun if you play honestly and extremely boring and stupid if you jailbreak it. Don't cheat, THAT IS PATHETIC
2011-01-27 07:16:21 UTC
It appears to be a security update aimed at 'jailbroken' systems...
And I'm soooo glad. I tried to play MW2 the other day after a bit of a break, and every lobby was modded.
I just want to play the game the way it was meant to be played.
2011-01-26 18:34:31 UTC
I am downloaind the update right now, I have a Jailbroken PS3 Slim 120 gig... Not sure if that matters or if you want to know anything else about my setup... but I will let you know if it bans me or not.
No it does not ban you. If you are already jailbroken you can still use programs like Blackbox and Multiman but you will not be able to jailbreak after the patch. I updated and I can still sign in and everything is the way it was.
2011-01-26 22:29:52 UTC
It just about made me cry when I saw the update, but It won't do anything to your playstation besides remove the Jailbreak. Any other apps you installed (BlackB0x, MultiMAN,etc ) will still show up on your ps3, but you won't be able to play them. However, you still will be able to use your modified patches on CoD until Infinity Ward comes out with another patch.
2011-01-26 20:24:55 UTC
Tyler is right. Here is his answer-credit to him.
dont update follow these steps to bypass the update and still play online on 3.55
go to network
connection settings
go to DNS settings
put both settings as
then save
sign in
it works
thanks man- everyone thumbs this up!
2011-01-26 19:28:52 UTC
it does not bann you it just stops users from using challenge lobbys on mw2 or any custom patch online but still can use in a private match its just to stop all the people goin online with there lobbys and raping them i expect there will be another hack soon there always is also if you havent updated yet and dont want to go to your internet settings change your dns settings to for both of them then save your settings and sign in this works for certain countrys:
usa, uk, ireland, scotland<<< thats all i know
2011-01-26 18:34:56 UTC
I believe the firmware update is set to make an attempt from further jail breaking. Sad that people need to jail break something like the PS3.
Krasr 1R
2011-01-26 22:10:38 UTC
It doesnt ban your jail broken ps3s.. i updated mine just now, n i host challenge lobbies for mw2.. 3.60 will ban jailbroken ps3s from playstation network.
2011-01-27 08:46:53 UTC
It makes the system unusable for hacks, the next update will lock your hardware out based on ststem scan from
Security patch. Oh btw, ahahahahahahaha, you tools get what you deserve. Soooo happy right now. I really hope hacking a mediocre game like CoD was worth it ahahahaha...
2011-01-27 06:37:34 UTC
by the way you can bypass and not update the PS3 and still play online!
go to network settings, and choose custom. press x until you come to DNS settings and put this in the DNS
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
and then test your connection. you can now go online without updating your ps3 and still have those HACKS!!!
2011-01-26 19:49:21 UTC
dont update follow these steps to bypass the update and still play online on 3.55
go to network
connection settings
go to DNS settings
put both settings as
then save
sign in
it works
2011-01-29 19:12:54 UTC
everybody says it doesnt break it so im going to give it a shot. i dont think it does. if it doesnt then i am never going to jailbreak my ps3 agian. cause i have been doing resarch and there coming out with a soft ware were they can read your playstation files and they will destory your hard drive..its call 3.60 look it up at sony
2011-01-26 21:34:43 UTC
Thumbs up tyler it works just confirmed that i have geohots 3.55 cfw it went through withought needing the update just do what his description says and thank lol i thought i was gunna lose everything haha
2011-01-26 21:05:20 UTC
THANKS TYLER FOR SHARING AND THANKS JON FOR CONFIRMING THE DNS SETTINGS WORK PERFECT!!! ive signed in on 3.55 and file manager and everything still works... LIFE SAVER ... trust and try it before you update.. please do not post on youtube coz it will get patched fast... AND TO ALL IDIOTS LIKE JT WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON THIS THREAD WEIRDO??? if you dont like it then JOG ON!! ppl are saying 3.60 will ban jailbroken ps3s but if you update to 3.56 then your machine isnt jailbroken so it doesnt make any sense to me and if its a 3.41 jailbroken ps3 then they are not gonna update to get banned so how is it gonna affect us?
2011-01-26 18:54:42 UTC
Alot of people are having errors at %5-45% I am downloading now & at 49% real slow. I am watching playstation blog and ps is not talking.
2011-01-26 19:37:06 UTC
(ITS ALL LIES ) dont get banned i jus updated 3.56 and ddidnt bann.
theres goign to be a bypass 3.56 update for all the challenge lobby hosters
2011-01-26 18:42:16 UTC
i have a jailbroken ps3 does the update just unjailbreak it or does it ban u that like u cant play inline anymore??????
2011-01-26 18:39:34 UTC
It doesnt ban them but it un jailbreaks them.
So if you want to be un hacked update. If you want to keep jailbreak dont update.
2011-01-26 18:29:32 UTC
i think this security patch means that after this update ppl wont be able to jailbreak ps3, but im not sure if it banns you if already have jailbreaked ps3
2011-01-26 18:34:43 UTC
Yes it bans them , my was jailbroken and i was in the middle of doin the 15th hack for someone on Black ops and now i cant. it wont let you open your file manager . so im on the hunt for a 3.56 jailbreak
2011-01-26 18:33:05 UTC
No! it doesn't it is a system scan in which it scans all files on the system in the next update suspected to be 3.60 which will then ban any jailbroken systems
Tom Pickles
2011-01-26 19:37:52 UTC
yes it does i dont even host challenge lobby's and i got banned from this update
2011-01-26 18:47:53 UTC
NEED HELP! First : sorry if you don't understand my english because I'm french... Problem : When I start the download, at 18-22% it's say error. I try it like 5 time and it always say the same thing.. please help
2011-01-27 00:53:09 UTC
it doesn't ban but what ever patch you have on is the only that can be used. its happened with me i cant change my patch to a different one so hope you have a good patch hackers
2011-01-26 18:52:23 UTC
i am havein troulbe with it wont finish load i thought i got hacked it would get to like 15 and stop say error i need help
2011-01-27 14:59:11 UTC
to that cory person, are you ****** kidding me? "we can't do it" are you really ****** serious? yeah we can't put in searches for google and follow step by step instructions giving us the download link and everything. yeah....maybe some people just have respect for other gamers. **** off you little 11 year old ****
2011-01-26 21:03:24 UTC
frankly, i could care less what it blocks. the fact that it's been downloading for an hour and is at ~49% is quite irritating, though.
2011-01-26 20:55:29 UTC
It doesn't banner you I just bypassed it n it let me play online and I still have my patch add my psn its CL_HaKz_ALL_NeRd n I do free CL just msg me for them
2011-01-26 20:16:14 UTC
It really doesn't matter. You can't log in until you update.
Ryan D
2011-01-26 20:03:24 UTC
I hope so. I'm sick of the hackers ruining my COD. I have no problem with someone jailbreaking their own, but affecting mine is annoying.
2011-01-26 18:47:07 UTC
yes it is going to ban all jail broken systems. yaaaaaa
2011-01-26 21:26:23 UTC
it does not ban or brick your ps3 it just un jailbreaks it
2011-01-26 18:57:14 UTC
we need the bypass codes for it to play on online
2011-01-26 20:09:37 UTC
2011-01-27 12:05:46 UTC
i was careful and i followed the instructions on this website... or u could use this one
2011-01-26 20:02:02 UTC
IT DOESNT BANN!! i just updated with all my hacker friends! :D IS OKAY TO UPDATE
2011-01-27 04:14:58 UTC
well if it does ban them it serves you right
2011-01-27 13:53:15 UTC
love hacking
2011-01-26 18:55:06 UTC
No just go ahead and do it
2011-01-26 18:53:58 UTC
if it does, you and everyone else who jailbroke it are getting what you deserve.
lowlife hacker scum...
if you can't get your games and trophies the right way by buying and earning them then you don't deserve them, and you don't deserve a PS3.
2011-01-28 12:15:02 UTC
lol idk but if it bans my ps3 then im gnna sell it and then get a ipod touch 4g 8g
2011-01-26 18:22:22 UTC
i dont think so
2011-01-26 19:54:19 UTC
so does this sh*t ban or what!?!?!?!?! :O
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