Do you think Zelda Ocarina of time was a good game and if so do you have any cheats???
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think Zelda Ocarina of time was a good game and if so do you have any cheats???
Eight answers:
2016-11-29 02:24:38 UTC
Cheats? There are not any in any Zelda video games of which i comprehend. there are diverse system defects which make the game really undemanding, yet it really is all. i don't think of you want to chance glitching up the game. The walkthrough suggested contained in the first answer is quite good; I in basic terms study by it and it type of feels precise and exact. experience free to IM me once you've any certain questions not lined in that. i'm a Zelda freak.
2006-11-07 09:52:08 UTC
It was one of the best games. I still have a hard time deciding whether this or Goldeneye 007 was better. There was a cheat that allowed you to get 99 rupees at the beginning of the cheat. There are secrets at a website I usually go to. That should be helpful enough.
2006-11-07 09:26:12 UTC
there aren't any like button cheats like A, B ,UP, UP, UP , LEFT, Z, RIGHT, A, B, C-RIGHT. most of the stuff is like hints and glitches. OCARINA OF TIME IS THE BEST ZELDA EVER. im sick of all these little shitty kids zeldas coming out for gameboy and ds. wind waker, four swords, BS BS BS. i cant wait for twighlight princess to come out. back to the old OOT/MM style.
2006-11-07 09:24:54 UTC
you can't get cheats unless you download the N64 emulater for you're computer.. then you'd need to download the game, and then one of the options would have a cheats menu, like no gravity or unlimited arrows or bombs.. try lookin for it on I.mesh, Kazaa, lime ware, KCeasy... any of the downloading software that lot's of people download stuff off of ... good luck!
2006-11-07 09:20:44 UTC
best game ever (even says so)

it's a huge game so what part?

try a try
david s
2006-11-07 09:20:42 UTC
old school
2006-11-07 09:17:37 UTC
hi, what section do you need help with????

add more details to your question.
Michael C
2006-11-07 09:48:06 UTC
Elemental Arrows

Unlockable How to Unlock

Fire Arrow Shoot the sun after the Water Temple

Ice Arrow Complete the Gerudo Training Ground

Light Arrow Beat all the temples, then talk to Shiek

Get a cow inside your tree house

Complete the task listed to have a cow put in your tree house.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Cow in tree house. After beating the race at Lon Lon ranch for Epona, race again and get the best time (49 seconds or below) to unlock a cow for your tree house.

Skulltulas Unlockable

To get this unlockable items, you must kill the number of Skulltulas Spiders that is required. After you kill the skulltulas spiders, collect the tokens and then go to the Skulltula House in Kakariko Village to get your prize.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Adult Wallet 10 Skulltula Tokens

Bombchus 40 Skulltula Tokens

Giant's Wallet 30 Skulltula Tokens

Huge Rupee 100 Skulltula Tokens

Piece of Heart 50 Skulltula Tokens

Stone of Agony 20 Skulltula Tokens

Easter Eggs

Hidden Bowser broach

If you look at the broach that Malon is wearing, you will notice that it is actually Bowser's face.

Hidden Nintendo characters in Hyrule Castle.

When you enter the Hyrule Castle courtyard, look at the right window. If you look inside the window, you will see paintings of Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Luigi, and Bowser.

Hidden secret in Hyrule Castle courtyard.

When you arrive in the Hyrule Castle courtyard, look at the left window. Now take out your slingshot, and shoot the potted plant. Someone will yell at you to stop doing that, and they will also throw a bomb at you.

Scarecrow Song Encore

After watching the ending to the game, leave the game on during the "The End" screen. After a little while, you'll hear whatever Scarecrow Song you composed being played over and over again in various forms.

The Bald Fisherman

If you go to the Fishing pond as an adult you will notice he is wearing a hat, if you get it just right, you can catch his hat, he will get mad at you, but from then on you will never see him wearing the hat again.


Fall through walls

Ride Epona to an area where her left side is directly up against a wall. Get off and you should fall through the wall. This may not work everywhere.

Make fish easier to catch.

Go to the pond as adult Link. Put the Hover Boots on, and pay the guy to fish. Once you have the rod, run onto the pond, and cast while hovering. You can now walk around with the rod cast! While you can do this, let a fish bite the rod. When it has, hold in "A" so as not to loose the fish.

Run over to the pond owner, and tell him you want to quit. You'll loose the rod, yet the fish will be stuck in the place it was in before you chose to quit. Now, simply run over to the fish, and the little scene which plays when you catch a fish will play. And there you have it! You can use this to catch the biggest, hardest to reel in fish in the pond with great ease!

More Bottles

First equip a bottle, then go find something to put in a bottle (example: fish, bug, blue fire, fairy, or anything else you can put inside a bottle). Now, hit the C Button to catch the item and hit start directly after hitting C button.

Select an item you do not want (Claim Check is recommended) and equip it instead of the bottle you were catching the item with. Press start again and you will see Link still catching the item. Now you have an extra bottle. Do this on all of your weapons and you will have 24 bottles! (Note: do NOT save after doing this or else you CANNOT get your weapons back!)

Pass through objects

This is a very unusual glitch that requires you to interact with the cartridge itself. When you come up to a character or object that's blocking your path (such as Mido or the Kokiri blocking the forest exit at the beginning of the game), you must pull up VERY gently on the left side of the cartidge.

If done so correctly, the screen will become a bit fuzzy, and if you move forward, you can use this tme to walk through people and objects that aren't completely solid. This trick gives you access to portions of the game you wouldn't be able to get to until later.

Re-use bugs

Let a bug go near a bean bed, but make sure you're not too close. Once one bug goes in, catch one of the other two, and you'll have as many bugs as you need.

Roll through spiked things

You know those spike things that slide around (like the ones in Ice Cavern). Iff you roll before you touch them, they will pass harmlessly through you.

Unlimited Skulltulas

First you need to get bombs, the Song of Storms,and the Boomerang. Then go to hyrule castle and jump in the moat so the guards won't see you. Drift until you see a shallow corner. Climb up and you will see a tree. Play the Song of Storms. A hole will open up, then jump down. There will be several walls that can be blown down with a bomb. One of these has a gold skulltilla behind it.

BE CAREFUL, first kill the bug then stand right in front of the circle that sends you back to the surface. Next, throw the Boomerang at the token and as soon as it hit's the token step back on the circle. You will be back at the surface. If you did this right the gold skulltulla should still be there. Repeat this process until you have 100 or more.

Use any Weapon on Epona (gold cartridge only)

To use other weapons on Epona, you need to get rid of the Master Sword. One way of doing this is in the second battle of Ganon. When he knocks the sword away from you, save it, and press reset.

Now open the saved file and don't equip any swords. The green button should be blank.

Go to Hyrule Field and play Epona's song to get Epona. Now press different C buttons to use the items. You can use Deku Nuts to get off the horse and walk on foot and control the horse at the same time. You can also use the hookshot if you want the game to lock up.

NOTE : You won't lose the Master Sword by doing this. Any time you want it back to normal, equip a sword or go back in time.

Use the Lens of Truth without using magic

Play the Song of Storms. As soon as you regain control of Link, use the Lens of Truth. If this is done correctly, the white border around the magic meter will not flash and you can have the Lens on without depleting your magic.


Easy Money

When you go to enter the town of Hyrule you're able to walk up the chains that are holding the draw bridge, and if you jump off of the chain in the direction of the other chain you will get 20 rupees. Just make sure to hold the direction of the town so you enter town before you hit the ground otherwise you'll take damage. You can quickly gain a lot of rupees by going back into town after doing this then going out and getting the rupee again. Additionally if you wait until sunset and "ride" the draw bridge while its being raised so you're on the very end of it when its fully raised you can carefully walk across it for an easy 4 or 5 red rupees.

Free Hylian Shield

When you're a kid you can get the Hylian Sheild for free instead of wasting 80 rupees. First go to the graveyard in Kakariko village and wait for night. Then pull the tombstones that have flowers in front of them back and go down their holes. When You find the right one it will have a treasure chest inside. Inside that is the Hylian Shield.

Get Fire Arrows Early

First, get the scarecrow song as a kid. To do this, go to Lake Hylia as a kid through Zora's Domain. Talk to the scarecrow on the shore, the fist by the lake. Take out your ocarina and he'll want to play. Play a song you made and that's your song. Be sure to remember it. Next, you'll need the Longshot. To get this, beat Dark Link in the Water Temple. As an adult, go to the scarecrows and play the song for the first one.

Piere will now appear where there is a green Navi but nothing there. Now, when the sun is rising, shoot the sun with an arrow by the Water warp point (with the Water Medalion on it. When the Fire arrows appear, go down the hill.

Don't drop, just go to the edge. Play the scarecrow song to make Piere appear. Use the Longshot to hook on and grab the arrows. Good Job! P.S. The Fire Arrows light things on fire. Duh!

Get the golden scale as a kid!

When you are a child, go to the fishing pond and start fishing like normal. Keep fishing until you get a fish that’s big enough to earn a heart piece. Instead of going to the fishing owner, go into the middle of the pond. Face towards the owner in the water and hold Z + R (lock and shield). Don’t let go and swim and run to him. Once you reach him, talk to him without letting go of Z and R. He’ll give you the golden scale instead of a heart piece!

This allows you to do many things early on. Such as entering Zora’s Domain without having to play Zelda’s Lullaby. Or getting the heart piece from the Lakeside Laboratory (letting you have both the scale and heart piece.)

Giant monsters

If you continously kill the same type of monster, you will encounter a giant version of the type you've been killing. This works on Stalchildren, Guays, and Leevers.

Infinite money at will

In the past, there is a beggar in the Hyrule Castle Market that asks you to sell him things with C. In the future, that same beggar is relocated to Kakariko Village, which is perfect for arguably the fastest non-Skulltulla money trick in the game.

Behind the old lady's potion shop in Kakariko lies a grotto, and within it, a fish. Bring a bunch of empty bottles to the grotto, then enter and re-enter the grotto until you're able to fill all of your bottles with fish. The beggar will buy each fish for 100 rupees, and you can repeat this process as many times as you wish until your money is maxed out. This obviously works best when you have the Giant's Wallet and are able to carry a maximum of 500 rupees at a time.

Kill Zombies Easier

Play the sun song anywhere where there are zombies. They will freeze and be easier to kill because they won't attack you.

Make the Sinking Lure legal

This will make the fish you catch with the Sinking Lure be legal, as if you had caught them without it. After getting the Sinking Lure, go to the fisherman and say to him "Let's talk about something else". He will then allow you to use the Sinking Lure, and the fish you catch with it will no longer be noted as being "Illegal".

Note: You will still need to find the Sinking Lure each time you come back.

Never Lose Tunic or Shield

To not lose your tunic or shield when you are eaten by a like-like, put on the kokiri(green) tunic and the mirror shield. Since both of these are one of a kind and can't be re-bought,the like-like can't eat them.

Sinking Lure

If you want to easily catch really big fish in the fishing pond without having to spend countless hours, then make sure you have caught the "lunker" fish as an adult and have obtained the gold scale. Now go to the fishing pond and you will find a new lure in one of three places: 1.) in the feeder creek, 2.) in the grass around the perimeter of the area, or 3.) on the log jutting out of the pond.

Once you find this lure, try fishing with it. It is irresistible to fish, so catching a 20 pounder will be no problem. However, if you set any records by using this lure, the fish you have caught will be noted as illegal on the aquarium and at the record board in Link's house.

Cheat: Super Cuccoo Game Cheat

This should make it a lot easier to catch the Super Cuccoos. As young Link, go to Lon Lon Ranch and enter the first door on the left. The sleeping guy (Talon?) will be there in a room full of chickens.

Grab and toss all the chickens into the corner of the room where the bottom of the staircase is. The chickens will get stuck there and won't roam as much. Now go and play the Super Cucco game. He'll toss his three "super chickens" into the room. An easy win, now that all the other chickens are stuck in the corner. The prize: A full bottle of Lon Lon milk.

Cheat: Unbreakable Deku Sticks

To get an unbreakable Deku Stick you must do the following:

Get a lot of Deku Sticks.

Equip a Deku Stick.

Do the Jumping Slash Attack on an object and either hit the tip or middle of the stick. The stick will break in half and you will keep one half which is invincible and is twice is strong than Link's normal sword.

Cheat: Unlimited Gold Skulltillas

First you need to get bombs, the song of storms,and bomerang. First go to hyrule castle if you jump in the moat so the guards won't see you. Drift until you see a shallow corner, climb up and you will see a tree. play the song of storms. A hole will open up, jump down.

There will be several walls that can be blown down with a bomb. On of these has a gold skulltilla behind it. BE CARFUL, first kill the bug then stand right in front of the cirle that sends you back to the surface.

Next, throw the bomerang at the token as soon as it hit's the token step back on the circle. You will be back at the surface. If you did this right the gold skulltilla should still be there. Repeat this process until you have 100 or more.

Unlockable: Getting the Biggoron Sword

Here is what you need to get and do to receive the Biggoron Sword. This is a great sword since it cuts swings to death practically in half.

Some have time limits and don't warp or else it will reduce time and you need Epona for this. Use the same carrot method when you beat Ingo for this.

How to read:

When you read one line, that tells you where you give a certain item to a person (e.x.,Corjiro you get from Kakariko Village from the Cucco Girl). The next line shows you where you give the item you obtained from the previous line to and where the person is.

Pocket Egg-Cucco Girl (Kakariko Village) (Note: Make him happy by waking up Talon and then go back to Cucco Girl)

Corjiro-Brother of Cucco Girl (Lost Woods)

Odd Mushroom-Mother behind potion shop (Kakariko Village)

Odd Potion-Kokiri Girl (Lost Woods)

Poacher's Saw-Carpender (Gerudo Valley)

Goron's Sword-Biggoron (Death Mountain)

Prescription-King Zora (Zora's Domain)

Eyeball Frog-Professor (Lake Hylia)

Eye Drops-Biggoron (Death Mountain)

You will receive a claim check after step 9. Play the Sun's Song 6 times or wait three days to get the Biggoron Sword. Believe me, it's worth all that work!


Hint: Free Lon Lon Milk

If you have an empty bottle, stand in front of any cow and play "Epona's Song". The cow will feel energetic and fill your bottle up with Lon Lon Milk for free!

Hint: Magic Bean Square Locations

Here's the locations of the Magic Bean Squares.

Lake Hylia by the laboratory.

Desert Colossus by the temple.

Gerudo Valley by the bridge.

To the left of the entrance bridge to Kokiri Forest.

By the Kokiri shop.

Lost woods - trail to it: right, left, right, left, and left.

Zora's river by the bean selling man.

Kokariko graveyard at the top-back-left corner.

Death mountain trail at the foot of dodongo cavern.

Play the Bolero of Fire to warp into the death mountain crater and the square will be right near the point of arrival.

Hint: Navi's Hints

Be sure to keep an eye on your fairy companion at all times. When Navi turns green and flies over to a spot, it's usually an indication that there is something hidden there. If you don't feel a rumble from the Stone of Agony, then it's most likely a red fairy (refreshes health and magic).

Play the Song of Storms or Zelda's Lullaby, to lure it out. In some occasions, Navi also points out potential "scarecrow" spots and hidden caves.

Hint: Magic Arrows

Fire Arrow - In Lake Hylia, walk across the bridges to get to the tree. Play the Ocarina to make it night time. Equip your bow. Play the flute again, then shoot the sun.

Ice Arrow - In the Gerudo training course, you must collect keys. When you have at least 5, walk into the door in front of the entrance, and use all the keys to make a path. In the big chest you will find the Ice Arrow.

Light Arrow - When you get all of the medallions, go to the Temple of Time. You will find Zelda and she will give it to you.

Hint: Shortcuts Through the Lost Woods

To Get Through The Lost Woods Quickly, Follow These Directions: Go Right, Left, Right, Left, Straight, Left, Right.

To Get To Goron City Quickly From Kokri Forest, Take The First Right, Then a Left, And Go Straight.

NOTE: You Must Have Already Been To Goron City And Blown Up the Boulders Covering the Path.

Hint: Stone of Agony

Please note that you must have the Rumble Pak for this secret to happen. Once you aquire the Stone of Agony, equip it, and every time Link approaches an important item in the game, the Stone of Agony will beat real hard the closer you get to the important item. It is basically a little note that your approaching something good.

Hint: Save the Ranch and Get Animals

As a kid go to Lon Lon Ranch. Talk to Malon and she'll teach you a song. Play it to Epona and she'll grow fond of you. Then become an adult. Go to Lon Lon Ranch and pay Mr. Indigo to ride a horse.

Then when you're in there, play Epona's song. Epona will run up to you and you ride her for a minute. Then pay him again, get on epona, ride to Mr. Indigo and speak to him. He'll ask if you want to race, say yes.

Beat him twice then he'll lock you in the ranch. All you have to do is jump over the gate. To get the cow go back to the ranch and talk to Malon. She should ask if you want to do the obstacle course, say yes, and if you break the record you get a cow.

Hint: Red Fairies Galore!

In Lake Hylia go to where the owl is sitting between the two bridges. Talk to him. After you talk to him run away so he doesn't take you to the castle. Go back to where he was. Then go behind the piece of stone and pull it. Go in the hole and there will be about 20 red fairies!

Hint: How to get Epona the Horse

Getting Epona can be very tricky at times. This guide will help you beat Mr Igno.

Learn Epona's Song. As Young Link talk to Malon in the horse corral in Lon Lon Ranch after meeting Princess Zelda. Talk to her again and show her your ocarina and she'll teach you Epona's Song.

Become Adult Link and get at least 70 rupees.

Talk to Mr. Ingo outside the corral at Lon Lon Ranch and pay 10 rupees to ride the horse. Instead of getting on the horse provided, play Epona's Song and Epona will run up to you. Ride her around the corral to practice. Wait until the time is up.

Talk to Mr. Ingo again and pay to ride again. Play Epona's Song and get on Epona. This time, walk up to Mr. Ingo while on Epona and use Z Targeting to talk to him. He'll challenge you to a race with a 50 rupee wager.

Win the race against Mr. Ingo. He'll challenge you to a second race. Win again and you'll get Epona.

Use the A button to get Epona running really fast and jump over any fence to escape the ranch.

Race Tips: Racing Mr. Ingo can be tough. Here's how to win. Hold forward on the control stick as soon as the race begins. Use 1 carrot (push A to use a carrot) and wait for it to come back before using it again to keep up with Mr. Ingo. Hug the fence and wait for him to move out of your way.

Then use up all the carrots you have EXCEPT ONE to speed Epona up and pass him. Wait until a second carrot appears and use it, then keep doing this to keep ahead of Mr. Ingo. NEVER USE YOUR LAST CARROT! Just keep using the second-to-last carrot. If you use the last one you'll slow down big time and lose.

Hint: Travel Hyrule Fields Safely

Are you getting annoyed at the skeletons that pop out of the ground at night when you're walking around in the Hyrule Fields? Ever tried camouflaging yourself as local wildlife? For example, try puttin on the rabbit mask you get at the mask shop and you will be able to run around freely without the annoying undead attackers.

Note: You need to be young Link to wear masks.

Hint: Great Golden Gauntlets

To get the golden gauntlets you must go to Ganon's Tower and go into the shadow room. Once there get to the platform past the guy that steels your stuff when he sucks you in. Once on the platform you must shoot the un-lit torch or lite it somehow and there should be a pathway that leads down to a switch, press it, a chest sould fall from the cieling, go back up, dont worry if you fall you can come back and the chest should still be there.

Hint: Unlimited Money

For some reason everyone is dissapointed because all you get for finding 100 skulltulla tokens is 200 rupees. Well, actually, it's infinite. Once you get the first huge rupee, you can come back whenever you want and get another one. I don't know why no one else has noticed this yet...

Hint: Secret Pictures in Zelda's Courtyard

Go to the courtyard where you first meet Zelda. Look in the windows, and in one of them you will see some pictures of some familiar video game characters!

Hint: Skulltula Rewards

Kill the following numbers of Skulltula Spiders and receive the items below:

10: Adult Wallet (holds 200 rupees)

20: Stone of Agony (hidden rumblings)

30: Giant Wallet (holds 500 rupees)

40: Bombchu (climbs up walls)

50: Piece of Heart

100: Gold Rupee (see "Unlimited Money")

Hint: Fun with Gossip Stones

When you are able to use bombs find a gossip stone. Place a bomb at the base of the stone. When the smoke clears the stone should flash blue twice, red once and then blast off.

Also when you get the megaton hammer from the fire temple find a stone and give it a good wallop and the stone will flatten like a pancake.

Don't worry if you send the stone into space it will come back when you exit the room. When you flatten the stone it should bounce back to its normal shape in a couple of seconds.

Hint: Free Hylian Shield

You must NOT have the Hylian Shield already for this trick to work. Go to Kakiriko Graveyard at nightime as a kid and pull back the grave with flowers in the first row of graves. Jump in the pit and open the chest inside.

NOTE: If you already have the Hylian Shield, the chest will contain a blue rupee.

Hint: Tunic Locations

To get the Goron Tunic go to Goron City as an adult and stop the little goron rolling on the 3rd floor with a bomb. Talk to him about the dragon and the gorons and he will give you the Goron Tunic. To get the Zora Tunic go to Zora's Domain as an adult and unthaw King Zora with a bottle of Blue Fire from the Ice Cavern or the Potion Shop.

Hint: Mad Soldier

You know that in the castle courtyard there are the pictures, right? Well, there's also a soldier that's there. Go to the window opposite of the window with pictures. Use your slingshot and shoot in the window. A soldier will peek out, say something, and throw a bomb at you. It's not a useful trick, but it's pretty funny to see.

Hint: Free Fish

Instead of buying a fish for Lord Jabbu Jabbu (Which is nearly imposible), Just catch one with a bottle right next to the shop. I know this trick is obvious, but some people just don't think!

Hint: Fun with the Fisherman's Hat

As adult Link, you can hook the fisherman's hat. Just aim at him, then cast. It may take a few tries to find the right place. You'll see that he has gone bald!

Now for something totally new. When you have the hat, cast it into the pond. If you cast enough, the hat will come off the hook and sink. The fisherman will charge you 50 rupees for a replacement. But he never gets one. The fisherman will remain without a hat for the rest of the game.

Hint: Unlimited Skulltta Coins Glitch

As a kid go to the tree close to where you found Talon the first time, by the castle. Go to the tree nearby and play the song of storms close to the tree. Bomb the walls until you find the gold skulttatta. Kill it and move close to the portal. Grab the coin with the bommarang and step up right before it comes to you. The word "you" or "you des" will be displayed. Do this as many times as you like.

Hint: Secret of Butterflies

Ever wonder what secret the harmless little butterflies are hiding that flutter about Hyrule? As young Link, take out a stick and find some butterflies. Slowly follow them until one touches the stick -- which, tadaaaa: turns it into a red fairy. Use a bottle to catch it or touch it to be healed instantly.

Hint: Scarecrow Song

When you go to Lake Hyrule as young Link, show your Ocarina to the scarecrow. He will ask you to play a song, so create one of exactly 8 notes and remember it. Show and play the song back to the other scarecrow. Come back to the lake as adult Link and play the song to the first scarecrow and you will learn the scarecrow song.

Hint: Multiply Bugs

Got a few empty bottles to fill with bugs? Here's an easy way to get multiple bugs without having to go look for them. You need one bug to start off with, commonly found under rocks or by bumping into trees. Catch the bug in a bottle. Now empty the bottle out again. Voila, three bugs will come out -- now you can fill three of your bottles.

Cheat: Epona Item Code

Play through the game until you get to Gannon. Then after he knocks the Master Sword out of Link's hands, save & quit. When you start at Gannon's Castle, Leave and go get on Epona in Hyrule Field. Even though the icons are not there, you can use any item you have equipped.

(If you use the longshot and it latches on to something, you can fly through anything and everything. Whenever, and wherever you want!)

NOTE: This only works on the GOLD cartridge version of the game (v1.0), other versions (1.1 and 1.2) do not allow this trick.

Hint: Great Faerie Locations

Magic Spin Slash: On Top of Death Mountain, there is sign, to the left looks like a door, BOMB it to find a door.

Din's Fire: In Hyrule castle, once you enter climb up the vines, jump of the gate and run foward, there should be a sign, go past it and use a BOMB to blow up the rock.

Farore's Wind: At Zoras Fountain, go to the right once you enter, there is a island with trees and rocks, go there, use a BOMB on the rock on the wall, then run into the cave.

Double magic meter: Play the Bolero of Fire on the Ocarina, then go across the bridge that leads to the Leader Goron, instead of going into his chamber, go left, equip your MEGATON HAMMER and break the rock.

Double Energy (Adult): Once you leave the market going towards Ganons Castle, go right, run until you see a bunch of rocks, go past them and you will see a big column, use your GOLD GAUNTLETS to lift it.

Hint: Hidden Gold Rupees

Don't wait untill you have 100 Gold Skulltulas to get the golden Ruppee, get it as soon as you get bombs. As either Link, go to Kakariko Village. Right when you walk in there is that tree in the middle.

Well take about 10 paces directly behind that tree, you should be in the center of a somewhat open area in the town. (If you have the Stone of Agony, you will feel it rumble.)

Place a bomb there and back away, when it explodes there will be a hole in the ground and kill the two mummies with the Song of the Sun and your sword. A treasure chest will appear with a golden ruppee inside.

Another gold rupee is hidden in the boulder chamber in Goron City. Stay on the left side of the chamber that destroys the rocks. When you get to the end of the line of rocks there should be a gold rupee. In the same chamber there should also be a purple rupee.

For a third, get to the bottom of the well and defeat Dead Hand. Now grab the Lens of Truth and equip it and look for a small chest behind the one you just opened. Open it to reveal a golden rupee.

Hint: Golden Scales

Go to the fishing hut when Link is an adult. If you can catch a 15 pound fish you'll receive golden scales. These let you dive to 8 meters.

Hint: Hidden Red Fairies (Gossip Stone)

Low on energy? Find a Gossip Stone (the cycloptic rocks that giggle when you hit them) and play one of the following three songs next to it: Zelda's Lullaby, Epona's Song, or Song of Storms. Either touch the red fairy that flies out to fill up your energy or catch it in a bottle so that it can revive you if you die.

Hint: Finding Gold Skulltulas

Before planting a Magic Bean in a mound of soft dirt, empty a jar of bugs (you can buy them for 50 rupees at Hyrule Market or just find them under rocks) on top of the mound. Catch one of the bugs mmediately afterwards so you don't have to find or buy more of them. After one of the bugs goes into the mound of dirt, a Gold Skulltula will jump out, except for the mound right next to the bean selling guy.

Hint: Extra Bottles

To get extra bottles go to a place where there are fish swimming in a shallow pool, like the hole behind the potion shop in Kokariko Villiage, or Zora's fountain. Equip a bottle, and swap at a fish. When he is in mid-swap pause it and equip something useless in the bottle's place and it will turn into a bottle. DON'T use something important, because you might not be able to get it back.

NOTE: The bottles will appear in your equipment screen, but you may not be able to use them.

Hint: Free Cow

If you return to Lon Lon Ranch after you get Epeona, Malon will challenge you to a race. If you beat 50 sec. she'll say what she that she wants to give you somthing but it is too heavy to carry. If you return to your house there is a cow in it!

Hint: Beat Queen Gohama easily

When Queen Gohama climbs up on the wall and on to the roof and tries to lay eggs you can hit her in the eye with the sling shot and she will fall and be paralyzed and ready to hit.

Hint: Boot Locations

To get the Hover Boots go to the Shadow Temple as a adult and go through the invisible wall in the first room and there will be more invisible walls in the next room in one of them there will be a door leading to a deadhand. Beat it to get the Hover Boots. To get the Iron Boots beat the Ice Cavern.

Hint: Big Bomb Bag

As a kid go to the bombchu game room in Hyrule Town Market. Play a second time, if you win, you will recieve a bomb bag that can hold 30 bombs. If you're not very good at bombachu bowling, here's another way to get a bigger bomb bag. As young Link, go to Goron City. There is a large Goron rolling around. Stop him with a bomb, and he will give you a bigger bomb bag.

Hint: End Game Song

At the VERY end of the game, after the entire ending, when it says "The End" and freezes the frame, if you leave it on for awhile, it'll start playing the song you made up for the scarecrow. Wait another minute or so and it'll play it again in a different octave or different instrument. It does this about 4-6 times and then stops. No biggie, just another little "easter egg" Miyamoto dropped in there.

Hint: Beat the Shadow Temple Mini Boss

To beat the mini boss in the Shadow Temple ( the one where hands grap you and hold you in place until it bites you ), all you have to do is use your lense of truth. When using it, look for a shadow on the ground. When you see it, put a bomb on it. The boss will then come up out of the ground and you won't be hurt.

Hint: Bottle Locations

Bottle #1:At Lon Lon Ranch, play Talon's Super Cucco Game. When you win, you will receive a bottle(1) with Lon Lon milk

Bottle #2: In Kakariko village, find all the cuccos and return them to the pen, then talk to the lady standing next to the pen, she will give you a bottle.

Bottle #3: At Lake Hylia (you must have the silver scale), dive into the water to find a bottle and a letter.

Bottle #4: As adult Link, go to the market and talk to the ghost person in the house directly to the left asyou enter. Go outside and collect poes, once you collect 1000 points, the ghost will give you a bottle.

Hint: Cure a Wounded Sign

If you slash a sign to smithereens, you can put it back together by playing Zelda's lullaby on your ocarina. The sign will magically recreate itself in front of your eyes.

Hint: Creating Music with the Ocarina

You can get even more detailed in the music you play with the ocarina with these extra tips. To play flat notes, hold Z while playing a note. To play sharp notes, hold R while playing a note. To vary the pitch on a note, use the Control Stick. Try it out and compose your own masterpieces!

Hint: Chicken Attack

Any fan of the old Zelda games will have figured this one out already: Attack a chicken repeatedly with your sword and it will call for backup. Soon, tons of chickens will flap around on screen, trying to give Link that same fuzzy "Birds" feeling as in Hitchcock's famous movie. Simply leave the room or area to stop the chicken attack.

Hint: Barbecued Link

Play through your game as normal until Ganon, the final boss. After you have knocked Ganon down the first time, retreive the master sword. Get the master sword from Zelda but instead of going back to face Ganon, go the opposite way and move away from Ganon.

There should be a piece of land that is near Zelda which juts away from the floating arena. Move back in it until you hit an invisible wall.

Turn around in place until you are facing Ganon and equip your bow and arrow. Aim carefully and fire an arrow at Ganon's tail. If the trick worked Ganon should get up and Link should be engulfed in flames.

Hint: Easy Way to Beat Mirror Link

If you use the Megaton Hammer against mirror link he won't be able to mirror your attacks.

Hint: Sinker Lure

At the fishing pond, go to the big rock near the large crack in the wall. Run to the corner to find a sinker lure. You can try using it to catch the black eel swimming around in the deepest parts of the pond.

Hint: Beat Shadow Link Easily

Use Din's Fire to damage Shadow Link easily.

Hint: Magic Spell Locations

Din's Fire: After collecting some bombs, go to the castle as a child and blow up the rock past the gate.

Farore's Wind: At the location of Lord Jabu Jabu, go to the right of his platform and swim towards the wall. Use a bomb on one of the rocks.

Nayru's Love: Outside of the Spirit Temple, use a bomb on the crack on the walls somewhere nearby in the desert.

Hint: Rupees From Light Arrows

If you kill any enemy with nothing but light arrows, when they burn up, they leave behind a purple rupee, worth 50 green rupees.

Hint: Zora Kisses

As adult Link, earn enough money to buy the Zora Tunic (you must not have it already). Then, go to King Zora, melt off the red ice and he'll offer you a Zora Tunic. Since you already have it he'll offer you a big kiss instead.

Hint: Get Mask of Truth

Follow these steps as a kid to gain the Mask of Truth which allows you to talk to the gossip stones. 1. Sell the Keaton Mask to the guard at the foot of Death Mountain. 2. Sell the Skull Mask to the Skull Kid in the Lost Woods. 3. Sell the Spooky Mask to the young boy who plays in Kakariko Graveyard. 4. Finally, Sell the Bunny Hood to the Marathon Runner in Hyrule Field. Make sure you have an empty Giant's Wallet! Now return to the Happy Mask Shop and the Shopkeeper will let you borrow ANY mask for FREE! Note: If you return to the shop without any ruppees, the guy's eyes glow red!

Hint: Day Time Dog

First get the sun song, then go to the town with the temple of time, next walk up to a dog so it follows you then play the sun song. The dog will follow you until you leave town!

Hint: Heart Pieces with the Boomerang

You can use the Boomerang to get two Heart Pieces that seem to only be available much later. The first one is near the entrance to Zora's Domain, sitting pretty on an unreachable ledge (note that this is the one RIGHT near the waterfall - the one further down the river can be reached by using the Cucco to fly across the gap). Once you've gotten the Boomerang, stand on the ledge opposite the Heart Piece and aim carefully. A few tries should snag it. It will probably drop off of your Boomerang and into the water below, near the ladder, where you can retrieve it.

The second Heart Piece is the one in Kakariko Village's windmill. This one is simple to get with the Boomerang - there's no need to wait until you come back as Adult Link and get the Hookshot!

You can also get that Heart Piece above Dodongo's Cavern as Young Link, rather than waiting to use a bean platform. Go to the place where the Bomb Flower grows, near the entrance to the Goron city; pick the bomb flower and chuck it, and then quickly do a back flip over the low part of the fence that the bomb flower was blocking. If you do it correctly (aiming yourself a bit to the left of the screen), you'll land on the ledge

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.