[EDIT.. Doh! New user, 1 Q, I shoulda realized this wasn't a "real" Q. After I typed, then read other 7 or 8 answers.. (+1 to most).. now I get it. I'll leave my post anyhow. ]
I have not seen your products; but I can already see a few points of discussion here.
1) Please quantify what you mean. "Everyone hates.." "..we always fall short.."
"What makes us so bad?" -These are all very non-specific questions. I am part of everybody, and I don't hate your games. (I have no idea who you are, or what your games are.. so I can't possibly hate.) If your "target audience" or "paying customers" or "beta testers"
don't like your product - then those specific people are in a better position to give you constructive criticism.
based on #1
::: You are not listening to your customers / target audience.
::: You have not established an easy/fun/positive way for your customers to tell you these things.
::: Asking an anonymous bunch of dolts like me -- well, a dolt like me, and some anonymous folks at YA! Is really not the best business decision you could make.
::: failing to quantify your question shows poor business judgement, too.
>> " we produced ### different betas and we had ### testers - our testers didn't like the games, and here is what they said: ______";; " we produce games like CoD, but nobody buys them. Here is a link to our site - please help us out. The first 100 new beta -testers that sign up will get free updates, a production copy of our next game, and a t-shirt. " [in the right forum.. not a Q&A like this.] " We coded 300 mods to CoD, and we think they are similar quality / content to mods by [competitor],[competitor],[competitor]. Yet, we have 1/10th the downloads. If anyone can look [web link or console keys] - and give me some feedback on why our mods don't seem popular - I'd really appreciate it."
#2 Your entire question sounds like you are already defeated in business. Isn't there anything positive you can say, then ask the question?
I could go on with #3, 4, ... but you get the idea.
[have a plan] + [have some resources - like coders] + [execute plan] -[ expect mistakes, accidents, failing in at least 50% of your attempts] + [learn from mistakes] + [treat your potential customers well] + [treat your existing customers well] + { [use critics/complainers to make your product or marketing better]^3} ... then possibly with [luck], [aggressive marketing], [catchy names], [help from friends].. you might have a successful product or business.