Pokémon series including Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, The Legend of Zelda series, Batman Arkham games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Pokémon Showdown, Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha series, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Mario Kart series, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy series, Super Smash Bros series, Mega Man series, Sonic the Hedgehog series, Halo, Marvel vs Capcom series, Final Fantasy, Spyro 2 and 3, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Warped, Tekken series, DBZ Tenkaichi 2, Kingdom Hearts series, Jack and Daxter, Hulk Utlimate Destruction, Spider-man 2 for Gamecube, Destroy All Humans, and Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc