Rate me pokemon team?
2010-10-24 13:02:41 UTC
Crobat @ Choice Band
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 36 Def / 148 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Super Fang

I know a lot of people like the lead match-up thing so here it is:

Azelf - U-turn to Metagross and Bullet Punch
Aerodactyl - Switch to Metagross and use Bullet Punch. If it didn't taunt, then I set up stealth rock.
Swampert - U-turn to Heatran (it won't Earthquake) and use Hidden Power Grass
Metagross - U-turn to Heatran and use Magma Storm
Machamp - Brave Bird
Jirachi - Switch to Metagross, use Stealth Rock
Infernape - Brave Bird 2HKO (sash), Fake Out can't flinch
Ninjask - Taunt
Tyranitar - U-turn to Metagross, then normally I use stealth rock and then Hammer Arm, possibly Bullet Punch if I'm slower
Heatran - U-turn to Suicune
Roserade - U-turn to Metagross and Bullet Punch
Hippowdon - U-turn to Suicune
Uxie - U-turn to Metagross, use Stealth Rock
Smeargle - U-turn to Metagross and Bullet Punch
Gliscor - U-turn to Suicune
Bronzong - U-turn to Metagross, use Stealth Rock
Dragonite - U-turn to Metagross for the STAB attack (Extremespeed doesn't do much to Crobat), then switch to Suicune

Worst match-ups include aerodactyl and some random choice stuff like scarf azelf and CB dragonite, but as you can see, no common lead is anything more than bothersome.

Metagross @ Lum Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Atk / 28 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Bullet Punch
- Explosion
- Hammer Arm

Metagross is a great partner for Crobat because it handles many of the leads that Crobat has trouble with. The two leads that actually outpace Crobat, Scarfrachi and Aerodactyl, are easily dealt with by Metagross. I usually don't like using lead Metagross because it's boring and predictable and just not very effective, but LumGross with Bullet Punch is just so good with Crobat that I needed to use it.

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]

Suicune is such a great pokemon because it checks a ton of stuff, it's easy to use, and it's extremely hard to take down as well without Blissey or LO/Specs T-bolt. Even if my opponent tricks a choice item, they now have to deal with a choiced +1 Hydro Pump, and their Rotom/Jirachi is probably dead now, too. With Heatran everywhere these days, I think it is very important to have something like Suicune or Vaporeon to safely switch into it.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Toxic

I liked Flygon before Latias got banned, I liked Flygon after Latias got banned, and now I like it even more with Salamence gone as well. It's sort of hard to explain why Flygon is so good because it doesn't look too good on paper (or at least that's what I thought at first), but after playing with it for a few games, one realizes that it is actually quite effective. Flygon is the first of two much-needed Electric-immune pokemon on my team as well as the second of two much-needed Ground-immune pokemon as well, and Flygon has many more useful resistances that the rest of this team benefits from too.

Heatran @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 128 HP / 168 Spd / 212 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Magma Storm
- Taunt
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Earth Power

Next up is Heatran, or "HeaTrap" as some call it. When Salamence was banned, the FGW became very popular. The Water and Grass part of the core changes from team to team; the water-type could be Vaporeon, Suicune, Gyarados, Starmie, Kingdra, or even something else, and the grass-type could be Celebi, Shaymin, Breloom, or Roserade. However, the fire-type of the FGW core is always the same - Heatran - and that is why I think Heatran is the #1 used pokemon right now.

Lanturn @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 52 HP / 60 Spd / 252 SAtk / 144 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Thunder Wave
- Charge Beam
- Substitute

Last, but certainly not least, is Lanturn. Lanturn was the last member to join the team, and to be honest it is probably the weakest link, however it still does it's job pretty well and it's also incredibly underrated. Lanturn is my second Electric-immune Pokemon, and boy does that come in handy. Lanturn is a great switch-in for many special attackers including Rotom-a, Starmie, Jolteon, Zapdos, Suicune, Vaporeon, and more.

You can also email me at if you need any more character space. ;)
Four answers:
2010-10-24 13:38:21 UTC
It's a good team, but it won't last long if you take on my team at your current state.

Crobat is a Poison type, yet it doesn't have any poison move.

My suggestion:

Teach it Toxic to give status ailment to your opponent.

U-turn is use only when you're in a bind or you need to switch up.

Roost is a great HP recovery move to keep your Crobat alive.

And Air Slash, which is a STAB, for attack.

Metagross is one of the best if you use it right.

My suggestion:

Teach it Hammer Arm or Meteor Mash for physical attack.

Psychic against Fighting types.

Stealth Rock to give damage for switching Pokemon.

And Earthquake against Fire type.

The rest are ok, but give them some more thought on what moves they should use.
2016-09-11 14:12:17 UTC
Suggestions in your workforce.. Bronzong: all movements are well besides for extrasensory..Bronzong is psychic/metal variety and possibly U wanna placed a few psychic movements there..however I believe earthquake is greater than extrasensory coz earthquake too can counter fireplace that's Bronzong handiest weak spot (in case your Bronzong has levitate potential)..and in case your Bronzong has IV velocity of zero and comfortable nature, that could be well coz gyro ball will participate in its excellent.. Train EV for protection..for spDef, U already acquired calm brain..on no account coach its velocity to maximise gyro ball vigor.. Slaking: well movements..juz Slaking's detailed potential that make it worse.. Milotic: additionally has well movements..get replicate coat if U wanna make it extra unbeatable however the movements that it has now must be satisfactory.. Dragonite: thunder wave is a well transfer to be paired wit Dragonite..I do not believe ice beam essential despite the fact that coz Dragonite weak spot is rock, dragon, ice..additionally Milotic already has ice beam..and why it does no longer have dragon movements? Dragonite first variety is dragon and get outrage for its dragon transfer..If U wanna placed flying transfer, get aerial ace rather of fly coz fly demands two turns and your foe juz transfer to rock/electrical poke while U use fly..aerial ace cannot omit additionally..get the transfer: dragon dance for extra assault and velocity (usually velocity).. Torterra: Torterra well at assault so U could desire to make use of picket hammer rather of giga drain..picket hammer has extra vigor additionally and it is usin' assault stat at the same time giga drain usin' spA..different movements are satisfactory.. Snorlax: well movements additionally..I additionally consider that it is virtually unbeatable wit the ones movesets.. Hope this support n well success at your struggle.. Rate: nine/10..well movements, juz want for a few transfer benefit peculiarly for Dragonite..
2010-10-25 20:46:19 UTC
these are very good teams, but you should get rid of the choice bands and scarfs
2010-10-24 13:45:03 UTC
looks very good would u wanna battle?

my code is 1763 5541 6282

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