Sebastian M
2008-10-27 01:09:54 UTC
1...Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning VS World of Warcraft?
I was gonna buy one or the other i need to know the pros and cons of both the games ill be really appreciative if someone could tell me i will best answer them =D Thanks i really apreciate it
@@Online Games FTW!!!@@
2...World of Warcraft-Mage-Action Bar setup?
Im a Frost mage lv 70(playing a private server i know there bad im just seeing which class i would spend my time on so i dont waste money and time playing a class i dont like and dont tell me how private servers are bad i allready know)
im kinda a noob playing for 2days now and im still a little confused on how to setup my action bar if anyone can give me some tips i will give you the best answer and apreciate it forever =D (if u dont understand the question do your best to try to answer it in the way you know it)
3...Any Famous People on World of Warcraft? there any youtube people i can subscribe like Hobbs but a different class?
5...How Can i stop my WoW from lagging
6...How Can i Make my world of warcraft look better there a guideor/website on how to fight a boss on WoW
8..Alliance Or Horde
Which is better for a new player and gives the time to help you when you need i heard that horde is more mature but alliance help idk im asking experienced world of warcraft players