2010-12-29 20:33:48 UTC
One day before the problem started, I had all modes of Plants v. Zombies(Adventure, Mini-Games, Puzzle, and Survival), with the Shop key, 5 plants in the Zen garden with Stinky the Snail and the Tree of Wisdom, Almanac, and I also got the Silver Sunflower Trophy.
One day later, which is 30th of December, 2010, which is TODAY, I started the PVZ(you should get used to that, it's Plants Versus Zombies). The problem started RIGHT after I clicked to start, with just saying, "START ADVENTURE". Puzzle, Mini-games, and Survival were dimmed(that means it's locked). More problems. Silver Sunflower trophy gone, Shop gone, and the Zen garden, and my pet Stinky the Snail, which I feed chocolate every hour, IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
I closed PVZ, then I started it again. The same!("START ADVENTURE". Puzzle, Mini-games, and Survival were dimmed(that means it's locked). More problems. Silver Sunflower trophy gone, Shop gone, and the Zen garden, and my pet Stinky the Snail, which I feed chocolate every hour, IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( )
I was wondering.... Will it come back to normal when I restart the computer?
Best one: maybe 20 points(as you know, DOUBLE POINTS!)
P.S. Will the old one(all modes of Plants v. Zombies(Adventure, Mini-Games, Puzzle, and Survival), with the Shop key, 5 plants in the Zen garden with Stinky the Snail and the Tree of Wisdom, Almanac, and also the Silver Sunflower Trophy) be deleted when I click Start Adventure???????????????????????????????????
Thank you in advance.