Depends, I'm 40 and still like videos games, but not as much as I use to. Even though i've tried. They are listed under Toys, so it's mainly the younger generation of people who play. On Twitch (game streaming service) you don't see many people even in their 30's doing live streams, it's mostly kids. I was chatting about a game with someone who was 18 and he said, "dude why are you even here?"! So people can make you feel like you shouldn't. It's not WRONG, it's personal preference. You have to conform with people though as well. If you have kids, or live with a girl who has kids, more than likely gaming it's something you shouldn't be doing. If you live alone, no kids, no gf, then sure, have at it. Adult activities like work, a relationship (kids, wife, etc) should be first and foremost. Going outdoors, on vacation, and all sorts of other things. Personally I think video games are to expensive, and make people lazy. They spend far to much time sitting there for hours playing. Same goes for watching TV, and channel surfing. Two of the reasons kids are so lazy, and obesity is such a problem in this country. Sorry to sound like I'm a soap box, but technology has turned this world into a non-social environment. People text instead of talk or visit. Skype, or just rely on their phones to get through life. Video games are far from the worst, but in moderation they are ok. Then again how many guys do you see 40 and over working at Gamestop? Or how many do you actually know? Guess that answers your question.