Well, for me it is obvious. I have thoroughly researched both consoles since their announcements, looked through all their features multiple times, and one of them is clearly a far better console: The Xbox One. The have 100% identical graphics and 100% identical performance, however every feature/ability the PS4 has, the Xbox One has a better version of, and the Xbox One also has about 30+ features/abilities the PS4 does not have. There are no negatives for either console, the Xbox One can just do a whole lot more than the PS4 can. I'm buying my console based on their expected life cycle which is over ten years. In ten years, all the tech in our lives will be voice and motion controlled, except the PS4. In five years every device we own will hook up to all the other devices we own, except the PS4. Right now they might not sound very different to some, but in two years the PS4 will already be an outdated console. I don't even consider the PS4 or Wii U eighth gen consoles, they are more like seven and a half gen.
@Fenrir- you tried really hard not to be biased, and I will give you that. However there are some things you said that were false and I would like to clarify so you don't confuse the person asking the question.
-The PS4 is easier to make games for than the PS3, however the Xbox One is basically a PC in a box now and is the easiest console to develop for. The Xbox One will be the console third party developers make their games for, the PS4 will recieve ports like the PS3 did.
-Cheaper never equals better, especially in this case. Sony gave Sony Computer Entertainment a budget for the PS4 that was 25%-35% smaller than that of the PS3. Because of this they had to make some sacrifices and had to make the console able to be assembled by one assembly line. The PS4..... is going to have overheated issues, plain and simple. There are no fans in the PS4, it has an internal power source, two vents, it has a tiny heat sink, and the console is very small so everything is mashed together. That thing is going to bake like a sidewalk in the Mojave during summer. The Xbox One on the other hand was specifically designed to be ON for over ten years! That is fuhking nuts. It has multiple fans, lots of vents, a huge heat sink, and an external power source. And it is huge so everything is spaced out inside it. The Xbox One will run as cold as Christmas morn.
-The PS4 uses an AMD Radeon GPU that operates at 800mhz, the Xbox One uses an AMD Radeon GPU that operates at 853mhz. If you aren't tech savvy, this basically means the Xbox One will have slightly(unnoticeable to the human eye) better graphics than the PS4. The PS4 uses an Octa-Core AMD x86 Jaguar CPU, the Xbox One uses an Octa-Core AMD x86 Jaguar CPU as well. They will have equal performance. Their hardware is nearly 100% the same. You may have been confused by some moron talking about RAM. RAM has absolutely nothing to do with a game while you are playing it. It is only a tool developers to use and the only difference between the one in the PS4 and Xbox One (GDDR5 and DDR3) is that GDDR5 can process a few seconds faster. This means games developed for the PS4 will be able to be made 1.15 times quicker. A game in development for two years might shave off a week or two by using GDDR5 as opposed to DDR3. It has nothing to do with graphics whatsoever.
-Sony Computer Entertainment is one of the most unreliable companies on the planet. They pump out games but hardly support their consoles after launch. Remember when the PSN was hacked and they told no one what up for months? Remember when Skyrim was a broken game and Bethesda asked Sony to help and Sony said they didn't care? I love the games they make but Sony is a garbage company, not that Microsoft is much better. Both are corporations that want your money.
-Kinect is an amazing feature and it literally put the world forward technologically. The only people complaining about it are Sony fanboys and morons who listen to Sony fanboys. I can't wait to just tell my Xbox what to do and it will do it. No more changing discs, no more changing channels, no more going through menus to find apps, I just have to "Xbox play this movie on netflix" "Xbox go to tv channel 31" "Xbox play Assassins Creed 4" etc.
-They will have less exclusives however it looks like the Xbox Ones exclusives will be way better. Quality over quantity always.
-it looks as if you have been lied to or read lies on a forum. The DRM and always online the Xbox One originally had were there to make it easier to share game, not to inhibit it. DRM would have allowed to trade your games over Xbox Live like you can on Steam. As for used games, unfortunately little known to the public, Gamestop had arranged a deal with Microsoft where you could buy and play Xbox One games used exactly the same way you can with current gen games.