2010-01-02 17:34:05 UTC
Children have to discover the rules of a game and learn how to think strategically. For example most games contain multiple tasks that must be completed in order to advance through the game. "Well we have to get the Jeep, we have to ride up a hill, kill the snipers, drive past the mountainside, go into another giant palace and activate the remote," said one 10-year-old interviewed by ABC News while playing the Halo 2 video game, designed for the Microsoft Xbox gaming system. Completing multiple tasks using whatever resources the game provides the player can improve the player’s fluid intelligence (problem-solving skills.)
Video games can relieve stress. Some believe that reading is a better alternative, but reading relieves stress by allowing the reader to mentally visit a different world for a short period of time. When one plays a video game they see, hear, and control the world they are in, bringing the player deeper into the world than one who reads. Also if one is feeling stressed they can shoot and/or beat up a character in a video game, rather than hurting someone in the real world.
More than 70 percent of video games contain no more bloodshed than a game of Risk . Most parents that do not approve of video games envision bombs, bangs and blood. Only about 30 percent of all video games have violence, and most of those can improve the player’s fluid intelligence. Very few video games are completely worthless games with no benefits whatsoever. Even the Super Smash Brothers series, the Guitar Hero series, and the halo series have some benefits. For example, Super Smash Brothers is excellent for improving hand-eye-coordination because there are many button combinations that must be performed quickly in order to best attack the opponent. It also helps with reasoning skills because each character has different abilities and the player must decide how to best overcome their opponent’s abilities with their own. Guitar hero is also very good for hand-eye-coordination, and it helps improve reflexes because the player is sometimes required to quickly and accurately press multiple buttons or else they fail. Halo, as it has already been stated, can improve fluid intelligence.
Many video games, even certain violent ones, have many benefits. They can improve fluid intelligence, hand-eye-coordination, strategic thinking, reasoning, reflexes, and they can relieve stress. While many may believe that video games are a waste of time, more and more evidence has proven again and again that there are definitely some benefits for children that play video games.