im a warcraft veteran, ive been playing for 4 years, all on Alliance, and i have 9 80's.....i used to play everyday but i think i might be at the end of the line with it...ive just been playin too long now, its fun but its just way too repetitive, nothing changes, you run the same routine everyday, there's no real big innovation at all. Plain and simple, its just getting boring, when u play it all the time u eventually get tired of it, u kno? I dont hate it, it's just im losing interest, its not as fun...i think the whole MMO aspect of it ruins it because once you get wrapped up in the whole guild and online social thing, it takes the real fun out of the game, the true experience, there's so much attention put into the people who are playing the game and not the game itself....not to mention how you have to deal with ignorant assholes on a daily basis,lol. It gets to be too much after a while, the people playing are ruining the game, it takes you out of the zone, they talk about things absolutely irrelevant to the game, so much drama is created, so many issues, conflicts etc....u get it,lol. Plus, its too addictive, wayyyy too addictive, its like a drug!lol. it seriously is!lol. It sucks you in the first second you play, and you will not walk away, you're glued to your chair for all time,lol....i know so many people who've skipped school/work just to play, people who have lost there jobs, girlfriends, lost there relationships with there families, they sit in there rooms all day and never see the light of day,lol....that used to be me,lol...but i learned to weigh out the more important things and just knew my limit, most people dont, people seriously play for 10-17 hours a day, go to bed for like 4-6 hours then do it all over again,lol. It ruins lives, im not joking.....I love the concept of the game, the storyline, the lore, the history, the characters, the scenery, etc...but the people playing are destroying the game.