I'm getting World of Warcraft in a couple months?
2009-11-19 08:32:36 UTC
After I get my new gaming rig, Warcraft is next. Any hints tips or suggestions? I am totally new to it (I did the trial, but your pretty limited, no farther than lvl 12 undead mage). Or if you know of a guild or clan I can hook up with, that would be great as well. 10+ points to the most help! Thanks guys! :D
Fourteen answers:
Captain Carnivore
2009-11-19 08:36:15 UTC
Make a female character on an RP server and pretend to be a girl. Idiots will shower you will gold and gifts while they fap furiously to your sexy avatar.

This is the advice my Dad gave to me, and I pass it on to you my son.

[EDIT] Anyone saying that you have to give up your life for WoW is a crap passage. All good things in moderation, like fapping.

[EDIT TOO] Mikepoo's girlfriends name is Russell.
2009-11-19 17:05:38 UTC
Well first of all, to those that say everyone who plays Warcraft is a loser, or has no life...I'm afraid they are sorely mistaken. It's all about how much you let the game take over. I've been playing it for over a year, and I still maintain all real-world relationships just fine. It's fun game, just always make sure, as was said in a previous post, you take it in moderation.

Now, as for how to pick a character you would like...You can read the description of any race and class on the right hand side of your screen when you select them. There will also be a description of racial abilities and bonuses there, which will help you decide what is best for which class. Of course, you can always make something that just looks cool, but if you want to get the most out of your character's utility, it's very helpful to look carefully at the racials in regards to what you want to do.

For example: if you want to raid and do dungeons as a caster, your best race is to go blood elf. This is because of the Arcane Torrent racial, which instantly restores 10% of your mana pool when used. It's on a 2 minute cool down (meaning you can use it every two minutes), and also silences nearby enemies.

if you want to pvp as a caster, a human is a good choice, so in a gnome or undead. Draenai are also viable because they have a heal ability that can save you in a tight situation.

There are many different combinations for the best of your class, depending on what you find most preferable to play. Try checking the World of Warcraft forums if you want help, or just Google your class and see what race people tend to play it as.

Factions used to be a limiter on this game as well, but since faction changes opened up a little over a month ago (I think), you can now play characters from either side on one realm, so it doesn't particularly matter, except to know that while you are playing one, the other faction will be aggressive to you (on a PvP server...NPCs are the only ones from the opposing faction that will be aggressive to you on a Normal server).

Hopefully this was somewhat helpful.

Characters I own (if you want help once in game) are:

Missmoon and Seraphian of Drak'Tharon

Iofiel and Arafael of Magtheridon
2009-11-19 17:12:29 UTC
WoW in moderation is a very enjoyable game. If you're just starting out I'd suggest trying out as many race/class combinations as possible before you settle on what you want to play, and don't let anyone persuade you to choose a char you're not familiar with.

You might want to familiarize yourself with wowwiki and wow insider. There are lots of other sites that you'll find useful after playing for a bit, but those are good at getting you started and making you aware of wow news and available resourses. Bookmark wowhead.

When you start playing you might get a lot of invitations for guilds as new guilds need people to sign a charter and beginner characters are most likely to be guildless. You might be kicked from that guild as soon as you signed, don't be offended.

You'll soon come across other players, some are awful awful people, some aren't, you'll be able to tell soon enough. The first few levels you'll be learning the basics but as you progress you should try to learn as much as possible about the class you've chosen to play and what your strengths are. Don't fall for scams, which with an ounce of intellect you'll be able to avoid.

Generally if you help someone out they will help you out in return if you can, but don't let someone take you for a ride dragging you along on quests that you don't have.

Wow etiquette is relatively self explanatory but if you want there are a bunch of guides out there to help you familiarize yourself with the appropriate way to play along side players so you don't find yourself on the receiving end of some rant about loot.

Learn the key words, some are WoW specific, but a lot you'll have come across if you've played any mmorpg. Have fun, don't play all day every day, don't let it run your life and don't Need if you really Greed.

(Edit: Sources)
2009-11-19 16:39:19 UTC
Well i need to link my account!!! ur exactly what im looking for lol....

Im JukeboX from Quel'thalas in the US server I have a lvl 80 warlock just about to hit epic gear...

I play on daily basis...

If u link ur account to mine once with the game u will be able to get more experience form killing monsters and completing quests...

Also if u decide to choose any caster on the game i know ho0w to use them and how to gear them up.

Linking an account is just that i recruit you and thats all.. I would have to send u an invitation to a different mail than the accouynt u currently have and then we will get that...

Check it out on the webpage about world of warcraft account link. also it will provide both of us with an epic mount the zebra...

Let me know anything u need of the game m8... XD and im Horde too
2009-11-19 16:36:34 UTC
warcraft used to be a great game. I played when it was first out and i played hardcore in TBC as well with wotlk i kinda fell off playing I hardly play anymore. I always mained a rogue. Its a fun game when its new. Get yourself some friends to play with you.
2009-11-19 17:04:36 UTC
dont get world of warcraft a better game to play is warcraft 3 the frozen throne. there are many difrent games that you can play like vampirism beast, twilight eve, legoin td, palidin td, pudge wars,island defense, hero line tower wars ect. AND best of all you dont have to pay to play it after you already bought the game :D
Dan The Wolfman
2009-11-19 17:00:05 UTC
Link up with the Jukebox guy.. WoW is much better when you play with someone who knows what they are doing. The game is very deep so you need to play with someone who has had experience with it. Dont listen to the people who say not to play it, it does become very addicting but if you are able to manage your time outside the game you will be fine
2009-11-19 16:36:13 UTC
Hurry up and end any connections with loved ones and your jobs before starting believe me it makes it easier than having to call them while playing the game cause that's time deviated to getting your gnome mage to level 30 and buying that robotic chicken mount.
Snafu Bohica
2009-11-19 16:36:28 UTC
Well, I would start by selling your new computer and burning your copy of WoW. Then say goodbye to every girl you've ever spoken to. Unless you change to a Night-Elf Mohawk. Not like Mr. T, he is a douche
2009-11-19 16:35:27 UTC
Getting a life is probably the most inexpensive and valuable thing you could do for yourself. Beats Warcraft anyday.
2009-11-19 16:37:16 UTC
hi, mike, whats your girlfriends name? also, get on emerald dream eu, and join our guild, we'll help you out
*I need u in my life*
2009-11-19 16:40:44 UTC
I SAY DON"T DO IT! I know A LOT,and when I say A LOT believe,me its a big number,of people,that when they got those games,could leave them......They play them everyday,for HOURS.They totally ruined their lives with it.They have no life anymore.They don't go out,don't hang with their Friends as much,neglect school,their grades go down......They *totally* have no life anymore......Don't became as pathetic,assuming u do have a life now.....
2009-11-19 16:36:48 UTC
sorry but world of gaycraft is for ******* losers get a girlfriend
2009-11-19 16:35:54 UTC
Welcome to warcraft!

*Drain life*

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.