Final Fantasy?
2008-07-07 17:27:10 UTC
I have alittle game for you. Well not really but,
Could you tell me all the final fantasy games you've played. and a sentance or 2, or how much u want, telling about it?
As in, The goods of it, And the bads of it.
And at the end, telling me which ones your favorite and why.

Final Fantasy 1: Pretty fun, bad graphics
Final Fantasy 2: Blahblah
and so on.
Please reply, I want to read whatcha think about my favorite series!

Eight answers:
River J
2008-07-09 10:50:48 UTC
FFVI: OK, but not in the same league as the ones after it.

FFVII: Graphics and gameplay dated and clunky. Beautiful storyline, great characters, huge world. Never boring.

FFVIII: The first FF game I ever played. Great characters, amazing story, wonderful world. Graphics look shakey these days. Comabt system good but the magic/bonuses system stinks.

FFIX: Very cutesy, but pretty good graphics for the last PSOne FF. Easy to play. Interesting world. Very funny at times. Too easy to complete.

FFX: Amazing graphics - even now it still looks good. Wonderful characters, storyline and world. Combat and magic as well as the sphere grid are supurb. I hated the blitzball games.

FFX-2: It could have been so good, but it turned out to be a bit of a stinker. Great characters reduced to joke characters. Lame combat magic system. Boring in the extreme.

FFXI: I have it but have never got through the registration process. :(

FFXII: ARGH! Another missed opportunity. All the things that made FF so much fun for girls are missing from this. Instead it's just a big pile of mindless hack 'n' slash with dull, ugly characters who have no personality. The world is reasonably pretty to look at, but like everything else in FFXII, it appears dull and lifeless and there is no romance, pointless bad guys and a non-existant story. Rubbish. FFX-2 has a better plot and that's saying something.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: Yay for Crisis Core - finally back to the sort of FF we know and love. The combat system is different from the standard FF games but as you only control one character, it works just fine. Great story, incredible characters, amazing world and brilliant graphics. Only bad thing is it's such a short game I completed it in less than 2 days. If the FFVII remake looks like this I'll be in heaven.

Favourite: As much as I adore FFX, for me FFVII is the greatest FF of them all. Crisis Core is a close second followed by FFX. As long as they don't mess with the combat system (just smooth it out a little Square Enix, please) the forthcoming remake of Final Fantasy VII (and yes - there really is going to be one) for PS3 will be amazing and ensure that the greatest RPG of all time finds a new generation of loyal fans and secures the PS3 as THE console to own.
2008-07-10 19:44:02 UTC
Final Fantasy - hard to get into, but once you do, you learn to ignore the sucky graphics

Final Fantasy 2 - My favorite off of the NES, better storyline, easier to get into, but also easier to get out of

Final Fantasy 3 - Getting a little old, somethings gotta change

Final Fantasy 4 - My personal favorite, intriguing stoy, addictive gameplay, only battles pop up a bit too often, I downloaded the rom a few days ago, played for hours

Final Fantasy 6 - differed a bit TOO much this time, but still an okay game

Final Fantasy 10 - the game that got me into the sereies, cant go wring with it

final fantasy 12 - Great at first, but when you get stuck it makes you want to quit playing
Carolanne F
2008-07-11 23:47:13 UTC
Oh god so many games I've played.

Final Fantasy 1 (Origins): occasionally difficult, big gaps between certain classes, great because of this.

Final Fantasy 2(Origins): Like the story, don't like the leveling system

Final Fantasy 3(DS): Love the 3D graphics, the battle system, the story's a bit lacking, but the map is huge

Final Fantasy 4(Chronicles): Too many "new" characters at the beginning, it's almost like babysitting. Once it gets going it rocks and the little details to dungeons (like the one where you can't wear metal armor) make it rock.

Final Fantasy 6 (Anthology): Rocking for everything

Final Fantasy 7: Odd graphics but the battle system, music, and storyline so make up for it

Final Fantasy 7 (PC-Eidos): The game itself is fine but the rendering is kind of funky on newer computers, and slow on computers it was meant for.

Final Fantasy 8 : A beautiful movie-like storyline, the battles and card games are awesome, magic system of "drawing" was fairly annoying. A bit too easy considering I once managed to beat the game at level 22 (for the highest)

Final Fantasy 9 : Interesting..character designs, dark storyline is great, but wtf is with the final boss. Out of nowhere much?

Final Fantasy 10: Didn't like many of the characters but the new battle system was actually pretty damn cool, wish the voice acting came off.

Final Fantasy 12: The characters are too bland both personality wise and battle wise. It really doesn't matter who you pick as eventually they're all the same. That kind of ruins the game for me.

Final Fantasy Tactics: Super long battles and massively powerful chocobos actually make me fear for my life, but the difficult gameplay gives an awesome experience.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Decent game, too easy and childish for my taste.

Final Fantasy X-2: The gameplay music plus the storyline plus the many graphical bugs plus the half-decent battle system makes this a worst

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Simple but if you get past the beginning it can provide a challenge and even a decent storyline

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Rings of Fate (just got it woohoo): Nice storyline, HATE the dubbing, AI kind of sucks so it's easier to just focus on one character.

But wait there's more!

Final Fantasy Legend: (SaGa game): kick *** in every aspect, it's an awesome 1989 gameboy game.

Final Fantasy Legend 2: better classes and a better storyline make this probably the best Legend title

Final Fantasy Legend 3: Great game, they tried a bit too hard with the classes but the story is epic in a ChronoTrigger-y style.

I think that's all of the ones I own...

My favorite :

Final Fantasy VII because of the epic storyline that made me feel so many wonderful (and not so wonderful) feelings, it's like a great book come alive. And the materia system is just great, and let's not forget the minigames

(Tactics and Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX are runnerups)
2008-07-08 02:08:18 UTC
Final Fantasy 7: substandard graphics. Amazing soundtrack. My favorite storyline of all the Final Fantasy games.

Final Fantasy 10: Great graphics. ok story.

Final Fantasy 12: maps are too large. the storyline drifts too much in between important sections. interesting new battle system.
Ali B
2008-07-08 00:35:22 UTC
Final Fantasy 10: Good storyline, Sux that if you lose a boss battle you have to go through the cut scenes allll over again.

Kingdom Hearts(if it counts) Freakin best game ever, gummi battle in the first game is bleh tho, second game is good but I like the storyline of the first one a bit better
Astrid (Farewell)
2008-07-11 10:06:31 UTC
Okay. I'll write a brief review on 1-12, and exclude all the FF games that weren't part of the series (like FF Tactics, my favourite, FF Legend, FF Adventure, FF Crystal Chronicles, Crisis Core FF7, etc). Otherwise, I'd never finish!

-Final Fantasy (1): For its time, the graphics weren't a problem. It's nice that you could pick your job. The battles and dungeons in the original were actually challenging (unlike in today's games), however, characters lacked personality and the story had some fun elements for that time, but was still weak. GBA version's graphics were pretty, and the game was somehow easier.

-Final Fantasy 2: I liked it, many people hated it. Maybe it has to do with the fact that i didn't get very far into the game until I played Dawn of Souls, the pimped GBA version. The battle system was tricky but not bad. Characters did have a personality in this one (my faves are Minwu and Hilda), and the story was more solid than FF1's. Also, the new dialogue in the GBA version was beautiful. A lovely game.

-Final Fantasy 3 (the original, NOT the DS remake... haven't played DS remake yet): Like 1 & 2, graphics weren't its best feature, although they were fine for their time. The story and characters, however, seemed to be heading backwards, as they were more like FF1's and less developed than FF2's.

It did have some nice bits though - the stories of characters like Elia, Desch and Allus were somewhat interesting.

-Final Fantasy 4: One of the best in the series. The graphics were awesome for SNES. Amazing characters, interesting story, and good dungeons. It had a mature, admirable protagonist... which i think is uncommon in RPGs.

Like all the old FF games, the battles were quite difficult! Although I like a balance, I think difficult is at least better than too easy.

-Final Fantasy 5: The diverse job system was fun! I played each version, but preferred the Advance port mainly because of the witty new translation.

The main characters had a great deal of potential, but sadly didn't receive much development. Other characters like Gilgamesh were simply awesome.. hehe.

-Final Fantasy 6: Another gem, a landmark for the series, a masterpiece! It had an excellent cast of deep, interesting and well-designed characters, a very good, complex story that didn't feature a princess awaiting rescue, some of the most impressive FF scenes (like the opera scenario, for example), and one of the spiffiest villains ever!

The battle system was far superior to those of FF1-5. The graphics, monster design and landscapes were wonderful for SNES. So was the music which I still find myself listening to almost every day!

-Final Fantasy 7: Another masterpiece. For its era, the funky graphics were actually legendary. The music wasn't any less beautiful than FF6's. Great characters design, great dialogue, great battle system (although easy for the most part), great mini-games and side-quests, great.... atmosphere (there was something about the atmosphere of areas like Midgar, Nibelheim and Junon that I couldn't quite describe). The characters and storyline are unforgettable.

-Final Fantasy 8: The worst one in the series (that's NOT counting FFX-2 which to me isn't part of the series). FMVs were pretty, I'll give it that; as for the overall game graphics, I preferred the older ones... even 7's.

The story was kind of poor and the majority of characters weren't much better. Well, Laguna's portion was nice, but unfortunately it wasn't the focal point. There was hardly anything that made me beat it other than wanting to beat all the FF games I owned.

What made it worse is that when I had finished FF7, I was eagerly awaiting the next installment, so i followed the commercials, magazine articles and all the hype about FF8 which gave a good impression. But I was sorely disappointed..

FF8's strongest aspect is, without doubt, the music. Fantastic OST, I can't deny that!

-Final Fantasy 9: Another not-so-great FF, but still better than 8. It's simply mediocre. The characters weren't bad, but the story was kind of weak for a FF, in my opinion. FMVs were awesome, but the gameplay wasn't. Again, it did have a strong point that is its music. Not half as fantastic as FF8's OST, but it did have some great pieces such as Melodies of Life!

-Final Fantasy 10: A beautiful game in terms of almost everything - character development, plot, design, graphics, music and fun. Some of the main characters were annoying (eg. Tidus, Rikku, Yuna), alright, but they did each have an intriguing background.

A lot of people didn't like the game itself but enjoyed the gameplay and battle system. I'm quite the opposite - I LOVED the game but wasn't very fond of the sphere grid and the battle system. FFX had one of my favourite game endings. Too bad FFX-2 came and ruined it. I'm not even going to go into FFX-2... It was horrible.

-Final Fantasy 11: i would have much preferred it if they didn't release as part of the series (the 11th), but instead as 'Final Fantasy Online' or something. I didn't play it long enough to reach a conclusion, but what I've experienced of it was enjoyable indeed. It's probably the best online game I played, but that was back when it came out. I don't know how much it's changed since.

-Final Fantasy 12: A good game, albeit lacking in character development. I loved the characters, but I thought they weren't given enough attention by the creators. The missions were ok, but not really my area of interest. Battle style reminded me of MMORPGs, and I really enjoyed it as I've always been a fan of applying strategy. I like the license board, and the espers! and of course, the slight resemblance to stuff in the original FFT.

I noticed that the odd numbered old-school FF games (FF1, 3 and 5) focused on gameplay aspects, while the the even numbers (FF2, 4 and 6) focused more on storyline and characters.

Well, that wasn't very short after all, but I did try not to go into too much detail. XD
Dean B
2008-07-09 13:43:40 UTC
FFIX -was my first game, i found it really fun to play, enough so that i was gonan replay it on ps3 other day, but my eyres started to bleed form the now dodgy graphics

FFX was just as fun, good storyline, easy to paly

FFXII - boring story, music etc, balthier was oaky, but the real time battles and gambit systme were brill

n don't get me started on FFX-2, appaling
2008-07-09 22:17:26 UTC
Final Fantasy 1: As you begin the game, you get to choose 4 characters (there are 6, but you can only choose 4 of the following: Black Mage, White Magic, Warrior, Monk, Thief, Red Mage. Black Mages use offensive magic, White Mages use healing/defensive magic, Warriors can wield any weapon, Thieves are fast and can wield almost any weapon, Monks are best at unarmed combat, Red Mages use both offensive and healing/defensive spells but cannot learn every spell). As the "Warriors of Light" your "duty" is to defeat the four Fiends of the Elements and return peace/order to the world.

Final Fantasy 2: You begin the game by getting into a battle you cannot win, against 4 black knights (if you want, you can cheat and kill them but the result will be the same). So after dying, some princess and her white mage guard (...he's not strong. How can he be a guard again?) save you and your brother and sister from dying. However, you soon learn that your brother Leon was captured during the attack and that the Emperor is responsible. You go throughout the game, finding weapons and magic, to use and kill the Emperor and find Leon. You get side characters as well, however they do not stay in your party and leave after awhile.

Final Fantasy 4: You start out with the Dark Knight, Cecil, who was sent on a mission to obtain the Water Crystal of the Magician Village of Mysidia. After slaughtering the residents and obtaining the crystal, Cecil reflects on his actions and upon returning to Baron, confronts the King about this. Furious by this, the King demands that Cecil go and kill all the summoners of Mist, but Kain intervenes and also is sent to go with you. Given a Bomb Ring, the King dismisses you both. But, after passing through the Mist Cave and defeating the deadly Mist Dragon, the Bomb Ring that the king gave you reacts and begins destroying the village. A lone girl, Rydia upset at her mother's death and finding yout that *you* killed her summoned beast, summons Titan (funny how she can summon this when she doesn't have it later) and causes an earthquake, separating you from Kain and Baron. *Storyline continues*

Final Fantasy 5: Again with more crystals -_- You begin as a young man named Bart (or Dart...I forget his name) and his chocobo Boco (VERY creative...). After watching a meteorite hit the ground, he and Boco go and check it out. He witnesses a couple of goblins attacking a young woman and saves her from having to fight them herself. After recruiting the man from the meteorite, the three sent off to find out why the wind has suddenly stopped blowing. Upon finding the crystal, it sends it's essence into one of the characters, as do the three other crystals, naming them the Warriors of Light (something along those lines). After that, the Wind Crystal shatters and by picking up the shards, you obtain specific jobs from them. You must now sent out on a quest to save the other 3 crystals.

Final Fantasy 7: As an EX-SOLDIER, Cloud Strife now works with AVALANCHE to stop the Mako Reactions from draining energy from the planet. After destroying that one, posing as a woman, and escaping Midgar, Cloud and his friends soon realize that this isn't just about Midgar anymore; it's about another eX-SOLDIER, Sephiroth, from destroying the planet with the forbidden materia (your source of magic in this game), Meteor. Your job; defeat Sephiroth and save the planet with your friends, even at the cost of one sacrificing herself along the way.

Final Fantasy 8: Squall Lonehart is trying to become a SeeD, a special force of soldiers of Balamb Garden. He, along with Quistis Trepes, begin his training by going to the Fire Cave to fight the fire demon Ifrit, who joins your group of GFs (they're your summons in this one). However, after fighting in Dollet, becoming a SeeD, and going to Timber to liberate it, Squall soon realizes that he's not up against an ordinary person. He's up against a sorceress named Edea/Ultimacea, who can brainwash people into doing what she wants (haha Seifer...) and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal of world domination.

Final Fantasy 9: Played it, but don't remember the storyline that well. I'll replay it later and get back to you on it ^^

Final Fantasy 10: Star Blitzball player Tidus is detremined to win tonight's Blitz match. After a few short minutes of listening to some awesome game music, Tidus' hometown of Zanarkind is attacked by Sin, a giant beast that destroys towns, kills people, and poisons their mind if they get to close but survive. After waking up and fighting alongside his father's friend Auron, Tidus is thrown up into a vortex created by Sin by Auron and wakes up in a strange in world...One THOUSAND years into the future to be exact.

Final Fantasy X-2: After the events of 10, Yuna (one of the two main characters of 10) becomes a singer (*cough* prostitute *cough, cough*) to soothe the pain of those who lost their friends, family, and homes to Sin. After the concert, Rikku, Paine, and Yuna are sent on a mission to collect a sphere (they're sphere hunters [*cough* prostitutes]. They collect spheres and use those to change into different jobs by use of the garment grids...Why does this sound like Sailor Moon?!) on top of Mount Gagazet. Yuna ONLY became a sphere hunter because of a sphere that Rikku found and showed her; a sphere that showed a man trapped in a prison cell...A man that looked like "him".

Jeez, I typed a lot...Sorry about that >_>

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.